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Chapter 170 Red Dragon Club

Liu Wuxie had no intention of fighting, as it was already dark, so as not to delay the important event.

After performing the Crane Dance for Nine Heavens, it was like an afterimage that disappeared without a trace after entering the dense forest. The angry woman stamped her feet.

"Boy, don't let me catch you again!"

She put away her sword, plunged into the dense forest, and rushed towards the headquarters of the Red Dragon Society.

An hour later, Liu Wuxie arrived at Longtou Mountain successfully and finally knew the origin of Longtou Mountain.

The entire mountain peak looks like a dragon head, with a huge cave in the middle, like a giant dragon opening its mouth. This is the only way to enter Longtou Mountain.

The Red Dragon Society has deployed heavy troops in the entrance area. No one is allowed to enter. Breaking in forcefully will definitely not work as it will alert them.

After hiding in the mountains for a month without coming out, Liu Wuxie failed in her mission.

It must be a fatal blow and the battle must be ended as soon as possible.

He quietly approached the entrance, and with the help of the Ghost Eye Technique, the fire flickered in the distance. A fence was built at the entrance, there were houses on both sides, and many archers were lying on the roof.

When a stranger approaches, he is instantly shot into a sieve.

"What a tight defense!"

Liu Wuxie was lying on a big tree, frowning, thinking of many ways, but none of them were feasible. It was almost impossible to enter the Red Dragon Society's lair without alerting the defenders.

After watching it for more than an hour, even during the shift change, they all found out exactly what the origin of this Red Dragon was.

This posture is not like an ordinary bandit, but like a large army stationed here.

Quietly exit from the big tree. If you can't force your way in, you should retreat to Sang Town first and then think of other ways. You will definitely be able to sneak in.

Not long after Liu Wuxie left, a dark green shadow appeared, lying on another big tree, also looking at the entrance of Longtou Mountain.

It was already early morning when we returned to Sang Town, and we found an inn to stay in.

In Sang Town at night, thieves were rampant. Liu Wuxie encountered three groups of thieves, one of which actually stole on his head, and was directly destroyed and thrown out.

Sang Town became lively at dawn, and there was a burst of noise in the streets. Liu Wuxie opened his eyes.

After one night of practice, his realm has improved a lot, and he can break through to the second level of the Spirit Cleansing Realm at any time.

Open the window, the sunlight shines in, and your eyes pass through the layers of buildings and gaze at Longtou Mountain ten miles away.

Under the golden sunlight, the entire Longtou Mountain is filled with rising clouds and mist, making it look like a fairyland on earth.

Such a beautiful place actually hides a group of bandits.

"The people from the Red Dragon Society are here, everyone hide quickly!"

Suddenly there was a lot of excitement on the street, and the shops that had just opened were closed one after another. The market, which was bustling just now, fell silent for a moment, except for the occasional barking of dogs.

At the entrance of Sang Town, a team of more than a hundred people appeared and drove into the town in a mighty manner.

Everyone was riding a tall horse, high-spirited, and their neat clothes made a rustling sound in the morning breeze, which could be heard clearly from a long distance away.

“What a neat team!”

Liu Wuxie secretly said, these are definitely not bandits, they look like a well-trained army.

The team entered Sang Town and headed straight to the east. The speed was very fast, picking up the dust on the ground and disappearing without a trace in the blink of an eye.

Liu Wuxie slid down from the window and followed quietly. The red dragon suddenly descended from the mountain. Was it going to rob the house again?

Not long after the people from the Red Dragon Society left, Sang Town became lively again. Everyone opened the door and continued doing business as if nothing had happened.

Hanging far behind, more than a hundred meters apart, a primitive tribe appeared in front.

The Red Dragon Society's team suddenly stopped and looked at the tribe a thousand meters away. The leading man only had one eye, and the other eye was covered with black cloth. He exuded a strong killing aura.

The tribe is extremely primitive and the folk customs are fierce. The men are naked from the waist up and walk out of the mountains carrying prey. This is their food for the day.

"The third leader of the family is here. Several of our brothers were killed by people in the tribe."

Several minions stepped forward, but they did not expect that the one-eyed dragon man was actually the third leader of the Red Dragon Club.

"Kill the men and take away the women!"

At the third master's order, a team of more than a hundred people behind them rushed into the tribe at high speed, killing everyone on sight, and the scene was chaotic.

Screams and cries were mixed together.

The men in the tribe fought with the people of the Red Dragon Society with weapons in hand, leaving corpses flying everywhere.

Liu Wuxie stood in the distance, watching quietly without interfering, clenching his fists tightly. If he took action, he would alert the Red Dragon Society and frighten the enemy.

In just a few minutes, dozens of people from the tribe died, and a dozen women and some gold, silver and jewelry were captured from the house.

"Red Dragon Society, you are going too far!"

A sharp roar came from the depths of the tribe, and then a shocking spear shot out into the air, heading straight for the head of the third leader of the Red Dragon Society.

A harsh sound ripped through the air, and a long flame appeared behind the spear. The person who came was a master.

The third master did not dare to be careless, so he rushed out from his horse, slashed down the sword in his hand, and intercepted the spear.

A figure fell on the open ground, wrapped in animal skins, tall as a bull, and covered in flesh.

The two looked at each other, and they seemed not too unfamiliar to each other.

"Lei Nuo, your people killed my Red Dragon Society brothers. I will teach you a lesson today. These women will be regarded as compensation for the losses of our Red Dragon Society. Next time I have a chance, I will have a good fight with you.

