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Chapter 3648 Four Divine Talisman

Yunshui's questions made Master Mingyi more certain that Liu Wuxie was the leader of this matter.

The Shenshui Sect just stood behind Liu Wuxie and silently supported him.

Several people's eyes fell on Liu Wuxie's face, including Yu Zhaojun's, whose beautiful eyes were full of curiosity.

She was very aware of the overall strength of the Shenshui Sect, and she actually looked at Brother Liu's head. After all, there were so many things about Brother Liu that she didn't know.

"Since your sect sincerely wants to cooperate, let me tell you my request. All the materials for making talismans will be provided by the Jingshen Sword Sect, and our Shenshui Sect will be responsible for refining them. We will ship the goods once a month. The quantity is determined by us. Each talisman

The talisman is sold to the Jingshen Sword Sect at 70% of the market price. As for how much the terminal sells, it is up to you, the Jingshen Sword Sect, to decide."

Liu Wuxie stated his cooperation requirements.

After listening to Liu Wuxie's description, Master Mingyi frowned. This request was too unreasonable for the Jingshen Sword Sect.

Yun Shui and Yun Hua looked at each other. The cooperation method proposed by Liu Wuxie would be completely beneficial to Shenshui Sect and would not cause any harm.

The Jingshen Sword Sect provides the materials, and they are only responsible for refining them. The Jingshen Sword Sect buys the refined talisman at a price of 70%. As for whether it can be sold, it is not the Shenshui Sect's concern.

Moreover, the quantity shipped each month is still decided by the Shenshui Sect, so that if the lion of the Shenjian Sect is shocked and Liu Wuxie cannot refine it, he will definitely compensate the other party for the loss according to the agreement.

It seems that 30% of the profit is reserved for Jingshen Sword Sect. After excluding costs, plus large-scale distribution and transportation, the remaining profit may be less than 10%.

"Sect Master Yun, I sincerely come to you for cooperation. I am sorry that I cannot agree to your conditions."

Master Mingyi showed a trace of anger on his face.

If it weren't for Liu Wuxie's excellent talent, he would have probably thrown off his sleeves and left.

"I said, leave everything to Wu Xie. If you know what Taoist friends have in mind, you might as well discuss it with Wu Xie."

Yunshui directly threw the blame to Liu Wuxie. Since Liu Wuxie proposed this condition, he must have thought of a countermeasure.

Negotiation is like this. First, the conditions are raised, and the two parties go back and forth with each other, and finally set a reasonable price.

Master Mingyi looked at Liu Wuxie meaningfully, and he did not expect that he would actually sit down with a junior to discuss cooperation.

"Brother Liu, the conditions you proposed are indeed too harsh. Due to regional relations, the Shenshui Sect cannot grow the materials for refining divine pills and talismans. We can provide the raw materials, but the share that Brother Liu proposed, can we make some


Seeing that his master's face was not good-looking, Yu Zhaojun hurriedly spoke.

In this negotiation, we are not representing individuals, but two major sects.

Since Liu Wuxie takes the lead in the Shenshui Sect, it is most suitable for Yu Zhaojun to take the stand in the Jingshenjian Sect. It not only gives Master Mingyi a step down, but also gives room for easing things.

Yu Zhaojun had a life-saving favor for Liu Wuxie, so she opened her mouth. Liu Wuxie was naturally embarrassed to refuse, and would definitely make some concessions.

Liu Wuxie looked at Yu Zhaojun, and a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, as if to say: "You little girl, are the conditions proposed by your master just now reasonable? I speak for your master so quickly. I am only using my own person."

The way is just to cure the person's body."

Liu Wuxie just thought secretly in her heart and did not say it out loud, but Yu Zhaojun still understood the meaning from Brother Liu's eyes.

There is Master on one side and Brother Liu on the other. For personal reasons, she must be on Brother Liu's side, but she now represents the Jingshen Sword Sect and must strive for some benefits for the sect. After all, the sect knows him well.


"Now that Yu'er has spoken, I naturally want to give him face. I can give up to 50% of the profit. This is my biggest concession."

Yu Zhaojun finally opened his mouth. It would be really unkind if he didn't even give him this face.

If it is less than 50%, there is no need to cooperate.

Of the 50%, the Shenshui Sect will take part of it, and it will be good for the Tiandao Society to be left with 2%. Although the Shenshui Sect has done nothing, without the big tree of the Shenshui Sect, it would be impossible to promote today's cooperation.

This is the principle of leaning against a big tree to enjoy the shade. Before you are not strong enough, you can only take advantage of the situation.

The most important thing is that Shenshui Sect takes the lead when something goes wrong. Although it is a bit selfish, this is the world of cultivation. It wants to make a profit but does not want to take responsibility. How can there be such a good thing in this world.

Hearing that Liu Wuxie raised the profit to 50%, Master Mingyi's face looked better.

After calculating this, Jingshen Sword Sect still has a profit of close to 30%.

"The profit of 50% is still a bit too low. We can produce the raw materials and the quality of the refined talisman should not be lower than the shape-changing talisman. We will buy it at 40%. What do you think?"

Master Mingyi lowered his tone and did not regard Liu Wuxie as a junior at all. Instead, he talked to Liu Wuxie in an equal tone.

In order to prevent Liu Wuxie from fooling himself, Master Mingyi made a request that the quality of the refined talisman should be comparable to that of the shape-changing talisman.

"Senior Mingyi, would you like to hear what talisman I refine first, and then continue to discuss the profits?"

Liu Wuxie looked at Master Mingyi with a smile, and this time he was addressed as "Senior" again.

"Please give me some advice, Little Friend Liu!"

