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Chapter 1,375 The Thousand-Year Blood King Bamboo Shoot

 Shangguanxue had a hot temper and asked questions loudly.

Just now, Xie Tao could have completely eliminated the three blood demons, but he deliberately let the blood demons come over, causing great pressure on her and Liu Wuxie.

"Miss Shangguan, this is not right. What do you mean I let the blood demon come here deliberately? You saw it just now. I am really unable to fight four blood demons by myself."

Xie Tao is very good at making excuses. He did fight the Stone Blood Demon by himself just now, and then he released the three Blood Demons.

The cohesiveness of this improvised team can be imagined.

It is obviously impossible to expect to give your back to your companions.

You're lucky if I don't stab you in the back.

With everyone forming a team, if you are alone and face so many blood demons, your chances of winning are extremely low. Even if you are at the first level of Cave Void, you will not dare to escape unscathed.

So teaming up became the best choice.

"Forget it, please stop saying a word and let's continue on our way."

The man named Wu Zhong spoke. From beginning to end, he stood with Xie Tao.

When Liu Wuxie joined the team, he and Xie Tao also opposed Liu Wuxie's joining.

The group of people continued on the road. What was strange was that Liu Wuxie didn't speak a word from beginning to end, as if he acquiesced.

This further fueled Xie Tao's arrogance. Along the way, he was ridiculed and ridiculed, saying that Liu Wuxie was a drag.

"Brother Wu, you don't have to be familiar with him. Only when people like him are with us can he dare to show off his power. With other teams, you can only behave with your tail between your legs."

Shangguan Xue comforted Liu Wuxie and told him not to mind.

Xie Tao seems to be a weakling, he is considered a master in their team, but in other teams, he is just at the bottom.

Just because Liu Wuxie didn't speak, it didn't mean that the matter was over. Once the reason for the disappearance of the senior brother was investigated, he would be killed with a single knife.

"Miss Shangguan, you haven't finished what you just said, but what?"

Liu Wuxie changed the topic and continued to ask Shangguan Xue.

What exactly did she see made her look frightened.

"Doomsday scene!"

Shangguanxue took a deep breath and said slowly.

Just as Liu Wuxie expected, the three bloody suns rose at the same time, and indeed the world fell.

This world may even surpass the existence of the Zizhu Star Territory.

No one knows how many worlds there are in the universe.

"Be specific!"

Liu Wuxie was not too sure and asked Shangguan Xue to be more specific.

"When I arrived, a mirage appeared in the void, reflecting a world I had never seen before. The mountains and flowing water there were completely different from ours. I saw many mountains and rivers broken, lakes and seas drying up, and black storms sweeping across."

Shangguan Xue told everything she saw. Every time she recalled that scene, she always looked frightened.

"This is not called a mirage, this is called world overlapping. Those black holes are actually called wormholes, opening up the passage between the two worlds."

Liu Wuxie said softly.

When two worlds overlap, a wormhole will appear.

Through the wormhole, you can travel between two worlds, which is very wonderful.

Senior brother and the others must have been swept away by the wormhole and entered another world.

Liu Wuxie didn't know what that world was.

Because in his memory, there is no Zhenwu Continent and no four major star regions. He was born in Lingyun Immortal World and only after his rebirth did he know all this.

Regarding the cultivation system of Zhenwu Continent and Zizhu Star Territory, Liu Wuxie only gradually learned about it after he was reborn.

The emergence of wormholes may not necessarily mean the destruction of the world, but may also be caused by a battle between powerful men, such as the battle in the Zizhu Star Region 300,000 years ago.

The sky and the earth were darkened, the sun and the moon lost light, and a continent emerged.

"No matter what it is called, I advise you not to look for it. The black hole is too scary. If you are sucked into it, you will die."

Shangguan Xue was thinking about Liu Wuxie and told him not to think about saving people.

After entering another world, there is no way to come back, so there is no need to continue to waste energy.

Liu Wuxie said nothing and hurried on quietly.

There was no way he could go back like this without investigating clearly and explaining to his master.

Liu Wuxie knew that Shangguan Xue had good intentions to prevent him from risking his life.

In the evening, we finally entered the Blood Demon Valley.

The Blood Demon Valley is very big, like the bottom of a bowl.

Looking from a distance, there are jagged rocks in the Blood Demon Valley. There are many huge rocks that are thousands of feet high, and you can't see the edge at a glance.

Many monks have already entered this place, looking for the Blood King Bamboo Shoot like them.

"We are about to enter the Blood Demon Valley. Everyone, cheer up. Our team does not have many rules. When encountering strong enemies, everyone works together. When encountering treasures, everyone relies on their own abilities."

Ye Yuwen has spoken, this is fair to everyone.

Many teams, due to uneven distribution of spoils, eventually fall apart and even fight.

He didn't want this to happen to his team, so he made it clear in advance.

The higher the cultivation level, the greater the probability of obtaining treasures. There is no need to share treasures with weak people. This is understandable.

Likewise, when faced with danger, powerful people must expend more energy to repel the enemy.

There are pros and cons!

Everyone has no objection, this is indeed the most reasonable way of distribution.

A group of ten people entered the Blood Demon Valley.

Standing outside, you can overlook the entire Blood Demon Valley.

Entering it, their vision began to change, and the boulders in front of them became extremely tall, blocking their sight.

This Blood Demon Valley covers tens of thousands of miles in radius, with endless strange rocks and blood demons appearing in many places.

