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Chapter 2065 Guiyuan Sword

 The Xuanyin Divine Needle floating in front of Liu Wuxie was erratic and could not capture any specific traces.


Liu Wuxie's thoughts moved, and the Xuanyin Divine Needle burst out. There was no change in the surrounding space, and he could not feel the Xuanyin Divine Needle shooting out.

Those who had previously controlled the Xuanyin Divine Needle and had powerful spiritual consciousness could still feel the fluctuations coming from the heaven and earth.


The Xuanyin Divine Needle landed on the stone wall of the training room, penetrated into it, and disappeared without a trace.

"What a powerful attack."

Liu Wuxie secretly said that after entering enlightenment, the Xuanyin Divine Needle that he realized was more than ten times more powerful than before.

What was even more frightening was that Liu Wuxie saw the lines of the Mysterious Book appearing on the Xuanyin Divine Needle. It was the existence of these lines that made the Xuanyin Divine Needle so powerful.

With a move of his hand, the Xuanyin Divine Needle came out of the stone wall and returned to Liu Wuxie's body.

"The Xuanyin Divine Needle has changed. It is no longer a simple magic that only breaks through the defensive barrier. It can be used both offensively and defensively."

The Xuanyin Divine Needle turns into a ball of Xuanyin Qi and merges with the Taihuang world.

"If I add the Xuanyin Divine Needle to the wind element, will it make it faster?"

Liu Wuxie didn't give up yet, thinking that Xuanyin Divine Needle still had a lot of room for improvement, so she decided to give it another try.

Close your eyes, stand on the lines of the Upanishad with your spiritual consciousness, and once again enter that mysterious and mysterious realm.

The wind element floated around Liu Wuxie, and the Xuanyin Divine Needle flickered and appeared. Liu Wuxie looked for a perfect meeting point to merge the two immortal arts together.

More than half a month passed before Liu Wuxie woke up from his epiphany.

The moment he opened his eyes, the Heavenly Book made a clattering sound, a breeze blew by, and a soul wind blew in the soul sea.

He stretched out his hand and the Xuanyin Divine Needle appeared again.

However, this time the Xuanyin Divine Needle is even more hidden. Sometimes it turns into a breeze, sometimes it turns into a magic needle, making it unpredictable.

Under Liu Wuxie's control, the Xuanyin Divine Needle flew up and down in the training room, making all kinds of incredible movements.

"After being blessed with the wind element, the Xuanyin Divine Needle has a wider attack surface and its speed has also increased a lot."

After withdrawing the Xuanyin Divine Needle, Liu Wuxie did not continue to understand it. Xuanyin Divine Needle is just a sneak attack type of magic. If you can practice it to this level, you have already reached the extreme, and it is difficult to continue to improve.

"Next, learn the Tianlu Divine Sword Technique."

Liu Wuxie closed her eyes and planned to evolve all the magic skills to make her attacks more powerful.

With the same level of cultivation, whose magic is stronger and has a higher chance of winning.

Each of Liu Wuxie's magical arts is outstanding among the others. After being modified by the Great Book of Secrets, the power of these magical arts has been increased several times.

Close your eyes and quickly enter a mysterious and mysterious realm, as if you have forgotten time and everything.

The time around him was like water flowing in Liu Wuxie's ears.

There are eight swords in Tianlu Divine Sword Technique, and each sword has its own characteristics. Liu Wuxie's goal is to fuse the eight swords together so that eight kinds of energy can be unleashed at the same time with one sword.

Not only does it save time, it also makes it easier to fight.

The eight sword styles were switched repeatedly, and villains appeared in front of Liu Wuxie. They were repeatedly performing the Tianlu Divine Sword Technique.

Duidao gradually merged with Gen Dao like a mountain.

Lidao Huoshen gradually merged with Kandao Shuize.

The Xun Dao is like the wind and gradually merges with the Thunderous Dao.

Gan Dao Tian Mie gradually merged with Kun Dao Di Mu.

Speed ​​and power merge.

Fire and water merge.

The strong wind merges with the thunder and lightning.

Attack and defense merge.

There were eight figures just now, and gradually turned into four. Liu Wuxie had to compress, suppressing the four figures into two, and finally turned into one figure.

Liu Wuxie didn't know how long had passed. It seemed as long as a century, and the four figures began to merge.


There were only two figures left in front of Liu Wuxie, and the Tianlu Divine Sword Technique had been compressed into two swords by him.

Before he stopped, Liu Wuxie frowned slightly. He encountered a problem. It was not easy to completely merge the last two swords.

Especially the two swords of Qian and Kun, one represents heaven and the other represents earth. It is difficult for the two to coexist.

It is not difficult to make water and fire compatible. Liu Wuxie has already understood the Five Elements Mahamudra and can easily make the power of the five elements circulate.

No matter how Liu Wuxie tries to make the two villains compatible, in the end the two villains will always be mutually exclusive.

The harder Liu Wuxie suppressed him, the more serious his rejection became.

"What went wrong?"

Although Liu Wuxie entered a state of enlightenment, his consciousness was still there, as if he was imprisoned in a cage. If he could not comprehend, he could not get out of the cage.

All memories are closed, leaving only the Tianlu Divine Sword Technique. This is the benefit of enlightenment, it can block all distracting thoughts.

When you are enlightened, you can achieve the unity of heaven and man, and let people enter a state of selflessness, so that they can touch a higher level.

"What is heaven?"

"What is earth?"

Liu Wuxie frowned. Although he was the reincarnation of the Immortal Emperor, his understanding of heaven and earth was still in a hazy state. He could not explain clearly.

