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Chapter 716: True Mountain Rules

In the early morning, the morning glow is gradually rising.

The infatuated view of the morning glow is known as one of the best in the world, and this is not for nothing.

There are many disciples who have just gone up the mountain, but they can't resist the temptation of the morning glow. They will skip the morning classes and go there to have a look. In addition, the previous temple leader has a laid-back temperament and has always turned a blind eye to this kind of thing.

The only thing that works is that the other Taoists in the temple don't care about the fact that the disciple occasionally skips two morning classes.

However, following the original palm rule and the current Guanzhu Yinli's accession to the throne, the atmosphere in the mountain became more and more serious, and there were not many disciples who dared to skip morning classes to see the morning glow.

The atmosphere in Chixinguan has been tense these days.

The reason is simple. A few days ago, Yun Jianyue, the number one genius of the Taoist sect of this generation, escaped from the spirit lock prison.

This young Taoist leader was highly regarded by the first Guanzhu, but in the end he assassinated the Guanzhu. Instead of killing him, he locked him up in a spirit-locking prison. He was already a

They were merciful outside the law, but who would have thought that the young man in front of him not only did not wake up, but actually escaped from prison.

The Taoists in the Guanzhong who knew about this quickly found out that Yun Jianyue was released by Yu Lu. Thinking about this, they didn't even think of Yu Lu's motive. After all, this person is now regarded as a hardcore person in the Guanzhong.

The viewer follows him personally. In that case, why would he do such a thing?

You must know that Yun Jianyue once assassinated the Guanzhu. Logically speaking, Yu Lu should hope that he would stay in the Soul Locking Prison forever and never come out again.

Although I couldn't figure out Yu Lu's motives, since I found out, I naturally wanted to catch him. Fortunately, Yu Lu didn't struggle much.

, and was sent to the Soul Locking Prison.

Regarding how to deal with him, even Master Shouyi, who is currently in charge of the mountain, does not dare to make an easy decision. After all, Yu Lu is still the Taoist servant of Master Yinli. How to deal with it has to be decided by Master Yinli himself.

However, Master Yinli was not in the mountain at the moment, so they could only temporarily imprison Yu Lu.

Master Shouyi has been a little irritable these days. This follower of Master Yinli vaguely wants to understand something, but he is not too willing to believe it.

Although he is a follower of Zhenren Yinli, he is also very unwilling to see Yun Jianyue die at the hands of Zhenren Yinli. For such a Taoist genius, it doesn't matter even if he stands on both sides of a river with them.

After all, this is the future of Chixin Kuan, which represents the inheritance of Chixin Kuan. There is Yunjianyue, and I dare not say anything else. I am afraid that Chixin Kuan will still be the leader in Taoism in the next hundred years, but if he dies, even if there are still people in Kuanzhong

Genius, but who can hold up Yun Jianyue's vacancy?

Thinking about this, Master Shouyi felt even heavier.


A bell rang in the distance, and then spread throughout the mountains.

The sound of the bell forced Master Shouyi's mind back. He raised his head and glanced not far away. A disciple soon arrived in front of him.

"Uncle Shouyi, senior brother Yun has returned to the mountain!"

He glanced at Master Shouyi with some excitement, but then he thought that Senior Brother Yun was now a fugitive in the mountains, so he suppressed the joy in his heart.

"Nonsense, why should a bell be rung to notify such a fugitive when he returns to the mountains?"

Master Shouyi was a little angry. He was in charge of the punishment hall in the mountain, and he valued the rules the most.

"Zhong... is Senior Brother Yun

He made the noise by himself, and now he is in front of the main hall over there, saying that he wants to... tell all the teachers a big secret."

The disciple also knew that this matter was unusual, so he quickly thought of informing Master Moriichi.

In front of the main hall of Chixinguan, many disciples from the mountain quickly gathered, and countless Taoists rushed here. After seeing Yun Jianyue who escaped from the Soul Locking Prison, their eyes widened.

Some disciples who had a fairly good relationship with Yun Jianyue looked at Senior Brother Yun, their eyes full of doubts, Senior Brother, why did you come back now that you have escaped?

Some older Taoists looked at Yun Jianyue with complicated expressions. They still had a lot of good impressions of this young man, but Yun Jianyue's coming and going almost blocked their escape route.

From then on, it was almost destined that he would no longer have a place in Chixinguan.

"Yun Jianyue, you are so brave!"

A voice soon sounded in the crowd. A young Taoist disciple looked at Yun Jianyue with an ugly face. He was one of the followers of Zhenren Yinli.

"You attacked and killed the temple master that day. The temple master was magnanimous and did not kill you. He just let you reflect in the soul lock prison for ten years. How long has it been now? You dare to escape from prison. Don't you have the rules of the mountain in your heart?

Do you take it to heart at all?!"

As soon as the young disciple opened his mouth, many people immediately began to agree. Although many others were on Yun Jianyue's side, no one spoke at the moment.

