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Chapter 2789 The Five Decline of Heaven and Man

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During this period, Liu Wuxie has been sorting out the extra memories in the soul sea with Su Niang.

As I continued to sort them out, I found that these memories were too profound and obscure. After several days of sorting, I only scratched the surface.

There are many profound things that he still needs to understand slowly.

I came out to get some fresh air this day. I had just finished chatting with Heizi when a bright red blood sun suddenly rose on the horizon in the distance, illuminating the entire fairyland like a blood-colored scroll.

The lush green trees in the mountains turned blood red, as if a demon had descended into the world.

Heizi and Qing Muling stood up with a screeching sound, fear in their eyes.

Qing Muling was born in the world of reincarnation and has never experienced anything.

But the scene in front of her still made her fall into shock.

A large number of monks came out of the house and flew towards the sky.

The moment he saw the bloody sun, various spiritual thoughts intertwined in the sky.

The Blood Sun is still rising and has a tendency to fly out of the fairy world.

"Zangluan is born, the bloody sun soars, three thousand thunders shake, and all things decline!"

Liu Wuxie stood up slowly and murmured to himself, these were exactly the sixteen words Yuan Ling told him that day.

A total of four celestial phenomena appear at the same time, which means that the great transformation of heaven and earth is about to begin, and it also means that heaven and earth have officially entered exhaustion.

The heaven and earth also have a lifespan. The arrival of each era means that the lifespan of the universe is coming to an end, and it also indicates that a new era is being born.

"Look at those trees, they seem to be withering!"

Qing Muling looked at the many trees at the foot of the mountain. The leaves began to turn yellow, and within a moment, there was a thick layer of dead leaves on the ground.

"The Five Decays of Heaven and Man have officially begun!"

Liu Wuxie sighed, this day has finally come.

"What are the Five Declines of Heaven and Man?"

Qing Muling looked at Liu Wuxie curiously and asked him.

"The five declines of heaven and man are a phenomenon of heaven and earth. The five declines are divided into the big five declines and the small five declines."

Liu Wuxie didn't hide anything and told her truthfully.

“What are the Big Five?”

Qing Muling continued to ask.

"Clothes are dirty and filthy. It is said that the beautiful clothes of all the gods are bright and clean and always fresh. When the blessings are over and the life is over, they will become filthy and filthy on their own."

"The wilting of the flowers on the head means that the crowns of jewels and pearls in the heavens are bright and colorful. When the blessings are exhausted and the life is over, the crown of flowers on the head will naturally wither."

"Sweating under the armpits means that the divine body of all gods is subtle, light and clean. When the blessings are over and the life is over, the armpits will naturally sweat."

"The body is stinky and filthy. It is said that the wonderful bodies of all gods are different, fragrant and clean naturally, but when the blessings are over and the life is over, the stinky and filthy body suddenly appears."

"If you are not happy in this seat, it is said that all the heavens are the most successful and happy ones, which are not available in this world. When your blessings are over and your life is over, you will naturally be tired of living in this seat."

"When the above five signs of great decline appear, heaven and humans will die. If you don't believe me, you can look at your own clothes."

Liu Wuxie sighed after finishing speaking.

Qing Muling looked down at his fine clothes and found that the luster on his clothes was not as bright as before.

"Then what is Xiaowuxiao?"

Qing Muling was completely stunned.

Although she is rich in knowledge, she does not understand the information about the five declines of heaven and man.

"The sound of music cannot be heard. It means that the music of the heavens will sing without drums. When the sign of decline appears, the sound will naturally disappear."

"The light of the body suddenly disappears, which means that the light of the body of the gods is bright and clear day and night. When the declining phase appears, the light does not appear."

"When the bath water touches the body, it means that the skin of the gods is fragrant and as wonderful as a lotus flower and is not stained by the water. However, when the signs of decline appear and the bath water touches the body, it will stop drying."

"Being attached to the situation and not giving up means that the heavens and people's desire for the situation is extraordinary. Naturally, there is no lingering attachment. When the decline appears, they will not let go."

"The number of eyes is blinking, which means that the heavenly eyes of all the gods are unobstructed and can see the vast universe. When the signs of decline appear, their eyes are blinking. Although the above five minor signs of decline have appeared, if they encounter special good roots, there is still the possibility of turning around.


"Whether it is the Great Five Decay or the Small Five Decline, the moment it appears, humans, monsters, animals, Buddhas, demons and immortals will all enter the reincarnation of the Six Animals and start a new chapter."

After Liu Wuxie finished speaking, he walked towards Tiandaohui.

"According to what you said, when the five declines of heaven and man begin, will we all die?"

Qing Muling hurriedly followed. "Not necessarily. Although the Five Declines of Heaven and Man have begun, it does not change the entire world overnight. It may take hundreds of years, maybe thousands of years, or tens of thousands of years. The moment the Five Declines of Heaven and Man begin,

The world will enter the most prosperous age, and all kinds of

Monsters and geniuses are born one after another. As long as the year of the era is passed safely, there is hope to enter the next era."

Liu Wuxie told Qing Muling not to worry.

Humanity has gone through countless epochs, but it is still passed down well.

The year of the epoch is both a year of danger and a year of opportunity.

The two of them, plus Heizi, returned to the Tiandao Club. The main hall was already overcrowded.

"Wuxie, according to previous speculation, the treasure trove of the amazing dynasty should have appeared."

As soon as he stepped into the hall, Yuan Ling stood up and said to Liu Wuxie.

Liu Wuxie nodded.

Yuan Ling had indeed mentioned to him before about the shocking dynasty.

Now that Tiandaohui is making money every day, it no longer has to worry about resources.

