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Chapter 2109: Tooth for Tooth

 The sound is not loud, but it can reach everyone's ears.

The Immortal Emperor's consciousness is so powerful that even an ant crawling on the ground can be clearly sensed.

This stall owner was near the martial arts arena and not far from the Conferring God Stage. His voice penetrated the light curtain and entered the Conferring God Stage.

"What! Did Liu Wuxie buy this treasure jar at the Exchange Market for 100,000 immortal stones?"

The monks standing in the Conferred God Platform staggered and almost fell down.

One hundred thousand immortal stones bought such a heaven-defying treasure that could neutralize the attack of the Immortal King. Why didn't they notice it?

The corners of the eyes of those powerful men sitting in the main hall twitched. They also could not imagine that one hundred thousand immortal stones could buy a magic weapon comparable to that refined by the Immortal Emperor.

"Liu Wuxie must be so lucky to have found such a heaven-defying magic weapon from the trading market."

The immortal elders were whispering among each other. They had also been to the trading market. There were a lot of good things. Treasures such as the Burning Spirit Treasure Jar could be said to be rare but not sought after.

Some people are happy, some are jealous, and some are indifferent. Most of them are guessing what kind of treasure this is and why they have never seen it before.

They knew the Swallowing Ancestral Talisman, but they didn't know the Burning Spirit Treasure Jar, which was strange.

Liu Wuxie did not let the talk around her affect her refining of the elixir.

The destiny alchemy technique was frequently used, and round pills floated in front of Liu Wuxie.

Fierce Ya and Ming Ya looked at each other. They had checked Liu Wuxie's various methods and found that they had nothing to do with Immortal Emperor Liu. Whether it was his techniques or the way he mobilized his immortal energy, they were completely two people.

If Liu Wuxie is really the reincarnation of Immortal Emperor Liu, no matter how he hides it, the way the immortal energy circulates is somewhat similar.

From the very beginning, Liu Wuxie thought that there would be this situation today. After practicing, he would forget everything about his previous life. Except for the remaining memories, he was no longer the Immortal Emperor Liu from his previous life.

Xiejia's eyes gradually relaxed. Since Liu Wuxie was not the reincarnation of Immortal Emperor Liu, they only needed to submit the results of their investigation to the emperor.

"Continue to take action to prevent him from refining the elixir."

Yu He said in a low voice, the murderous intent on his face getting stronger and stronger. He is the son of the head of the Yu family, and all the peak immortal kings must obey his orders.

The Qianshan Sect and the Chen family nodded towards the Yu family, and the three parties united again. This time, the power was even more powerful than before.

And this time they changed their tactics and formed three forces to attack Liu Wuxie from three directions at the same time to see how he could defend himself.

The sect disciples standing around Baguio Palace left one after another to avoid damaging the fish pond. These attacks could easily tear apart the body of a low-level Immortal King.

Facing the three attacks, Liu Wuxie showed no expression, raised his head slightly, and glanced at the swarming sword energy.

"You asked for this. If this is the case, then don't even think about refining the elixir."

Liu Wuxie snorted coldly, and the boundless killing intent spread rapidly around like violent sea water.

After saying that, the Burning Spirit Treasure Jar continued to enlarge, wrapping Liu Wuxie. Their sword energy was still very difficult to harm Liu Wuxie.

Liu Wuxie made a move with her right hand, and a dark green magic needle appeared.

Their defensive circle can protect against other people's sword energy, but cannot protect against the Xuanyin Divine Needle.

After enlightenment, the Xuanyin Divine Needle reaches an extremely high level and can break through all defensive shields.

The sword energy in the Wuji Divine Refining Cauldron is already mixed. Many eliminated disciples are constantly injecting sword energy into it, mainly to disrupt the situation. After they are eliminated, they are also

We won't make life easy for the remaining people.

The defensive pressure on Qianshan Sect's side is getting bigger and bigger, and a large amount of sword energy rushes towards their defense circle.


The three swords were swallowed by the Burning Spirit Treasure Jar, but they still failed to threaten Liu Wuxie. This time, Liu Wuxie quietly used part of the power of the Heaven Swallowing Divine Cauldron, because the Burning Spirit Treasure Jar could not release such a large black hole.



Liu Wuxie pointed his finger, and the Xuanyin Divine Needle burst out. There was a bright light, but the sword energy around him was unable to stop the Xuanyin Divine Needle.

The dark green Xuanyin Divine Needle wanders in the Wuji Divine Refining Cauldron. Whenever a sword energy attacks, the Xuanyin Divine Needle can be avoided immediately because it is blessed with Liu Wuxie's mental power and soul power.


Liu Wuxie's soul power is no longer weaker than that of the Immortal King.

The geniuses who had retreated to the back took a step forward one after another, wanting to see more clearly.

"Have you seen what Liu Wuxie sacrificed?"

The disciples who came forward were confused as to what the magic needle that Liu Wuxie offered could do.

Even in the Immortal King Realm, it is difficult to break through the defenses of the Qianshan Sect and the Yu family, let alone the Immortal Realm.

"It's interesting. This is Mrs. Xuan Yin's secret skill, the Xuanyin Divine Needle. How did he master it?"

Fierce Ya said with a smile.

For now, he has lifted his doubts about Liu Wuxie.

"I remember the place where Mrs. Xuan Yin was buried. Because of the battle 300,000 years ago, that area has disappeared. Where did he get the cultivation method of Xuanyin Divine Needle?"

The Lord of Feiling Castle suddenly interjected.

