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Chapter 2478 Life is impermanent

 The entire wedding reception road fell into deathly silence.

Even the senior officials of Blood Mist Temple were speechless at this moment.

They have studied Buddhism for tens of thousands of years, but they are not as good as a small junior.

The Blood Buddha, who was sitting opposite Liu Wuxie, heard a slight clicking sound from his body.

In the competition between Buddhism and Dharma, Liu Wuxie was even better.

The bloody-handed butcher sitting nearby had gloomy and terrifying eyes.

In these years of fighting against Buddha, he has never lost, and he is not willing to accept it.

He bit his own finger, carved it in the air, and penetrated into the blood Buddha with bloody marks.

After absorbing these bloody marks, the Blood Buddha became even more monstrous, releasing a faint evil spirit.

"Blood-Hand Butcher, you cheated and used your own blood and essence to feed the Blood Buddha. This is a demonic act."

The Holy Son of Baguio Palace on the side couldn't stand it anymore. Unexpectedly, the Blood Mist Temple was so shameless to the extreme.

In order to stop this wedding, all kinds of despicable and despicable methods were used.

The other sects remained silent. This was a grudge between the Blood Mist Temple and the Baguio Palace, and they did not want to get involved.

Nourished by the essence and blood of the Bloody Hand Butcher, the Blood Buddha became extremely powerful.

The light released shrouded Liu Wuxie again.


The Protector Vajra standing behind Liu Wuxie suddenly spoke.

After speaking the Buddha's name, a golden light formed, like a golden armor, firmly guarding Liu Wuxie.

The blood light released by the Blood Buddha was blocked by the Protector Vajra, and Liu Wuxie's body remained motionless.

The two sides were in a stalemate again. Liu Wuxie wanted to defeat the Blood Buddha, but these essences of Buddhism alone were not enough.

Yan Yongwen and others had worried looks on their faces. Blood Mist Temple was obviously well prepared this time.

Countless eyes fell on Liu Wuxie's face. He looked calm and said softly:

"When the Tathagata achieves enlightenment, all sentient beings fall into the three paths and cannot escape from the cause and effect."

"Cause" is the cause, also called causality. "Result" is the result, also called retribution.

Whenever we do something, say a word, or even think about a thought, it is all caused by a cause; depending on the nature and weight of good or evil, there will be appropriate results later, and sooner or later we will receive it ourselves.

To sum up, if you sow good causes, you will get blessed fruits, and if you sow evil causes, you will get bitter fruits.

This is the great cause-and-effect technique that Liu Wuxie recently realized.

After experiencing all kinds of hardships, he finally understood the supreme Buddhist art of the Buddhist clan.

Part of it is the credit of Master Ba Ku, and part of it is my own super understanding.

The power of cause and effect forms the law of formlessness and formlessness, just like all laws shining together, it will fly away all the bloody luster that is forced towards you.

"Buzz buzz!"

There were bursts of explosions in the space, and the Blood Buddha's body swayed, almost being knocked away by the force of cause and effect.

The sudden scene caught everyone by surprise. Who would have thought that Liu Wuxie had another trick up his sleeve.


The bloody-hand butcher spat out a mouthful of blood.

The Blood Buddha was injured, and he was also hurt along with it.

The expressions of the senior officials of Blood Mist Temple became even more gloomy.

If the Bloody Hand Butcher lost to Liu Wuxie in terms of martial arts cultivation, they would be able to accept it, but he would lose to the Dharma that they are best at.

Regardless of Guan Family or Tianwang City, they all lost in the areas they were good at.

The power of cause and effect lasted for a long time, and Liu Wuxie had no intention of giving the Blood Buddha any chance to fight back.

Opening his eyes, strong murderous intent enveloped the surrounding area.

"If you see the principle of dependent origination, ignorance will not arise. Therefore, all you can do is speak that language."

There is nothing that exists independently in the world, and there is nothing that is permanent and unchanging. Everything arises from the combination of causes and conditions.

This is Chapter 7 of the Essence of Buddhism, Dependent Origination.

Dependent origination and cessation, life is impermanent, so everything can be changed, bad things can become good, and good things can become bad.

And the direction in which it changes depends on what conditions we create and what causes we sow.

It just corresponds to the previous cause and effect, sow good causes and get good results.

The monks standing on both sides could no longer describe their mood at this moment. They were extremely shocked by Liu Wuxie's extraordinary essence of Buddhism.

"This Liu Wuxie is really a monster!"

The senior officials of Cangyun Sword Sect sitting in the distance praised him repeatedly.

Some Buddhist words benefited them a lot.

When the wedding banquet ends today, there will probably be a wave of Buddhism in the entire Xianluo Realm.

Especially the essence of Buddhist principles that Liu Wuxie just said has been secretly copied down and studied slowly after returning home.

Ignoring the comments around him, Liu Wuxie did not intend to give the Blood Buddha a chance to fight back.

He opened his mouth again and said: "Eternal is one side, impermanence is one side, permanent and impermanent is the middle, colorless and formless, ignorant and ignorant, this is called the middle way.

Formless, ignorant and ignorant, this is called the Middle Way.

View of Dharma Reality.”

This is Chapter 8 of The Essence of Buddhism, The Middle Way.

The idea of ​​the Middle Way is the wisdom of the harmony of nothingness and existence, which can directly connect to the reality of the world.

Most people often make clear distinctions between good and bad, existence and non-being, joy and pain, gains and losses, grudges, you and me, life and death, and therefore cannot live at ease and at ease. This is because they lack the comprehensive wisdom of the middle way.

Terrifying Buddha patterns fell from the sky.

Like an unbreakable cage, the Blood Buddha was imprisoned in place.

