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Chapter 1091: Great changes in the world

Liu Wuxie pushed open the stone door and stepped into the house.

The moment he came in, his whole body froze on the spot.

The barefoot old man sat cross-legged on the stone bed. His whole body was breathless and turned into a stone sculpture.

The barefoot old man is dead!

Looking at the stone carvings in front of him, Liu Wuxie felt mixed emotions and didn't know what to say.

Could it be that he would never find a way to enter the Star Realm? Then there would be no way to save Han Feizi.

The Ghost King walked in from the outside and couldn't help but sigh as he saw his old friend turned into a stone sculpture.

"He died for you!"

The Ghost King suddenly spoke.


Liu Wuxie looked at the Ghost Emperor, what did he mean? The barefoot old man died because of himself.

"He asked me to give this to you."

After the Ghost Emperor finished speaking, a letter floated in front of Liu Wuxie.

Liu Wuxie quickly took the letter and opened it to read.

"The star tower appears, the abyss rises, the nine stars connect, the sun and the moon rise!"

There were twelve characters in total, and Liu Wuxie was confused.

There are star towers in the sky, an abyss on the earth, nine stars in the universe, and the sun and moon in the sky.

The star tower represents heaven, the abyss represents hell, the nine stars represent stars, and the sun and moon represent life.

"Senior Ghost Emperor, you just said that Senior Barefoot died because of me. What happened?"

Liu Wuxie put the letter away. Since the barefoot old man left this letter, there must be some mystery, but he hasn't solved it yet.

As long as this mystery is solved, you can find a way to enter the star field.

"Reveal the secret!"

The Ghost Emperor glanced at the stone sculpture, and then he and Liu Wuxie exited the room, unwilling to disturb the barefoot old man.

The secret of heaven cannot be revealed. The barefoot old man revealed the secret of heaven, so when his life span was exhausted, he turned into a stone sculpture.

Liu Wuxie was in a heavy mood. She didn't expect that her arrival would implicate the barefoot old man.

"You don't have to be mentally burdened. He has been waiting for you for ten thousand years."

The Ghost Emperor knew that Liu Wuxie was under psychological pressure, so he adopted an enlightening tone.

Maybe it was the departure of the barefoot old man that changed his mood a lot.

It stands to reason that when the barefoot old man passed away, the Ghost Emperor should be angry with Liu Wuxie. Maybe it was because of the cursed stone, or maybe the Ghost Emperor also had a glimpse of the secret. It is unclear and the reason is unknown.

"wait for me?"

Liu Wuxie was stunned. Could it be that the barefoot old man had known that he would come and had been waiting here.

"That's right, I'm just waiting for you."

The Ghost King's expression was a bit ferocious, and no one would chat with him anymore. For countless years to come, he could only rely on himself to pass the loneliness.

"Senior, please give me a clear explanation."

Liu Wuxie bent down and bowed, asking the Ghost Emperor to explain in more detail. Is there some mysterious connection between him and the barefoot old man?

"Everyone in the world says he is an ominous person, but they don't know that without him, the Eastern Region would have been destroyed long ago. It is really sad."

The Ghost Emperor didn't say it, but it was already predestined. Maybe one day, Liu Wuxie would find the answer on his own.

"Senior Ghost King, I met a mysterious old man in Cursed Mountain. What is his relationship with Senior Barefoot?"

Since the Ghost Emperor didn't say anything, Liu Wuxie didn't continue to ask.

Because he knew that even if he asked the Ghost Emperor, he would not tell him. One day, he would solve all the mysteries.


The Ghost King glanced at the Cursed Mountain and sighed, with a hint of sadness in his tone.

Liu Wuxie fell into deep thought and began to sort out all the information and connect it bit by bit.

After a large amount of information was connected together, Liu Wuxie's eyes revealed a hint of respect and a hint of admiration.

"I understand. The cursed stone came and the Eastern Territory turned into a cursed land. The barefoot old man is not a cursed body at all. He uses his body to protect this continent."

