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Chapter 404 Application of Laws

Not everyone has the most yang and strong energy.

It is not difficult to understand the yang energy. As long as you are a man, your body contains masculine energy.

Ninety-nine percent of the masculine energy has no effect on the Yin Soul Stone because there are too many impurities.

Only the great Confucians of the past dynasties, who have read the books of sages and sages familiarly, and the great Confucian spirit contained in their bodies can drive away evil spirits and avoid ghosts.

The Qi of the Great Confucianism is also called the Qi of the Most Yang and Strongness. He has been influenced by the saints since he was a child, and has cultivated a breath of awe-inspiring Qi in his body.

As time goes by, this aura of awe becomes stronger and stronger, which is why many people are unwilling to come into contact with the great scholar.

Standing next to them, you will feel very uncomfortable. Their awe-inspiring righteousness seems to illuminate all dark corners.

Who doesn’t have a dark side in their heart? After being exposed to Haoran’s righteousness, the dark side will be revealed, making people feel ashamed of themselves.

This is also an aspect that great scholars of all ages have been respected for. They are not afraid of any demons and ghosts, nor will they succumb to any dark forces.

Liu Wuxie certainly did not have the awe-inspiring righteousness in his body. Although he was familiar with the books of sages, he was not as rigid as a great Confucian.

Only by being flexible can humans go further.

He doesn't have Haoran's righteousness, but he can crush the Yinhun Stone, because Liu Wuxie's Taoist heart is extremely strong. Whatever he does, he does not violate his true intention and has a clear conscience.

The Divine Book of Heaven can illuminate everything in the world, and no demons or ghosts can even get close to Liu Wuxie.

Entering the seventh floor, a dark corridor appears in front of you, and you don't know where it leads.

The road behind has disappeared, and the road ahead has no end.

If he keeps going like this, even if he goes to eternity, Liu Wuxie will not find the end of his life.

"Time Corridor, this seventh floor uses the law of time. If you enter through the ordinary inner door, it may be difficult to get out from here."

Liu Wuxie took a look and secretly cursed.

It involves the law of time, which makes it much more difficult.

For disciples who understand the law of time, it is naturally not difficult.

Time is an intangible substance that is difficult to capture, but it really exists.

The training room is the best proof. One day outside, ten days pass inside. This is the law of time.

As long as you control time, you can reverse it at will, and even bring the dead back to life. This is not impossible.

If you want to reach this height, you must not only understand time, but also seize time in order to change it.

This time corridor seems very long, but it is actually the evolution of time. It feels like you have walked for a long time, but in fact you have only walked for less than one breath.

If you keep going, you will definitely reach the end, maybe ten years, maybe a hundred years, but of course no one has tried it.

Liu Wuxie only had three hours, and more than half an hour had passed. If he wanted to win the battle, he had to go all out.

If the time corridor is cracked too fast, it may cause a sensation.

It is a bit difficult to win the battle and win in a low-key manner.

No matter how fast the first six layers are, they won't attract everyone's attention. They are all ordinary formations.

When it comes to the laws of heaven and earth, it's not that simple.

"He seems to have stopped!"

Those who were watching outside raised their heads and looked towards the top of the formation tower. They entered the seventh floor and were already halfway up.

"I have already guessed that the seventh floor is his final destination, so there is no way he can take a step forward."

Yang Xiao's face was full of smiles. After a while, he saw how Wei Dong made a fool of himself and knelt down to kowtow to him in front of so many people.

The six peak masters frowned slightly. There was still about half of the three hours to go. Was Liu Wuxie going to be out of the game so soon?

Time passed by, and Elder Wuyang had stayed on the tenth floor for a stick of incense, and there was still no sign of breaking through.

Liu Wuxie sat on the corridor of time, not cracking the formation at all, but practicing silently.

If people outside knew about it, they would probably be pissed to death.

The spiritual energy inside the formation tower is rich, which is very suitable for cultivation.

After a full cup of tea, Liu Wuxie stood up, formed seals with his hands, and struck the law of time into the long corridors on both sides.

As long as the law of time is corrected, the Time Corridor will naturally collapse and return to the normal time track.


There was a clicking sound from the Time Corridor, like countless clocks moving. These are changes in the law of time.

Ten breaths passed, and the time corridor in front of me changed little by little, turning into an ordinary small bridge, only about five meters long.

Through the change of the law of time, it became an endless corridor.

It not only uses the law of time, but also changes the law of space, making people's line of sight stretch indefinitely.

If Liu Wuxie guessed correctly, the eighth level would be the space formation.

Link by link, the seventh level involves every bit of space law, so you can familiarize yourself with it in advance so as not to be caught off guard when you reach the eighth level.

"He moved, he actually moved!"

The crowd was in an uproar, and as Liu Wuxie moved, the entire venue was boiling.

They don't care who can reach the end. Winning or losing is not important to them. They just want to watch a hearty battle.

It's not a big deal to decide the winner so quickly.

The light spot moved towards the eighth floor step by step, and the expression on Kong Yan's face became increasingly ugly.

