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Chapter 2676: Killed with one palm

In case the Fox Clan and others were in danger, Liu Wuxie quickened his pace.

The flying crane made a sharp sound, which meant that the fox clan with the same bloodline as Bai Ling was injured.

Very far away!

There were bursts of roaring sounds.

The strong demonic aura is overwhelming, and one can smell the pungent demonic odor even though they are thousands of miles apart.

A large number of fox tribesmen were surrounded by thousands of demon tribesmen.

The shocking power of the Demon King formed a dark cloud, hovering in the sky.

As a result, the cloudy beads in the sky kept shaking.

If this falls on a large area, all the monsters present will die.

"Bai Jiu, I advise you to hand over the bead obediently. Do you want to watch the entire Fox clan be wiped out?"

A tall Bear King stands proudly among the demon clan, with a loud voice that can make people's eardrums hurt.

If Liu Wuxie were here, he would definitely know this Bear King.

Back then, he led the Five Poisonous Rats to attack the Fox Clan. Liu Wuxie successfully found the missing soul of the Fox Clan leader, and was able to withstand the Bear Clan's attack.

Since then, the Bear Clan has become much more honest.

But the pain of losing a child is like a fish stalk in the throat. The Fox Clan will never be destroyed, and the Bear Clan will never be able to lift its head.

In this siege of the Fox Clan, it was the Bear Clan who took the lead and united many demon clans.

After chasing and killing them all the way, they finally trapped the Fox clan here.

The Bai Jiu mentioned by Xiong Huang is Bai Ling's mother and the leader of the Fox Clan.

"Hand over the beads, or we won't be rude to you."

These monster clans present come from various major tribes, and in terms of status, they are on par with the fox clan leader.

The leaders of the Bear King, Tiger King, Five Poison Rat King, Tiger-striped Lion King, and Mad Bull Clan are all here.

Normally, there are some gaps between the major tribes.

It is really not easy to unify so many races.

Even Liu Wuxie was very curious as to what kind of beads the Fox Clan's leader had obtained, so that these demon clans would chase them all the way without their lives.

"You don't want to snatch this bead from my hand. If you want to fight, fight. But you have to think about it. Once the battle starts, no one can think of leaving here alive."

Bai Jiu's eyes were calm.

Since the recovery of the soul, the cultivation level has returned.

Coupled with the energy of the mysterious beads, the combat power is much more powerful than those of the demon clan leaders present.

It is difficult for two fists to defeat four hands, and the fox tribe's physical body has always been their shortcoming. Compared with these rough-skinned and fleshy races, they are inferior.

Especially the Bear Tribe and the Mad Bull Tribe, each of them is extremely powerful.

"Why bother talking nonsense with her? Just kill her. These beautiful fox girls can be snatched back. I like the foxy energy in them."

A Steller Eagle spoke.

Steller eagles love to eat the flesh and blood of the fox tribe. Many fox tribesmen have died from their mouths in recent years.

During this pursuit, the Fox clan suffered heavy losses.

Those who survive today are all the top masters of the Fox clan.

Those ordinary fox tribesmen were not affected by Bai Jiu's move to another place.

The target of these monsters is the pearl in Bai Jiu's hand. It means nothing to them to kill the weak fox tribe.

Nearly a hundred masters of the Fox clan surrounded the city in a battle circle, protecting the clan leader in the middle.

Faced with so many races staring at them with eager eyes, these masters of the fox clan looked as if they were ready to die.

"Clan leader, you find a way to break out. As long as you survive, the Fox Clan will have hope."

The speaker was the Great Elder of the Fox Clan. She was the one who agreed to Liu Wuxie and let him go to the Youmo Forest to find the lost soul of the clan leader.

"I will find a way to stop them. You should escape from here as soon as possible and find a new exit."

The leader of the Fox Clan secretly sent a message to all the Fox Clan.

"Clan leader!"

The members of the Fox Clan looked sad and angry. They would not live an ignoble existence and would die together.

"Since you refuse to hand it over, don't blame me for being ruthless."

King Xiong rubbed his fists. The impact just now injured several members of the fox clan, and Xiaohong was one of them. No wonder the crane made a sharp whistle.

The battle started again, and Xiong Emperor was the first to take action, using his physical advantage to suppress Bai Jiu.

"Let's go together and kill all these fox tribes and see how long Bai Jiu can hold on."

The other strong men of the Demon Clan quickly took action and rushed towards the other members of the Fox Clan.

In addition to the clan leader, there are also several high-ranking officials in the Fox clan who are in the Demon King realm.

Facing an army of nearly a thousand monsters, there was no way they could withstand a few of them.

The violent roar caused the ground to explode continuously, and ravines of different depths spread in all directions.

The yin beads hanging in the sky are constantly shaking, and occasionally a few drops will fall.

If you look carefully, you will see that many Yin beads are already active, and soon they will fall like raindrops like raindrops.

Even at the peak of the Immortal Emperor Realm, he cannot withstand the erosion of the Yin Pearl.

Just now, Liu Wuxie clearly felt that there was a slight shaking in the sky. Could it be that the Taiyin God was about to wake up.

Once you wake up, even if you have the eye of time and space, you can't leave.


The Bear King clashed with the Fox clan leader.

The terrifying ripples were like a strong wind passing through, flying those monsters with weaker cultivation levels directly away.

From a realm perspective, the leader of the Fox Clan is slightly better.

In terms of combat effectiveness, the two sides are indistinguishable from each other.

Over the past two years, Emperor Xiong has been in seclusion. Although he has not broken through to the half-step Demon Emperor realm, he should not be underestimated.