Liu Wuxie showed a hint of disbelief.

If he had a cursed body and could not understand the great curse, the barefoot old man would have died long ago.

The cup of tea he drank was just the prototype of the great curse. It took the barefoot old man countless years to understand it and teach it to Liu Wuxie.

He has seen people who care about the world, but he didn't expect the barefoot old man to have such a big heart and use his own strength to resist the cursed stone.

Even if he bears countless infamy, he will not hesitate.

The mysterious old man on the cursed mountain is twin to the barefoot old man. He has been guarding the cursed mountain with the purpose of dispelling the curse.

No wonder Liu Wuxie felt something was abnormal when she entered the Eastern Region.

Normally, in a cursed place, there would be no grass growing, and even plants would have a hard time surviving, let alone humans.

Now everything makes sense. It was the barefoot old man who resisted most of the curse and saved the Eastern Region.

Being corroded by the power of the curse all the year round, the barefoot old man's fate has changed, and he will bring ominous signs wherever he goes.

This is why the world calls him an ominous person.

In desperation, Senior Barefoot moved to Guitoushan, and countless years passed by.

The outside world only knows that Senior Barefoot is a single person, but they don't know that he also has a twin brother who has been guarding Cursed Mountain.

Twins have the same mind. They look like two people, but in fact they are no different from one person.

"Now that you have the answer you want, leave quickly while I don't want to kill you yet."

The Ghost Emperor waved his hand for Liu Wuxie to leave quickly. Once he had thoughts of killing, it would be very difficult for Liu Wuxie to leave again.

"Junior, I say goodbye and thank you, Senior Ghost Emperor, for clarifying my doubts!"

Time is urgent, even if the Ghost Emperor doesn't urge him, Liu Wuxie will leave the Eastern Territory.

There must be some mystery behind the twelve words left by the barefoot old man.

After returning to Central China, I will check the information and figure out what the meaning is as soon as possible.

Taking Tian Wancang with him, he left the dark canyon and quickly rushed towards the exit.

Due to the changes in the pattern of the Eastern Region, countless monks left Guitoushan and returned to their respective residences.

Tian Wucang was filled with sighs after learning about the feats of the barefoot old man from Liu Wuxie.

"Brother Tian, ​​I am leaving the Eastern Region. See you later."

After leaving Guitoushan, Liu Wuxie did not plan to return to Shibafeng City and left the Eastern Region directly.

“See you later!”

Tian Wucang didn't try to persuade him to stay, knowing that Liu Wuxie still had big things to do.

Now that he has broken through the Earth Mystery and comprehended the Great Curse Technique, he will definitely be reused when he returns to the Demon Clan, and he can even inherit the position of Demon Emperor, because his bloodline is extremely pure.

The two parted ways, and Liu Wuxie used his skills like a shooting star. Half a month later, he appeared at the edge of the Eastern Territory, where he came in that day.

The cursed stone has disappeared, and the cursed atmosphere can no longer be felt in the edge areas.

Looking back at Dongyu, Liu Wuxie bowed towards Guitoushan, this bow was given to the barefoot old man.

At the moment of bowing, the stone sculptures in the stone house suddenly moved, and then turned into countless fragments, disappearing into the stone house and entering the vast universe.

Without the barefoot old man, the secret of the Chosen One cannot be solved.

Without the barefoot old man, he would not be able to find the road to the star field.

Without the barefoot old man, he would not be able to comprehend the great curse.

Without the Barefoot Old Man, he could not refine the cursed stone.

He kept this kindness in his heart.

The cursed land disappeared, and Liu Wuxie left the Eastern Region smoothly.

Traveling all the way, like lightning and meteors, he had too many things to do.

It destroyed most of the power of the three major families, but did not uproot them.

With the nature of the three families, they will definitely make a comeback.

The Red Dragon Sect and Xuanyun Sect have a blood feud with themselves.

Black Feather Pavilion, Golden Cauldron Tower, they are ready to move.

The Zhenwu Continent is accelerating its division, and sooner or later, it will become the second Holy Land.