Liu Wuxie was still in a passive position just now, being suppressed and attacked by Blood Buddha.

Now the situation was reversed, Liu Wuxie switched from defense to offense and began to suppress Blood Buddha.

In just a short cup of tea, the situation of the war has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Everyone was fascinated by the ten truths of the Buddha, which opened their eyes.

Liu Wuxie's voice became louder and louder, full of high pitch and passion.

With the appearance of the Buddha pattern, the situation in the field reached its climax.

"The remaining sutras are like branches and leaves, and Prajna is like the roots of a tree."

"If you don't learn Prajna Paramita and achieve the supreme and perfect Bodhi, there will be no point in it."

"Prajna Paramita can give birth to all Buddhas and is the mother of all Buddhas."

This is the ninth chapter in the Essence of Buddhism, Prajna.

From the perspective of Prajna in the life of ordinary people like us, we are bereft of all fame and wealth.

Abandon your own attachments, don’t always look outside, but explore the treasure of wisdom in your own heart.

In the face of the colorful world that is tempting us to go astray everywhere, we must always be on guard and observe ourselves at all times, and we will gradually make no mistakes.

The Ten Thousand Buddhas hovering above Liu Wuxie's head recited the Prajnaparamita Heart Sutra, and waves of Buddha's sounds formed shackles of heaven and earth, entangling the Blood Buddha.

No matter how controlled the Blood Hand Butcher is, the Blood Buddha cannot break free from the shackles of heaven and earth.

Blood slid down the corner of the bloody-handed butcher's mouth.

No one sympathized with them. It was him who had the murderous intention to kill Liu Wuxie, which led to the next scene.

It's too late for the senior officials of Blood Mist Temple to stop him, unless their Buddhist skills are better than Liu Wuxie's.

The ten truths have been revealed in nine ways. Even if the Buddha comes, he cannot change today's situation.

"Neither birth nor death, neither birth nor death"

This is Chapter 10 of the Essentials of Buddhism, Nirvana!

Most people mistakenly take nirvana to mean death.

In fact, Nirvana is not death, but a transcendent state that is completely different from death. It is an eternal life and a perfect world.

Don’t regret the past, don’t dwell on the future, just live in the present.

This is Nirvana.

Ten truths tell us:

Only by getting rid of "suffering" can we find peace and happiness.

Only by knowing "impermanence" can we have hope.

Only by understanding "selflessness" can one integrate into the masses.

Only by understanding "emptiness" can the vacuum exist.

Only by eliminating "bad karma" can we have a beautiful life.

Only by knowing "cause and effect" can we be willing.

Only by understanding the "origin" can the truth be revealed.

Only by following the "middle way" can we settle down and live in peace.

Only by realizing "Prajna" can we be free and at ease.

Only by achieving "Nirvana" can we achieve the ultimate life.

Every truth is filled with vast wisdom.

Whether it is the Buddhist world or the human race, they all follow these ten truths. The Buddhist world has organized them and turned them into the essence of Buddhism.


Suddenly there was a click sound, which brought everyone back to reality from the shock.

The Blood Buddha sitting opposite Liu Wuxie exploded suddenly, unable to withstand the entanglement of the Buddha's pattern, and turned into countless bloody fragments.

Liu Wuxie was not idle either, quietly swallowing up these blood pattern laws to strengthen his Buddhist world.

Nourished by blood patterns, the Buddhist world is filled with two breaths.

The two forces entangled with each other to form a brand new Buddha pattern, which continues to entrench itself in the Buddhist world.


A large mouthful of blood spurted out from the Bloody Hand Butcher's mouth, and his face suddenly became depressed.

Even if he doesn't die, the Bloody Hand Butcher is basically useless, and his cultivation level will definitely plummet.

The Blood Buddha was made from his own essence and blood. Once the blood jade was broken, all his energy and spirit were damaged.

No one sympathized with him, he was the one to blame for all this.

"Pa bang bang..."

There were bursts of applause from all around, thanking Liu Wuxie for his wonderful speech.

Ten truths that will benefit them a lot.

Even those in the Immortal Emperor Realm looked at Liu Wuxie with awe.

Humans all understand these principles, such as the Buddhist Middle Way, which humans like to call the Golden Mean.

The impermanence of the Buddhists is what humans call great wisdom and foolishness.

According to the Buddha's cause and effect, humans call it good will be rewarded with good and evil will be rewarded with evil.

But I didn't expect that Liu Wuxie perfectly combined the two. Every word contained both the essence of Buddhism and human wisdom.

Yuan Fengshan waved his arms vigorously.

Just now he was worried that Liu Wuxie was injured by the Blood Buddha.

Now it seems that their worries are completely unnecessary.

"As expected of the chosen one, he is indeed extraordinary."

Rumors about Liu Wuxie's identity as the Chosen One have become more and more intense recently.

The speaker was the elder of the Cangyun Sword Sect. He was the first to suggest that Liu Wuxie was a member of Tianxuan.

Later, senior officials from various major sects deduced Liu Wuxie's fate.

They found out that his fate was complicated and confusing, which confirmed their suspicions.

Liu Wuxie stood up slowly, the murderous intent on his face gradually receding.

He glanced at the bloody-hand butcher and continued walking forward with firm steps.

The journey to marry is not over yet, there are still many disasters waiting for him.

The City of the Heavenly King has appeared, and the Blood Mist Temple has appeared. Will the Qianshan Sect, the Yu Family, the Chen Family, and Linglong Heaven be far behind?

They must have set up layers of barriers to put themselves to death.

The moment they stepped onto the road to welcome the bride, there was no turning back. Yan Yongwen and others quickly followed Liu Wuxie's pace because they had already seen the disciples of the Chen family standing in front of them.

This chapter has been completed!
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