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Chapter 2981: Re-understanding the Ten Truths

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These Buddhists on the stone wall actually came to life.

One by one, they looked like evil spirits and flew toward Liu Wuxie.

Liu Wuxie had no choice but to fight.

"Nian Ci, Nian An, how dare you harm me."

The sound was like thunder, exploding in the huge palace, sending the evil-looking Buddhas rushing towards them flying away.

He used his ghost eyes, looked around, and looked for an exit as quickly as possible.

Those Buddhists who were thrown away came back again, and bursts of Sanskrit sounds were chanted from their mouths.

The entire hall was filled with the sound of Buddha. Liu Wuxie's brain was so groggy that he could fall asleep at any time.

No matter how Liu Wuxie closed his five senses, he could not stop the Buddha's sound from invading his brain.


Liu Wuxie felt that his consciousness was getting blurry.

Just when his consciousness was about to disappear, a bright light came from behind him.

"Donor Liu, Donor Liu!"

It was the two masters Nian Ci and Nian An who appeared behind Liu Wuxie and quickly supported his body.

"Get him out quickly!"

Nianci formed a seal with his hands, knocking away all the surrounding Buddhists. Waves of more powerful Sanskrit sounds forced the Buddhists not to dare to approach.

Nian'an hugged Liu Wuxie with both hands and quickly fled the hall.

In just an instant, Liu Wuxie almost died at the hands of these weird-looking Buddhists.

After leaving the main hall, the two masters rushed towards the distance without daring to stop for a moment.

Not long after they left, the three Buddhists who had accompanied them to fetch Liu Wuxie appeared. Looking at the empty palace, the three Buddhists looked gloomy and terrifying.

"They actually escaped."

The master on the right looked at the direction where Nian Ci disappeared and finally spoke.

"He has been hit by the Ten Thousand Buddhas' Mind-killing Curse, and no one can break it."

The master in the middle didn't even look back after he finished speaking, and walked away into the distance.

The side hall was restored to its original state, and the Buddhas who appeared were back on the stone wall, as if the previous scene had never happened.

Liu Wuxie's consciousness was floating in and out of mind, and the sound of Buddha kept lingering in his ears. He tried various methods but could not get rid of it.

Although he was in a coma, everything around him was so clear, and he could clearly feel that the two masters Nian Ci and Nian An were leading him forward.

I don’t know how much time passed before the two masters finally stopped.

Lying Liu Wuxie flat on the ground, Liu Wuxie looked painful, sometimes frowning, sometimes distorted.

"Brother, what should we do? If we don't leave him alone in the yard, we won't let them succeed."

Master Nian'an looked remorseful.

He never expected that the other party would use all means.

"He is an outsider and a disruptor. Of course they don't want him to survive."

Nian Ci looked at Liu Wuxie and said a Buddha's name. He suddenly looked much older.

"Then what should we do? Should we go find the Buddha?"

Nian An had no idea now and looked at Nian Ci.

The Buddhists are no different from humans. They are almost the same in appearance and wisdom.

The only difference is the beliefs of both parties.

"Once Fo Zi's identity is exposed, the consequences will be very troublesome. I thought they would let down their guard and quietly take him to see Fo Zi, but now it seems that is no longer possible."

Nianci is also at a loss as to who the Buddha is in their mouths.

"The most important thing now is to unlock the Ten Thousand Buddhas Heart-killing Curse in his body first."

Nian An sighed and began to examine Liu Wuxie's body.

"It's useless. The Ten Thousand Buddhas' Mind-killing Mantra can't be solved by anyone unless the Buddha comes to this world who believes in it."

Nianci shook his head.

"Then what should we do? Should we just sit back and wait for death? We finally got ahead of them and found Liu Wuxie, but in the end we missed a move and got into their trap."

Nian An said angrily.

The Buddhists cultivate their moral character, and the two masters have profound Buddhist teachings. There are really not many things that can make them angry.

"The only one who can save him now is himself."

After Nianci finished speaking, he sat on the futon, closed his eyes, and began to recite the Diamond Sutra.

"Senior Brother's intention is to let him understand the true mysteries of the ten truths. If he can understand them, he can break the Ten Thousand Buddhas' Mind-killing Curse. Not only that, but he can also break the current situation."

