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Chapter 17 Fighting Beasts

Things went through twists and turns, and they were ridiculed by both families. Danbao Pavilion made a mysterious move, which attracted Xue Yu's threats. Every step was thrilling.

All this is because of one person, Liu Wuxie!

Xue Yu's action, in everyone's eyes, finally settled the matter. The huge Xue family crushed the Xu family like an ant.

At the critical moment, Xu Lingxue stood up, took out a token in her hand, and slammed it on the table.

A nine-legged bird is engraved on the token, symbolizing the Imperial Academy and no one can imitate it.

"She was admitted to the Imperial Academy and was accepted as a disciple by Baili Qing."

The crowd exploded. Imperial College was the highest institution of learning in the Great Yan Dynasty, gathering elite talents from all over the country. The number of places recruited each year was extremely limited. There were still a few months until the Imperial College enrollment. Where did her token come from?

Bailiqing's name has spread throughout the Yan Dynasty, and she is one of the three vice-presidents of the Imperial College. If she becomes her disciple, she will surely rise to the top and become a giant.

Joining Imperial College is a lifelong honor and a goal that countless people must pursue throughout their lives.

A trace of astonishment flashed across Liu Wuxie's face. Even he didn't know when Xu Lingxue joined the Imperial Academy.

Rapid breathing could be heard from all directions. I wish they could become members of the Imperial Academy. Every year, they pass perverted assessments and pass countless geniuses. They only recruit the best of the best, not waste.

"It turns out that you are the newly recruited disciple of Dean Bailiqing."

The expression on Xue Yu's face changed from shock to surprise. News had already spread in the Imperial City that Baili Qing had accepted a new disciple, but he never knew who he was.

Being accepted as a disciple by the Vice-President in advance without going through the examination is something that has never happened before. They are all monster-like geniuses who were issued the Imperial Academy's token in advance.

Bailiqing is extremely proud. There are not many people who can be favored by her, and Xu Lingxue is one of them.

"I was reckless just now, please don't mind Miss Xu. I happened to be admitted to Imperial College, and we will be classmates from now on. I will apologize to Miss Xu for what happened today."

Xue Yu's attitude changed quickly, and he took out an Imperial College token from his arms, which was exactly the same as the one Xu Lingxue took out.

When you get to Imperial College, there are many ways to get close to Xu Lingxue, but are you afraid that you won't have a chance?

Wan Bing and Tian Tianquan and others looked as if they had eaten rotten duck eggs. The expressions on their faces were extremely ugly, and their hatred for Liu Wuxie became even stronger.

A farce ended in this way. No one expected it, including Master Huo, who looked at Xu Lingxue with a hint of awe.

The disciples of the Wan family and the Tian family each took their seats and returned to their own areas. However, the fat boy from the Song family sat beside Liu Wuxie with a carefree attitude.

"Thank you for speaking out just now."

Liu Wuxie smiled slightly. He was surprised that the little fat man could stand up. Such a person was worth making friends with.

"I haven't been of much help. Sister Xu is still very powerful. She has become a student of the Imperial College and will take off in the future. You must remember my younger brother."

Song Ling looked familiar and quickly got along with the two of them.

The Xu family has a relatively close relationship with the Song family. Xu Lingxue and Song Ling have met several times, and they have always treated each other as brother and sister.

A beast roar interrupted everyone, and came from the center of the Colosseum, and the beast fight began.

"Mr. Liu, please sit with us. The view is better over there."

Master Huo came back. He was sitting very close to Xue Yu. At three separate tables, Xue Yu and Tian Tianquan were chatting in low voices and occasionally looking over here.

"No, I'm fine just sitting here."

Liu Wuxie did not get up. He was not very interested in the Hundred Demons Meeting today.

At the last moment, the heads of the Wan family, the Song family, and the Tian family came together and sat at the table next to Master Huo. All three tables were full.

The Colosseum is like a huge cage, with spectators sitting around and overlooking the ground, with beast-fighting arenas appearing in front of them.

On the middle stage, there was an old man standing with a loudspeaker in his hand: "Welcome to everyone to participate in the Hundred Demon Party held by our Wan family. As usual, the Hundred Demon Party will have two parts, beast fighting and beast taming.


Beast fighting, as the name suggests, puts two monsters on the ring and fights each other. The one who survives is the winner.

The fight between monsters and beasts is extremely bloody. For warriors, bloody scenes can improve their psychological quality. When facing such a situation in the future, they will not be scared to death.

Beast taming is different. Through challenging, taming or subduing monsters, you can achieve the effect of experience.

The Wan family of the four major families is the richest, and the business of the animal training farm is very prosperous. They provide all kinds of monsters for the warriors to train.

Entering the mountains to hunt monsters is too dangerous, and you might lose your life in there.

The animal taming farm is different. Not only can it simulate the real environment, but the monsters are also 100% real. If there is danger, the animal tamer will appear immediately.

Of course, there are exceptions. Monsters go crazy and eat their tamers.

In comparison, the dangers of the animal training farm have been reduced to a minimum, and it is normal for the business to be booming.

