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Chapter 1,161 The Beast Tide Begins

The moment Liu Wuxie landed on the Star-Moon Strange Bird, he clamped his legs tightly and grabbed the hard feathers with both hands. No matter how hard the Star-Moon Strange Bird struggled, Liu Wuxie refused to let go.

Although the Xingyue Monster Bird has a long beak, it cannot reach its own back, so it can only throw Liu Wuxie out by swinging it.

Who knew that Liu Wuxie was so cunning, her hands were like pliers, firmly grasping its feathers.

Flapping its wings, the Star-Moon Bird flew up and flew directly into the air.

The body made various movements, and for a while, his back fell down, trying to throw Liu Wuxie down.

After a while, he made a diving movement, trying to throw Liu Wuxie out of his back.

As time passed by, Liu Wuxie was still clinging to the back of the Xingyue Monster Bird, motionless.

This also completely angered the Xingyue Monster Bird, and its body suddenly flew towards the bottom of the cliff. Even if it died, it would not surrender to humans.

This is the strange star-moon bird with an extremely weird personality.

"Damn it!"

Liu Wuxie also didn't expect that the Xingyue Strange Bird would have such a strong temper.

If he fell under the cliff, he would definitely die and he would not be able to fly even in the Huayuan realm. Liu Wuxie would not be able to reach the Tianxuan realm. Even if he did not die, he would be trapped at the bottom of the cliff forever.

It seems that trying to conquer the Star-Moon Monster Bird by force is not feasible.

Liu Wuxie tried many methods, trying to communicate with his spiritual consciousness, but the Xingyue Monster Bird ignored him at all.

He communicated in animal language, but was also rejected by the Xingyue Monster Bird.

They used force to suppress them, but the result was that the Star-Moon Bird chose to commit suicide.

If you can't even subdue the little Star-Moon Bird, how can you subdue the King of Birds, let alone leave Anru Planet with the help of the Star-Moon Bird?

The teleportation array is inside the castle, and no one can get close to it without Yuwentai's order.

Unless he kills Yu Wentai, Liu Wuxie thinks he can't do it now. No matter how bad he is, he is still in the advanced Huayuan realm. Even the Bird King is no match for him.

Otherwise, after so many years of impact, the camp would still be intact, and only a few star stones and slaves would be lost each time.

"Ghost Eye Technique, Soul Capturing!"

In desperation, Liu Wuxie had no choice but to use Soul Capturing. This was a risk. He had just been promoted to the Ghost Eye Technique and if he rashly used Soul Capturing, he would most likely harm the sea of ​​souls.

It would be great if I could cast the magic of magnanimity, so that this strange star-moon bird could be transformed.

An invisible soul force penetrated into the head of the Xingyue Monster Bird, and Liu Wuxie's consciousness forcibly entered it.

If you can't swallow the soul of the Star-Moon Bird, then change its will.

A trace of power of faith is injected into it.

Although he cannot cast the Great Faith Spell, he can integrate the power of faith into the soul sea of ​​the Star-Moon Bird, making it less hostile to him. This is enough.

Xingyue Strange Bird felt dizzy, and there were many strange things in the soul sea that he couldn't describe.

The body has rushed to the edge of the cliff and is still rushing downwards.

Liu Wuxie felt the wind blowing in her ears. The cliffs on both sides continued to retreat, getting closer and closer to the bottom of the cliff.

There is no way out now. If they cannot control the Xingyue Monster Bird, they will all die.

The situation is precarious. We are only about a hundred meters away from the ground, just one breath away.

Just when the Star-Moon Strange Bird was still more than ten meters away from the ground, its body suddenly turned around and flew upward.

Liu Wuxie had already closed her eyes, preparing to die together with the Xingyue Monster Bird.

At this time, the Xingyue Monster Bird's soul sea finally showed a slight change, and the power of Liu Wuxie's faith had an effect.

"Fortunately, I got a lot of sources of faith from the altar, otherwise I would have died here today."

Liu Wuxie broke out in a cold sweat. Relying on a large amount of faith, he changed the nature of the strange star-moon bird and made it friendly to him.

It's not that he has been surrendered, it's just that the Xingyue Monster Bird is no longer so hostile to Liu Wuxie.

The body continued to rise, flying from the bottom of the cliff to mid-air.

An even more powerful star field wind struck, Liu Wuxie patted the strange star-moon bird, and then flew towards the wasteland.

After flying around the wasteland, Liu Wuxie continued to control the Star-Moon Bird and flew towards the camp.

It usually takes about a day's journey, but it only took half an hour for the Star-Moon Strange Bird to arrive.

Looking at the brightly lit camp, Liu Wuxie's heart surged.

Twenty days ago, he almost narrowly escaped death here.

Now I can ride the Star-Moon Strange Bird and fly around the camp.

There were as many as ten thousand slaves in the camp, and most of them were resting. No one paid attention to a strange bird that suddenly appeared in the void.

Even the guards have returned to the castle. Although the strong wind in the star field here is not very serious, it is still very dangerous outside at night. Many star and moon strange birds like to come here at night to hunt wild food.

"It won't be long before I'll be back again."

After circling around for a while, Liu Wuxie set his sights on the warehouse filled with rough stones, which was his target.

It is estimated that in a few days, the Star-Moon Strange Bird will also launch an attack here to snatch the rough stones.

When we returned to the wasteland, it was already late at night, and He Yingwu was waiting very anxiously.


