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Chapter 60 Making things difficult

After walking for about a stick of incense, the view suddenly opened up. A huge venue was built, surrounded by walls. The middle area was about several thousand square meters and could accommodate hundreds of people at the same time.

Those who are invited to watch are all prominent figures in Chancheng, so be there early.

The venue has been divided into areas, including the viewing area, the Dandan area, and the referee area.

Sitting in the first row were three old men, referees sent by the main cabinet. The old man in the middle was already in his sixties, with a white beard, kind eyebrows and kind eyes, and his whole body exuded a strong aura of immortality.

A nameplate was placed in front of each person, with their name and detailed information recorded on it.

The old man on the left is named Sang Yan, a three-star alchemist who works as an alchemist in the main pavilion.

The old man in the middle is extremely famous. He is the four-star chief alchemist of the main pavilion and is known as the Spear Master. As for his real name, it has long been forgotten.

Four-star alchemists are rare. Looking at the entire Yan Dynasty, there are only a handful of them. The juniors who came to participate in the alchemy discussion today are the best, but three-star alchemists are already ahead of many of the older generations.

Master Huo has lived for most of his life and is only a two-star alchemist. No wonder he has always coveted Liu Wuxie's method of refining the Tianling Pill. As long as he masters it, he can be promoted to a three-star alchemist.

The old man on the right is called Zhou Xinsheng. He is also a three-star alchemist. They have a very high status. This time the alchemy discussion will be judged by the three of them.

In the second row are the masters of the major branch pavilions in the thirty-five cities, and the first one is Shangguan Cai, the master of the pavilions in Pingling City.

The second one comes from the host, Chancheng Pavilion Master—Li An.

The third place is from Huacheng. The pavilion master is Wang Hongcai. Zuo Hong represents Huacheng and won the third place last year.

Following in that order are Che Jiajun, the master of the Yingcheng Pavilion, Ke Wen, the master of the Wucheng Pavilion, and Mo Shidao, the master of the Ningcheng Pavilion. Du Mingze is from Ningcheng.

The last one in line is Bi Gongyu, the Pavilion Master of Canglan City.

There are thirty-five pavilion masters, and the status of the top five is obviously much higher. The pavilion masters at the bottom of the ranking came up to say hello one after another, and they were very enthusiastic.

As for Canglan City, they have already been seated in the corner. The lower the ranking, the farther away they sit. This is a traditional rule and there is no mercy.

If you want to get a higher position, a branch must make a lot of achievements. Lun Dan is just a medium to test the overall level of each branch.

Sitting in the third row were all invited guests. The heads of several major families in Chancheng came to observe, as well as some powerful masters. They were all invited.

Five people from the Kuang family came, including the patriarch, the first elder, the second elder, and two juniors. One of them, the young man in white whom I met yesterday, was with Kuang Lao. This person should have a high status in the Kuang family.

"Second brother, is this the fake painting that boy discovered?"

Kuang Qiu's eyes fell on Liu Wuxie. What happened at Qianxi Chamber of Commerce yesterday had already been reported back to Kuang's family. After many investigations, the source of the matter was finally found.

In a pear town a hundred miles away from Chan City, there is a counterfeiting den lurking. They specialize in making fake paintings and sell them at low prices to earn high profits.

Overnight, he was uprooted by the crazy family.

"The master who returned home is exactly this person!"

Kuang Zhan quickly stood up and answered respectfully.

"This is the first time I have met such a young alchemist. I hope he will not disappoint us today."

The annual Danbao Pavilion Alchemy Conference attracts the attention of countless people. Who doesn’t want to take a look?

This year is Chancheng's turn, and they have the opportunity to see the heyday of Lun Dan.

"He'er, what do you think of this person?"

Kuang Qiu asked the young man in white on the right, wanting to hear his opinion. He was also present yesterday.

"Reporting to my father, this man looks very young, but he is very serious, and his actions are reasonable and well-founded. Although he is only sixteen or seventeen years old, his mind is very mature. This man is not simple, and children are not as good as him."

This was the answer given by Kuang He. Although he didn't say a word yesterday, he recorded every move and expression of Liu Wuxie and came to a conclusion.

"I am very happy that you can realize your own shortcomings and learn from your strengths to offset your weaknesses. This is the way to practice. Don't belittle yourself. Once you have learned the way, you are already far ahead of your peers."

Kuang Qiu is very satisfied with his son's answer. The next generation of the Kuang family, Kuang He is the most outstanding in painting. He has shown strong talent in painting since he was a child. When he was only a teenager, he painted a picture containing will, although he is not a martial artist.

Will cannot be underestimated.

There were about 200 people sitting in the viewing area, whispering and guessing who would win the championship this year.

"It's the annual Danbao Pavilion Alchemy Conference again. This year it will be held in Chancheng. First of all, on behalf of the main pavilion, I would like to express my gratitude to Pavilion Master Li for setting up the venue. Thank you!"

A middle-aged man walked out. His voice was so penetrating that it spread to every corner. The entire venue fell silent instantly.

"Deacon Hua, you're welcome. This is what we should do."

Li An stood up, cupped his hands into fists, and thanked everyone for their support.

"Let's not talk nonsense anymore. My name is Hua Xingquan, the little deacon of the main cabinet. I am in charge of this alchemy conference. Forty alchemists are invited to enter the venue. There are a few new faces this year. I will introduce them later.

Tell me the rules."

Liu Wuxie and others walked into the venue. A total of forty tables were placed. On each table was a box over one foot high with a seal, which should contain elixirs.

Canglan City ranked thirty-fifth last year, and the tables were arranged near the edge of the venue.

The first day tested their ability to identify elixirs. Not only did they have to write down the names, years, and efficacy of these elixirs, but the most powerful thing was to prepare an elixir using some rare elixirs. The elixirs were prepared on site. I'm afraid four-star elixirs could be made.

