Myxls Novel Reading Network > WuXia > TakeoList of the latest chapters


author:Unknown cold in life

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Last Update:07-27 04:12

Latest chapter:Chapter 1,122 Snowstorm

The world is thousands of miles away, and demons are everywhere. Human lives are like grass and grass, and all living things are like pigs and dogs... Born in this Liang Dynasty, are you afraid? Not afraid. Why? There are demons in the world, and I have a knife.

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《Takeo》The latest nine chapters
Chapter 1,122 Snowstorm
Chapter 1121 I choose a path for you
Chapter 1,120 The Demon Emperor is watching you
Chapter 1,119 My mouth is like a knife
Chapter 1,118 Traveling thousands of miles just to drink
Chapter 1,117 Need help
Chapter 1,116 People who don’t want to leave
Chapter 1115 Just listen to me
Chapter 1,114 I don’t want to be reasonable
《Takeo》Chapter Contents
Chapter 1 Thirteen years in Tianjian
Chapter 2 The ruined temple in the snow
Chapter 3 Good Guys
Chapter 4 Peach Blossom Lane
Chapter 5 Murder
Chapter 6 There is a demon
Chapter 7 County Government Discussion
Chapter 8 Beating to Kill
Chapter 9 Review
Chapter 10 I just want to make one
Chapter 11 Black Market
Chapter 12: Go find the guardian of Chen Town
Chapter 13: Fighting
Chapter 14 Identity
Chapter 15 Chat
Chapter 16 How to choose
Chapter 17 The dilemma is not difficult
Chapter 18 Fierce Battle
Chapter 19 The girl who looks like a pear blossom
Chapter 20 Farewell
Chapter 21 Take a look
Chapter 22 Prepare for a rainy day
Chapter 23 Documents
Chapter 24 Qi Refiner
Chapter 25 Quarrel
Chapter 26 That boy and girl
Chapter 27: Starting a Provocation
Chapter 28 Short-lived
Chapter 29 Goodbye
Chapter 30 I have a story
Chapter 31: Different thoughts
Chapter 32: Falling out
Chapter 33 Murder
Chapter 34: No one is as good as a knife
Chapter 35 Disaster
Chapter 36 Seeing the light
Chapter 37: The first one
Chapter 38 The girl reading the letter
Chapter 39: That young mans methods
Chapter 40: Boiling up and down
Chapter 41 The Taoist Nun who came from thousands of miles away
Chapter 42 The courtyard in the alley
Chapter 43 Song Lian
Chapter 44 There is a girl in God who likes me
Chapter 45: Thousands of miles away, letters come and go
Chapter 46 The Scholar by the Lake
Chapter 47: Dean under the pavilion
Chapter 48 Dali Temple
Chapter 49: Bugs Hiding in the Dark
Chapter 50 Fat Worm
Chapter 51 The storm is coming
Chapter 52 Crossing the Street
Chapter 53 When the boy talks
Chapter 54: So what if it happens again a hundred times?
Chapter 55 Wait a moment
Chapter 56 A small disturbance
Chapter 57 Case closed
Chapter 58: The City of Gods at Night
Chapter 59: Asking each other by the lake
Chapter 60 Wan Liuhui
Chapter 61 Spring Cicada
Chapter 62 Falling into the water
Chapter 63: Ask the Master
Chapter 64: Who is less important and who is more important?
Chapter 65 A spring thunder sounded by the lake
Chapter 66: Two yamen, one word of thanks
Chapter 67: I have a great road, which cannot be passed on in vain
Chapter 68: Guardian Envoy
Chapter 69 Are you a ghost?
Chapter 70 Am I a ghost or a poor ghost?
