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Chapter 2299 The Mysterious Iron Box

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Liu Wuxie's consciousness paid close attention to his surroundings in case this thing suddenly attacked.

Suddenly, the wild world stirred, and Heizi, who had been sleeping for several months, suddenly woke up.

"Heizi, are you okay?"

After the last battle, Heizi was severely injured and almost died. He has been recovering in the wild world.

He mobilized a ray of consciousness to enter the wild world and asked Heizi.

"I...feel...a familiar...smell."

Heizi and Liu Wuxie have been together for so long, and they can speak more or less human language, but they are not fluent.

Most of the time, it was still chattering, and only Liu Wuxie could understand it.

"A familiar smell?"

Liu Wuxie's eyes narrowed. Could it be said that the thing that appeared in Ten Thousand Flowers Valley knew Heizi?

In other words, this thing and Heizi come from the same world?

So far, Liu Wuxie still doesn't know what kind of creature Sunspot is.

Not only did he not know, but everyone who had seen Heizi looked shocked.

Heizi nodded, it was this familiar breath that successfully woke him up, otherwise it would have taken some time for him to warm up.

"Senior, can you let me stay here alone for a while?"

Liu Wuxie turned around and told the old woman not to follow him.

Heizi is too eye-catching and I don’t want more people to know about it.

After waking up this time, Heizi's strength has obviously changed.

Liu Wuxie used chaos crystals to nourish him every day, and used a large amount of spiritual fluid to flush him. During this period of sleeping, Heizi's strength was changing every day.

The specific combat power is unclear, but according to Liu Wuxie's calculation, it is at least comparable to the peak Immortal King realm.

"The Valley Master asked me to protect you."

The old woman raised her head, her face expression neither sad nor happy.

"Don't worry, this thing only absorbs Yin energy and won't attack me."

Liu Wuxie was not unreasonable. From Zhuang Rong's description, she knew that this thing only absorbs the yin energy in a woman's body and is afraid of the masculine energy.

The old woman pondered for a moment and thought that what Liu Wuxie said made sense: "Then be careful."

After saying that, the old woman left the canyon, leaving only Liu Wuxie standing there.

In a moment!

The entire canyon fell into a dead silence, and the flowers and plants that were swaying just now suddenly stopped.

Liu Wuxie could feel that there was a pair of invisible eyes staring at him.

"Heizi, help me feel if there are any of your companions here."

Liu Wuxie did not sacrifice Heizi, but opened the connection between Taihuang World and the outside world, so that Heizi could feel everything here more intuitively.

Heizi stood under the Ancestral Tree, closed his eyes and felt everything around him.

"No... it's a companion."

Heizi spoke much more eloquently than before.

After sleeping this time, Heizi seemed to have grown up a lot and his mind was more mature. Could it be said that Heizi before was just a child?

Indeed, Liu Wuxie was still in childhood before she met Heizi.

Every time he falls asleep, Heizi's strength will make a qualitative leap.

"Not a companion?"

Liu Wuxie frowned.

Since it is not a companion, there is another possibility. This thing comes from the same world as Heizi.

This world may be superior to the fairy world.

Liu Wuxie recalled the scene when he met Heizi. He entered the Yuankong Ancient Realm that day, and later found out that he had entered the belly of a super giant, and it was the chaos crystal that awakened Heizi.

"Could it be that that super giant really has this race?"

The more she thought about it, the more shocked she became. Liu Wuxie didn't even dare to think about it anymore.

If this is the case, then the world is much more terrifying than he thought.

Such a big giant, if the giants put him next to him, he would probably not be as big as someone else's toes.

Take a deep breath and get rid of all the distracting thoughts in your mind.

"Heizi, can you sense the location of this object?"

The most important thing at hand is to find this object and solve this crisis for Wanhua Valley.

With my status in Ten Thousand Flowers Valley, I will definitely be grateful for helping them resolve the crisis this time.

At that time, it will be enough to reward him with a few treasures.

The most important thing is to ask for the antidote from Dr. Liang.

With the assistance of Dr. Liang, there is no need to worry about Tiandao Society not being able to grow.

Heizi closed his eyes and took in everything around him.

After enough tea time, Heizi suddenly opened his eyes and looked towards the distance of the canyon: "He is over there."

Heizi pointed to the left front of the canyon.

This thing must have sensed the presence of the sunspot and appeared here on purpose.

Liu Wuxie used his ghost eyes, and through the layers of rocks and flowers, the sight in front of him became clearer and clearer.

Just when his sight was about to reach it, a black shadow flashed away, and he must have discovered the ghost eyes.

"What a strong vigilance."

The ghost eyes are always harmful. Except for the ghost tribe and the faceless tribe, under normal circumstances, no one can sense the existence of the ghost eyes.

Not only could this object be sensed, but it could also escape immediately, which really surprised Liu Wuxie.

Take back the ghost eyes. Since this thing has escaped, it will not appear for a while.

Sacrifice his spiritual consciousness, like mercury, covering the entire canyon.

Liu Wuxie wanted to find out why this thing repeatedly absorbed the Yin Qi from the female disciples in the canyon.

The canyon is ordinary and there is nothing special about it.

