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Chapter 1036: People don’t fight with dogs

 Liao Changhong is a leader among the younger generation of the Liao family. It was he who restored many ancient formations of the Liao family.

When he was in the Holy Land, he was killed by Liu Wuxie. This incident was undoubtedly a bolt from the blue for the Liao family.

How could the Liao family endure the loss of such a monstrous genius?

You must find a way to get revenge.

In the past six months, the Liao family has frequently attacked the Liu family's caravans, causing the Liu family to suffer heavy losses.

It is truly surrounded on all sides, and countless people are looking this way.

Most of them have nothing to do with themselves.

"Tiandao Society, what kind of organization is this? Why have I never heard of it?"

Many of the senior sect officials who came were confused.

They had never heard of an organization called the Tiandao Society in Central China.

None of the sects and families who came here were famous.

The four major families are Xuanyun Sect, Red Dragon Sect, Five Elements Sect, Feixue Sect, Lie Sun Sect, etc.

No matter how bad it is, it is still a second-rate sect, or a family that has been passed down for thousands of years.

"The Tiandao Society has only been established for a year, so it's normal that I haven't heard of it."

Someone stood up and explained that the Tiandao Society had only been established for a year.

"Are you kidding me? They just wanted to join the Lingqiong Pavilion Chamber of Commerce just one year after it was founded. Are they trying to get caught by the door?"

After a senior member of the Red Dragon Sect finished speaking, he caused countless laughter from around him.

"I remember that our Xuanyun Sect only successfully cooperated with Lingqiong Pavilion five thousand years after its establishment."

The disciples of Xuanyun Sect stood up with the same mocking look on their faces.

Only Feixue Sect, Jiuxuan Sect, and Tianyu Sect chose to remain silent.

Faced with all kinds of cynicism around him, Liu Wuxie turned a blind eye.

Many members of the Tiandao Society wanted to refute, but Xu Yilin suppressed them.

No matter how much you say at this time, it will not have any effect. Instead, it will amplify the contradiction and cause unnecessary trouble.

What they have to do now is to remain unchanged in response to all changes.

"Liu Wuxie, are you mute? Aren't you quite eloquent? Why are you silent today?"

Yuan Ziping became more and more enthusiastic as he talked, and kept jumping up and down. Seeing Liu Wuxie making a fool of himself, he felt so happy in his heart!

“People don’t fight with dogs!”

Liu Wuxie only said five words.

There was silence.

In one sentence, everyone was scolded.

Publicly humiliate them as dogs.

Everyone in the Tiandao Society was extremely happy. They held it in for a long time and couldn't think of a favorable word to counterattack.

Unexpectedly, Liu Wuxie's mere five words made those who had just mocked the Tiandao Society look ugly.


When those neutral sects and monks heard these five words, they all looked up to the sky and laughed.

The entire venue was in a state of excitement, all because of Liu Wuxie's words. Some people sneered, some laughed, and some ridiculed.

"Liu Wuxie, who are you calling a dog?"

Yuan Ziping stood up and scolded Liu Wuxie for how dare he insult them like dogs.

"Boy, don't you understand this? Whoever answers is a dog."

Everyone couldn't hold it in any longer.

If others don't stand up, it's Yuan Ziping who takes the initiative to stand up and wait for others to admit that he is a dog.

Countless hateful eyes fell on Liu Wuxie's face, wanting to eat him alive.

"Why should we behave like a shameless person? After attending the Chamber of Commerce, we can pay a proper visit to the Tiandao Society."

The Wang family members spoke up and humiliated Liu Wuxie as a shameless person.

"Elder Wang is right. Even a small organization dares to come. They are not shameless people. If their Tiandao Society can go up to join the Chamber of Commerce, I will kneel down and kowtow to him to admit his mistake."

An elder of the Liao family stood up and continued to suppress and ridicule.

It seems that they have made preparations. This time when they come to Xingyao City, in addition to participating in the Chamber of Commerce, they will also take the opportunity to destroy the Tiandao Society.

"Everyone present has heard it. If our Tiandao Society participates in the Chamber of Commerce, this person will kneel down and kowtow to admit his mistake. Please be a witness."

Liu Wuxie said nothing, it was Liu Feng who spoke.

He cupped his hands in all directions and asked everyone to bear witness.

"They can't be crazy. They really want to join the Chamber of Commerce in Lingqiong Pavilion. It's really ridiculous!"

The three major families were laughing their heads off.

The team kept moving forward, and the Red Dragon Sect and Xuanyun Sect entered the passage one after another.

Soon it was the Wang family's turn, followed by the Liao family.

They didn't have time to continue arguing with Liu Wuxie, as they had to attend the Chamber of Commerce.

If they lose the opportunity to cooperate with Lingqiong Pavilion, their income will be greatly reduced.

To maintain the development of a super large sect, resources are indispensable.

Those monks who were not qualified to enter Lingqiong Pavilion shook their heads and sighed, standing in the distance and watching them go in.

In desperation, he had no choice but to fly high into the sky and look at the square in front of Lingqiong Pavilion from a distance.

At this moment, the square is already crowded with people. Except for the middle area, there are a large number of tables and chairs placed around it.

As many as 500 distinguished guests were invited.

Every one of these five hundred people is famous and known to everyone.

For example, Qu Su from Tianlingxian Mansion.

There were several elders invited to the Tianling Fairy Mansion.

Several elders from Dragon King Academy were also invited, and they all have high status.

At this moment, there is a mysterious attic deep in Lingqiong Pavilion.

Strangely, there was a man in his thirties kneeling outside the attic. His breath was weak. He must have been kneeling for several days.

