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Chapter 717 Fire Spirit Fruit

 If you practice here for one day, you can practice in the Dingnan region for dozens of days.

Every day and every night, it is constantly running, swallowing up the spiritual energy in the void.

One day later!

Liu Wuxie's energy reached its peak before he walked out of the inn.

Go straight to the teleportation array in Chiling City.

There is no teleportation array directly to Xingyao City in Chiling City. You need to teleport to the next big city. After walking through the Genhuo Mountains and entering Changcheng, only there is a teleportation array directly to Xingyao City.

Riding the teleportation array is not very dangerous, mainly the Genhuo Mountain Range, which is full of dangers.

Most people like to travel in groups and cross mountains.

There are also some powerful people who go deep alone.

Liu Wuxie has already planned the route and aims to arrive at Xingyao City within half a month.

This time Liu Wuxie paid 1,500 high-grade spiritual stones to obtain a position.

There are many people sitting in the teleportation array, and up to forty people can be teleported at one time.

Opposite Liu Wuxie, there was a man and a woman sitting, probably a brother and sister.

He was young, the man had a Chinese-character face and a dignified appearance, and the woman was quite handsome. They both looked at Liu Wuxie with a hint of a smile.

Nodding, it is also a kind of fate to be able to ride the teleportation array together.

Liu Wuxie nodded in return. At this time, the light patterns of the teleportation array flickered, and their bodies seemed to be pulled into a dark space.

Occasionally, screams could be heard from all around. Not everyone has a body as evil as Liu Wuxie's.

Even some low-level infant transformation realms cannot withstand the tearing force coming from space.

Liu Wuxie looked at the other side, and the expressions on the faces of the brother and sister were also very painful.

The brother held his sister's hand and told her not to be afraid.

Closing his eyes, Liu Wuxie continued to perceive the changes brought about by space.

A few hours later...

Gravity appeared again, pulling them out of the teleportation array and back to reality.

The long-lost eyes shone on their faces, and everyone felt like they were surviving a disaster.

The city is not big, and because of this, there is no teleportation array directly to Xingyao City.

The surrounding area is also very desolate, and there are many warriors in the city who are very murderous.

Liu Wuxie knew a lot about this city from books, and it was called Mercenary City.

Because there are too many mercenaries stationed here, they travel the Genhuo Mountains all year round.

Mainly escorting some businessmen across the mountains safely and earning a portion of commission.

For example, Liu Wuxie is crossing the Genhuo Mountains for the first time, which is very dangerous. Without a guide, he is likely to get lost. If he is unlucky, he will fall into the mouths of spiritual beasts and become their food.

The first thing Liu Wuxie did when entering the city was to buy a topographic map of the Genhuo Mountain Range.

The map is not very accurate. After all, many places are changing all the time, which is enough for Liu Wuxie to use.

If there is no problem with the direction, you can get out of the Genhuo Mountains.

Without staying in the city, Liu Wuxie turned around and left after buying the map.

Entering the Genhuo Mountain Range, the rich aura of flames hits your face.

Genhuo is also a type of flame and should be a stone that generates heat.

As a result, the temperature throughout the mountain range is much higher than other places.

There are very few trees here, and most of them are heat-resistant vegetation.

As soon as they entered the mountain range, Xiaohuo emerged from Liu Wuxie's arms and jumped directly to the ground.

It jumped happily in front, sometimes getting into the big trees, and sometimes running into the grass.

Liu Wuxie didn't care and let Xiao Huo run around.

In the world of cultivation, many monks like to use spirit beasts as mounts, and some as pets. After catching them, they are forced to sign a soul contract with the spirit beast.

Once a soul contract is signed, the spirit beast will lose all rights to speak and be controlled by its owner.

With a little resistance, the soul contract is crushed and the spirit beast dies instantly.

Some monks, when they reach a later stage of cultivation, are not as good as the pet animals around them, and the spiritual beasts backfire. In turn, they are controlled by the spiritual beasts, and humans become slaves.

This situation is extremely low. Once a monk feels that his cultivation level cannot keep up with the beast pet, he will immediately crush the soul contract, unless the relationship between the two parties is very good.

Liu Wuxie had no intention of signing a soul contract with Xiao Huo because he had no intention of keeping Xiao Huo with him for a long time.

If it wants to leave, it can leave at any time.

Xiaohuo burrowed for a long time, ran out of the grass, grabbed Liu Wuxie's trousers, and pointed forward.

"You want me to go this way?"

Liu Wuxie asked.

According to the map, he should go to the left. Xiao Huo asked him to go to the right.

Xiaohuo nodded and asked Liu Wuxie to hurry up.

After hesitating for a moment, Liu Wuxie decided to follow Xiao Huo to see what was going on.

Xiao Huo is extremely intelligent. Apart from being unable to speak, he can understand everything Liu Wuxie says, which is very unusual.

Quickly keep up with Xiaohuo's pace. Despite its small body, its speed is not slow at all.

Being able to escape from the pursuit of a jackal is absolutely extraordinary.

Passing through a dense forest of fire, the line of vision suddenly opened up, and Liu Wuxie smelled the smell of blood.

"There are signs of a fight here."

Liu Wuxie drew out the evil blade and was secretly on guard. He looked around and found a dozen corpses lying in the open space in the distance.

Next to the corpse, there is a huge ninth-level mysterious beast.

"perish together?"

Liu Wuxie frowned slightly.

Judging from the battle situation at the scene, this was indeed the case. More than a dozen monks dressed in mercenary uniforms were all killed by the claws of the mysterious beast.

