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Chapter 3221 Attack on Kunpeng Island


From among the many lines, Liu Wuxie finally found a clue.

"This is a space pattern!"

The patterns wrapping Kunpeng's treasure bones are rare space patterns in the world. As long as you master them, you can understand space and confine space. This is the confinement technique of the Kunpeng clan.

When he was in the mortal world, he had mastered the Great Space Technique, which was very different from the Kunpeng Confinement Technique of the Kunpeng clan. They were not on the same level at all.

The large space technique uses space compression to render the opponent unable to move.

Kunpeng's confinement technique is obviously superior.

After finding the method of cultivation, Liu Wuxie was no longer anxious.

Anyway, there are still a few days before Kunpeng lays eggs, so you can fully understand Kunpeng's technique.

If you can master it, you can become a member of Kunpeng. Maybe this is a good opportunity to gain Kunpeng's recognition.


They may also become the target of Kunpeng's pursuit. After all, entering the clan's grave would definitely be a desecration of their ancestors.

One of the spatial patterns was integrated into the Tiandao Divine Book and was included in the Tiandao Divine Book.

Affected by the spatial pattern, many of the cracks in the Tiandao Divine Book have been repaired.

"I understand, there is a space in the Book of Heaven, and the cracked gaps are actually cracked spaces, and the space pattern can just repair the space!"

Liu Wuxie suddenly realized that he had always thought that the Divine Book of Heaven was just a book.

The true Divine Book of Heaven, which masters the way of heaven, is the general outline of the way of heaven. Each line represents a world, a race, and a kind of way of heaven.

Two days passed and Kunpeng Island suddenly became quiet.

"Is Kunpeng going to lay eggs?"

Liu Wuxie opened his eyes, and after two days of understanding, he finally grasped some of the basics. There is still a long way to go before he can reach the level of Kunpeng.


Liu Wuxie shouted sharply, and saw his back split open little by little, and two huge wings emerged from behind.

He was not in a hurry to understand the confinement of space, but first understood Kunpeng's most basic flying technique.

At first, Liu Wuxie was not used to it and could not control the wings behind her.

As time goes by, I become more and more proficient.

Spread your wings and shuttle freely through the catacombs, twice as fast as before.


With a flap of his wings, his body returned to the ground, and Kunpeng's wings behind him returned to his body, as if he had never appeared before.

All of this is the wonderful use of the Kunpeng Treasure Bone. Through the Kunpeng Treasure Bone, Liu Wuxie's body can be transformed and let it grow wings.

"Only when you reach the level of a divine general can you fly. Now that I am still at the quasi-god level, I can fly."

A smile appeared on Liu Wuxie's face.

With Kunpeng's wings, there is greater hope of returning to the Temple of Heaven.

Following the cracks, Liu Wuxie crawled back to the ground little by little, without leaving the entrance to the tomb.

The entrance to the tomb is a huge stone door. Opening it rashly will definitely alarm the Kunpeng clan.

After returning to the ground, looking at the sea in the distance, Liu Wuxie was in a good mood.

"These two days should be the days when Kunpeng collectively lays eggs. Those three divine monarchs will definitely come again. All I can do now is wait."

Liu Wuxie climbed up a big tree, using the dense leaves to cover her body and overlooking most of the island.

Dozens of Kunpeng mythical beasts hover over the island. They are like a patrol army, blocking all incoming attacks.

On the sea level in the distance, three figures appeared. They were the three people who stole the Golden Sacred Fruit that day.

The purpose of their trip to Kunpeng Island was to steal a few Kunpeng eggs.


From the middle of the island, a whining sound was heard, and the female Kunpeng began to enter the egg-laying period.

Kunpeng is so large that laying eggs is very difficult and may even take several days.


The seawater began to roar, and a huge wave hundreds of feet high rolled towards Kunpeng Island.

"What happened? Why did a huge wave suddenly roll up!"

Liu Wuxie was horrified. Could it be that there was a sea beast attacking Kunpeng Island?

Kunpeng eggs are a great source of nourishment, and the beasts in the deep sea also want to get a share of it.

Over the years, Kunpeng has been preying on deep-sea beasts, taking advantage of their spawning opportunities to raid Kunpeng Island.

Using his ghost eyes, he passed through the layers of sea water and soon discovered that there were a large number of sea beasts lurking in the depths of the sea.

"Something's wrong, these sea beasts seem to have lost their will!"

Liu Wuxie quickly withdrew his ghost eyes, and it was understandable that the sea beast attacked Kunpeng Island. After all, the sea beast was also the overlord of the deep sea.

Looking towards the sea level, I saw the man in the middle holding a strange instrument in his hand and blowing it gently. The beasts on the seabed were unable to control their bodies and rushed towards the island with all their might.

"The art of controlling beasts!"

Liu Wuxie could tell at a glance that this was a beast-controlling technique, which was more advanced than the beast-controlling technique mastered by the Beast Controlling Studio.

The will of the deep sea beast is extremely powerful, and ordinary beast control techniques cannot control it.

The man on the left is called Lao Diao, he is the oldest, and it was he who initiated this trip to Kunpeng Island.

The man in the middle was not included in the invitation. Later, I learned that he knew the art of controlling beasts and could control deep-sea beasts, so I invited him to join him. This way, the hope of getting the Kunpeng egg would be greater.