The entire attic seemed to be wrapped in an invisible aura that could not be penetrated by spiritual consciousness. There was a middle-aged man sitting inside with a strong aura.

"check it out!"

A book flew out from the attic and landed in front of the man kneeling on the ground.

A boundless majesty filled the surroundings from the depths of the attic, and the body of the man kneeling on the ground trembled.

Opening the booklet, the contents recorded in it appeared in front of the man's eyes at a glance.

"Pavilion Master atones!"

The man had a look of panic on his face and kowtowed repeatedly.

"Shi Yuan, I trained you with my own hands. I don't want to kill you with my own hands, so I should abandon my cultivation and leave Lingqiong Pavilion."

The man kneeling on the ground is named Shi Yuan, and he is also the elder of Lingqiong Pavilion.

The master of Lingqiong Pavilion fixed his eyes on Shi Yuan and asked him to abandon his cultivation and get out of Lingqiong Pavilion.

"Pavilion Master, all of this was framed by the Tiandao Society. The contents in the booklet were also fabricated by them."

Shi Yuan suddenly straightened his body and shouted that he was wronged.

When Elder Qin sent the booklet over, the pavilion master naturally didn't believe it at first.

After several days of investigation, we found that all the information was exactly the same as the description in the brochure. The evidence was conclusive, so how could we deny it?

"I don't want to see you again, let's go!"

The master of the pavilion waved his hand and told Shi Yuan to get out of Lingqiong Pavilion.

"Pavilion Master, please give me another chance. I was wrong, I was really wrong."

Shi Yuan kowtowed repeatedly. He knew the rules of Lingqiong Pavilion very well.

Whoever dares to offend will have only one outcome: abolish his cultivation and leave Lingqiong Pavilion.

"I've given you many opportunities. Do you think I don't know what you did before?"

The master of the pavilion sighed.

"Pavilion Master, please be kind to me, I will definitely change my ways."

Shi Yuan was still kowtowing and deposing his cultivation meant that life would be worse than death.

For a monk, losing his cultivation is equivalent to being a useless person. "If you don't want to die, it doesn't mean you don't have a chance."

After waiting for about a minute, the master of the pavilion suddenly spoke.

"Master, please tell me what you need me to do, even if it means climbing a mountain of swords or descending into a sea of ​​fire, as long as I can do it, I will never refuse."

Hearing that he didn't need to abandon his cultivation, Shi Yuan had a look of determination on his face.

"Find a way to stop the Tiandao Society and prevent their resources from entering our Lingqiong Pavilion."

The master of the pavilion pondered for a moment, with a hint of coldness in his voice.

"Okay, I'll do it right away!"

Shi Yuan stood up, regardless of the reason. Since it was arranged by the master of the pavilion, he had his reasons.

The attic returned to calm, and Liu Wuxie had no idea that their fate had quietly changed because of the words of the master of Lingqiong Pavilion.

"Tiandaohui, you are the first one who dares to negotiate terms with me at Lingqiong Pavilion. It is not that easy to enter Lingqiong Pavilion."

There was a hint of coldness in the voice of the master of Lingqiong Pavilion.

Since ancient times, no one has sought Lingqiong Pavilion but Tiandaohui.


The master of Lingqiong Pavilion said softly, and a black shadow appeared outside the attic.

That's right, it's just a shadow, and you can't see your true body.

"What are your orders, Master?"

Shadow replied.

"Go and investigate all the information about the Tiandao Society, especially this Liu Wuxie. I want all the information about him."

The voice of the master of Lingqiong Pavilion was devoid of any emotion.

To be able to manage such a large Lingqiong Pavilion, one must have extraordinary means, which cannot be achieved by ordinary people.

"Do you want……"

Shadow made a gesture of wiping his neck, wondering if he should kill Liu Wuxie.

"No need for the time being, this person cannot threaten Lingqiong Pavilion, and his status is not ordinary."

It seems that the news that Liu Wuxie is the chosen one has spread among the high-level officials of Zhenwu Continent.

Naturally, Lingqiong Pavilion also received the news.


After Shadow finished speaking, he disappeared and went to investigate the Tiandao Society and Liu Wuxie's information.

The venue was very lively, and a large number of elders from Lingqiong Pavilion appeared to be responsible for presiding over this grand event.

Every time the Chamber of Commerce opens, it is not just as simple as cooperating with Lingqiong Pavilion, but mainly there will be many novel things appearing.

Some new elixirs, new weapons, new formations, and new talismans were born.

As long as it is related to cultivation, there are innovations every year.

There are fewer and fewer people on the streets, and most people have successfully climbed to Lingqiong Pavilion.

The members of the Tiandao Society are still in place.

"It's our turn."

Xu Yilin led everyone towards the passage.

Everyone was almost gone before they decided to go.

"What are they doing? Do they really want to go up? If there is no invitation, they will be kicked down."

The people around them screamed in surprise, stunned by Tiandaohui's actions.

The elder of Lingqiong Pavilion, who was responsible for checking the invitations, frowned.

"Please show me your invitation."

Although he was impatient, he still frowned and asked.

Xu Yilin quickly took out the gilded invitation and placed it in front of the elder of Lingqiong Pavilion.

Looking at the brand new invitation, several elders of Lingqiong Pavilion looked at each other.

They remembered that Lingqiong Pavilion had distributed a total of one hundred gilded invitations, and including the Tiandao Society one, there had been one hundred and one.

Because except for Tiandaohui, everyone else below has already gone up.

The invitation is genuine and no one can fake it. You can tell at a glance.

"Is there a problem?"

Xu Yilin asked with a smile.


This chapter has been completed!
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