Chapter 71 They are all businessmen
Chapter 72 Cicada is seen again by the lake
Chapter 73: Things about the Wanliu Society
Chapter 74: Undercurrent
Chapter 75 Quiet and leisurely days
Chapter 76 Royal Banquet
Chapter 77 Queen
Chapter 78 Storm
Chapter 79: Discussion of crime
Chapter 80 Bad Guest
Chapter 81 A friend comes from afar
Chapter 82 Words kill
Chapter 83 The young man has different thoughts
Chapter 84 Dao Sword
Chapter 85 Shameless
Chapter 86 The boy who runs faster than a flying sword
Chapter 87 Weakness is sin
Chapter 88 Let me embarrass you once
Chapter 89 Lost
Chapter 90 The night is slightly cool
Chapter 91: Leaving the Palace
Chapter 92: Experiences have been different from ancient times to the present
Chapter 93 Just ask
Chapter 94 Chasing women is a science
Chapter 95 Luming Temple Thirteen
Chapter 96: Two commanders, one large and one small
Chapter 97 Junior Sister
Chapter 98 Senior Brother
Chapter 99 Entering the building to watch the sword
Chapter 100 The Ghost in the Library
Chapter 101 Letter and the Saint
Chapter 102 Midsummer
Chapter 103 Assassination
Chapter 104 I wont make even the gods see the wind and rain
Chapter 105: Its that young man who kills people
Chapter 106 His blood is cold
Chapter 107 Powerless
Chapter 108 Scholars dont talk nonsense
Chapter 109 Zhu Xia
Chapter 110 The first meeting of two women
Chapter 111 The storm is rough and the waves are not calm.
Chapter 112 Old Things
Chapter 113 How can I have time to wait for someone?
Chapter 114: Taking the time to practice sword practice
Chapter 115 A big question in life
Chapter 116: Yesterdays story is different today
Chapter 117 Quarrel
Chapter 118 There are still shameless ones
Chapter 119: Eat a banquet
Chapter 120 Candles and Night Pearls
Chapter 121 Beside the Wei River
Chapter 122 Before the wind blows
Chapter 123 I just want to eat candied dates. Whats wrong with that?
Chapter 124 The story caused by two bags of candied dates
Chapter 125 My name
Chapter 126 There is Zhu Xia in the world
Chapter 127: The storm is about to come and the wind fills the building
Chapter 128: If he wants to see you, how can you hide?
Chapter 129 Unexpected
Chapter 130: Such a dean is not surprising
Chapter 131 There are willows by the lake
Chapter 132 Young People
Chapter 133 New willow sprouts
Chapter 134 I dont know if its a good thing
Chapter 135 The Adventures of Chen Dynasty
Chapter 136 The young man from the mountains
Chapter 137: Tie
Chapter 138: A literary test written into history
Chapter 139 The hardest things are often the simplest
Chapter 140 Storm
Chapter 141: Like each other
Chapter 142 The last round of the literary test
Chapter 143 I want to beat you to death
Chapter 144: Arrive together
Chapter 145 Deep Love
Chapter 146 The martial arts test begins
Chapter 147: Killing Demons in Small World
Chapter 148 Sunset
Chapter 149 Some reunions are the best
Chapter 150: Killing and Punishing the Heart
Chapter 151 The boy who leaves people speechless
Chapter 152 Rules
Chapter 153: Fighting Mountain Ghost
Chapter 154 Old grudges
Chapter 155 The Mantis and the Oriole
Chapter 156 The cold-blooded knife
Chapter 157 The best decision
Chapter 158 The wind blows everywhere
Chapter 159 Come on
Chapter 160 The Powerful Land of Thunder Pond
Chapter 161 Before Killing
Chapter 162 Sorry
Chapter 163 Good Moonlight
Chapter 164 Things at the lake are never simple
Chapter 165: Quarreling and Ringing of Bells
Chapter 166 Your Majesty
Chapter 167 Life Experience (Part 1)
Chapter 168 White Lantern
Chapter 169 Life Experience (Part 2)
Chapter 170 Life Experience (Part 2)
Chapter 171 Look, the rain has stopped
Chapter 172 The second woman
Chapter 173 Some changes
Chapter 174 Mobei, young man, future
Chapter 175 The lovely Daliang Chao
Chapter 176 Yellow Bird, Going to Sea
Chapter 177 Silver Thread
Chapter 178 The True Appearance of Broken Sword
Chapter 179 The Sword Broken
Chapter 180: That chair
Chapter 181 Friends and Sword
Chapter 182 Whats so difficult about being a friend?