At this point, it's useless for them to say anything.

"Yun Jianyue, you still have some humanity and know how to repent, but you have already made a big mistake. Even if you are lucky enough to survive,

, I’m afraid you can only spend the rest of your life in a soul-locking prison!”

Someone spoke, and the voice was very loud.

Some young disciples in the crowd had regretful expressions on their faces. No one wanted to see their senior brother Yun end up like this.

But no matter how sorry they are, the end is done, what else can they say?

Yun Jianyue remained silent, paying no attention to these words, but kept looking into the distance, waiting for someone.

Not long after, Ye Zhihua arrived in the distance.

The moment the Taoist genius saw Yun Jianyue, the stone hanging in her heart fell to the ground. However, she still did not speak. She just stood in the distance and watched quietly.

The place was very noisy. It wasn't until someone called out that Uncle Shouyi was coming that everyone calmed down and looked at the real Xingtang master who was now temporarily in charge of all matters on the mountain.

Master Shouyi passed through the crowd and came to Yunjianyue. He looked at one of the two walls of the Taoist sect. He was silent for a moment and then asked: "Yunjianyue, what do you want?"

He naturally knew that since Yun Jianyue left the Soul Locking Prison, he would not come back without any reason. If he had nothing to say, why would he go to such trouble.

Yun Jianyue was waiting for him. After seeing him asking, he said calmly: "Uncle Shouyi, my disciple left the Soul Locking Prison before because he had no choice but to do it because there was a matter for which there is no answer so far, so I had to go and investigate it myself.


Master Shouyi frowned and said, "What's the matter?"

Yun Jianyue said calmly: "By whose hands the temple master died."

As soon as he said these words, countless eyes in the crowd fell on Yun Jianyue. Everyone above and below looked at him expectantly.

The moon among the clouds.

Of course they knew which temple master Yun Jianyue was talking about, and they also wanted to know the cause of that temple master's death.

Now that Yun Jianyue has spoken, she must have some answers, and they naturally want to listen.

Listening to the noisy voices beside him, Master Shouyi frowned slightly, exuding some power and shutting up the others before saying, "You already have the answer?"

Yun Jianyue didn't talk nonsense. Since he rang the bell to summon the disciples in the mountain, he wanted to make the truth known to the public.

"The master of the temple died at the hands of Zhang Lu."

A simple sentence, but it is no different than a huge stone thrown into the calm lake. If this stone is dropped, it will cause thousands of waves!

"That's nonsense! The master of the temple and Master Wuhuang are brothers from the same sect. Who doesn't know this? How could he kill his own brother!"

"That's right. How could a magnanimous person like Guanzhu do such a thing? I think Yun Jianyue is deceiving the public with his lies. He has attacked and killed Guanzhu before, and now he is repeating the same trick. He is

I was thinking that Master Wu Yao had not passed on the position of Guanzhu to him, so I held a grudge!"

After a short silence, several voices sounded here, and many foolish disciples spoke one after another at this moment, criticizing Yunjian Yuekou.

Yun Jianyue ignored it at all and just said: "Zhang Lu and the Guanzhu have always been at odds. I think some elders also know that Zhang Lu already had a grudge against the Guanzhu because of his position as the Guanzhu."

Listening to these words, many senior mountain elders in the crowd nodded. They knew about this matter. Back then, the two of them could be said to be two brothers in the Taoist sect of the previous generation. They were equally equal.

Once again, the masters came from the same sect, and when the old temple master was dying, it was actually reasonable to pass the position of temple master to either of the two, but in the end, the old temple master still chose Wu Hao instead of Yin Li.

After that incident, the two brothers almost completely went to opposite sides.

"That's an old story, and Master Wu Hao is by no means such a petty person. When he is dying, the best choice is to pass the throne to Master Yinli. By that time, the two of them may have put aside their old grudges.


Someone spoke up, and there was some truth in what he said.

Yun Jianyue nodded and said: "It is true. According to the temperament of the temple master, he will naturally choose this way, but what if the temple master himself was harmed by the palm law?"

Yun Jianyue looked at everyone present and said calmly: "Zhang Lu used this to successfully make you believe that he was passed on by the master of the temple, but the fact is that Zhang Lu took advantage of the battle between the master of the temple and Emperor Daliang to weaken him.

At that time, I killed the temple master, took the seal, and became the temple master."

"Is there any evidence?"

Hearing this, some elderly Taoists started asking urgently.

Yun Jianyue threw the demon bead, and an image appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

The human race and the demon race have always been hostile. The demon race eats people. The human race will also use the flesh and blood of the demon race to refine weapons or make elixirs. This demon bead is the essence of the demon race. The demon beads of different demon races have different effects.

This should be the demon bead of a strange kind of demon clan. This kind of demon clan is not powerful, but the demon bead has the function of recording images, so it has always been widely used.

