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Chapter 3631: Mountain Guard Formation

Fenghua returned to the main hall, and his cold eyes fell on Liu Wuxie's face.

"Do you know the consequences of doing this? When the sect leader comes back, you must give us Shenshui Sect a reasonable explanation."

Feng Hua only knew that they came here to set up a mountain protection formation for Liu Wuxie, but he did not expect that Liu Wuxie would unknowingly drag their Shenshui Sect into the water.

To this day, she still can't understand why the sect leader defended Liu Wuxie like this.

"This matter can be regarded as an opportunity for your Shenshui Sect!"

Liu Wuxie smiled mysteriously without any explanation.

In less than half a day, hundreds of strong men came outside the sect. They did not approach the Tiandao Society, but stayed on the periphery, closely monitoring every move here.

Nanli Sect!

Two big demons suddenly came and killed Nanli Sect by surprise.

The few junior god-kings guarding the sect were no match for Number One. In desperation, they had no choice but to abandon the sect and escape.

In less than an hour, the two big demons found the sect's treasure house and looted it.

No matter whether it was No. 1 or the two big demons, they did not go on a killing spree, they just drove away the Nanli Sect disciples.

While the big demon was collecting the treasure, No. 1 sneaked into the ground and collected the incomplete divine vein.

When the news of Nanli Sect's destruction came out, No. 1 and the two big demons had already left Nanli Sect and returned to Tiandaohui.

The major sects in the southeast region are panicking.

No matter how bad the Nanli Sect was, it was still a second-rate sect, and it fell apart in just one day.

According to the descriptions of the disciples who escaped alive, the ones who came to plunder their Nanli Sect turned out to be two giant monsters.

"Have you heard that the Nanli Sect was destroyed by two giant demons?"

The news of Nanli Sect's collapse was being discussed in teahouses and restaurants in all major cities.

"Not only are there two big monsters, I heard that there is another monster that is so powerful that it split open Nanli Sect's defensive formation with just one sword."

It happened that Yunshui passed by a restaurant, and the chatter inside could be heard from a long distance away.

"Sect Master, Liu Wuxie made such a big fuss. If the world knows that we were the ones who killed Song Tianhui, then our Shenshui Sect will soon be pushed to the forefront and even besieged by many sects."

The Feng elder who was walking side by side with Yunshui said with a worried look on his face.

"I believe in senior sister's decision!"

Yunshui didn't explain much.

She has truthfully reported what happened here to her senior sister.

The senior sister sent her a message and everything was done according to Liu Wuxie's plan.

No. 1 had put on a disguise before going. Outsiders only knew that a strong man was coming, but who he was was unknown.

After visiting several big cities in a row, Yunshui finally gathered the materials for the formation, spending 60,000 to 70,000 Hunyuan Crystals.

Early next morning!

The two big demons, Yun Shui and the others rushed back to the sect almost at the same time.

Return to Taihuang on the 1st

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In the world, two great demons put the collected resources into storage rings and handed them over to their masters.

"Aren't you afraid of being besieged by people all over the world for making such a big noise these days?"

As soon as Yun Shui returned to the main hall, he sounded reproachful.

"The bold ones will be supported to death, and the timid ones will be starved to death. This is the promise I made before. All the resources of Nanli Sect will be collected and given to your Shenshui Sect. I only want that divine vein."

After Liu Wuxie finished speaking, he threw dozens of storage rings to the Yunshui Sect Master.

Although Nanli Sect is a second-rate sect with its backing to Fengshen Pavilion, it has become prosperous in recent years and the sect has become extremely rich.

There are mountains of treasures inside the storage ring, whether they are elixirs, weapons, or magical medicines, there are hundreds of thousands of them.

In order to prepare for the war, Yunshui almost spent all his money. With the resources of Nanli Sect, not only was there no loss, but he also made a lot of money.

"Without further ado, let's set up the formation first!"

The leader of the Yunshui Sect put away the storage ring, summoned all the elders of the Shenshui Sect, and arranged a mountain-protecting formation.

For three days in a row, Yunshui and the others worked without sleep and devoted themselves wholeheartedly to the formation to protect the mountain.

"Xuanxin Treasure Tree, rise!"

The formation of the formation has been completed, and the last step is to put the Xuanxin Treasure Tree into the formation eye to guard the entire formation.

"Wait a moment!"

Liu Wuxie interrupted immediately.

The Xuanxin Treasure Tree is also one of the ancient ancient trees. In terms of grade, it is as famous as the Sun God Tree.

However, what Yunshui took out was only a section of the trunk, not the complete Xuanxin Treasure Tree.

This trunk of the Mysterious Heart Treasure Tree has been in the Shenshui Sect's treasure house for hundreds of thousands of years. If it wasn't for Liu Wuxie to set up a large array, Yunshui would definitely be reluctant to take it out.

"Wuxie, what are you going to do?"

Yun Shui looked at Liu Wuxie and asked.

"Sect Master, I want the hibiscus tree to serve as the center of the formation."

Liu Wuxie thought of the hibiscus tree in the wild world. If he were to serve as the formation eye, the level of the formation would definitely be improved by several levels.


Yunshui thought he heard wrongly.

The Ancient Fusang Tree is a divine object from the beginning. No matter its grade or the energy it contains, it is far beyond what the Xuanxin Treasure Tree can match.

However, with the passage of time, the hibiscus tree has long disappeared in the long river of history.

Liu Wuxie chose the hibiscus tree carefully.

The fusang tree has the ability to attack. Once someone attacks the formation, the fusang tree can control the formation to defend against the enemy.