The Shocking Dynasty is the only dynasty that rules half of the Immortal World besides Fengshen Pavilion, and its heritage is second only to Fengshen Pavilion.

Rumor has it that the Jingshi Dynasty collected treasures from all over the world and included a large number of treasures from heaven and earth. With the disappearance of the Jingshi Dynasty, those treasures also sank into the ground.

Now that the astonishing dynasty has reappeared in the world, countless powerful people must rush in.

"Then why are we hesitating? Let's set out quickly to get ahead of others and collect the treasures of the astonishing dynasty."

The members of the Tiandao Society could no longer hold themselves back and suggested setting off immediately.

Yuan Ling shook his head and said to everyone: "The Jingshi Dynasty is the largest dynasty in the immortal world, second only to the Fengshen Pavilion. The place where the treasure is hidden must be full of dangers. It is not easy to get in."

Moreover, the vision of heaven and earth has just been opened, and the specific location of the stunning dynasty cannot yet be determined.

Yuan Ling's words were like a basin of cold water pouring down, extinguishing everyone's enthusiasm in an instant.

"Let's put aside the shocking dynasty for the time being. What we need to do now is to open up the sea and transplant more precious species."

Liu Wuxie glanced at everyone and put aside the shocking dynasty matter for the time being.

For things like treasures, just let nature take its course.

As the Five Decline of Heaven and Man officially begins, he is worried that many species will be on the verge of extinction.

It won't be long before the first wave of filthy air will sweep across the world.

By that time, a large number of people, animals and plants will die.

Only the strong can survive the five declines of heaven and man, and the same is true for plants.

Everyone didn't know what Liu Wuxie meant by his words, but they still followed his request.

Today's Canghai has long been comparable to super-class sects. The two underground immortal veins are decomposing the immortal energy and nourishing the surrounding environment all the time.

All major sects are discussing the decline of the Five Heavenly Beings and the shocking dynasty.

Even Tiandu City, which is far away in the center of the Three Thousand Worlds, received the news.

At that time, the shocking dynasty swept across the immortal world, and everyone from all major planes came to pay tribute, including Tiandu City.

One can imagine how powerful the Jingshi Dynasty was back then.

Now that the shocking dynasty treasure is about to be released, not only Tiandu City, but also other planes in the three thousand worlds have received the news.

"Back then, our most sacred magic weapon in the demon world was presented as a tribute to the Jingshi Dynasty. This time, no matter what, we must get back the holy magic weapon that belongs to us."

Demonic world!

The ten demon emperors were sitting together and discussing in secret.

In addition to the ten demon emperors, Nicholas, Dick and Lumen successively broke through to the demon emperor realm.

Today's demon world is developing faster than the fairy world.

In just a few days, a large number of powerful people rushed into the fairy world.

When they saw that bloody sun, all races were inexplicably horrified.

The bloody day lasted for five days, and finally returned to normal, and the five degenerations of heaven and man seemed to disappear overnight.

Peace has returned to the world, and the dull and dull clothes have also taken on a new luster.

A large amount of information has been delivered to Liu Wuxie in the past few days.

Demons, Buddhas, demons, ghosts, faceless people, dragons, titans, and cannibals all appeared.

Today's fairyland has nearly a thousand races gathered together.

This also led to hundreds of large-scale battles breaking out in the fairy world in just a few days.

Among them, nearly a hundred small sects and small families were destroyed overnight.

Liu Wuxie was checking this information in the study when Jiang Shiyang suddenly stood outside the door and knocked on the door.

"Come in!"

Liu Wuxie put down the book in his hand.

"Wuxie, there are many small families gathered outside the Tiandao Society, asking for our protection."

After Jiang Shiyang came in, he bowed respectfully to Liu Wuxie.

"Tell me the specific situation!"

Liu Wuxie frowned, how could these small families, who were developing well in the fairy world, ask for the protection of the Tiandao Society?

It stands to reason that super first-class sects would disdain to have the same experience as small sects. "It's like this. In recent days, a large number of races, as well as some humans from other planes, have arrived in the fairy world, and they have specifically chosen those small sects to attack.

Wanted to occupy it and turn it into a stronghold in the fairy world, these small families did not agree, so they were

To their obliteration."

Jiang Shiyang briefly explained the matter.

Anyone who can go to the fairy world is a strong person in this world.

The Cui family is a good example. They have developed a sect in the immortal world. Although it is not a top-notch sect, the status of a sect cannot be shaken by anyone.

Other Taikoo families are rushing to follow suit and want to conquer those super first-class sects.

Some families with lower strength, or strong men from other planes, are targeting second-rate sects and small sects.

Many small families rose up to resist and were brutally massacred.

There are also some who are forced to compromise and have no choice but to compromise. Those monks who came to the fairy world are dominating these small families and have harmed many good women.

This matter had spread, and some small families had no choice but to find the Tiandao Society, hoping that Liu Wuxie could make the decision for them and drive away these wolves.

Other sects can't count on them, and the only one who can help them now is Liu Wuxie.

"Say what you think!"

Liu Wuxie motioned Jiang Shiyang to sit down and talk. "For our Tiandao Society, this is an opportunity to win people's hearts. As long as we stand up and drive away these wolves, a large number of families will definitely support us. Besides, there are many families this time."

, has attached itself to our Tiandao Society

Even though we are still being massacred by them, if we don’t stand up, it will have a huge impact on the reputation of the Tiandao Society.”

When Jiang Shiyang came, he had already thought of his words. If it weren't for the Immortal Emperors of various sects going to the Sea of ​​Refining Gods, how could these powerful men dare to be so arrogant here!

This chapter has been completed!
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