Chapter 183 Leaving the city
Chapter 184 Old Soldier
Chapter 185 The eye in the night
Chapter 186 Not pretty
Chapter 187 The girl with the sword, the boy who killed the demon
Chapter 188: Hard Fight
Chapter 189 Peoples Words
Chapter 190 Sword Cry
Chapter 191 The Sword Cultivator in the Xiaguang
Chapter 192 The Wild Grass Sword Master
Chapter 193 The talkative swordsman and the reasonable girl
Chapter 194 Returning Home
Chapter 195 Friendship
Chapter 196 Outside Yuyu County
Chapter 197 Its like the wind is blowing
Chapter 198 A familiar boy
Chapter 199 The Silent Daliang Law
Chapter 200 Blank Paper
Chapter 201 Taoist in Tsing Yi
Chapter 202: Actually I am Daliang Lu
Chapter 203 Nothing new
Chapter 204 Breaking through is a simple matter
Chapter 205 One Page
Chapter 206 I think you are a stable young man
Chapter 207: Life is full of ambush
Chapter 208 Join forces
Chapter 209 You bite me
Chapter 210 This kind of scholar
Chapter 211 A familiar place
Chapter 212 A story about a sword cultivator and a page
Chapter 213 Let me tell you a story
Chapter 214 This mountain is in chaos
Chapter 215 The moon among the bright clouds
Chapter two hundred and sixteen three young people
Chapter 217 There are countless people
Chapter 218 If you really want to face death
Chapter 219 There is nothing new in the world
Chapter 220 The Attitude of Liang Dynasty
Chapter 221 That's not just a page
Chapter 222 The so-called splitting the spoils on the ground
Chapter two hundred and twentieth
Chapter 224 Quarrel is very good at this
Chapter 225 Discussion on the Bureau
Chapter 226 Secret
Chapter 227 Those confusing futures
Chapter 228 The wind and rain here
Chapter 229 Negotiation
Chapter 230 Gathering
Chapter 231 Trouble
Chapter 232 Go in
Chapter 233 Revisiting the Hometown
Chapter 234 In the thick fog
Chapter 235 Yamanaka Wild Road
Chapter 236: Before the fog
Chapter 237 Passing by a grave
Chapter 238: Digging the Grave
Chapter 239 Bad things have always been human nature
Chapter 240 A group of ghosts
Chapter 241: Downhill Tiger
Chapter 242 The army of bones
Chapter 243 The Cemetery in the Stele
Chapter 244 is still a little different
Chapter 245 There is a page in front of the decaying sword
Chapter 246 A mighty battle
Chapter 247 The resistance of the ants
Chapter 248 The White Mist of the Past, the Imperial City in the Sea of ??Fire
Chapter 249: Three or five places in the fog
Chapter 250 Flowers in the Moonlight
Chapter 251 The view of the world
Chapter 252 The good-looking viewer, the senior sister on the cliff
Chapter 253 The monks in the temple, the young people by the lake
Chapter 254 Always say something before you start
Chapter 255 Let's take a look at people's hearts
Chapter 256: This is the case throughout the ages
Chapter 257 Sharpening the knife by the lake
Chapter 258 What do I seek for longevity
Chapter 259: To win is to lose
Chapter 260 Weird White Mist
Chapter 261 The avenue is very long
Chapter 262 Behind the White Wall
Chapter 263 Rong Shanzong
Chapter 264: The moon among the bright clouds, the scorching leaves of China
Chapter 265 We will eventually turn into dust
Chapter 266 Enlightenment Platform
Chapter 267: The man after the vicissitudes of life
Chapter 268 Immortal Medicine
Chapter 269 They are long overdue
Chapter 270 The old Taoist priest and the young man
Chapter 271 A moat, on the left and right sides
Chapter 272 Between life and death, white fog turns into a cocoon
Chapter 273 Desperate
Chapter two hundred and seventy fourth girl
Chapter 275 Killing Road
Chapter 276 Consequences, I will talk about it later
Chapter 277 All kinds of murderous intentions
Chapter two hundred and seventy seventh kill is to kill
Chapter 279 Xuanhuang Bell
Chapter 280 Transaction
Chapter 281 The original story is a coincidence
Chapter 282 Never Changed
Chapter 283 Fate is wonderful
Chapter 284 North of the Great Liang (Part 1)
Chapter 285 North of the Great Liang (Part 2)
Chapter 286 North of the Great Liang (Part 2)
Chapter two hundred and eighty seventh lights in the rain
Chapter 288 The two meet by the lake
Chapter 289 Take a look at the Ornan River
Chapter 290 His Majesty the Emperor
Chapter 291 When the wind and rain come, can you bear it?