Master Mingyi was indeed curious and asked Liu Wuxie.

Although the shape-changing talisman is good, the market potential is huge. After all, it is an unpopular talisman. Under normal circumstances, no one would be free to wear the shape-changing talisman every day.


In the early stage of the market, everyone will buy it. As the market becomes saturated, sales will definitely decline in the later stage, and it may be difficult to bring huge profits.

"Before I answer, please tell me, senior, which talisman is the best-selling on the market."

Liu Wuxie gave up and asked Master Mingyi.

"The best-selling talismans in the talisman market are nothing more than two kinds. One is a talisman that can increase combat power, and the other is a talisman that can escape."

After Master Mingyi finished speaking, Yunhua and Yunshui nodded.

In fact, this is also true.

Master Ming Yi's answer was similar to Liu Wuxie's guess. One to attack and one to save one's life. Just like practicing domain magic, one needs to have both strong offensiveness and solid defense.

"Then let's talk about the several divine talismans I want to refine. The first type of divine thunder talisman. Based on the original thunder talisman, I have made improvements. When thrown, it can be compared to a strike from a high-level god. Regardless of the

It can be used by both true gods and gods."

Liu Wuxie said the first type of talisman.

As one's cultivation becomes higher and higher, the quality of the talismans carved out becomes stronger and stronger.

Master Mingyi's eyes lit up, and he still remembers the Thunder God Talisman used by Liu Wuxie, the Great Competitor of the Five Gods.

Unexpectedly, he improved the Thunder God Talisman and turned it into the Thunder God Talisman.

No one interrupted Liu Wuxie and signaled him to continue.

"The second type of earth-penetrating talisman can travel through the underground world. The distance through the earth is determined according to the cultivation level. The longest distance can be 100,000 miles. It is definitely a life-saving talisman."

Liu Wuxie said the second kind of magical talisman.

There are many kinds of life-preserving talismans. Most of them are just to increase one's speed. When encountering the most powerful masters, it is difficult to escape the opponent's sight.

The ground-traveling talisman is different, and no one knows which direction to escape to.

"This is true!"

Hearing the ability of the earth-penetrating talisman, Master Mingyi stood up excitedly.

Although he is proficient in talismans, this is the first time he has heard of such a thing as an earth-penetrating talisman.

"Yu'er can testify!"

Liu Wuxie knew that Master Mingyi would be suspicious of what he said, and Yu Zhaojun had read the Secret Records of the Heavenly Master.

Master Mingyi looked at his disciple, who nodded.

"Keep talking!"

Master Mingyi signaled Liu Wuxie to continue.

"The third type is the time talisman. If you throw it, you can reverse time. It is not limited by your cultivation level. Seniors should know that once the battle situation reaches a stalemate, if you can reverse time, you will definitely be able to catch the opponent off guard."

Liu Wuxie quickly finished explaining the ability of the time talisman.

There was suspicion in Yu Zhaojun's eyes. She remembered that there was no such thing as a time talisman in the Secret Records of the Heavenly Master. Could it be that Brother Liu had tinkered with it himself.

When Liu Wuxie chose to carve the time talisman, he also relied on the Eye of Time. There were many talismans in the Secret Records of the Heavenly Master that he did not want to take out for the time being and kept them for his own use.

This is his trump card, and he will have to deal with Long Tianzhong in the future.

If you take them all out, you won't be able to achieve a surprise victory.

"If it can really achieve the effect you said, it will definitely bring a magnitude 10 earthquake to today's Fu Dao market."

Master Mingyi can imagine that when these talismans described by Liu Wuxie come out, the Jingshen Sword Sect's talisman market will definitely be greatly affected.

This made him even more eager to cooperate with Liu Wuxie. If other sects were to take the lead, the Jingshen Sword Sect's talisman market would inevitably be lost, which would affect the foundation of the entire Jingshen Sword Sect.

Liang Yuecheng was in ruins after losing Sanshen Lake, and the same was true for Jingshen Sword Sect, which must not lose the Fu Dao market.

"Are there any other talismans?"

Master Mingyi was very happy for his decision today and came to visit as soon as possible.

"There is also the last one, the death talisman. This kind of talisman is very strange. If you throw it, the opponent will be contaminated with the air of death, and his lifespan will be continuously reduced, and eventually you will die. I can only provide you with this kind of talisman at most once a month.

One hundred pieces, the price is slightly more expensive than the other three talismans."

Liu Wuxie told the ugly story ahead.

It's not that he doesn't want to portray too much, it's mainly because the death talisman is too weird and he doesn't want to cause too much killing.

After the Tiandao Society stabilizes, it will stop carving the death talisman.

When Liu Wuxie explained the death talisman with a solemn expression, several people in the living room could tell that this talisman was very powerful, many times more powerful than the previous ones.

The Divine Thunder Talisman is just an attack method. Once the opponent avoids it, it loses its effect.

Although the ground-penetrating talisman can save your life, there is still a certain chance of being caught by the opponent.

The time talisman can reverse time, but it only increases the probability of killing the opponent. In the face of absolute strength, everything is false.

No matter what, the release of these kinds of talismans will definitely cause a huge sensation.

Only the fourth kind of talisman is truly heaven-defying. It can harvest the opponent's lifespan without any effort, and it is not affected by the cultivation level.

Listening to Liu Wuxie's tone, the death talisman was sacrificed, and even the God King realm was not spared.

Whoever possesses the Talisman of Death will be able to sweep away his opponents.

No wonder Liu Wuxie only provides 100 pieces a month. If this spreads to the market on a large scale, it will definitely make the entire Zhongsan Domain become a river of blood.

This chapter has been completed!
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