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Chapter 3255 Shadow Fusion


The shadow was moving very fast, with Liu Wuxie following closely behind.

After passing through a large number of buildings, the view ahead suddenly opens up, as if you have entered another world.

Without a shadow to lead the way, it would be difficult for him to find this place in his life.

Those strange buildings on the periphery should be similar to a formation setup. From the outside, there is nothing surprising except for the special features of the building.

Little did they know, there were buildings hidden deep within these buildings, similar to arrays within arrays.

This construction style has long been lost. Today, no one in the world can build such a complex building.

The shadow's speed gradually slowed down, and Liu Wuxie also slowed down.

A breath of vicissitudes of life rolled in from all directions.

Liu Wuxie froze his body, and the desolate air instantly filled his chest, and he couldn't help but shed two tears.

"What's wrong with me? Why does the smell here make me cry?"

Liu Wuxie wiped away her tears with a puzzled look on her face.

The shadow floated quietly in place, and Liu Wuxie began to look around.

There aren't many buildings or plants around, it's like an empty world.

The light group in the soul sea kept jumping, seeming to remind Liu Wuxie.

Walking forward to the left, there is a raised stone with many lines carved on it.

When Liu Wuxie came closer, he froze in place.

"Isn't this the spirit-nurturing pattern seeping out of the light group?"

Looking at the spirit-nurturing patterns on the stone, Liu Wuxie's eyes were filled with disbelief.

The reason why his spiritual cultivation technique is so powerful is that it relies on the mysterious light group in the soul sea, which teaches him how to carve spiritual cultivation patterns, how to prepare potions, how to repair weapons, etc.

The spirit-nurturing pattern on the stone is not complete, but more like a puzzle. As long as it can be put together completely, the secret on the stone can be unlocked.

Liu Wuxie squatted down and carefully studied the lines on the stone.

After many deductions, he found that there were a total of five missing lines on the stone.

Every spirit-nurturing pattern is not simple and requires special techniques to carve it out.

Looking around the world, no one can portray this technique except him.

Standing up, he drew a line in the void, and an exquisite spirit-nurturing pattern appeared out of thin air.


The spirit-nurturing pattern draws a beautiful arc and falls on the right side of the stone, where a piece is missing.

While Liu Wuxie was carving the spirit cultivation pattern, the shadow standing not far away moved slightly.

The spirit-nurturing patterns that fell on the stone quickly merged with it and became part of the stone.

A wonderful scene occurred. When this spirit-nurturing pattern fell, the other spirit-nurturing patterns on the stone came to life and became entangled with each other.

Liu Wuxie did not stop and continued to draw.

In an instant, the second spiritual cultivation pattern was successfully carved.

This time it fell on the left side of the stone, and the spirit-nurturing pattern quickly merged with the stone. Like the first line, it was wrapped by other spirit-nurturing patterns on the stone.

Liu Wuxie carved one after another, and in less than five breaths, all the five spirit-nurturing patterns were finished.

The five spirit-nurturing patterns correspond to the five directions and just fill the entire stone.

The spirit-nurturing patterns are still entangled, releasing a faint luster.

Liu Wuxie took a few steps back to prevent the stone from exploding and hurting herself.

Tea time has passed!

The lines on the stone cease to tangle.

At this moment, the ground shook.

It seemed as if the whole world was shaking, the ground began to crack, and a terrifying building slowly rose from the underground world.

Liu Wuxie quickly retreated to a distance to avoid harming herself.

Only the shadow stood there quietly, waiting for the building to return to the ground.

The rumbling sound lasted for about a stick of incense, and a house made of special materials appeared in front of Liu Wuxie.

"Qiankun Room!"

On the front of the house, the words "Qiankun Room" are carved.

The entire house was made of materials that Liu Wuxie had never seen before. It was neither stone nor wood.

It's more like it's made of a rare metal.

The Qiankun Room is not big, but not small either. It is about the size of a normal house.

After confirming that there was no danger, Liu Wuxie walked towards the Qiankun Room step by step, wanting to find out what secrets were hidden in the Qiankun Room.

Standing in front of the door of the Qiankun Room, Liu Wuxie reached out and tried to push it open, but the door did not move at all.

In desperation, I walked around the Qiankun Room.

There is no other entrance except this portal.

"Strange, how to enter it?"

Standing in front of the door of Qiankun Room, Liu Wuxie scratched his head and ears.

Since the mysterious light group guided him to search for the Universe Room, then there must be some secret hidden in the Universe Room, perhaps related to his life experience.

His identity is still a mystery, especially the memories seeping out of the soul sea, which seem to be his own.

Including the names on the God's Monument and the man calling himself master, all of this is waiting for Liu Wuxie to reveal.

Just when Liu Wuxie was at a loss what to do, a shadow in the distance suddenly swept down, startling Liu Wuxie.

He thought the shadow was going to attack him, but after the shadow got closer to him, it actually disappeared little by little toward the ground.

In front of Liu Wuxie, the shadow that appeared just now blended perfectly with his own shadow on the ground.


Liu Wuxie's eyes were a little dull.