Chapter 292 I'm just a pawn
Chapter 293: Fly Camp Dog Gou
Chapter 294: Thousands of Miles of Snow
Chapter 295 In front of Zuowei Yamen in the snowy night
Chapter 296 Official Seal
Chapter 297 No need to forgive
Chapter 298 Ghosts in Zuowei Yamen
Chapter 299: The dark alley
Chapter 300 Who else is dissatisfied
Chapter 301: Catching Ghosts
Chapter 302 The woman on the carriage in the snowy night
Chapter 303 Princess Anping
Chapter 304 Unreasonable Princess Her Royal Highness
Chapter 305 Northland Erlang
Chapter 306: Going to the North and Returning to the South
Chapter Three Hundred and Seven Hearts Calculations
Chapter 308: All parties in the snowstorm
Chapter 309 Talk to the girl about the city of God
Chapter 310: Catch the Ghost (1)
Chapter 311: Catch the Ghost (2)
Chapter 312: Catch the Ghost (3)
Three hundred and thirteen chapters catch ghosts (4)
Chapter 314: Catch the Ghost (5)
Chapter three hundred and fifteen catch the ghost (six)
Three hundred and sixteen chapters catch ghosts (seven)
Chapter three hundred and seventeen catch ghosts (eight)
Chapter three hundred and eighteen catch the ghost (nine)
Chapter 319: Catch the Ghost (10)
Chapter Three Hundred and Twenty Disgusting People Who Wouldn't
Chapter 321 Get back what belongs to you
Chapter 322 Your Highness, please stay
Three hundred and twentieth chapters world idiots
Chapter 324 Big Fish
Three hundred and twentieth chapters of the two people
Chapter 326 Xia Clan
Chapter 327: Demon King City
Chapter 328 If you want my throne, then come grab it
Chapter 329 What is the Demon Emperor
Chapter 330 The old general of the general
Chapter 331 I hope this kind of thing
Three hundred and thirty second chapter thirty forty
Chapter 333 A snowstorm
Chapter 334 A Lonely Lamp
Chapter 335 The man under the umbrella
Chapter 336: Thirty Years of Sword Qi Accumulation
Chapter 337: The Four Swords of Half-Jia Zi
Chapter three hundred and thirty eight morning glow
Chapter 339 Let's go together
Chapter 340 The Emperor sweeps the Sihe
Chapter 341: The Sword of Dajianxian
The 342nd chapter is not a big sword fairy
Chapter 343 Don't do things that drink human blood
Chapter 344: Do something wrong to admit punishment
Chapter 345 Why is home
Chapter 346 Regrets are often at the end
Chapter 347 I can't figure it out
Chapter 348 I won't let you die
Chapter 349: I haven't read enough books
Chapter 350 The Dean's Students
Chapter 351 Front Room
Chapter 352 Mr. Student, a bowl of sorghum wine
Chapter 353 Snow Night Murder
Three hundred and fiftieth chapters yellow mud
Chapter 355 Killing Eve
Chapter 356 Puppets and flying swords
Chapter 357 Who dares to touch my little sister
Chapter 358 Sweet Potatoes
Chapter Three Hundred and Fiftieth Chapter Xia's Sorrow
Chapter 360 The entire Xia clan is a ghost
Chapter 361 The first time
Chapter 362 Uncle and Nephew
Chapter 363 Demolition of the ancestral hall
Chapter 364: The Xia Clan's Destruction
Chapter 365 I brought you a flower
Chapter 366 I
Chapter 367 That is a lot of money
Chapter 368: If you like someone, you must be together
Chapter 369 Gift from the Guardian
Chapter 370 Grand Morning Meeting
Chapter 371 The general will return to old age
Chapter 372 Sending the Bell
Chapter 373 The old and new two generals
Chapter 374 Hong Ling and Feijian
Chapter three hundred and seventy-fifth, there is no knife without a knife
Chapter 376: Flying Stones in the Sky
Chapter 377 Sword Cultivation Is Great?