"It's strange. Could it be that it's just a coincidence that this thing here absorbs the Yin Qi in the female disciple's body?"

Liu Wuxie frowned. He couldn't believe that this thing would appear here for no reason.

Still not giving up, I continued to delve deeper with my spiritual consciousness and mental strength.

The mysterious laws floating in the air kept gathering towards Liu Wuxie. Heizi suddenly took a big breath, and a ray of laws penetrated into his body.

Heizi looked enjoying it. After this ray of law entered Heizi's body, Heizi clearly felt that Heizi became more powerful.

"Heizi, can you absorb these laws?"

Liu Wuxie was even more certain that Heizi and this thing belonged to the same world and were not the same race.

Heizi nodded frequently, and the mysterious laws in the canyon were constantly being swallowed up by Heizi.

The mysterious little golden man who was silent in the wild world suddenly jumped and seemed to be affected by this law.

"What's going on? The little golden man also moved."

Liu Wuxie was a little speechless. He, the majestic Immortal Emperor, felt at a loss at this moment.

The little golden man only moved for a moment and soon fell silent.

My mental power and consciousness kept going down to check the situation underground, and suddenly my mental power seemed to hit something.

"This is?"

Liu Wuxie quickly swept towards the depths of the canyon.

Taking three steps and two steps at a time, he passed through most of the canyon and stood under a cliff in the canyon. It was here that his spiritual power encountered a barrier.

This area is too remote. The surrounding stone walls block the sunlight and are not suitable for planting flowers and plants, so few people find it.

He took out his dagger and dug into the ground to find out what was underneath.

If it were a rock, it would not be able to block the spiritual power at all.

After digging about three feet deep, an iron box appeared in front of Liu Wuxie.

If it were an ordinary iron box, it would be fine. With mental power and spiritual consciousness, it would be easy to find it.

The key is that Liu Wuxie's consciousness and mental power were unable to pierce the box and was knocked back directly.

"Mysterious iron box?"

Liu Wuxie carefully took the box up from the pit.

It was one foot long and half a foot wide. After cleaning the soil on the surface of the box, it revealed many patterns that Liu Wuxie had never seen before.

These patterns were extremely ancient, and Liu Wuxie had never seen them before, including the materials used to make the iron box.

"Could it be that the reason why the little golden man jumped just now was because he found this iron box?"

Liu Wuxie looked at the little golden man. If it hadn't reminded him, he wouldn't have discovered the iron box.

I didn't open it rashly, but checked it carefully to prevent any danger inside the box.

"Strange, who buried this iron box here?"

Liu Wuxie sat on the ground, looking at the iron box in a daze.

If someone from the Valley of Ten Thousand Flowers buried it here, it would seem inappropriate to dig it out on your own.

This is a small world created separately by the Ten Thousand Flowers Valley. Logically speaking, it is impossible for outsiders to bury things here.

"Do you want to tell Zhuang Rong?"

Liu Wuxie hesitated.

Tell Zhuang Rong that if the box was not buried here in the Valley of Ten Thousand Flowers, wouldn't it be unnecessary for him to do so?

"No matter what, let's open it first and take a look. The appearance of this object in this canyon should have something to do with this box."

Liu Wuxie decided to open it and take a look.

If it is really buried here in the Valley of Ten Thousand Flowers, just return it to them.

Just in case, Liu Wuxie set up a formation around him.

Once there is danger hidden in the box, he can escape immediately with the help of formations.

There was a small button on the side of the iron box, and Liu Wuxie pressed it lightly.


The button sinks, and the lines on the iron box seem to come alive, wandering on the box.

Liu Wuxie stepped back far, holding the blood-drinking knife in his palm. If there was any danger, he would take action immediately.

Even if there is danger in such a big box, at most it is some hidden weapons and the like.

After waiting for a few seconds, the lines on the box gradually subsided.


The iron box is like a music box that opens little by little.

The moment it was opened, a mysterious power spurted out from inside the box.

But at this time, the ancient soul sea that was silent in the soul sea suddenly moved and made a violent impact.

Strong pain hit Liu Wuxie and he almost fainted from the pain.

"What's going on? How could the ancient sea of ​​souls make such a big noise?"

Liu Wuxie was completely in a sluggish state.

The ancient soul sea has been silently silent in the depths of the soul sea, and the cracks are getting bigger and bigger. Sooner or later, it will be completely opened.

Why did the Ancient Soul Sea react so violently the moment the box was opened?

Covering his head with both hands, if someone appeared in the canyon at this time, they could easily take Liu Wuxie's life.

At the moment when the ancient soul sea collided, a violent shaking was also heard in a world deep in the universe.

The distance was too far, and Liu Wuxie could not sense the existence of that world. It seemed that it was not in the same universe as the Xianluo Realm.

After dozens of breaths passed, the sea of ​​souls calmed down. Liu Wuxie gathered her thoughts and looked towards the box.

At this moment, the iron box has been completely opened, and no hidden weapon has been shot out.

Step by step closer, Liu Wuxie activated the traceless armor for safety reasons.

After making sure everything was safe, I stood in front of the iron box.

This chapter has been completed!
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