If we talk about what is an immortal and what is a human being, Liu Wuxie has countless ways of saying it, but the mysteries of heaven and earth are too broad.

"Heaven is born from the Tao, and the unity of heaven and man is the foundation of the Tao of Heaven."

"The great road is immortal, life never ceases, and the earth rotates forever."

Liu Wuxie murmured to himself, seeming to have thought of something.

"Man follows the earth, the earth follows the sky, heaven follows the Tao, and Tao follows nature. I have been forcing the integration, why not try to let the heaven and the earth run on their own."

Liu Wuxie gave up on forcibly merging the two swords of Qian and Kun, and instead let them run on their own.

The earth moves with the sky, and the sky moves and the earth rotates.

The dry knife starts to move, and the Kun knife starts to flow, just like the sun and the moon move around, you come and I go.

The two knives began to rotate, like yin and yang fish, appearing in front of Liu Wuxie, forming a Tai Chi yin and yang diagram. This discovery made Liu Wuxie very happy. It seemed that his understanding was in the right direction.

Yin and Yang, heaven and earth, life and death, are all like this.

Since you can't force it, why not let nature take its course? This is the way of heaven and earth, this is the way of all things, and this is the way of human relations...

As time went by, Liu Wuxie could no longer tell which one was the Gan Dao and which one was the Kun Dao. At first glance, they were both, but upon closer inspection, they were neither.

There is earth in the sky, and there is heaven in the earth. The two have reached a perfect balance and are no longer distinguishable from each other.

"The eight swords have merged and evolved into a new move. What should it be called?"

Watching the new moves performed, Liu Wuxie fell into deep thought again.

"Yin Yang Knife?"

"Qiankun Sword?"

"Or the Heaven and Earth Sword?"

Liu Wuxie named several names in succession, but he was not very satisfied. These names could not explain the magic of this sword.

"Guiyuan Sword!"

Liu Wuxie's eyes lit up and she thought of a name.

Heaven and earth return to their origin, and all laws are natural, which is exactly in line with the meaning of this sword.

Hearing the words Guiyuan Knife, the Yin-Yang fish floating in front of Liu Wuxie suddenly disappeared, like a mark, entering Liu Wuxie's soul sea. The Tianlu Divine Sword Technique was finally completed and evolved into a brand new Guiyuan Knife. knife.

As his consciousness slowly awakened from his epiphany, Liu Wuxie opened his eyes and understood the Tianlu Divine Sword Technique. It had been two months.

When Liu Wuxie came in, she only paid the fee for ten days. If this continues, it will be difficult to comprehend all the magic in ten days.

The following magical techniques are each more subtle and profound than the last, and the time to comprehend them will also become longer and longer.

Being in seclusion for a long time is not good for the mind, body and body.

After ten days outside and more than three years spent in the training room, Liu Wuxie was very tired.

Walking out of the training room, Liu Wuxie was a little uncomfortable with the dazzling sunlight.

Shielding his eyes, he squinted and looked around. It was just after noon, and there should be fewer people on the street at this time.

Going to the hall of Yizhanglou, Liu Wuxie paid another ten days' fees to keep the previous training room, and no one was allowed to enter it.

After finishing the work, Liu Wuxie left Yizhanglou and returned to the street, feeling that things were right and people were wrong.

Although ten days had passed outside, Liu Wuxie actually spent three years in the training room, which felt like three years of time and space.

Many people have been in seclusion for hundreds of years. After they came out, they found that they no longer knew the world.

There are also some old antiques who have been in seclusion for tens of thousands of years. When they wake up, their descendants have long since disappeared, leaving only themselves alone in the world.

Liu Wuxie couldn't explain clearly the purpose of cultivating immortality.

But the thought of revenge kept telling him that he could only survive if he became stronger.

"The painter has started painting at Mochou Lake. Let's go and have a look."

There was an exclamation from the crowd, and many people ran out of the Yizhang Building. When they heard the painter painting, they gave up and entered the practice room.

Liu Wuxie was confused. It was just painting, so why were so many people following it?

Seeing a large number of monks running past him, Liu Wuxie was almost squeezed into a corner.

"Brother, what happened? Where are you going?"

Liu Wuxie stopped an ordinary monk, but he was in the low-level immortal realm. He couldn't bear Liu Wuxie's grasp and was frozen in place.

"you do not know?"

The monk's expression changed. Although Liu Wuxie was in the semi-immortal realm, why was he so frightened by the aura he released?

"I don't know!"

Liu Wuxie shook his head. After he came out of the mountain range, he plunged into the Yizhang Tower without knowing anything about what happened in the city.

"Do you know the Painting Saint?"

The young man patted Liu Wuxie's palm and signaled him to let go of him.

Only then did Liu Wuxie realize that she was still holding the young man, and quickly let go of her right hand, and the young man regained his freedom.

"Painting Saint Yuan Wenchang?"

Liu Wuxie said uncertainly.

Looking at Lingyun Immortal World, the only one who dares to call himself a painting saint is Yuan Wenchang.

However, Yuan Wenchang painted it himself and sealed himself inside.

Since then, the painting saint Yuan Wenchang has never appeared again. Some people say that he still seals himself in the paintings he made. The outside world sends him a rumor that he is trapped in a cocoon.

Liu Wuxie had a very good relationship with the painting sage back then, and the two occasionally discussed the meaning of painting.

Many of Liu Wuxie's current painting techniques actually come from the painting sage Yuan Wenchang.

No wonder his eyes showed joy when he heard the word Painting Saint.

This chapter has been completed!
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