The huge mysterious beast was killed by the combined efforts of everyone, and a huge gash was opened in its abdomen, dripping with blood.

Why are they fighting here?

This place is not considered deep in the Genhuo Mountains, it is just a peripheral area, and it is impossible to find treasures.

The Ghost Eye Technique swept in a circle, and there was no danger within a hundred meters, so Liu Wuxie approached step by step.

Xiaohuo was very brave and ran into the corpses, actually looking for something.

Soon, Xiao Huo lay on top of a corpse and grabbed the storage ring on his finger.

Liu Wuxie stepped forward quickly, took off the storage ring, and entered it with his spiritual consciousness.

In addition to spiritual stones and some elixirs, there are only a few exercise secret books, all of which are rubbish.

Soon, a bright red fruit appeared in front of Liu Wuxie.

Xiao Huo was circling around anxiously, standing on Liu Wuxie's shoulders, gesticulating constantly.

"Do you want this fruit?"

Liu Wuxie took out the red fruit and placed it in the palm of his hand.

Xiaohuo pounced on it with a roar and bit into the red fruit.

Before Liu Wuxie could even tell whether the fruit was poisonous or not, Xiao Huo had already eaten every bit of it.

Through the storage ring, Xiao Huo could smell the fruit inside the storage ring. Liu Wuxie had far underestimated Xiao Huo's ability.

After eating, Xiaohuo got into Liu Wuxie's arms and fell asleep quietly.

Liu Wuxie had a black hair and had to run for a long time just for this fruit.

I didn’t care, I wasn’t in a hurry anyway, just treat it as an experience.

He put away everyone's storage rings, dug a big hole, and buried the bodies.

After sacrificing the Heaven-Swallowing Divine Cauldron, all the essence in the mysterious beast's body was stripped away, turned into a large amount of liquid, and entered the wild world.

After doing everything well, Liu Wuxie continued on the road.

After walking for a day and a night, Xiao Huo was still sleeping, and Liu Wuxie was a little confused.

Putting his hand into his arms, Liu Wuxie was startled as if he touched a ball of flame.

After sleeping for a full day and night, Xiao Huo came out of his arms, and the red fur on his body became even brighter.

When the wind blows, the red fur keeps swaying, like flames flickering.

What surprised Liu Wuxie even more was that Xiao Huo had grown a full circle, his claws were sharper, and the golden lines deep in his fur also grew stronger.

"It's weird, it's weird, a piece of fruit can make you grow so fast."

Liu Wuxie clicked her tongue and said, becoming even more curious about Xiao Huo's identity.

Xiao Huo rolled over in Liu Wuxie's palm, very happy.

He continued to lie on Liu Wuxie's shoulder, half-squinting his eyes.

"Brother, this is it!"

The corpses buried by Liu Wuxie yesterday were actually dug out.

Looking at the corpses one after another, the group of five people fell into deep thought.

"Their storage rings were stolen!"

The man in the middle checked and found that all the storage rings on their bodies had disappeared. It was very likely that they had been stolen.

"The body has just been buried not long ago. The person should still be nearby. Let's go look for it separately. Swallowing the fire spirit fruit will leave the smell of fire spirit around, making it easy to find."

The man called Big Brother had a downcast look and a murderous look on his face.

They spent a lot of effort to find the Fire Spirit Fruit. The five of them came to help, but it was still a step too late.

The five people quickly dispersed and chased after them along several surrounding roads.

Liu Wuxie was completely unaware of all this, and he didn't even know what Xiaohuo ate.

If he knew it was a fire spirit fruit, Liu Wuxie would definitely feel heartbroken.

A fire spirit fruit is enough to raise him to half a realm, giving him a 70% chance of reaching the eighth level of the galaxy.

Constantly take out the map and compare the walking routes.

When I was tired from walking, I sat down to rest. Little did I know that the crisis was quietly approaching.

Xiao Huo ate the Fire Spirit Fruit, and the faint Fire Spirit energy seeped out along his fur, and could be felt from a long distance away.

On the third day after entering the Genhuo Mountains, Liu Wuxie found someone following him.

Along the way, Liu Wuxie chose to take detours when encountering other mercenary groups, mainly because he did not want to cause trouble.

Sometimes it's like this, if you don't cause trouble, trouble will find you automatically.

"Whoosh whoosh whoosh..."

Five figures quickly came out from behind and surrounded Liu Wuxie.

One of them is extremely powerful and is actually at the fifth level of the Transformation Infant.

The other four people were of average strength and were all in the low-level Infant Transformation realm.

"Brother, the aura of the Fire Spirit Fruit comes from him."

The man on the right points at Liu Wuxie with a long sword in his hand.

He didn't need to remind him, Liu Wuxie was surrounded by a strong fire spirit fruit aura.

Like a ball of flame, it enveloped the small fire.

"Everyone, I seem to have no enmity with you, so why are you blocking my way?"

Liu Wuxie was confused and didn't know what they were talking about.

"Boy, don't pretend to be confused. Have you stolen our Fire Spirit Fruit?"

The man on the left took a step forward, and the power of turning into a baby on his body crushed Liu Wuxie.

Liu Wuxie frowned slightly. Could it be that the Fire Spirit Fruit they were talking about was the one Xiao Huo ate?

At that time, he felt that this fruit was very special. He didn't have time to check it, so he ate it in one bite.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what you said!"

Liu Wuxie shrugged. Regardless of whether Xiao Huo ate the Fire Spirit Fruit or not, it had nothing to do with these people.

Everyone was dead at that time, and the Fire Spirit Fruit was an ownerless thing. What right did these people have to question Liu Wuxie?


This chapter has been completed!
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