The third leader did not continue fighting. The two sides clashed not once or twice. After the sneak attack, they immediately retreated.

"Lu Huangzhong, you deserve to die!"

The third leader's real name is Lu Huangzhong, and the man who was snatched out from the depths of the tribe is named Lei Nuo. Terrifying murderous intent filled the sky, and the atmosphere was extremely depressing.

"One day I will kill everyone in your tribe. Today I will teach you a lesson. Next time you dare to kill our brothers from the Red Dragon Society, you will never be spared."

Lu Huangzhong fell on the horse and turned around to leave. Lei Nuo was not low in strength. Both of them were at the first level of the Marrow Cleansing Realm. If there was a real battle, both sides would definitely suffer in the end.

Killing more than a dozen tribesmen and taking away some women, the purpose of revenge was achieved.

The angry tribe members screamed, the Red Dragon Society became more and more arrogant, they came and went without a trace, occupying favorable terrain, the tribe attacked several times, but failed every time.

Watching them take away more than a dozen women from the tribe, a mouthful of blood spat out from Lei Nuo's mouth.

Liu Wuxie's body swayed, and he grabbed the member of the Red Dragon Society who had been dead for a long time. He found a deserted place, took off the clothes of the member of the Red Dragon Society, put them on his own body, and simply disguised himself to look like the dead member.


In the fight just now, the Red Dragon Society lost several people, killed by men from the tribe.

Quietly follow the Red Dragon Society team and return to Longtoushan along the original route.

After more than an hour, the team began to go up the mountain.

When entering the mountain pass, I checked everyone one by one to prevent any spies from sneaking in.

Liu Wuxie's disguise technique was so exquisite that ordinary people couldn't tell the difference.

After asking a few questions, Liu Wuxie was let in. When he passed through the level, he deliberately used the Ghost Eye Technique. The defense inside was tighter than he imagined.

Without resting, I walked along the mountain road for about half an hour. The scenery ahead changed and many buildings appeared.

This is the home base of the Red Dragon Society. There is a sentry every few dozen steps.

The team stopped in a small square, and the dozen or so women who were captured were thrown on the ground.

"Today is my eldest brother's fiftieth birthday. These women should be considered as gifts to the eldest brother. You guys take them to the main hall. I will change my clothes and go to pay homage to my eldest brother on his birthday."

He pointed at Liu Wuxie and several other minions and asked them to take these women to the main hall.

It turned out to be the fiftieth birthday of the president of the Red Dragon Society. No wonder Lu Huangzhong went down the mountain to plunder women and gave them to his eldest brother as gifts.

The boss of the Red Dragon Society likes women, Liu Wuxie has already seen it from the information, and countless women have been raped by them over the years.

The other minions dispersed and dispersed in various places. Liu Wuxie escorted a woman and followed the others. With the help of the ghost pupil technique, he had a panoramic view of the entire village.

The village is very large, with more than a thousand people stationed there, each with extraordinary strength. It is not that easy to destroy the Red Dragon Society.

The consciousness continued to penetrate, and the wall in front of it dissolved little by little, all the way into the heart of the mountain.

Secret passages appeared in front of Liu Wuxie one after another. Capture the thief first and capture the king. As long as the three presidents are killed, the Red Dragon Society will naturally defeat itself.

After twisting and turning, passing through several caves, we finally entered a natural hall.

This is a huge cave. After artificial excavation, it became what it is now. It is about more than a thousand square meters.

At the top position, there are three jade couches carved from jade and ink stone, covered with adult tiger skins. The middle one is larger, which should be where the head of the Red Dragon Club sits.

On the stone walls on both sides, there are many strange pictures hanging, and many others are unsightly.

Several boxes of jewelry were thrown aside casually, containing a large number of gold coins and some silk and satin, which they had plundered.

After escorting the people in, they were asked to stay where they were. Several women were crying, while the others had angry faces and would rather die than be bullied.

After Liu Wuxie came in, he quietly retreated to a corner and hid in a dark place, making it difficult for ordinary people to spot him.

After waiting for about tea time, tables and chairs were placed on both sides of the hall, and plates of fine wine and delicacies were served.

Today is the fiftieth birthday of the boss of the Red Dragon Society, and all the little bosses will come to celebrate his birthday.

Time passed by, and the few minions who came in with him had already left. Only he quietly sneaked into a secret place, looking for opportunities to kill the three presidents.

"Third brother, I heard that you went down the mountain to bring back a batch of new goods for your elder brother. You know your elder brother best!"

From the gate, two men walked in. One of them was Lu Huangzhong, who had changed into a set of festive clothes. The man next to him who spoke was a man with a sinister expression. He only had one arm, and his left arm was chopped off at the root, leaving it empty.


This man is the second leader of the Red Dragon Society. He is known as the One-Armed Night Owl. He kills people like crazy. Thousands of people have died at his hands over the years.

"The gift prepared by the second brother is not bad! As long as the eldest brother swallows this Earth Yuan Dan, he can break through the third level of the Marrow Cleansing Realm. From now on, our Red Dragon Society will be even more stable."

The two let out a series of loud laughs, crossed the hall, and walked directly to the chairs at the top.

Several women hurriedly stepped forward and served her carefully, not daring to take a breath.

"Brother should be arriving soon!"

After Ye Xiao sat down, he glanced at the entrance.

This chapter has been completed!
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