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Chapter 69 Changes in Seedlings

Without even saying hello, Shangguan turned around and left. Only then did Shangguan use his identity to put pressure. Unfortunately, he used the wrong person.

Shangguan didn't get up immediately. It wasn't until Liu Wuxie's back completely disappeared that he looked away, and the murderous look in his eyes disappeared in a flash.

"Master Shangguan Pavilion, please!"

There is no need for Bi Gongyu to be polite. In the past, Canglan City had a lower ranking, so he had to be polite to him when he saw him. This year, the situation was reversed. Canglan City received full marks for identifying medicine, and he could finally feel proud.

"Master, let's go!"

Ji Yang stood up first, walked in, and spoke the first words.

"Pavilion Master Bi, take care of it!"

He simply hugged his fists and led Ji Yang away from the No. 35 courtyard. Before leaving, he took a look at Liu Wuxie's house.

The courtyard returned to calm, and Lei Tao walked out. He was standing outside just now, and he could clearly hear the conversation inside, with an angry look on his face.

"Pingling City is too bullying. The Danbao Pavilion Alchemy Conference, which has always been fair and just, actually plans to secretly force us to give up. It is really unreasonable." Lei Tao waved his fist fiercely and vented his dissatisfaction: "Pavilion Master

, should we report the truth to the three referees and let them make the decision?"

Secret threats, touching the bottom line, this kind of behavior will make people feel more disgusted with Pingling City if spread.

"Since they dare to come, they are not afraid that we will tell the three referees. Besides, the other party did not leave any evidence and their claims are unfounded. So what can we do if we go and he refuses to admit it."

Bi Gongyu shook his head. Pingling City had won the first place several times in a row, and the worst score was still in the top five. Shangguan Cai was also good at sociability, and most of the thirty-five cities had extraordinary relationships with him.

If there is a real stalemate, it will be extremely detrimental to Canglan City. There will definitely be a majority supporting Pingling City.

At that time, it will still be Canglan City that will be embarrassed.

"Then what should we do? Just let them intimidate us."

Lei Tao gnashed his teeth with hatred, and it was like one wave after another, offending Fenggrao City, Pingcheng, Meicheng, Wubian City, Ningcheng, etc., and now there was another Pingling City.

"Take it one step at a time. They don't dare to take action in Chan City. Once the Lun Dan Conference is over, we will rush back to Canglan City. They still don't dare to go to Canglan City to cause trouble."

This is all we can do now, Bi Gongyu said helplessly.

"The one who has been hurt the most is Mr. Liu. It's hard to say!"

The two of them each sighed and went back to the house to rest and face tomorrow's alchemy session. Only by getting better results can they be slapped in the face.

One night passes quickly!

As soon as it got dark, Bi Gongyu and Lei Tao got up early and stood in the yard waiting.

Liu Wuxie changed into a blue robe, which was washed white but very clean.

There was no wave on his face. What happened last night seemed to be forgotten in his mind. He said hello to Bi Gongyu Leitao and rushed towards the venue.

Other courtyards were opened one after another. The strange thing was that there were very few people greeting Liu Wuxie today, it could be said that there were none at all. The three people in Canglan City were isolated.

The three of them had long expected this situation, and Shangguan Cai was probably responsible for all this.

They were deliberately isolated and subjected to great psychological pressure.

The venue has been rearranged. Except for the viewing area and the referee area, there are no changes. There are forty more alchemy furnaces in the middle of the venue for the alchemy session of today's test.

No skills, no arguments, the same elixir, the same year, who has better alchemy skills?

It was still the same area as yesterday, with Liu Wuxie ranked last.

The viewing area is already bustling with people. After yesterday's medicine identification session, everyone is particularly looking forward to today's alchemy.

The thirty-fifth city pavilion masters sat down one after another. Compared with yesterday, they greeted each other with much less words. They sat in their seats silently.

There is a murderous aura hidden in the secret!

The three referees took their seats, and Deacon Hua came out with a stiff expression on his face.

"The elixir discussion conference has entered the second stage, elixir refining! In front of each of you, place a hundred medicinal herbs of the same year and with the same medicinal effect. You can mix and match them at will, and you can use them as you wish."

The test of alchemy is comprehensive strength. If you spend the least amount of elixir and refine a higher level elixir, you will be a qualified alchemist.

The rules are all familiar to everyone, and some people have already begun to sort out the elixirs and think about what elixir is most suitable to refine.

"Liu Wuxie, I want to challenge you!"

A cold voice resounded over the entire venue. Du Mingze stood up and pointed his finger at Liu Wuxie, wanting to challenge him.

Yesterday's humiliation made him unable to hold his head up for the rest of his life. After a night of adjustment, his mentality had recovered and he threatened to challenge Liu Wuxie.

"Liu Wuxie, I want to challenge you too!"

From another area, Wensong stood up and challenged Liu Wuxie just like Du Mingze.

"Liu Wuxie, do you dare to accept my challenge?"

Xiao Mingyi had murderous intent on his face and said this through gritted teeth. If he doesn't vent his anger, his realm will always be stagnant, and Liu Wuxie will become a nightmare in his life, affecting his martial arts aspirations.

Three people in a row initiated the challenge, which has never happened before.

Buzz buzz...

Countless chatter, like flies flying around, filled the entire venue with various noisy sounds.

"Challenge me?" Liu Wuxie glanced at the three of them, and a sarcastic smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. They are really unbeatable Xiaoqiang, so today I will trample them hard and they will never be able to stand up: "What do you want?


