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Chapter 3252 Thunder and Fire Holy World


A large group of people arrived at the teleportation formation.

In addition to more than 200 saints, there are many elders in the Temple of Heaven, deacons will also join them, and there are also a lot of elite disciples.

The Holy Realm of Thunder and Fire is so huge that even if the entire lower three realms monks enter it, it will not seem crowded.

In the ancient times, the realm of heaven was extremely huge. After countless wars, it eventually evolved into the upper three realms, the middle three realms and the lower three realms.

Nowadays, the three major heaven realms are only one-tenth the size of the ancient world back then. One can imagine how big the ancient world was in its heyday.

The Holy Realm of Thunder and Fire is one of the planes, with an area equivalent to that of the Lower Three Realms. It contains mountains, rivers, buildings, and the ruins of ancient sects.

After countless years of development, there are fewer and fewer places where humans have not set foot in the Holy Land of Thunder and Fire, and the probability of obtaining ancient treasures is getting lower and lower.

These super first-class sects in the Lower Three Realms can develop rapidly, and without exception, they have all received the light of the Holy World of Thunder and Fire.

A magic weapon of the Heavenly Temple comes from the Holy World of Thunder and Fire, which establishes the status of the Heavenly Temple.

The elder responsible for opening the teleportation array was very busy, filling it with a large amount of divine crystals.

"Turn on!"

Following Xiao Jue's command, the teleportation array flashed with a powerful luster and could teleport thousands of people at a time.

Such a huge teleportation array is generally not opened in normal times, because each time it is opened, nearly a million divine crystals are required.

Huge teams entered the teleportation array one after another.

"Go for it!"

Palace Master Xueyi waved his hand towards Liu Wuxie, his face slightly moved.

The last time we left, we were almost separated by life and death. No one knows the good or bad luck of leaving this time.

"Master, take care!"

After Liu Wuxie finished speaking, he shot straight into the teleportation array.

Around tea time, a team of nearly a thousand people filled the entire teleportation array.

With a strong flash of light, the surrounding space began to distort, and a space-time channel reached the depths of the universe.

The Holy Realm of Thunder and Fire is not in the Sky Territory area, and it would take about a year to fly normally.

Taking this kind of time and space teleportation array, you can arrive there in half an hour.

On a deserted planet deep in the universe, a large number of monks have gathered at this moment. The first to arrive are the geniuses and elders of the super first-rate sects. Those second-rate sects do not have super teleportation arrays and need to use the time and space teleportation arrays of the super first-rate sects.

Only after the super first-class sect has finished using it can we continue to send him


At this moment, hundreds of thousands of people gathered outside the Temple of Heaven, and they all came to borrow the teleportation array of the Temple of Heaven.

To teleport, each person needs to pay 10,000 divine crystals. To teleport a thousand people at a time, one million divine crystals are needed to teleport. This is equivalent to the Tianshen Temple earning 9 million divine crystals for each teleportation.

Even so, many people still can't queue up. Hundreds of thousands of people need to be teleported for two to three days, and the Thunder Fire Holy Realm is opening today. The probability of obtaining treasures for those who enter later is naturally not as good as those of super first-class sects.

, this is the advantage of a super first-class sect, after a fight

a time difference.

A strong squeezing feeling came over, and Liu Wuxie and Du Tianhua walked out of the time and space channel one after another and stepped into a strange planet.

"This planet is called Thunder Mars. It is the closest to the Thunder and Fire Holy Realm. When the Thunder and Fire Holy Realm opens, you can directly enter the Thunder and Fire Holy Realm from here."

After entering Lei Mars, Du Tianhua took Liu Wuxie and Wang Tan to a deserted place, pointed at the huge planet and said.

"What an ancient law. The spiritual energy in this area is too thin."

Xiao Qiu said with a shocked look.

Lei Mingxing's laws were too heavy, and their breathing seemed to become very difficult.

"It is rumored that the laws in the Holy Realm of Thunder and Fire are very well preserved, comparable to the upper three realms. It will be very inconvenient for us to move inside it."

Wang Tan spoke at this time.

The Holy World of Thunder and Fire is a split plane, and the laws within it are relatively complete.

Unlike the Heaven Realm, according to the laws of heaven and earth, a fault phenomenon eventually appeared. The laws of the upper three realms are complete, the laws of the middle three realms are relatively complete, and the laws of the lower three realms are relatively few.

Therefore, it is very difficult for monks in the lower three realms to break through to the spiritual realm.

"The people from Fengshen Pavilion are here!"

Lin Yilan lowered his voice.

Just now, a terrifying killing intent was approaching them.

Liu Wuxie raised his head and looked towards Fengshen Pavilion, where he saw a lot of eyes looking towards him.

One of the powerful saints directly wiped his neck.

"This man's name is Hong Tian. He is the first Saint Son of Fengshen Pavilion. His status is the same as that of Senior Brother Du. His cultivation level is unfathomable. Although he looks like the sixth level of the Divine Lord, in terms of combat power, he is on par with Senior Brother Du."

Sun Fuzhong spoke at this time.

The man who wiped Liu Wuxie's neck just now was none other than Hong Tian. His stern eyes were like the eyes of death. He looked at her and felt very uncomfortable all over.

"He has practiced a pupil technique. After being locked by him, he can find you no matter where you are."

Du Tianhua frowned and said.

He and Hong Tian were the geniuses of the same era. The two were extremely talented. When they were young, they fought several times, and each time they were evenly matched.

"Is there such a thing as pupil technique?"

Liu Wuxie looked shocked.

He practiced ghost eyes, but he did not have this ability. He could only see through things and see things more clearly.

"But you don't have to be afraid. The laws of the Holy World of Thunder and Fire are so strong that any domain magic that enters it will be greatly compromised."