The heroes are vying for the throne, and there are many masters.

A large number of treasures kept popping up, and in the two months since Liu Wuxie left, countless powerful people emerged.

A large number of people at the peak of the Earth Profound Realm successfully broke through to the Tian Xuan Realm.

Countless people from the spiritual realm have entered the earthly realm, which is a sign that the end of the world is coming.

A large number of mysterious beasts began to attack human cities.

As the human race improves, the cultivation of the mysterious beasts also undergoes earth-shaking changes.

Not long after he entered Zhongshenzhou, a large number of communication symbols in his arms lit up, and hundreds of messages entered Liu Wuxie's soul sea at the same time.

The Eastern Region is completely isolated from Central China, and news cannot be transmitted in.

"Master, there are changes in Yongling Mountain, come quickly!"

This is the news from Ruan Ying and others.

"The Tiandao Society encountered a strong resistance. The three major families joined forces with the Red Dragon Sect and Xuanyun Sect, and with the support of Lingqiong Pavilion, they attacked the Tiandao Society market."

This is the message from my father-in-law.

"Wuxie, Liu Xiaotian has returned, his strength has greatly increased, he has taken away some of the Liu family's masters, and is now fighting against the Liu family."

This is the message from Grandpa Liu Xiucheng.

"Junior brother, the master left after breaking through the Tianxuan Realm. There are changes in the Tianling Immortal Mansion, so don't come back for the time being."

This is a message from Third Senior Brother Shen Rong.

Liu Wuxie knew the characters of the three senior brothers very well. Something big must have happened, so he would say this. They must have encountered something unexpected.

The master of the palace gave himself a mirror clone, which has been protecting him secretly.

The three senior brothers encountered a crisis. Why didn't the master of the palace stop it? It seems that something big happened inside Tianlingxian Mansion.

Whether it is a good thing or a bad thing, Liu Wuxie doesn't know yet.

The mysterious man in black has been lurking in the dark, and even the palace master can't do anything about it. Who is the mysterious man in black?

Every piece of information is detrimental to the Liu family and the Tiandao Society.

Something has changed in Yongling Mountain, so Liu Wuxie will put it aside for the time being.

Liu Xiaotian's return is not yet a threat to the Liu family. At best, he can only compete and not be in a hurry.

Lingqiong Pavilion's attack on the Tiandao Society would not cause any injuries.

The message from the third junior brother was sent more than 20 days ago. I don’t know whether they are alive or dead now.

The most important thing at hand is to save the three senior brothers first and then do anything else.

Use your physical skills and rush towards the nearest big city.

I hope there's still enough time, Liu Wuxie doesn't want anyone to die because of him.

Han Feizi did it because of himself, the barefoot old man did it because of himself...

Just a month ago, not long after Liu Wuxie left Tianlingxian Mansion, the palace owner's personality suddenly changed drastically.

He seems to be a different person, doing extreme things and supporting some narrow-minded people.

Qu Su and other elders were all demoted from their posts as elders, and a big change came to the entire Tianling Immortal Mansion.

A large number of old people left and were replaced by new candidates. Miao Hanxuan was reused and became the head of the Supreme Elders, second only to the Palace Master.

The Seven Peaks Peak Master, as well as the Three Courtyards and Five Courtyards, have all undergone changes.

Han Long left Tianling Fairy Mansion, completed his mission, and returned to the Han family.

Liu Wuxie had no idea about all this.

Today's Tianling Fairy Mansion has become a bit evil. Fights are taking place every day, and killings continue. In order to compete for resources, there are three courts and five courtyards on the major mountain peaks, fighting each other.

A large number of disciples died, resulting in many people being forced to leave the Tianling Immortal Mansion out of desperation.

Liu Wuxie only learned this information from other people when she was about to approach the Tianling Fairy Mansion. She didn't expect that so many things would happen in the two months since she left.

Iron Horse's words: Let me explain here, the barefoot old man did not die, but was reborn in another way. This is a foreshadowing and will be introduced later.


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