The voice was as cold as the cold winter, and the terrifying murderous intent, centered on Liu Wuxie, surged towards the four types.

"It's very simple. If you lose, kneel down and kowtow in front of us and admit that you were wrong."

Wensong's harsh voice represented the answers of the three of them. Whoever loses will kneel down and kowtow to admit his mistake.

"I promised!"

Just like yesterday, Liu Wuxie didn't have any big mood swings. He didn't even mean to refute and just agreed.

This answer was beyond the expectations of some people. Many people thought that Liu Wuxie might choose to refuse.

"You agree now?"

Wan Yichun looked confused and agreed too casually. They thought of a lot of excuses last night. If Liu Wuxie didn't agree, they would use various words to force him.

None of the prepared words are of use, so that’s fine, there’s no need to waste any more words.

The three referees frowned. This year's Dan Conference will be the one with the most fights in history.

"Alchemy officially begins, the time is the same as yesterday, three hours are specified."

Deacon Hua announced the start of the elixir refining, and the sound of picking up elixirs could be heard from all around.

Liu Wuxie was not in a hurry, and gently picked up an elixir. His body suddenly moved, and the leaves of the seedling that had just appeared in Taihuang Dantian made a rustling sound, resonating with the elixir.

Part of the wood essence in the elixir is absorbed by the seedlings, and the leaves become greener.

Then a new stream of wood essence was fed back into the elixir, and a strange scene occurred. The quality of the elixir was greatly improved.


Liu Wuxie looked horrified. The elixir in his hand was originally only a three-year-old elixir, an ordinary second-level elixir. The wood essence that was fed back by the mysterious seedlings was comparable to a five-year-old elixir, and its grade was infinitely close to the third-level elixir.

Immediately, a look of ecstasy appeared on his face. When refining elixirs in the future, wouldn't it be possible to improve the quality of the elixirs? This discovery made him extremely ecstatic.

The joy flashed away, everyone was busy refining the elixir, and no one paid attention to him.

Someone has already started refining it, and the surrounding temperature rises suddenly, and the flames rise, forming various shapes.

Most of the eyes fell on Ji Yang and Qin Letian. They were both geniuses in alchemy with unique techniques.

As for Liu Wuxie, someone would occasionally take a look. Thirty-nine alchemists devoted themselves wholeheartedly to it, but he was the only one who was still picking out the elixirs one by one.

"What is this kid doing? What time is it? It hasn't started yet. Three hours seems like a lot. It's only enough to refine two furnaces of elixirs. If he continues to delay like this and wastes one furnace, he can basically say goodbye to this link.


Ping Shao, the master of the Pavilion in Dongdu City, had an expression of hatred for iron. He had a pretty good attitude towards Liu Wuxie and did not show any ill will.

"I still don't understand this. He knows nothing about refining medicine."

Yun Lan sneered. After he finished identifying the medicine yesterday, he sent a letter to the head of the Tian family in Canglan City to investigate Liu Wuxie's affairs. The news came back this morning, and he had all the information about Liu Wuxie.

The message stated that Liu Wuxie had always been a loser. His talent in martial arts had only just emerged. As for alchemy, he had never heard of it.

Liu Wuxie knew how to make alchemy. Except for a few people in Danbao Pavilion, even his father-in-law didn't know much about it, let alone the Tian family.

No wonder Xiao Mingyi, Du Mingze and others vowed to challenge him. It turned out that they had already received the news that Liu Wuxie did not understand alchemy.

"Not necessarily. Have you ever seen someone who knows nothing about alchemy being able to write a paper like yesterday?"

Ping Shao doesn't think so. The information in the investigation may not be 100% accurate, and it is possible that Liu Wuxie has been hiding her talent for alchemy.

"Whether he can make elixirs or not, he will know the truth and falsehood in a moment. Let's see how long he can keep pretending."

Yun Lan was too lazy to argue with him, turned her head fiercely, glanced at Liu Wuxie with a sarcastic expression, and her eyes fell on Xiao Mingyi.

Time passed by minute by minute, and an hour passed in the blink of an eye, and a strong fragrance of red pepper emitted from the sky.

Most people succeeded in the first batch and had already entered the elixir condensation stage, but Liu Wuxie was still picking out the elixirs one by one.

Bi Gongyu was so anxious that he broke into a cold sweat. What was going on and why didn't it start?


There was a sound of a furnace exploding, and a foul smell filled the surrounding area. Xue Qiu's first furnace failed, and all the elixirs were useless.

Yesterday he performed abnormally in distinguishing medicines, and today he made another mistake in refining elixirs.

"Look at Ji Yang, there is a cloud of dense air above his alchemy furnace."

There was a burst of exclamation from the crowd, and the dense air appeared in the sky above the alchemy furnace, which meant that the best elixir was about to be released.

"As expected of the youngest three-star alchemist in the Yan Dynasty, he is truly amazing."

Compliments sounded all around, and a smile appeared on Shangguan's face.

Then, a cloud of dense air also appeared in the sky above Qin Letian's alchemy furnace, and there was another sensation on the scene. The two men had a very close score difference last year, and their alchemy skills were almost the same. Ji Yangsheng was slightly younger.


"I thought there would be a fight between dragons and tigers today, but the result was good, it was still a battle between the two of them!"

A lot of attention was cast on Liu Wuxie. Compared with yesterday's performance, today's performance was so different that many people were disappointed. Half the time had passed and he hadn't started yet.

This chapter has been completed!
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