Nian'an guessed his senior brother's intention.

Nian Ci didn't answer, which was tantamount to acquiescing.

Seeing that his senior brother was silent, Nian'an sat down with him and began to recite sutras.

When marrying Yuan Tianwei, she was blocked by the Blood Mist Temple. Later, Liu Wuxie relied on the Ten Truths to defeat her.

It was also at that time that the Buddhist clan paid attention to Liu Wuxie.

The Ten Truths are the supreme realm of the Buddhist clan. Looking at the entire Buddhist clan, no one can understand them.

Liu Wuxie was no more than a human being, but he actually understood the subtleties of the Buddhist clan, which shocked the entire Buddhist clan.

Logically speaking, the Buddhists should treat Liu Wuxie as a distinguished guest.

This is not the case. The entire Buddhist world seems to be controlled by an invisible force.

Everyone lives like a zombie.

When passing those pagodas, Liu Wuxie had already discovered that the Buddhist clan is full of unusual things.

While his consciousness was still sinking, Liu Wuxie had already heard the sounds outside.

But the Buddha's sound could clearly penetrate into his soul and implant into his soul sea.


The pool of faith in the soul sea suddenly moved, and a large amount of faith rippled.

The Lu clan in the wild world has already grown and developed, and can decompose a large amount of power of faith every day.

"Is there something wrong with the power of my faith?"

Although Liu Wuxie was in a coma, his consciousness could still think independently. Something must be changing his beliefs.

Liu Wuxie had no idea why the Buddhists wanted to change their beliefs.

I don’t believe in Buddhism, but I don’t reject Buddhism either.

Everything in heaven and earth exists and is reasonable.

Forcibly changing someone's belief made Liu Wuxie angry.

I have no grievances against the Buddhists, so why should I change my beliefs?

Once his beliefs change, although he is still the same person as before, the things he does and the trajectory of his life will undergo earth-shaking changes.

He tried to communicate with Su Niang, but there was no response. At this moment, he was like a prison bird trapped in the darkness.

If you cannot break free from the prison, you will gradually be eroded, and eventually you will change your faith and become a devout believer.

"Ten truths, come out!"

Liu Wuxie shouted angrily.

It’s not that he knows nothing about Buddhism, at least the ten truths he has comprehended surpass those of many so-called masters of Buddhism.

The ten truths are the accumulation of suffering, impermanence, selflessness, emptiness, karma, cause and effect, dependent origination, the middle way, prajna, and nirvana.

Reorganize the ten truths and understand their secrets.

He has experienced many things in the past few years, which has caused great changes in his state of mind, and he has a more thorough understanding of the ten truths.

"If you wait for your life to mature, you may lose it. Everyone in your life will suffer. How can you achieve immortality?"

The first essence of Buddhist truth is the eight sufferings, also known as the accumulation of suffering.

In the past few years, Liu Wuxie has experienced the pain of family members, the pain of reunion, the pain of friendship, and the pain of cultivation. With the outbreak of the immortal tide, the bitter gathering was completed and her family members were successfully brought back.

After comprehending the accumulation of bitterness, Liu Wuxie clearly felt that the crystal wall that trapped his consciousness seemed to have been torn open.

His consciousness fell silent among the ten truths, and a large number of Buddha patterns gathered from all around and settled on Liu Wuxie's body.

Nian Ci and Nian An opened their eyes at the same time and looked at Liu Wuxie with disbelief.

"Impermanence and non-destruction, all phenomena in the world are all eternal, and all phenomena are eternal, and eternity is at ease..."

"All actions are impermanent, all dharmas have no self, and Nirvana is the end of everything."

Everything is impermanent, and there is no self in the heart.

People who have no self in their hearts are calm and composed, they do not change color even when Mount Tai collapses in front of them, they have no distractions, they are calm when they gain and indifferent when they lose, they are neither worried nor afraid, neither happy nor sad.

Liu Wuxie has experienced countless catastrophes, and has already reached the state where everything is impermanent and there is no self in his heart.

"There is no emptiness, no self, form is emptiness, emptiness is form, all things are empty."