These demonic beads have recorded many important moments in many cases. The most recent one was the trial in Shendu.

Young Chen Chao took this opportunity to save his life.

Looking at the image displayed by the demonic bead, the disciples were silent. Everyone knew that the demonic bead could not be fake, and the contents in it were all true.

If this is the case, it means that the master of the temple was really killed by Zhang Lu...

No one expected this kind of thing, not even in the history of Chixin Guan.

For a moment, everyone was stunned.

"The green cow is still in the mountain. You can bring it for questioning."

Someone suddenly said, the demon bead is evidence, and the green bull can also be regarded as a witness. If it is true, he must know the inside story.

"I dare to ask you seniors, now that the matter is so clear, how should we deal with Zhang Lu?!"

Yunjianyue suddenly spoke loudly, and the sound spread throughout the mountain.

Many Taoist seniors who had been in retreat actually knew what was going on here, but they did not show up, but quietly listened to it in the dark.

Now that the truth is revealed, if Yun Jianyue wants to ask these people so clearly, what will you choose?!

In fact, at this moment, he didn't quite believe in Chen Chao's judgment and wanted to see if there was a different way of saying things.

But it was very quiet in the mountains, no one spoke.

After a long time, a woman spoke up and said: "According to the rules of the mountain, if Zhang Lu is so bold as to do such a heinous evil, he should be killed and his name should be removed from the genealogy in the temple."

The person who spoke was Ye Zhihua. This young woman had been silent until now. When she spoke now, she made her attitude clear.

As soon as she opened her mouth, countless young disciples echoed her.

They were originally dissatisfied with Yin Li, and they admired Master Wu Hao greatly. Now

After knowing the truth, how could you choose to expose it?

Master Shouyi remained silent and did not speak. He knew very well what the current situation was like, and he also knew that the crowd was so excited at the moment that anything he said would be useless and might even be counterproductive.

But the older Taoists didn't know what they were thinking, and their faces were full of sadness.

Master Yinli has really done such a big thing, and he must be dealt with according to the rules of the mountain. But after all, Master Yinli is the great master of the Taoist sect, and he is the top strong man of the Taoist sect. If he kills when he is told, then for Chixin Guan

The loss is huge.

This attitude is consistent with their previous unwillingness to kill Yun Jianyue.

Of these two people, one is infatuated with the future and the other is infatuated with the present. No matter who is gone, they cannot accept it.

Young and old, the performance is really obvious at this moment.

Very contradictory.

Yunjianyue stood there quietly.

Master Shouyi suddenly asked: "I would like to ask Master Nephew Yun, where did this demonic bead come from?"

As Master Shouyi spoke, the others realized that when Zhang Lu killed the temple master, he must have been paying attention to his surroundings. If Yun Jianyue was present at that time, there was no way he would not have been discovered by Master Yinli.

If this is not Yun Jianyue's method, then...

"This was made by Emperor Daliang. I think he wanted to use it to threaten Zhang Lu. Otherwise, why did Zhen Ye die in the divine capital before, and why did Zhang Lu say nothing?"

Yun Jianyue said calmly: "As for where I got it from? I got it from Chen Chao."

Yun Jianyue did not hide the matter at all, and said calmly: "You can probably guess what Chen Chao is thinking. He wants Chixin to watch the civil strife."

Keep a real person point

He nodded and said: "In this case, it is even more impossible to fulfill their wishes."

"What Uncle Shouyi said makes some sense, but my disciple thinks otherwise. No matter what Chen Chao's original intention was, the fact is that since Zhang Lu was wrong, why not kill him?"

Yun Jianyue looked at everyone with incomparable indifference.

Master Shouyi didn't know what to say. In the end, he just sighed and didn't say a word.

Yun Jianyue suddenly knelt down on one knee towards the back mountain and said, "Please make a decision, teachers."

"Masters and uncles, since you know the truth, you should punish the culprit! Together with Senior Brother Yun, we ask you to make a decision!"

Seeing Yun Jianyue kneel down, the others also knelt down, and their voices kept coming.

I don't know how long it took, but an old voice suddenly came from the mountain, "Yin Li was confused for a moment, but after all, he has made great achievements for my infatuated view, how can he kill me lightly..."

Hearing this, Yun Jianyue also understood the thoughts of those seniors. He did not speak, but stood up slowly.

Then smiled.

What the young man said was indeed true.

Yun Jianyue shook her head and said calmly: "In that case... I won't bother you, the teachers. It's difficult for the teachers to make a decision on this matter, so I will make the decision for you."

The words have not yet fallen.

Yun Jianyue took out a head from somewhere, held it in her hand, and said calmly: "Zhang Lu has been killed by his disciples, so... Zhengshan Rules."

Look at this head that suddenly appears.

Everyone was speechless.

Who would have thought that the Taoist masters at the end of Wangyou and Zhanglu masters would be killed by Yun Jianyue in front of them?!

This chapter has been completed!
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