In addition, Liu Wuxie also added five thousand divine swords to the formation.

The entire sword formation is completely arranged according to the sword formations of the gods.

Although the sword formation is not as strong as the sword formation of gods, in

With the cooperation of the formation, it is not easy for the gods to reach the realm of ordinary god kings.

After Liu Wuxie finished speaking, he controlled Taihuang World, and an ancient hibiscus tree slowly appeared in front of everyone.

"Hiss, hiss..."

The Shenshui Sect elder who arranged the formation took a breath of cold air.

At first, they thought that what Liu Wuxie brought out was just a piece of hibiscus tree trunk.

They never expected that what Liu Wuxie sacrificed was a complete hibiscus tree, which exuded extremely strong vitality.

"Quickly pull the hibiscus tree and put it into the formation eye!"

Yunshui reacted immediately, and all the elders worked together to slowly place the huge hibiscus tree into the formation eye.

The moment the hibiscus tree took root in the ground, the entire mountain range suddenly shook violently, and a large number of plants trembled non-stop.

The roots of the hibiscus tree can spread millions of miles.

The trees in the mountains are constantly delivering nutrients to the hibiscus trees.

"Fusang is immortal, and the formation is immortal. With the fusang tree as the formation eye, even if the God Emperor comes half a step, he will not be able to tear apart this defensive formation."

Feeling the changes in the formation, Yun Shui said with a sigh on his face.

From this moment on, the Heavenly Alliance will be unbreakable.

Unless the true God Emperor comes, no sect force can destroy this formation.

"Wuxie, you really gave me a big surprise!"

Yunshui fell from the sky, with a playful expression on his face.

She was very curious about how many secrets Liu Wuxie had.

"Sect Master, please go out and attack the formation with all your strength, lest there are any missed spots."

Liu Wuxie had no explanation.

In addition to the hibiscus tree, there are also the Sun God Tree, the Kunlun God Tree, and the Ancestral Tree in the Taihuang World, none of which are rare in the world.

The Ancestral Tree is too ancient and has become integrated with the wild world, making it impossible to move it out.

The Kunlun God Tree and the Sun God Tree are not suitable for setting up formations. The essence released every day can only be used to nourish the wild world.

Yunshui nodded and led Fenghua and the others outside the formation.

Use your strongest fighting power to continuously attack the Tiandao Society.

The moment they attacked, the hibiscus tree suddenly swung.

Above the void, dense vines volleyed into the air.

Fortunately, Yunshui and the others were well prepared and were not hit by the cane, otherwise they would have been seriously injured.

This is just the first wave of defense, the Five Thousand Sword Formation has not yet been activated.

After attacking continuously for a full hour, the ten top god kings were unable to break through the first layer of the formation.

The powerful men from various sects who were guarding a hundred miles away looked at each other in confusion.

"What kind of formation is this? Not only is it extremely powerful in defense, but it also has endless vitality."

Shocking Sword Sect

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The strong man who came said with a shocked look on his face.

Any formation relies on energy for maintenance. Every time it resists foreign enemies, a large amount of energy will be consumed.

This is also true for major super-first-class sects. No one is willing to activate the defensive formation unless it is absolutely necessary.

Once it is turned on, it means that the resources consumed every day can be described as terrifying.

The formation arranged by Yunshui and the others is completely different. It uses hibiscus trees as the eyes of the formation, and transports nutrients to the formation through its roots.

As long as the hibiscus tree does not die, the formation can be activated endlessly.


Liu Wuxie reached out and made a move, and a large amount of mist appeared in the sky, covering the entire Tiandao Society.

From the outside, you can only see a lot of fog.

But from the inside, the view is not affected in any way.

Yunshui and the others repaired a few more flaws before returning to the main hall.

"The formation has been set up. Tell us about your next plan."

Yun Shui looked at Liu Wuxie and asked.

There are 300,000 people to support, and it is impossible to just sit back and have nothing.

"I want to cooperate with Shenshuizong!"

Although Liu Wuxie is an elder of the Shenshui Sect, one code belongs to the other and cannot be confused.

"How do you want to collaborate?"

Yunshui asked curiously.

The Shenshui Sect's industries are all in the northwest region. Even if they cooperate, they will not be able to bring huge income to the Tiandao Society.

"Does the Shenshui Sect want to get involved in the elixir market?"

Liu Wuxie asked with a smile.

Currently, the elixir market is the most profitable industry.

Especially for a sect like Shenshui Sect, it needs to spend most of its income every year to buy elixirs for its disciples to practice.

The same is true for other sects. Although they are not as terrifying as the Shenshui Sect, the number of pills they need every year is still not a small amount.

In addition to the major sects, those small sects and small families have a greater demand for elixirs.

Alchemists are a scarce profession. Although each major sect cultivates a lot of them, most of the elixirs refined are supplied to the disciples of the sect, and only a small part is sold.

Even though it was only a small amount of elixirs, it still brought them considerable income.

"You know, the current market structure of elixirs has not changed for hundreds of thousands of years. Even if we get involved, it will be difficult to capture the market."

It wasn't because Yunshui was attacking Liu Wuxie, but the elixir market had always been controlled by Wanyao City, with other sects occupying a very small market share.

If you want to seize the elixir market, you will undoubtedly need to steal meat from the mouth of Wanyao City.

Although Wanyao City is not a top-notch sect, it is not something that Shenshui Sect can offend at will.

There are countless sects that cooperate with Wanyao City. As long as Wanyao City says a word, hundreds of sects will work for them unconditionally. This is the terrifying thing about Wanyao City.

This chapter has been completed!
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