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Chapter 3174 Suggestions

We are not fools. If we knew that Liu Wuxie had tricked them, they would definitely try their best to get revenge, and even bring trouble to the Heavenly Temple.

If Liu Wuxie directly handed over the purification method, then Liu Wuxie's previous efforts would be in vain.

"Master, if we sell it at a high price, I'm worried that other sects will have strong opinions on our Heavenly Temple."

The master of Xuanwu Palace stood up and said with a frown.

As long as they raise the price now, those sects will definitely flock to buy the purification method.

"What are you afraid of? Our Heavenly Temple has never been afraid of anyone. One is willing to fight and the other is willing to endure."

The master of the White Tiger Palace doesn't think so. Even if the purification method is simple, it was Liu Wuxie who came up with it. He is the pioneer.

The five palace masters rarely disagree with each other.

It is difficult for the five people to agree on whether to sell it at a high price or give it away for free.

The Master of Qinglong Palace and the Master of White Tiger Palace believe that by choosing to sell it at a price that everyone can accept, the Temple of Heaven can obtain a large amount of resources from it.

Once you have resources, you can recruit more disciples.

Tianshen Temple's talent is now withering, and it is getting worse year by year. In addition to the lack of good seedlings, the resources cannot keep up, which is also one of them.

As long as there are inexhaustible resources, why worry about not having good seedlings?

Most of the disciples who have joined the Tianshen Temple in recent years are aiming to get the quota for the third-level domain.

If you don't have the ambition to go to the Middle Three Domains, you can choose other sects. After all, other sects have lower assessment requirements.

Whether it is the Master of Xuanwu Palace or the Master of White Tiger Palace, their worries are not unreasonable.

The master of Xuanwu Palace is worried that selling it at a high price will make other sects feel resentful. After all, the purification method is too simple and it is not worth spending a lot of money.

The leader of the White Tiger Palace believes that since the purification method was developed by the Tianshen Temple, everyone must accept it no matter what the selling price is, and those who don't accept it don't have to choose to buy it.

Moreover, the Tianshen Temple is a super large sect in Tianyu, and it has never been afraid of anyone. If it is handed over like this, besides gaining some reputation, it will get almost nothing.

The opinion of Master Qinglong is in favor of Master White Tiger, but the price cannot be too outrageous and can be accepted by everyone.

"Xue Yi, tell me what you think!"

Seeing that Master Xueyi remained silent, Nangong Yaoji asked her.

"What the several palace masters said makes sense. No matter what we do, we will offend some people. If we hand it over for nothing, we will show weakness to the whole world, which will be detrimental to our Heavenly Temple. Selling it at a high price will also offend some people and think that we

The lion of the Temple of Heaven opened his mouth. As for selling it at a low price, it doesn't make much sense. It's better to give it away and at least make a name for yourself. I have a good suggestion."

Palace Master Xueyi pondered for a moment and said slowly.

"What advice?"

Several palace masters looked at Xue Yi at the same time, wanting to know what her suggestion was.

"Open the path to becoming a god for Liu Wuxie!"

Xueyi Palace Master Xu

Said slowly.

As soon as she finished speaking, Nangong Yaoji showed a strange look in her eyes.

The masters of Qinglong Palace, White Tiger Palace and Xuanwu Palace were lost in thought.

Liu Wuxie is the disciple of Master Xueyi Hall. Currently, the road to becoming a god is still closed. If it can be opened, Liu Wuxie's future road will be smoother.

"I agree with Xue Yi. Since the sect has decided to strongly support Liu Wuxie, we should find ways to help him open the road to becoming a god and gain recognition from the heavens."

After the Master of Qinglong Hall pondered for a while, he was the first to stand up and support the Master of Xueyi Hall.

If you want to open the road to becoming a god, it is not enough to rely on the Tianshen Temple alone. You need to unite multiple sects and go to the platform to open the road to becoming a god.

There are many Conferred God Platforms, but Xiao was unable to master one of them. What he mastered was just a magic weapon.

The real Conferred God Platform can communicate between heaven and earth.

"This suggestion is indeed good, but will Fengshen Pavilion agree?"

Master Xuanwu nodded, thinking that Master Xueyi’s suggestion was very good.

The Conferred God Platform has been abandoned for a long time. To reopen it, in addition to requiring some resources, it is necessary to unite dozens of top-level divine kings before it can be reopened.

As for whether it can be recognized by the heavens, no one can guarantee it.

If you don't even try, you won't even have a chance.

Only after you try it will you know whether it can succeed.

Even if they failed, at least they tried hard.

The main hall was silent again. The Fengshen Pavilion was deploying all its forces to hunt down Liu Wuxie. How could it help him open the road to becoming a god?

"Let's try it first. If Fengshen Pavilion doesn't agree, we'll think of other ways."

Nangong Yaoji made the final decision.

Senior officials from all major sects have arrived at the Tianshen Temple, and the welcoming hall is already overcrowded.

"Let your palace master come out quickly. What do you mean by leaving us hanging here?"

The elder of Shuoyue City Tianli Palace said loudly.

The other sect elders all agreed that they had been here for so long, but none of the five hall masters came out to receive them.

The elders who entertained them kept smiling. These elders represent the top leaders of the major sects and must be entertained well.

"Everyone, wait a little longer. The palace master will come out soon."

Several elders kept smiling.

Just when everyone was waiting impatiently, five palace masters appeared at the same time.