Even teachers can't do it.

First of all, you need to understand the properties of elixirs. Each elixir has its own properties. Some properties are yin and some are yang. Random combinations will only cause explosions.

"Same as in previous years, on the first day of identifying medicines, there are forty-five elixirs in each of your boxes. They are of the same year and have the same efficacy. Some of them you may know, some of you may not know them. These are carefully cultivated by the main pavilion.

New varieties, you have to identify their medicinal effects and years within three hours. The perfect score is 100. If you guess the elixir correctly, you will get one share, a total of forty-five points. If you prepare the elixir, you will get the remaining fifty-five points.


The rules are very simple. You get one point for guessing a magical elixir correctly, and the perfect score is one hundred. Throughout history, no one has ever gotten a perfect score, and the highest score is seventy points.

Know all the forty-five elixirs and prepare half of the elixir recipe.

Before coming, Liu Wuxie read the rules of elixir carefully.

"Deacon Hua, I have something to say."

Suddenly, Yun Lan stood up and interrupted Hua Xingquan. Everyone's eyes focused on Yun Lan.

"Master Yun Pavilion, please speak!"

Hua Xingquan made a gesture of invitation. If you have any objections, you can raise them.

"The Danbao Pavilion holds an elixir discussion conference every year, which is a very sacred event. However, there are some people who just pretend to be useless and bring all kinds of rubbish, which seriously lowers the quality of the elixir discussion conference. I suggest that this person be removed.

So as not to tarnish the reputation of Danbao Pavilion."

Yun Lan was full of passion and stared directly at Liu Wuxie. Yesterday, his apprentice was slapped in the face wildly by him, and the master was also embarrassed. How could this matter be let go?

As soon as these words came out, the scene was in an uproar!

The fake painting scandal has spread throughout Chan City. Xiao Mingyi of Boundless City spent one million gold coins to buy a fake painting, but was exposed on the spot.

"Yun Lan, you are talking nonsense. At the Danbao Pavilion Danbao Pavilion Conference, everyone is discussing with each other. The elixir discussion has not yet begun. You are talking nonsense. You should be the one who tarnishes the reputation of Danbao Pavilion."

Bi Gongyu stood up with a groan. What he said just now was clearly directed at Canglan City.

"Whether it's all nonsense or not, you'll know soon. Do you dare to let me ask him a few words?"

Yun Lan sneered and pointed her right hand at Liu Wuxie. The elixir discussion had not yet started, and the smell of gunpowder was getting stronger. The other pavilion masters were a little indifferent, and some made bursts of sarcasm.

It was not just Xiao Mingyi who was slapped in the face yesterday. Wan Yichun, who represented Pingcheng, Xue Qiu, who represented Meicheng, and Du Mingze, who represented Ningcheng, were all present at the time.

Liu Wuxie stood in the corner and suddenly pointed at him, making him stunned for a while, but then he understood.

Hundreds of gazes were focused on Liu Wuxie, including thirty-nine alchemists, with some gloating, some ridicule, and some curiosity...

"Master Yun Pavilion has something to ask me, and this junior should obey it."

There was no anger on Liu Wuxie's face, and she bowed slightly, leaving many people stunned.

"This kid is really calm. The next words of Pavilion Master Yun are obviously going to make things difficult for him. Just ignore him. It can really deprive him of his Lundan identity."

There was a low-pitched exchange in the viewing area. At this time, you should pretend to be dumb and answer Yun Lan's questions, which is equivalent to falling into his trick. You must try your best to make things difficult.

Bi Gongyu wanted to stop him, but it was too late. Although he believed Liu Wuxie very much, he was questioned in public about where he had placed him in Canglan City.

"First question, how old are you this year."

A very simple question, which was beyond everyone's expectations. They thought it would test his alchemy skills and make him look embarrassed in public.

"Just turned eighteen!"

He bent down slightly and answered Yun Lan's questions without being humble or saying a word, which made many people look a little surprised. For an eighteen-year-old alchemist, it seemed that the Great Yan Dynasty had not yet been born.

"Have you ever read Baicao Jing, Shen Nong's Cao Jing?"

These two scriptures contain countless kinds of knowledge about elixirs. If you can understand them all, you will be able to know nine out of ten medicinal materials on the market.


Liu Wuxie, who had never even heard of it, gave a very blunt answer. This answer was beyond everyone's expectations. Everyone looked at him strangely, and many of the alchemists showed a hint of ecstasy.

The Baicao Jing and the Shen Nong Cao Jing are two books that every alchemist must read before becoming an apprentice. They also have to memorize them. Liu Wuxie has not read them. What a joke.

"Have you seen this? This is my question. I want to ask all the alchemists present, what were you doing when you were eighteen years old? You should still be apprentices in the alchemy room. You read various elixir books and try hundreds of herbs every day. I said this

The person is cheating and should be expelled from the venue as a warning to others."

A sinister smile appeared on the corner of Yun Lan's mouth. Just as he expected, Liu Wuxie had never read any books on elixirs, let alone tried Baicao.

Many people nodded. Although Yun Lan's words were a bit excessive, they were reasonable, including Master Spear, who was still an alchemy boy when he was eighteen years old.

Alchemy is not something that can be accomplished overnight. You must first understand the elixir and try it. You need to refine elixir day and night and learn from failures again and again. Even so, not every alchemy apprentice can become an alchemist.

His words aroused the agreement of many people, including several top-ranked branch masters, who agreed with Yun Lan's suggestion.

It is an insult to Danbao Pavilion to attend the Danbao Conference without having read Baicao Jing and Shen Nong Cao Jing.

This chapter has been completed!
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