He had witnessed Shadow's combat prowess with his own eyes, and it was definitely comparable to that of a high-level divine king.

In this way, it merged with my own shadow.

"Senior Shadow!"

"Senior Shadow!"

Liu Wuxie called several times in succession, hoping that the shadow would come out and explain what was going on.

After calling for a long time, the shadow seemed to disappear.

Liu Wuxie moved his body quickly, maybe the shadow just overlapped with his own shadow.

No matter how he moved, there was only a shadow on the ground.

Liu Wuxie couldn't tell whether this shadow was the shadow that appeared before or his own shadow.

If it is the shadow of before, then where has my shadow gone?

If it is my own shadow, then where has the previous shadow gone?

In other words, the previous shadow completely merged with his own shadow and became a part of his body.

Maybe after death, the shadow can come back to life.

After studying for a long time, Liu Wuxie did not understand whether the shadow merging with him was a good thing or a bad thing.

The operation is smoother, proving that the shadow does not affect one's practice.

There is also no restriction on mobilizing the Heaven-Swallowing Divine Cauldron.

Liu Wuxie performed all the Nine Transformations of Gods and Demons, Ten Thousand Barrier Shields, and various domain magics, and they were no different from before.

Since the shadow had no effect on him, Liu Wuxie had no choice but to give up and walk towards the Qiankun Room again.

As before, reach out and push the door of Qiankun Room.


The moment Liu Wuxie exerted force, the door of the Qiankun Room made a clicking sound and opened a gap.

"It can actually be opened. Could it be because of the fusion of shadows?"

Liu Wuxie was shocked again.

There was no time to think about anything else, so he took a step back.

The door to the Qiankun Room opened little by little.

Another tea time passed, and the door of the Qiankun Room was completely opened. The desolate and vicissitudes of life filled the air again, and Liu Wuxie felt a burst of sadness in his heart.

He took out the Sun-Breaking Sword and walked towards the Qiankun Room.

The moment you step into the Qiankun Room, you feel like you have entered another world.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The Qiankun Room suddenly lit up, as if a world that had been sleeping for a long time suddenly woke up because of Liu Wuxie's arrival.

Liu Wuxie looked around. The world in the Qiankun Room was far bigger than he thought.

There are buildings, mountains, water, animals, plants, rivers, lakes and seas inside.

The entire world is very complete, and what's even more frightening is that the laws of heaven and earth here are even more complete than those in the Holy World of Thunder and Fire, and are comparable to the battlefields of God's Domain.

The only strange thing is that the world here is still.

The birds flying in the sky stood still and motionless.

The river and the trees are all like this, they are all in a still state.

Liu Wuxie stepped on the ground and wandered through the mountains. Except for the squeaking sound of stepping on the ground, she could no longer feel any sound.

"What a weird world!"

Liu Wuxie turned around and returned to the outermost area.

What is the reason why the mysterious light group makes me look for the Qiankun Room? Is it just because there is an independent world here?

Things are by no means that simple, there must be some hidden secrets, but he hasn't discovered it yet.

"It's a pity that this world is stationary. If this world operates normally, practicing here will be countless times faster than practicing in the heaven realm. The laws of heaven and earth here are absolutely comparable to those in the upper three realms."

Liu Wuxie said secretly.

The space inside the Qiankun Room is the same as that of the Three Realms.

The monks in the lower three realms will never enjoy the cultivation environment of the upper three realms. This is a barrier that no one can break.

It was a coincidence that Liu Wuxie was able to enter the battlefield of God's Realm. He only stayed there for a few days and benefited a lot.

This is also the reason why countless monks want to enter the Holy Realm of Thunder and Fire. The laws in the Holy Realm of Thunder and Fire are comparable to those in the Zhongtian Realm, and slightly inferior to the Upper Three Realms.

How should Liu Wuxie take away such a large Qiankun Room? This is another new question.

Standing in the Qiankun Room, Liu Wuxie looked confused.

He didn't know what to do next.

"Master, as the ancients said, you can recognize your master by shedding blood. Master, you might as well give it a try."

Su Niang's voice sounded in Liu Wuxie's ears.

Since the Qiankun Room is an ownerless thing, it might as well shed blood to recognize the fact.

Liu Wuxie rolled his eyes. The Qiankun Room is a world, and it is not a weapon. Recognizing the owner by dripping blood is only limited to weapons and other magic weapons.

Moreover, it is still the kind of magic weapon that does not awaken the spirituality. The magic weapon that has its own spirituality has no other way but to refine it.

Qi Neng recognized himself and relied on feeding it a large amount of chaotic energy to surrender, not because he refined the Eastern Emperor Divine Cauldron.

Although Su Niang's reminder was a bit nonsensical, Liu Wuxie felt that she could still give it a try.

"Even if you don't succeed, you won't lose anything."

Having the Qiankun Room means that he is practicing in the Upper Three Realms all the time.

If you want to surpass your peers, resources alone are not enough, the cultivation environment is also very important.

After saying that! He took out the Sun-Breaking Sword and slid it on his palm.

This chapter has been completed!
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