Liu Wuxie continues to explore the fourth truth, emptiness.

The so-called emptiness does not mean that something that exists suddenly ceases to exist, but that the existence of all things has no self-nature and has no unchanging and immortal entity, so emptiness is the reality.

"Nothing will go away, only karma remains with me."

The so-called karma is the power of all our good and evil actions in this life to affect the next life.

Liu Wuxie asked herself that she had never killed innocent people indiscriminately in her life, and that she had not been affected by karma from beginning to end.

If a person is contaminated with too many evil thoughts, sooner or later he will be entangled in bad karma, which will not only affect himself, but also affect the next life, and even the next life.

"When the Tathagata achieves enlightenment, all sentient beings fall into the three paths and cannot escape from the cause and effect."

"Cause" is the cause, also called causality. "Result" is the result, also called retribution.

Whenever we do something, say a word, or even think about a thought, it is all caused by a cause; depending on the nature and weight of good or evil, there will be appropriate results later, and sooner or later we will receive it ourselves.

Liu Wuxie's actions do not go against his original intention, there is no cause or effect, everything is in accordance with the way of heaven.

"If you see the principle of dependent origination, ignorance will not arise. Therefore, all you can do is speak that language."

There is nothing that exists independently in the world, and there is nothing that is permanent and unchanging. Everything arises from the combination of causes and conditions.

This is Chapter 7 of the Essence of Buddhism, Dependent Origination.

Dependent origination and cessation, life is impermanent, so everything can be changed, bad things can become good, and good things can become bad.

And the direction in which it changes depends on what conditions we create and what causes we sow.

Liu Wuxie's ability to reach this point is very important.

After getting to know many people, I helped him resolve crises time and time again and established himself in the fairy world. "Eternal is one side, impermanence is one side, permanent and impermanent is the middle, colorless and formless, ignorance and ignorance, this is called the middle way and the actual view of all dharma; I

One side, no-self is one side, no-self is the middle, colorless, formless, ignorant, this is called the middle way.


This is Chapter 8 of The Essence of Buddhism, The Middle Way.

The idea of ​​the Middle Way is the wisdom of the harmony of nothingness and existence, which can directly connect to the reality of the world.

Most people often make clear distinctions between good and bad, existence and non-being, joy and pain, gains and losses, grudges, you and me, life and death, and therefore cannot live at ease and at ease. This is because they lack the comprehensive wisdom of the middle way.

Liu Wuxie has long been indifferent to life and death these years, and only wants peace of mind.

"The remaining sutras are like branches and leaves, and Prajna is like the roots of a tree."

"If you don't learn Prajna Paramita and achieve the supreme and perfect Bodhi, there will be no point in it."

"Prajna Paramita can give birth to all Buddhas and is the mother of all Buddhas."

This is the ninth chapter in the Essence of Buddhism, Prajna.

From the perspective of Prajna in the life of ordinary people like us, we are bereft of all fame and wealth.

Abandon your own attachments, don’t always look outside, but explore the treasure of wisdom within your own heart.

In the face of the colorful world that is tempting us to go astray everywhere, we must always be on guard and observe ourselves at all times, and we will gradually make no mistakes.

"Neither birth nor death, neither birth nor death"

This is Chapter 10 of the Essentials of Buddhism, Nirvana!

Most people mistakenly think of nirvana as meaning death.

In fact, Nirvana is not death, but a transcendent state that is completely different from death. It is an eternal life and a perfect world.

Don’t regret the past, don’t dwell on the future, just live in the present.

This is nirvana.

Only by getting rid of "suffering" can we find peace and happiness.

Only by knowing "impermanence" can we have hope.

Only by understanding "selflessness" can one integrate into the masses.

Only by understanding "emptiness" can the vacuum exist.

Only by eliminating "bad karma" can we have a beautiful life.

Only by knowing "cause and effect" can we be willing.

Only by understanding the "origin" can the truth be revealed.

Only by following the "middle way" can we settle down and live in peace.

Only by realizing "Prajna" can we be free and at ease.

Only by perfecting "Nirvana" can we understand life. Every truth is filled with vast wisdom.

This chapter has been completed!
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