The gap between them and their master is getting closer and closer, and a bad thought fills their hearts. Variety Literature

Wuyang is still trapped on the tenth floor and has not come out yet.

The battle has lasted for nearly two hours, and there is not much time left.

After entering the eighth floor, a hurricane struck, and Liu Wuxie seemed to have entered a vast universe, surrounded by stars and unable to see the end of the universe.

"It is indeed space evolution!"

A smile appeared on the corner of Liu Wuxie's mouth, exactly as he guessed.

The laws of space are even more elusive. A small storage ring can be made into its own space to hold a large number of items. All of this is inseparable from the application of the laws of space.

Whether it is a storage bag or a storage ring, there is one thing that cannot be separated from it, the space stone.

This is a rare kind of meteorite, which has its own space inside. The small space stone only has a world as big as a sesame seed inside, and the big one is as big as a house.

Through changes in the laws of space, the space inside is continuously enlarged.

Space stones are extremely rare, and every time a space stone is born, it will attract countless powerful people to rush for it.

Not only can it be used to create storage rings, space stones are also a good material for weapon refining, allowing weapons to form their own space, which can be used as weapons and also have the effect of storage.

What's even more terrifying is that the law of space is blessed, and the weapon has a trace of space ability, allowing the weapon to jump briefly.

To use the simplest analogy, you are ten meters away from your opponent, and your weapon is blessed with the Law of Space. You can travel through space, jump directly over a distance of ten meters, and appear in front of your opponent. This is the power of the Law of Space.

Under the same circumstances, weapons blessed with the laws of space are almost completely victorious.

Understanding space is not something that can be achieved overnight. You must at least reach the realm of infant transformation.

There is no need to fly, they can directly tear open the cracks in space and travel through time and space. The distance of thousands of miles is just a blink of an eye for them.

It looks like a vast universe, but this should be the inner world of the space stone.

If you want to go out, you must understand space, or find a crack in space, and go out from the space stone.

The cracks in space are changing all the time, and it is not easy to find them.

With the use of the Ghost Eye Technique, Liu Wuxie can see the entire world in full view, and Liu Wuxie can see every tiny law of space clearly.

"The layout is very subtle. It would be a bit troublesome to crack without relying on the ghost eye technique."

As you go to the back, the formation becomes more and more advanced.

These formations in the early stage are okay and not too dangerous. There should be a lot of killing formations hidden in the later formations.

If you are not careful, you will die inside.

He reached out and grabbed it, and a strand of Space Law fell into his palm. It was probably slightly thicker than a hair, and it was still beating.

The entire universe is entirely constructed from this law of space.

Once the space is shattered, the endless wind of darkness will come from the endless dark world and corrode the heaven, earth and universe.

The back side of the space is endless black. When humans enter, they cannot find the coordinates. They will soon lose their way and cannot find their way back.

In less than five breaths, the entire space was under Liu Wuxie's control. Looking straight ahead, he saw only a small crack that kept jumping.

This is the space crack, which is slightly invisible.

A powerful space rift can swallow a planet. Human beings will die if they enter, and will be instantly shattered by the power of space.

The depths of the universe are full of variables, and the greatest threat to mankind comes from space cracks.

Once inside, it's difficult to find your way back.

This is not the scariest thing. It is rumored that there are other creatures behind the space cracks. The universe they live in is not on the same parallel line as humans.

Stepping forward, he walked towards the crack in space.

He stretched out his hand to grab the crack and gently tore it open. A portal as tall as a person appeared. Liu Wuxie walked along the portal and appeared at the entrance to the ninth floor.

Suddenly time!

A pot exploded outside, and everyone looked at the light spot on the ninth floor, filled with shock.

"He...he actually reached the ninth floor."

The disciples of Xuanming Peak spoke tremblingly and somewhat incoherently.

There are not a few inner disciples who have entered the ninth level, and most of them are high-level inner disciples with extremely powerful strength.

Who is Liu Wuxie? He is only in the Tiangang realm and has been promoted to the inner sect for less than five days.

Yang Xiao's face was extremely gloomy. Just now he made a bet with Wei Dong that if Liu Wuxie could reach the ninth floor, he would kneel down and kowtow to Wei Dong to admit his mistake.

The competition is not over yet, everyone's eyes are focused on the ninth floor, waiting for the result.

A smile appeared on the corner of Elder Tianxing's mouth, and his heart finally relaxed.

Even if Liu Wuxie cannot win, today's actions are enough to prove his strength. There is no shame in losing to Elder Wuyang.

"Elder Wuyang also moved!"

The moment Liu Wuxie entered the ninth floor, Elder Wuyang walked out from the tenth floor and went straight to the eleventh floor.

This will be a new challenge for him. After the tenth level, he has never participated in it. It is a brand new world.

You chased after me, Liu Wuxie followed closely behind Elder Wuyang, and there was already a tendency to get closer.

"Huh, so what if he breaks into the ninth floor, he will definitely lose this battle!"

Many people snorted coldly. The more evil Liu Wuxie acted, the more uncomfortable they felt.

If the new disciples are so evil, it means they are useless.

Without comparison, there is no harm. Jealousy is human nature.


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