Du Tianhua patted Liu Wuxie on the shoulder and told him not to worry.

The Holy World of Thunder and Fire is so big that the probability of encountering each other is less than one in ten thousand. Most of them enter it and never see each other until they come out.

The major super first-rate sects are arriving one after another, and those second-rate sects will be a little later.


There was a rumbling sound in the distance, as if the entire universe was about to explode.

A powerful golden light streaked across the dark universe, and then lit up the entire Thunder Spark.

The thunder sparks that were dark just a moment ago suddenly became as bright as day.

"The Holy Realm of Thunder and Fire is about to open."

Wang Tan had a look of sorrow on his face. No one knew whether he could survive this time entering the Holy Realm of Thunder and Fire. In addition to guarding against the human race, other races were the biggest threat.

Similar scenes occurred in all the major divine realms. There are many entrances to the Thunder and Fire God Realm, not just human beings.

"Junior brothers, senior brother has taken the first step!"

Du Tianhua clasped his fists towards the junior brothers and sisters around him, took the first step, and quickly rushed towards the Thunder and Fire God Realm.

You can fly in the Divine Lord Realm, and you can enter it without waiting for the golden light to reach Thunder Mars.

Ordinary quasi-god realms have to wait until the golden light arrives.

Suddenly time!

A large number of masters left Lei Xingxing and flew toward the golden light.

"Let's go in too!"

Wang Tan followed closely behind Senior Brother Du Tianhua and flew into the golden light.

Liu Wuxie took out her Kunpeng wings and flew towards the golden light.

A group of tyrannical laws enveloped his body, as if he had entered the body of a beast, and his body was completely out of control.

The other sect saints and the disciples of the god general flew up one after another.

The entrance to the Thunder Fire Holy Realm is too big, and no one knows where the golden light will send it.

After waiting for about a minute to drink tea, Kunpeng flapped his wings lightly and flew towards the ground.


Liu Wuxie stepped on the hard ground with his feet, and the force of the impact caused a sharp pain in his legs.

He folded up Kunpeng's wings and looked around.

An ancient and desolate atmosphere blows in the face, as if the whole person is in an ancient world.

The moment Liu Wuxie landed, the mysterious light group silent in the sea of ​​soul actually jumped, as if it sensed something.

"Strange, how come the mysterious light group is beating!"

Liu Wuxie said secretly.

Don't worry about anything else, first figure out where you are.

I have long memorized the topographic map of the Holy Land of Thunder and Fire.

"Go to the Twin Peaks!"

Liu Wuxie glanced around and saw that there was no one else around except him.

He has unlocked the secret in Luo Chen's map. As long as he reaches the twin peaks, he can open the treasure house and obtain the treasures inside.

As for what the treasure is, there is no explanation in Luo Chen's picture.


A beam of heavenly fire fell from the sky, mixed with the power of thunder and lightning.

The holy world of thunder and fire is full of the power of thunder and fire. If you are not careful, you will be hit by the power of thunder and fire and eventually die.

Carefully move forward, the terrifying ancient law is like a tide, squeezing towards you. Every step you take is very difficult, and it will take a long time to get used to it.

After walking for an hour, his body felt strong soreness, so Liu Wuxie chose to rest.

On the horizon in the distance, an ancient city appeared.

The laws of heaven and earth in the Holy Realm of Thunder and Fire are relatively complete, resulting in daylight hours here being twice as long as those in the Heaven Realm.

Normally, two days have passed outside, but only one day has passed here.

Looking from a distance, the city is very dilapidated. It has experienced countless winds and frosts, and many places are already mottled.

The virtual underworld!

A strong light shines in, and a large number of species are frightened and hide in the dark area.

"Sister, the Holy Land of Thunder and Fire has been opened. Do you want to go in?"

The white ghost came to the attic and asked Gu Su.

Back then, that person entered the virtual underworld through the Holy Realm of Thunder and Fire, and later met Gusu.

"After hundreds of thousands of years of silence, it's time to go out for a walk!"

The small door of the attic slowly opened, and Gu Su fell from the attic in a wheelchair out of thin air.

"The emperor has come out of seclusion and said that changes in heaven and earth are coming, and it will be difficult for us in the virtual world to be alone."

The white ghost pushed Gu Su's wheelchair and walked towards the golden light in the distance.

Gu Su said nothing, looking quietly ahead.

The gods, witches, ghosts, demons, monsters, the ten major races, the faceless race, and more than hundreds of races have entered the Holy Realm of Thunder and Fire.

Liu Wuxie finally arrived at this abandoned city before dark.

It was empty inside, and no other human beings had been seen so far.

Looking at the incomplete sun in the sky, Liu Wuxie fell into deep thought.

In the ancient times, there were ten rounds of great suns in the sky, one in the mortal world, one in the immortal world, one in the lower three realms, one in the middle three realms, one in the upper three realms, and one in the thunder and fire holy realm.

In many secret realms, there is no big sun, and there is no distinction between day and night. They just rely on their own laws to operate.

In addition to the Holy World of Thunder and Fire, there are still six complete planes left, and I don’t know where they are hidden. “PS: Tie Ma is sorry to tell you that Tie Ma’s health has not been very good this year. I don’t know the specific situation.

I have explained to everyone that I need more rest anyway. I hope everyone can understand me. Anyone who knows Iron Horse knows this.

, I have been writing the book for eleven years, and it has never been updated. It has been updated for more than 1,400 days, with an average of 7,500 words per day. It is really not low. I hope everyone can understand me. Finally, I will explain that it will never be unfinished.

Heavenly Jue, Nine-Star Killing God, Invincible Sword Soul, there is no such thing as a bad book."

This chapter has been completed!
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