Chapter 378: The Right to Bring a Sword
Chapter 379 Laughter in the Imperial City
Chapter 380 Two Tigers
Chapter three hundred and eighty first full moon
Chapter 382 Looking for Immortals
Chapter 383 just missed
Chapter 384 Before the fallen leaves return to their roots
Chapter 385 Don't blame dad
Chapter three hundred and eighty sixth invitation
Chapter 387 Attending the meeting
Three hundred and eighty eighth chapter of the world
Chapter 389 Turning point
Chapter 390 Passing the Torch
Chapter three hundred and ninety first old wine drinking
Chapter 392: The Soil Bag in the Mountains
Chapter 393 The Rain That Year
Three hundred and ninetieth chapters old accounts of the year
Chapter 395 Another Boring Choice
Chapter 396: Nine Flying Swords Appear in the World
Chapter 397: Liang Chen Chao
Chapter 398 Daliang, Goodbye
Three hundred and ninetieth IX shelter from the wind and rain
Chapter 400 Secret Letter
Chapter 401: Old Things in the Capital of Gods
Chapter 402: Women Sing and Husband Follows
Chapter 403: Awakening of Insects
Chapter 404: Young People in the North
Chapter 405: Hope in the Snowstorm
Chapter 406 Walking alone in a thousand mountains
Chapter 407 Take a look at the world by the way
Chapter 408: A Sachet
Chapter 409: Demon
Chapter four hundred and tenth question
Chapter 411 Happy Enmity
Chapter 412: Qingshui Mountain
Chapter 413: Heavy Rain, Non-Stopping Rain
Chapter 414 Before the rain stops, I just want to kill
Chapter 415 After killing people, go up the mountain
Chapter 416 Lifting the Knife Up the Mountain
Chapter 417 I will kill you with one punch
Chapter 418 Secrets
Chapter 419 Not tasty
Chapter 420: Life is like weeds
Chapter 421 This world shouldn't be like this
Chapter 422 It’s good to be a good person
Chapter 423 Little People
Chapter 424 Life is not easy
Chapter 425: Some Things About Jianqi Mountain
Chapter 426: Old Bird and Young Bird
Chapter 427: People's calculations between the mountains and forests
Chapter 428: The Praying Mantis Catching the Cicada and the Oriole Behind
Chapter 429 Repaying Resentment with Virtue, How to Repay Virtue
Chapter 430: Not Many Good People, Many Bad People
Chapter 431 It’s not easy to like two words
Chapter 432: Borrowing Your Head
Chapter four hundred and thirtieth death more than guilty
Chapter 434 Let the damned die
Chapter 435: Outsider Comes to Ask the Sword
Chapter 436 The Jianghu is full of masters
Chapter 437 If you can’t speak, talk less
Chapter 438: The Woman Inside the Building, Flying Swords Outside the Building
Chapter 439
Chapter four hundred and fortieth bullying does not work
Chapter 441: Demonic Aura
Chapter 442 Unable to pull out the knife?
