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Chapter 89 The sale of potions

"Damn it! These greedy ghosts..."

"You bully bastard!"

Bo Jinbok gloomily threw precious antiques in his living room.

He had just sent away a group of "guests" who came to test and ask for information about Knockturn Alley. These Bojinboks were actually prepared. What really made him feel extremely angry was that these people were actually testing him intentionally or unintentionally.

status of ancestors.

Being able to become the patriarch of the Bojin Bock family and being able to run a shop that resells prohibited items in Knockturn Alley, Bojin Bock is naturally very keen.

These people test the status of their own ancestors, and their purpose is self-evident.

I don't want to confirm the status of my ancestor. If my ancestor is in good condition, then the pure-blood nobles will still be natural allies and "family members"! And once these greedy and insidious guys find out that their ancestor is in poor condition, then

I'm afraid we have to see if there is an opportunity to quietly "annex" the Bojinbok family with minimal losses.

It's not like this kind of thing has never happened in the past. Do you really think that there are only twenty-eight pure-blood nobles in the wizarding world for thousands of years? Didn't they just disappear in the long river of history?

Those who left the Bojinbok family conveyed some information about last night's battle and the werewolves to the family's information, and they analyzed the situation last night.

Just when the pure-blood nobles, Dumbledore and the Ministry of Magic began to act secretly, big news broke out again in Knockturn Alley.

A magical potion with magical power is on sale in Knockturn Alley. This potion can give the wizard magical power. More importantly, this potion can improve the wizard's qualifications and even allow the Squib to gain the ability to cast spells and become a magic potion.

A normal wizard.

As soon as this news came out, there was another earthquake in the entire magical world.

Since ancient times, for the wizard family, the appearance of a squib without the ability to cast spells has been a very shameful and embarrassing thing.

In the original book, Ron mentioned more than once that his squib relatives were directly abandoned by their families, and some even more ruthless pure-blood families would kill their own squibs.

Even though Filch, the administrator of Hogwarts, was bullied miserably by the little wizards at school, his fate in the wizarding world was considered good. At least he had a way out at Hogwarts and didn't have to worry about himself.

life safety.

And now, the potion in Knockturn Alley can actually give a Squib the ability to cast spells. Such a magical potion is an unprecedented miracle for the entire wizarding world.

However, this time such a magical potion was born, the Ministry of Magic and those greedy pure-blood nobles did not show up to cause trouble again, nor did they show any signs of using their current power to come up with powerful potion formulas and production methods.

It's not that they are so noble, but the battle between William and Bojinbok last night directly dispelled their greed and thoughts of plunder.

This is the benefit of Zhanlu Lu's strong strength. You don't have to worry about greedy people trying their best to plunder your achievements.

Accardo, who was sitting in Knockturn Alley, looked at the wizards who came to ask if myrrh could really cure the squib, and the corners of his mouth slightly curled up. He said sarcastically in his heart:

"What a bunch of old-fashioned guys who put all their attention on healing squibs. Don't you know that the truly precious thing about these potions is the extraordinary properties contained in them?"

The extraordinary abilities brought by extraordinary characteristics contain the authority symbolized by the gods, but these wizards have actually ignored them. It is really like buying a coffin for a pearl, picking sesame seeds and losing the watermelon.

Suddenly, a strange color flashed in Accardo's eyes, and he looked thoughtfully at an owl that was flying away with the potion. This owl seemed to have been seen in the owl shed at Hogwarts.

"Could it be..."

Knockturn Alley was extremely lively today. Not only the potions prepared by William, but also some alchemy items were sold out.

William knew that a large part of this was actually bought by pure-blood nobles secretly, and wanted to do some research to see if there were any secrets or special features in the products here.


Night, Hogwarts.

The current administrator, Filch, was looking at a bottle of mysterious potion in front of him with an uncertain expression.

He used the owl to buy this potion in Knockturn Alley. It is said to be a potion that can give Squibs the ability to cast spells. As Filch is the administrator, he often patrols at night, so he chose the Sequence 9 "Sleepless One" of the Night Path.


For decades at Hogwarts, he had watched the little wizards who could cast magic unleashing magic wantonly in the corridors, playgrounds, classrooms and other places. How could Filch not have the slightest fluctuation in his heart.

He also really wanted to be able to cast spells instead of being a squib like a Muggle.

The struggling look in Filch's eyes gradually calmed down, and was replaced by a look of determination and risk-taking. He wanted to give it a try, and he wanted to become a real wizard.

Then, Filch picked up the potion on the table and drank it in one gulp...

After a long time, Filch slowly opened his eyes, his eyes flashing with excitement.

Just now, he felt the embrace of endless darkness. Although he was in the darkness, he felt unusually relaxed and at ease. Not only that, he also sensed the emergence of the source of magic, which made the magic in his body reach the level of a normal wizard.


With the emergence of spirituality, Filch can easily control the magic in his body. He is convinced that he can now release his own magic and even cast spells without using a wand.

Suddenly, Filch was stunned, because he seemed to have never learned spells and had never had any concept of casting spells.

However, he did not give up. He sat back on his seat and used the key to open the locked drawer at the bottom.

Inside is a spells book that Filch secretly bought before, which specifically talks about some simple magic.

When he was young, Filch often used it to study alone, maybe he could use the magic on it and change his own destiny.

Filch opened the magic book, and there was the simplest magic spell on it: the lighting spell "Luminescent Flash".

He looked at the book carefully, not missing a single detail, and then solemnly raised his right hand and pointed forward with his index finger.

Filch recited the spell in a low voice seriously:

"Lumos flash!"

Light, a faint light appeared at Filch's fingertips, indicating to Filch that he was no longer a squib.

"Successful, successful...hahahahaha...successful..."

Filch murmured in surprise.

He could no longer express his joy and excitement in words at this moment. Once the decades of repression and anticipation were released, Filch could no longer control himself.

Fortunately, this world is not the world of the Lord of Mysteries, otherwise Filch would have gone crazy now.

In the corner of this office, Dumbledore, who was dressed in white robes, looked equally uneasy. He was both happy that Filch had succeeded after all the hardships, but also horrified that potions were being sold in Knockturn Alley.

Filch may not know what he experienced just now, but Dumbledore saw it clearly. After Filch took the potion, the source of magic slowly appeared and established a mysterious connection with Filch


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