"I've kept you waiting for a long time!"

Entering the main hall, Nangong Yaoji greeted everyone.

A few sect elders stood up, and some of them sat still, motionless.

"Master Nan Palace, I heard that your Heavenly Temple has mastered the method of purifying Xuanyang Crystal. What are you going to do with it?


The elder of Tianli Palace was the first to stand up and asked Nangong Yaoji.

Then other sect elders followed up and asked questions.

"Everyone, please be patient. I know that you are very concerned about the method of purifying Xuanyang Crystal. I will give you an answer today."

Nangong Yaoji told everyone to be calm and calm. If you say something, if I say something, the whole hall will be in chaos.

These words made the hall instantly quiet. The elder of Fengshen Pavilion did not speak and watched quietly.

"Master Nan Palace, please set a price. How many resources does your Heavenly Temple need before you are willing to sell the purification method?"

The elder of Thunder Mountain Village stood up and asked for everyone.

The other sect elders said nothing and looked at Nangong Yaoji, waiting for his answer.

"Our Heavenly Temple is willing to contribute the purification method for free, but there is one condition. If everyone agrees, after signing the agreement, I will immediately teach everyone the purification method."

Nangong Yaoji glanced around and said to everyone.


Everyone thought they had heard wrongly, and the Temple of Heaven actually donated it free of charge.

"Master Nan Palace, are you kidding us?"

The elders of Guiyuan Sect stood up and thought that Lord Nan Palace was joking with them.

Whoever masters the purification method will monopolize the Xuanyang Crystal market and make a lot of money in the future.

The argument that had been going on in the hall just now was just to get the first step and get the right to purchase.

The result was good, Nangong Yaoji was free, but the sudden reversal made it impossible for everyone to change their minds for a moment.

For example, everyone is struggling to grab something, but they tell you that no one needs to grab it, and I will give it away for free. This is the truth.

"Do you look at me like I'm joking?"

Nangong Yaoji's cold expression fell on the face of the Guiyuan Sect elder.

The dignified leader of a sect would not speak out loudly, but he would do so in front of the senior officials of the major sects.

"Master Nan Palace, tell me your conditions!"

The elder of Tianli Palace stood up and asked Nangong Yaoji.

As long as the conditions are not excessive, they are not unacceptable.

"Everyone must know that Liu Wuxie's road to becoming a god has been closed, so my condition is very simple. I will reopen the stage to become a god and open the road to becoming a god for Liu Wuxie."

Nangong Yaoji said earnestly.

The seemingly careless words inadvertently filtered out some of the sects.

In the main hall, in addition to the high-level officials of super sects, some second-rate sects and second-rate families also sent people.

Opening the Conferred God Platform can only be done by a super first-rate sect.

Nangong Yaoji's request was equivalent to throwing away those second-rate sects and families.

The Lower Three Domains are huge. Even if all the super sects have mastered the method of purifying Xuanyang Crystal, they will still be

It's a huge market.

If everyone in the world mastered it, there would be no market for Xuanyang Crystal.

Therefore, Nangong Yaoji also conveyed a meaning in her words, and only taught the method of purification to super first-class sects.


The elder of Leihuoshan Village was the first to stand up and object.

It is not difficult to open the Conferred God Platform, but why should they do this.

The more evil Liu Wuxie behaves, the more worried they become.

If the path to becoming a god is opened for him, it will soar into the sky and no one can stop it.

Some sect elders chose to meditate. They were thinking about the conditions proposed by Nangong Yaoji.

"Don't rush to answer me. I'll give you three days to think about it. If you don't agree, from now on, our Tianshen Temple will monopolize the Xuanyang Crystal market. As for the price, we have the final say. You must know that the market for Xuanyang Crystal is

How big.”

Nangong Yaoji did not rush them and gave them three days to think.

"let's go!"

The elder of Fengshen Pavilion was the first to stand up and left the welcoming hall angrily.

Nangong Yaoji didn't play her cards according to the routine and really caught everyone off guard. She needed to go back and discuss it with the sect.

They didn't have much to lose by starting the road to becoming a god, but they were just unwilling to help Liu Wuxie.

There were also a few elders who stayed in the hall, hoping to contribute resources to purchase, but were rejected by Nangong Yaoji.

In desperation, these sects could only leave and come back three days later.

Soon the hall became deserted, with only five hall masters and a few elders.


In Tianjiao Building, the eighth floor finally calmed down.

After being identified by Elder Lu, the Xuanyang Crystal purified by Liu Wuxie did not contain any impurities and was extremely pure.

In the best-of-three games, Liu Wuxie successfully defeated Yang Zigan in the first game.

"I now declare that Liu Wuxie wins the first round!"

Elder Lu announced the end of the first round.

Yang Zigan clenched his fists tightly, and the veins on his face popped out one by one.

This ending exceeded everyone's expectations.

"Brother-in-law, don't worry, there are still two rounds left."

Hong Qi came over with a comforting tone.

Some good people walked towards the ninth floor in advance before they went up.


A man in front of the table was about to leave when Liu Wuxie stopped him.

Everyone turned around and looked at Liu Wuxie.

"Remember what you just said."

Liu Wuxie looked at this Tianli Palace disciple with cold eyes.

The man just now vowed that if Liu Wuxie won, he would kneel down, kowtow and call him grandpa.

This chapter has been completed!
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