Chapter 443: Warm Jade
Chapter 444: The Dragon Looks Up
Chapter 445 Men and women are not shallow
Chapter 446 Hundreds of Miles
Chapter 447: Women in the world with their own merits
Chapter 448: Women are not easy to mess with
Chapter four hundred and fortieth ordinary people on the mountain and down the mountain
Chapter 450: He has guarded the human race for decades
Chapter 451: Choose a green bamboo
Chapter 452: Many
Chapter 453 Please think twice
Chapter 454: People Who Can't Be Driven Away
Chapter 455 Who called this world surnamed Chen?
Chapter 456 Imperial Edict
Chapter 457: It doesnt matter what the will is
Chapter 458 A story so coincidental
Chapter 459: Reach out
Chapter 460: The Cicada We Like
Chapter 461: That mountain
Chapter 462 The world is very small, only a few people
Chapter 463: There is no difference in practice
Chapter 464 Beyond Sword Forging
Four hundred and sixtieth chapters cloud mud
Chapter 466: What?
Chapter 467 Don't leave a line in everything, don't see each other in the future
Chapter 468 Preparation before Forging the Knife
Four hundred and sixtieth IX Appropriate or not
Chapter 470: Snake
Chapter four hundred and seventy first room
Chapter 472 I just miss you a little
Chapter 473: Black and White
Chapter 474 What we want
Chapter 475 Not just Daliang
Four hundred and seventieth chapters live breath
Chapter 477 Thinking of him
Chapter 478 Return
Chapter 479: Dont you hear that the years are quiet and peaceful?
Chapter 480 Brothers
Four hundred and eighty first chapter siblings
Chapter 482 She is my sister
Chapter 483: Everything is out of control
Chapter 484: Alone
Chapter 485: Miss Chen, come and fly the kites together
Chapter 486: The Autumn Rain Is Coming
Chapter 487: Autumn Rain Doesn't Kill People, Always Kills People
Chapter four hundred and eighty eighth
Chapter 489 Morning meeting
Chapter 490: Two Brilliant Women
Chapter four hundred and ninety first fight
Chapter 492: It’s So Beautiful
Chapter 493: The sea of suffering is not bitter but very sweet
Chapter 494: Speechless
Chapter 495 All flowers have their own intention
Chapter 496 Parting ways
Chapter 497 Cannibalism
Chapter 498 Uncles and nephews like this in the world
Four hundred and ninetieth IX The White Clothes Guest
Chapter 500 Northbound
Chapter 501: Our Girder
Chapter 502: Xiaoxue Qi, When Killing
Chapter 503 There is a good uncle
Chapter 504: Honest Man
Chapter 505 You don’t want the general to be disappointed, do you?
Chapter 506: The Great Wall of the North
Chapter 507 Unloading the knife and entering the city?
Chapter 508 This is your first move
Chapter 509: Clay figurines are still angry
Chapter five hundred and tenth knife to be unsheathed
Chapter 511 Fighting in the Snowstorm
Chapter 512: Flying Swords in the Snow
Chapter five hundred and thirteen calculations and calculations
Chapter 514 Snow Night Is Not Chilling
Chapter 515 Karma is a Line
Chapter five hundred and sixteen: The treacherous
Chapter 517 Unsheathing the Knife
Chapter 518: Green Ape
Chapter 519 The melancholy Chen Chao
Chapter 520: You have to die even if you dont want to die
Chapter 521 You lied
Chapter 522: Theory of Luck
Chapter 523: The Mystery in the Snowstorm
Chapter 524 Right or wrong we have to go and see
Chapter 525: Good people are rare
Chapter 526: When did you have an extra dad?