If you are lucky, you can not only collect blood king bamboo shoots, but also encounter star crystals.

Some star crystals appear deep in those strange rocks. You can find them by digging through the boulders.

But it’s difficult, the output of Blood Demon Valley Star Crystals is too low.

According to time calculation, it is already night time now.

Because there is no difference between day and night, everyone will rest when they are tired and then continue searching.

There are several teams in the distance, digging for something, and they must have discovered the Blood King Bamboo Shoot.

"I discovered it first."

The monk who was digging shouted loudly, and the powerful air wave knocked away the monks who were coming towards him.

Not every team is like Liu Wuxie's team, where those with good treasures will be the ones.

A big battle was inevitable, because of a blood king bamboo shoot, the whole team started fighting.

Ye Yuwen led the team towards another place and did not stay long.

"Why don't we split up and find the blood bamboo shoots more easily?"

Canghua suggested at this time.

If everyone gathers together, the probability of finding the Blood King Bamboo Shoot is very low, so it is better to act separately.

"What do you think?"

Ye Yuwen will ask for everyone's opinions. If everyone agrees, he will naturally have no reason to interfere.

"We can divide into two teams, one hundred meters apart. This way we can advance and retreat in a well-established manner, and we can regroup as soon as possible when in danger."

The monk named Yu Shui agreed to Cang Hua's proposal. The purpose of their coming in was to find treasures and they had no time to waste their time here.

Most people agreed, and Liu Wuxie had no objection.

He has the Ghost Eye Technique, and finding the Blood King Bamboo Shoot is easy for him.

Everyone is separated, which is exactly what he wants, so why not do it.

"The four Dongxu realms are divided into two groups, and the others can form their own teams."

Ye Yuwen suggested that the four Dongxu realms be divided into two groups, each leading three people.

"Miss Shangguan, let's go together."

Xie Tao came over with Wu Zhong and took the initiative to follow Guan Xue.

Ye Yuwen took Cang Hua and Ye Feng into a group, and the five of them had already formed a team.

Liu Wuxie naturally became a member of Xie Tao's group.

There was a trace of disgust in Shangguan Xue's eyes, but it was difficult to say anything. Everyone was not far apart, and Xie Tao did not dare to do anything extreme.

After being divided into groups, the two sides widened the gap. Xie Tao took the initiative to walk with Guan Xue, while Liu Wuxie had to hang behind him.

When the Ghost Eye Technique was used, the tall boulders in front of him dissolved little by little and turned into transparent colors.

The blood king bamboo shoot grows deep in the boulders and is a rare elixir.

This type of Blood King Bamboo Shoot is best suited to grow only in the Blood Demon Star Region. As long as Liu Wuxie finds three of them, he can use the Blood King Bamboo Shoot to break through to the fifth level of Hunyuan.

The blood king bamboo shoot has the best effect if swallowed once, but the effect will be greatly reduced if eaten the second time.

There is nothing you can do about it. Whether it is a pill or other treasure, the first time it works best.

Breaking through the fifth level of Hunyuan, the combat effectiveness will definitely change dramatically. Killing the first level of Dongxu is as easy as crushing an ant to death.

His eyes suddenly shrank, and inside a boulder ten meters away from Liu Wuxie, there grew a huge blood king bamboo shoot, which was extremely large.

This is a blood king bamboo shoot that has grown for thousands of years. Because this boulder is too big, there are several smaller blood king bamboo shoots around this huge blood king bamboo shoot that were dug up not long ago.

Many people think that there should be no blood king bamboo shoots in this huge stone.

Who would have thought that this huge blood bamboo shoot was only half a foot deep from where they had dug it.

If you keep digging, you will definitely find this Thousand-Year Blood King Bamboo Shoot.

Liu Wuxie walked at the end, and Xie Tao, Wu Zhong and others walked in front.

He took out a dagger and quickly chopped it on the boulder.

Rubbles were flying everywhere, but Liu Wuxie did not move too fast to avoid damaging the internal structure of the Blood King Bamboo Shoot.

Liu Wuxie's actions made Xie Tao and others stop and look towards Liu Wuxie.

They passed by this huge rock just now and found no clues.

"What is this kid doing?"

Wu Zhong said doubtfully.

"Let's go over and take a look!"

Another member wanted to come back and have a look.

Shangguan Xue was also curious. Did he find the Blood King Bamboo Shoot just after entering the Blood Demon Valley?

It was only half a foot deep. The dagger quickly dug into the designated position, and a strong energy overflowed.

"Blood King Bamboo Shoot!"

Wu Zhong exclaimed, he didn't expect Liu Wuxie to be so lucky.

"Thousand-year-old Blood King Bamboo Shoot!"

Xie Tao's eyes narrowed, and a strong murderous aura filled the air.

Blood king bamboo shoots that have been around for decades are not uncommon, and can be encountered even after hundreds of years.

But the thousand-year-old blood king bamboo shoots are extremely rare and rare.

The blood king bamboo shoot in front of Liu Wuxie was about half a meter tall, and its terrifying energy made people want to move.

Ignoring their looks, Liu Wuxie carefully peeled off the surrounding stones, completely exposing the Blood King Bamboo Shoot to everyone's sight.

The news that Liu Wuxie dug up the Thousand-year-old Blood King Bamboo Shoot quickly reached the ears of Ye Yuwen and others, who were also shocked.

I have seen good luck, but I have never seen such luck.


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