Kunpeng, who was hovering on the island, was extremely angry. He pounced and came to the sky above the sea. With his sharp claws, he easily tore open the body of the sea beast.

Kunpeng took the initiative and never allowed sea beasts or humans to set foot on Kunpeng Island.

"It's almost time, launch the attack!"

Lao Diao took a look at Kunpeng Island. Judging from the time, the first batch of Kunpeng eggs should be laid successfully.

Those female Kunpeng are very weak and not suitable for fighting. The remaining male Kunpeng can only be restrained by sea beasts.


The strange sound of the flute spread thousands of miles around, and a large number of sea beasts swept out of the sea and rushed towards Kunpeng Island.

In an instant, thousands of sea beasts arrived at the shore.

Such a terrifying scene made Liu Wuxie feel his scalp numb.

In order to steal Kunpeng Island, these three people have gone to a crazy level.

The number of Kunpeng was too small, and there were too many sea beasts rushing up. They landed on the island from four directions. In desperation, the Kunpeng beasts could only move separately.

This also gave the three of them an opportunity to quickly approach the island.

Facing one or two Kunpengs would not put much pressure on them, as long as they were not besieged by a large number of Kunpengs.

Groups of sea beasts rushed towards the island desperately, and several of them had already broken through Kunpeng's defense and headed straight for the middle area of ​​the island.


After the sea beasts broke into the island, they used their huge bodies to crush a large number of trees, and even some rocks were unable to withstand their footsteps.

In desperation, Liu Wuxie swept down from the big tree and headed deeper.

It was very dangerous to stay on the outside. The aura emitted by those sea beasts made him feel uncomfortable all over.

Although he was not afraid of one or two sea beasts, the sea beasts that rushed up were too numerous and densely packed.

One of the octopuses came up and used its claws to level an area of ​​a kilometer.


A Kunpeng quickly swooped down, grabbed the octopus's head, and tore it open. Blood spurted everywhere.

Liu Wuxie's scalp felt numb when he saw it. The octopus that just rushed up was a beast of the divine king level.

The majestic god-level sea beast was easily killed by Kunpeng.

His body trembled and he didn't dare to stay in case Kunpeng discovered him.

Lao Diao and the three of them drove straight in. The two of them suppressed Kunpeng's attack, and one of them had already appeared in the middle of the island.


As soon as they got close, several powerful Kunpeng beasts flew up from the middle of the island, knocking off the man who rushed in.

The two sides are in a stalemate. At present, Kunpeng still has the upper hand. It is not easy for the three of them to break through the defense.

When sea beasts arrive on land, their combat effectiveness is greatly reduced, far less than in the deep sea.

The octopus killed by Kunpeng was quickly eaten by other sea animals, leaving no trace of its body.

As time goes by, it will definitely be detrimental to the Kunpeng clan.

Now that these three people are here, they must have thought of a countermeasure, and they will definitely not give up here.

"Form up!"

The three people quickly gathered together to form a formation, sacrificed three magical weapons of the Divine Lord, and rushed into the sky.

The moment the formation appeared, endless divine thunder fell from the sky.

"Five Thunder Formation!"

Liu Wuxie was horrified. He had read this formation when he was in the library of Tianshen Temple.

Once this formation is launched, it can attract thunder from the gods, which is infinitely powerful.

The three magical weapons sacrificed were all of thunder attribute, turning the entire island into a sea of ​​thunder and lightning in an instant.


The moment the Five Thunder Array was formed, a large amount of thunder and lightning came down, greatly hindering Kunpeng's movement speed.

"Tsk tsk tsk!"

After the lightning struck Kunpeng, Kunpeng's wings were scorched, and both his attack power and speed were far inferior to before.

The Five Thunder Formation is not very powerful, its main purpose is to attract thousands of divine thunders to suppress Kunpeng's attack, and they look for opportunities from it.

Kunpeng not only had to stop them, but also avoided the divine thunder, leaving him very passive.

The sea beasts on the ground are still advancing and have entered the core of the island.

Liu Wuxie kept retreating, and also retreated to the middle area of ​​the island.

Looking around, more than fifty female Kunpengs were lying in the huge Kunpeng nest, laying eggs.

There are also two powerful Kunpengs, who are patrolling and not allowing anyone to approach.

Judging from their expressions, the male and female Kunpengs were very uncomfortable. They must have been affected by lightning, which made it very difficult for them to lay eggs.

The same is true for humans. If it is a night with thunder and lightning, it will also be very painful when giving birth. Thunder and lightning can disturb people's minds and make them restless.

Those female Kunpeng were about to move, and beams of thunder and lightning fell from the sky, not far from their lair.

If this continues, Kunpeng's spawning will definitely be greatly affected, and may even affect their offspring.

Ten years of gestation, just for today.


A powerful sea beast finally broke through the encirclement, entered the middle of the island, and slammed into one of the nests.

If it hits, the Kunpeng's nest will be damaged, and the male and female Kunpeng lying inside will also be injured.

The Kunpeng nests were built on the cliffs, each one up to a hundred feet long. If they fell, it would definitely cause an earth-shattering roar. The two powerful Kunpengs guarding the Kunpeng nest quickly swept out to block the impact of the sea beasts.

This chapter has been completed!
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