A strong wind hit, and a huge strange bird burrowed from the wind tunnel into the underground mineral vein. He Yingwu quickly picked up the iron pickaxe and prepared to fight.

"Brother He, it's me!"

Liu Wuxie quickly swept down from the back of the Xingyue Monster Bird to prevent He Yingwu from taking action.


He Yingwu couldn't believe it. Liu Wuxie actually subdued a strange star-moon bird. This was simply unbelievable.

He has been in Anlu for ten years, and he rarely sees anyone successfully surrendering.

How did Liu Wuxie do it.

After patting the Star-Moon Strange Bird, the latter flapped its wings, flew out of the wind tunnel, returned to the wasteland, and continued to rest.

"Brother He, we only have the last five days before the star beast attacks. In these last five days, we must seize all the time to achieve a breakthrough in cultivation."

Liu Wuxie didn't explain how to subdue the strange star-moon bird, and He Yingwu didn't ask. The focus was on the beast tide five days later.

"That's right. We must do everything we can to improve our cultivation. There will be a big battle in five days. However, since I don't have weapons in my hands, my strength will be greatly reduced."

He Yingwu frowned and said, for now, they still have to rely on weapons to fight unless they understand spells.

"Look what this is!"

Liu Wuxie took out a storage ring and handed it to He Yingwu.

As his spiritual consciousness entered it, a look of surprise appeared on He Yingwu's face.

"Wuxie, where did you get this?"

He Yingwu's eyes almost popped out of his head. Where did Liu Wuxie get this storage ring?

"The Star-Moon Monster Bird has killed many people over the years, and the storage ring was eaten by the Star-Moon Monster Bird. The storage ring was so hard that the Star-Moon Monster Bird couldn't digest it, so it had to spit it out. There are many more like this in the wasteland.

Storage ring.”

This storage ring was found in a stone crevice in the wilderness a few days ago.

Every year during the beast tide, many guards died at the hands of the Xingyue strange birds and were swallowed alive by them.

"I see!"

He Yingwu nodded repeatedly. In addition to some star stones, the storage ring also contained several long swords, which were just right for him to use.

In the past few nights, Liu Wuxie has picked up more than a dozen storage rings, not many star stones, and only a few thousand in total. These guards are not rich.

assigned to

An Luxing is a bodyguard, so he probably doesn't have the status or backing.

In such a harsh environment, no normal person would come here.

The two of them spent the rest of the time practicing.

After acquiring weapons, He Yingwu spent most of his time practicing martial arts.

It has been ten years since I held a weapon in my hands for the first time. The feeling is self-evident.

Finally, on the last day, a large number of star beasts began to gather. In addition to the star and moon monsters, beasts like the silver ant beast would also attack the camp and snatch the star stones.

"Wuxie, what should we do next?"

He Yingwu's eyes gleamed. He didn't want to stay on Anlu Planet for a moment, even if it cost his life.

The appearance of Liu Wuxie gave him a glimmer of hope.

"hold on!"

Liu Wuxie was not in a hurry. In the last few days, more than 10,000 star stones were mined, but none was handed over.

The guards guarding this place probably thought they were dead long ago, so they didn't pay attention.

"Buzz buzz..."

Suddenly, the surrounding light suddenly dimmed, like a dark cloud passing over their heads.

"The Star-Moon Monster Bird is attacking, let's get out!"

Liu Wuxie ran straight to the exit, followed closely by He Yingwu.

There are monsters everywhere on the wasteland ground. There is no way to leave the wind tunnel and you can only choose the mine exit.

In addition to them, there are many slaves in the Beilu Mine. They have been hiding in the underground world and are also waiting for this opportunity.

I hope I can subdue a strange star-moon bird and leave Anlu.

"Stop, whoever dares to take another step forward will be killed without mercy!"

The guards guarding this place stopped in front of everyone, and more than thirty slaves emerged from the underground mines.

"Fight him!"

These slaves had had enough, and armed themselves with pickaxes, they began to attack the guard.

When Liu Wuxie and He Yingwu arrived, a fight had already occurred.

The guards guarding the Beilu Mine are of extremely high level, they are at the sixth level of the Reborn Realm. These slaves are like cabbage. In less than a few breaths, they will be chopped to pieces.

Rivers of blood flowed from the ground, and the rich smell of blood filled the entire underground mine.

After killing these slaves, the guard looked towards the passage, and Liu Wuxie and He Yingwu appeared in his sight.

"Go back, or you will end up like them."

The guard's hands were still stained with blood, and he asked Liu Wuxie and He Yingwu to roll back to the depths of the mine.

The ground was like thunder, and countless star beasts flew past their heads.


He Yingwu said nothing and rushed out with a long sword. He had been waiting for this day for too long.

"court death!"

The guard was furious and slashed his sword across at He Yingwu. He was reborn at the sixth level of cultivation and was extremely tyrannical. The suppressed He Yingwu could not get close.


He Yingwu was thrown away and was no match for the guards.

"You both deserve to die!"

The guard took a quick step and rushed towards the two of them, crushing them down again with the sword in his hand.

There was no change on Liu Wuxie's face, and the evil blade quietly appeared in his palm.

The moment the evil blade appeared, the guard's eyes shrank, and for some reason, a strong sense of crisis came over him.

"Guiyuan Sword!"

There is no strong momentum, just a simple knife, but it makes people stand on their backs with all the hair on their bodies.

The Guiyuan Sword Technique may not be considered a profound martial skill in the Star Territory, but it is more than enough to deal with the guards here.



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