Getting closer and closer, Liu Wuxie could already see the middle area of ​​the battlefield.


Like an arrow leaving a string, Liu Wuxie's body appeared among the many demon clans.

The inexplicable appearance of an extra person caused all the monsters to stop fighting and look towards Liu Wuxie.

The moment he saw Liu Wuxie, the leader of the Fox Clan looked suspicious. Why did the young man in front of him look so familiar?

After not seeing each other for more than two years, Liu Wuxie's appearance has changed somewhat.

"Liu Wuxie, it's you. It was you who killed my son back then."

Before Bai Jiu could say anything, Xiong Huang spoke first, and he recognized Liu Wuxie at a glance.

Hearing the words Liu Wuxie, all the demon clan were stunned.

About Liu Wuxie's deeds, word spread in the chaotic world a few years ago.

Not only the City of Chaos, but also the Demon Clan area also received a lot of information about Liu Wuxie.

His deeds such as surviving the Demonic Forest and helping the Fox Clan repel the Bear Clan have long been heard in the chaotic world.

"Wuxie, where is Bai Ling?"

The leader of the Fox Clan asked quickly.

Liu Wuxie immediately opened the Eight Treasures Pagoda and released Bai Ling.


Seeing her mother, Bai Ling rushed up and threw herself into her arms.

"Son, mother finally sees you."

At that time, the leader of the Fox Clan also made great determination to let Bai Ling and Liu Wuxie leave together.

It seems now that the decision made back then was correct.

How long has passed since then, Bai Ling has already grown into the Demon Emperor realm.

If you become the Demon Emperor, you will be qualified to take over her position and become the leader of the new generation of Fox Clan.

"Mom, as long as he is here, you don't have to worry."

Bai Ling gently let go of her mother, indicating that they didn't need to worry.

"My child, I know he is very powerful, but there are too many masters around. You should find a way to leave first and leave us alone."

Bai Jiu said earnestly, asking Bai Ling, Liu Wuxie and the others to leave quickly.

As for how they got here, it no longer matters.

"Don't worry, as long as I'm here, they can't hurt you."

Liu Wuxie walked out at this time and said slowly.

He is the son-in-law of the Fox Clan. Now that the Fox Clan is in trouble, how can he sit idly by and ignore it?

"Liu Wuxie, take your life!"

The Xiong Emperor could no longer bear it any longer, and let out a roar, with a terrifying fist blow, heading towards Liu Wuxie.

"Things that don't know how to live or die, just because they couldn't kill you back then, doesn't mean they can't kill you now."

Liu Wuxie was indifferent and gently raised his palm, which was the starting position of the Breaking God Palm.

It's time to give it a try to see how powerful the fusion magic is.

He has already experienced the power of the Poison Demon Sword.

The power of this God-Breaking Palm is obviously greater than that of the Poison Demon Sword.

The moment it was lifted, the sky and the earth exploded, and large yin beads fell from the sky.

Fortunately, everyone was prepared and chose to avoid the Yin Pearl the moment it fell.

The Xiong Emperor's expression changed drastically, and Liu Wuxie's crushing palm made him tremble with fear.

Not only was he crushed in terms of strength, but his soul also seemed to be imprisoned by countless chains at this moment, unable to move.

"What a terrifying slap!"

The other demon clan leaders standing not far away had looks of shock on their faces. They had never seen such terrifying magic.

Living in a chaotic world, it is inevitable to interact with other human races.

As for the human race's magical arts, these demon races present have basically experienced them.

This magical technique performed by Liu Wuxie can be said to be unheard of.

Not to mention them, Liu Wuxie also used it for the first time.

Suddenly time!

A five-fingered palm print appeared in the sky, shrouding the Bear King.

Bai Jiu glanced at Liu Wuxie meaningfully. In just a few years, even she had begun to look up to Liu Wuxie.

Fortunately, Liu Wuxie was not embarrassed and forced to stay in the Fox Clan.


Before the palm print fell, King Xiong's body made a slight clicking sound, and the bones in his body continued to explode.

"Let's run away!"

The Five Poisonous Rat Clan and the Mad Bull Clan realized that something was wrong and fled away.

"small fire!"

Liu Wuxie called out.

Now that I'm here, I'll count every one I can kill.

Xiaohuo belongs to a clan of mythical beasts and has a natural suppression of them.

Moreover, Xiao Huo lacks the law of heaven in his body. The more monsters he devours, the more he can complete his law of heaven.

As soon as the small fire came out, the shocking power of the divine beast made many monsters crawl on the spot, unable to move.


Liu Wuxie released the dragon symbol again.

Just now it was the ancient Qilin beast, and soon it was the divine dragon, which made many demon clans cry without tears.

As for the Fox clan, they are still in a state of confusion, thinking they are dreaming.

Liu Wuxie has no interest in hunting these ordinary demon emperors, unless they are half-emperors.

We already know the power of the God-Breaking Palm. Although it is not as good as the Suzaku Three-Kill Style, it is more than ten times more powerful than ordinary immortal arts.


The huge body of the bear demon exploded and was killed by Liu Wuxie's palm.

Xiao Huo and Long Xiao are hunting those ordinary monsters.

In the blink of an eye, there were countless casualties on the ground.

The Fox clan could no longer describe their feelings at this moment. The demon clan army that had been chasing them for half a month was defeated in front of Liu Wuxie.

In just a few breaths of time, the demon army suffered heavy losses.

"Stop chasing!"

Liu Wuxie had a bad premonition and told Xiao Huo and Long Xiao not to pursue them. For those ordinary monsters, killing them or not didn't mean much.

This chapter has been completed!
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