"We will arrange ten beast battles for everyone to enjoy. As usual, we will set up some small handicaps. If you are willing to participate in the beast bet, there will be a detailed introduction on each of your tables. If you are not willing to participate in the beast bet, we will

There’s no need to force it, just let everyone have fun.”

The Hundred Demons Club is a publicity conference to let more people know about beast taming and beast fighting, so that they can participate, and Wanjia can make a lot of money.

Opening the booklet on the table, it was written in great detail. There were ten beast battles in total. The first battle was between the polar leopard and the rhinoceros beast. One was good at offense, the other was good at defense, a battle between spear and shield.


According to the odds, the polar leopard wins to one to one, and the odds of the Rhinoceros are as high as ten to one.

Judging from the handicap, the Polar Leopard has a great chance of winning. It is almost a certainty, but there are exceptions to everything.

"Mr. Liu, are you interested in taking a gamble?"

Wan BuTong suddenly spoke, looked at Liu Wuxie with a smile, and invited him to gamble on animals together.

There are two types of bets, one is betting against the handicap, and the other is betting in private and has nothing to do with Wanjia.

"Let's not embarrass Young Master Liu. Can he get any gold coins from him?"

Tian Tianquan had a sarcastic look. Everyone knew about the current situation of the Liu family. There was a problem in the weapons shop. The funds were stretched thin and they could not come up with extra gold coins.

The two of them sang together and refused to bet with them, which was equivalent to acknowledging that they did not have gold coins and did not dare to bet with them.

Agreeing to bet with them and falling into their trap was indeed a good plan.

Everyone's eyes fell on Liu Wuxie, waiting for his answer, whether to bet or not.

"How do you want to bet?"

A smile appeared on Liu Wuxie's lips. This answer was beyond everyone's expectations. Everyone knew very well that Wan Buxie and Tian Tianquan used provocation to force Liu Wuxie to agree.

If they choose to refuse, they will at most be ridiculed and the matter will be settled. The two of them did not expect Liu Wuxie to really participate, and they just took this opportunity to mock him.

"There's no point in betting against the handicap. Why don't we just bet in private? It's more direct."

The odds on the handicap are too low, and it doesn’t make much sense to bet on them. They bet on animals privately, and they have the final say on the bets.

“Good advice.”

Liu Wuxie nodded, thinking that what Tian Tianquan said was very reasonable. Betting on beasts in private was more convenient and more intuitive and exciting.

Xu Lingxue's foot stepped hard on Liu Wuxie's instep, causing him to gasp in pain, but she pretended to be nonchalant, reminding him that this was a trap, and you still got into it.

Xu Lingxue puffed up her cheeks angrily and stopped talking to him.

"I wonder how much principal Mr. Liu can get?"

Wan BuTong asked with a smile, with a hint of sarcasm in his tone, as if to tell you that if you only have a few thousand gold coins, don't show them to embarrass yourself.

"I didn't bring any money when I went out today."

Liu Wuxie shrugged. He was telling the truth. He didn't have a single gold coin with him. The elixir he bought last time was advanced by Danbao Pavilion.


There was a burst of laughter from all around, and he was amused. If you don't have money, why would you bet?

"Young Master Liu is indeed a great person among men. I admire him very much. If Young Master Liu needs it, I can lend you some."

With a sarcastic look on his face, Wan BuTong took out a stack of cards, which contained more than 10,000 gold coins. They were inconvenient to carry. In order to facilitate exchange, the Yan Dynasty created cards. White cards can store 10,000 to 100,000 gold coins, and green cards can store 100,000 gold coins.

From ten thousand to one million gold coins, the card is imprinted with the owner's soul mark and cannot be used by others.

"I paid Mr. Liu's bet for him." At this time, Master Huo stood up and said, "This is five hundred thousand gold coins. Mr. Liu can use it as he likes. There is no need to pay it back. If it is not enough, I can have people send it over again."

The heads of the Wan family, Tian family and Song family showed a hint of surprise, what happened?

Five hundred thousand gold coins were given away casually. How many people could not earn so many gold coins in their lifetime? Xu Lingxue's little mouth opened slightly and she looked at Liu Wuxie with a look of surprise.

Liu Wuxie showed no gratitude at all and accepted the card naturally. This scene made the three masters look at each other and thought, could it be that Master Huo is colluding with this loser?

"My bet has been made, where is your bet?"

It was Liu Wuxie's turn to laugh at them. Wan Buxie couldn't come up with half a million gold coins at once, so he looked towards the head of the family.

Someone immediately sent several cards worth more than one million gold coins. In their opinion, Liu Wuxie would definitely lose.

While he was talking, there were already two more monsters on the stage, the Extreme Wind Leopard and the Rhinoceros Beast.

"I bet 500,000 gold coins that the Extreme Wind Leopard will win!"

Wan BuTong placed his bet first, with a wicked smile on his lips, which made many people present utter contempt.

"It's different. You are so shameless. You are the host and you should give up the initiative to the guests. What do you mean by placing your bet first?"

The little fat man jumped up again, he couldn't stand Wan different approach, it was obvious that he was trying to trick Liu Wuxie.

This chapter has been completed!
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