Everyone was shocked, including Fierce Fang and Ming Fang.

In that battle 300,000 years ago, the immortal world was penetrated, and a large area of ​​land disappeared, including the tomb where Mrs. Xuan Yin was buried, and everything disappeared with it.

Liu Wuxie obtained the Xuanyin Divine Needle cultivation method from the mortal world. When the path to immortality was opened, many things from the immortal world fell into the mortal world, including the God Monument.

"It's probably a coincidence. After all, no one knows where the land that disappeared back then went. Maybe this kid was lucky and found it somewhere."

The elders of other sects were talking about it and could not connect it with the mortal world.

To them, the mortal world was a filthy place. How could Liu Wuxie ascend from the mortal world at such an age?

But there was suspicion in the eyes of Fierce Ya and Ming Ya.

Countless eyes fell on the Xuanyin Divine Needle.

After Liu Wuxie evolved, apart from some similarities in appearance, both the attack angle and the form were very different from the Xuanyin Divine Needle practiced by Mrs. Xuan Yin.

So everyone is not too sure, maybe it is just similar to Mrs. Xuan Yin’s Xuanyin Divine Needle.

In a thousandth of an instant, the Xuanyin Divine Needle avoided those sword energies and appeared in the Qianshan Sect area.

A sneer appeared on the corner of Liu Wuxie's mouth: "It's disrespectful to come and not return. I'll let you taste the feeling of being attacked by sword energy."

As soon as he finished speaking, the Xuanyin Divine Needle easily penetrated the defensive circle set up by Qianshan Sect.

"No, our defense circle can't resist the Xuanyin Divine Needle."

The disciples of Qianshan Sect were a little panicked. Once a hole was opened in the defensive circle, a large amount of sword energy in the Wuji Divine Refining Cauldron would penetrate into their defensive circle like a tide and destroy their ability to refine the elixir.

No one expected that the Xuanyin Divine Needle could tear through the Qianshan Sect's defense with such ease.

Liu Wuxie's purpose is very simple. With his ability, it is difficult to destroy Qianshan Sect's alchemy. He mainly relies on the sword energy in the Wuji God Refining Cauldron to destroy them.


The defensive circle is the same as the formation. It surrounds several disciples making alchemy and forms an independent space to avoid interference from the outside world.

Now, the independent space is like an egg shell, broken from the outside, forming a huge crack.

The sword auras hovering around were like flies that smelled a bad smell, quickly burrowing in along the cracks.

Some are intentional, some are simply sucked in through the cracks, there are all kinds of things.


The Qianshan Sect's defensive cover made a violent clicking sound. This time it exploded from the inside. The sword energy that poured in and the unbridled impact shook the defensive cover to pieces.

The few disciples who were refining alchemy had no extra strength to resist the sword energy, so they allowed the sword energy to attack them.

"Stop it quickly, stop these sword energy quickly."

The alchemy disciples of Qianshan Sect screamed angrily. No matter how they shouted, they could not stop the sword energy from attacking. The other disciples were already in a hurry, hurriedly filling the cracked gaps.

The finished and semi-finished elixirs floating in the air, as well as the elixir being purified, could not withstand the impact of the sword energy and exploded one after another, like a thin layer of smoke, floating in front of the Qianshan Sect.

Seeing the almost-formed elixir disappear in front of them, the three disciples of the Qianshan Sect who were refining the elixir roared loudly in anger.

All their efforts were in vain.

"Li Ning, go kill him."

An Immortal King from Qianshan Cult said to the man next to him with his eyes downcast.

The man named Li Ning disappeared quickly and rushed towards Liu Wuxie, intending to kill him in the Conferred God Platform.

No one stood up to stop it, everyone had an attitude that it had nothing to do with them.

"Vicious Fang Protector, I remember you just said that in the Immortal Conference, everyone depends on their own abilities. Can't some people afford to lose?"

Yuan Shao sneered twice at this time, his tone was not good.

The Baguio Palace is not afraid of the Emperor's Alliance. If it is really pressed, both sides will lose, and the Emperor's Alliance cannot afford it.

Besides, Xi Ya had already spoken out his big words just now, and allowing Qianshan Sect disciples to take action at this time would be tantamount to slapping Xi Ya in the face.

The person Yuan Shao was referring to was naturally the leader of the Qianshan Sect, Gou Hua, who allowed his disciples to act recklessly.

"Palace Master Yuan, don't worry. Since this is a conference on immortality, fighting each other is naturally prohibited."

The Son of Heaven Alliance has always claimed to the outside world that they act in accordance with the laws of heaven. If they slap themselves in the face at this time, the reputation of the Son of Heaven Alliance will plummet.

After Fierce Ya finished speaking, an invisible wave of air appeared, knocking Li Ning back.

"In the Immortal Conference, everyone depends on their abilities. Didn't my words make it clear enough?"

The sound of the ferocious fangs carried the power of the Immortal Emperor and swept through the entire Conferred God Platform. Li Ning froze on the spot with a puzzled look on his face. According to the leader's request, wasn't he causing trouble for Baguio Palace at the Immortal Conference? Why did he stop him from killing people?


Li Ning quickly realized that even if he wanted to kill Liu Wuxie, he still had to make a name for himself and take the initiative to rush out and put the Emperor's Alliance in the wrong place.

"Li Ning, come back!"

The Qianshan Cult disciple who asked Li Ning to kill Liu Wuxie suddenly asked Li Ning to come back.

This chapter has been completed!
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