Chapter 527 They said I was a good person
Chapter 528: I Stand Up for Senior Sister
Chapter 529 Avalanche
Chapter 530: Bone Mountain
Chapter 531 The Old and the Small Are Cute
Chapter Five Hundred and Thirty-Two: The Qi Watching Technique Is a Good Thing
Chapter five hundred and thirtieth
Chapter 534: Drawing the Sword
Chapter 535: A thin line separates
Chapter five hundred and thirtieth one move the whole body
Chapter 537: Demon Heart
Chapter 538: There Are Two Mountains in the Snowstorm
Chapter 539: My life is not as thin as paper
Chapter 540: The blank paper is fluttering, like life
Chapter 541 The storm comes suddenly
Chapter 542: There are true friends in a foreign land
Chapter 543: Keep her
Chapter 544: There are many people in the snow
Chapter 545 The scholar appears in the wind and snow
Chapter 546: The sword that can only kill monsters
Chapter 547: The True Form of the Great Demon
Chapter 548 Liu Banbi, who is not a scholar, is unreasonable
Chapter 549: Living in the world of mortals, its hard to find detachment
Chapter 550: There are many things in life that are difficult to figure out
Chapter 551 Talisman and Paper
Chapter 552: Before anyone arrives, the sword has arrived
Chapter 553 Someone is going north
Chapter 554 Someone comes out
Chapter 555: Strange Monk, Onan River
Chapter 556: Thousands of Miles Away
Chapter 557: The sword comes and goes
Chapter 558 Uncle is here
Chapter 559: Your Majesty Who Protects Your Shortcomings
Chapter 560 Its like meeting an old friend
Chapter 561 Unveiling
Chapter 562: The Sword of the Great Sword Immortal
Chapter 640 It’s Just a Game of Chess
Chapter six hundred and fortieth one: the temple master who came with the morning glow
Chapter 565 Two Emperors Hearts
Chapter 566 A Banquet
Chapter 567: Listen, there is thunder in the distance
Chapter 645: So what about the number one swordsman?
Six hundred and fortieth chapters: A sword that throws the world
Chapter 647 That sword is always only nine points
Chapter 571 Lets talk about something
Chapter 649 The future of the Liang Dynasty falls on whose shoulders
Chapter six hundred and fiftieth I will not return this time
Chapter 651 Some people come from afar, others go to afar
Chapter 652: Disagreement between Senior Brother and Senior Brother
Chapter 653: Cows and dogs are the same
Chapter 577: Murder and Kill
Chapter 655 From now on the sky will change
Six hundred and fiftieth chapters change in view
Chapter 580: Since we have no words, we have no choice but to kill each other
Chapter 658: Mobei Emperor is Here
Chapter 659: The Emperor's Battle (Part 1)
Chapter 660: The Emperor's Battle (Part 2)
Chapter 661: The Emperor's Battle (Part 2)
Chapter 662: Send Your Majesty a Peaceful World
Chapter 663 He is like a spring rain
Chapter 664 When the Rain Passes and Thinks of the Rain
Chapter 665: The hometown in my heart
Chapter 666 Where is the sunset so fast
Chapter six hundred and sixty seventh without him
Chapter 668 Take a look at Daliang's annals
Chapter 669 How many words do you think the history book is?
Chapter 670 There Are Mountains
Chapter 671: Daliang Guardian Envoy
Chapter six hundred and seventy second heart-to-heart talk
Six hundred and seventieth chapters when the drizzle
Chapter 674: Women Like Swords
Chapter 675 Fuyun Sect on Paper
Chapter 676: Things Are Not Simple in the North
Chapter 677: King Killing Is So Easy
Chapter 678 From now on, the player who plays chess is replaced by him
Chapter 679: The Sword Immortal Who Came to God City
Chapter 680: That Peach Blossom Lane
Chapter six hundred and eighty first Weizhou events
Chapter 682: The Familiar Carriage
Chapter 683 The wine on the table is getting cold
Chapter 684 It’s not just that we live well
Chapter 685 I invite you to kill someone
Chapter 686: Young Daoist Master
Chapter six hundred and eighty seventh three young people
Chapter six hundred and eighty eighth: no exhaustive strategy
Chapter 689 There is a young Taoist priest in the mountains
Chapter 690: The Little People’s World
Chapter 691: Where is the coincidence in this world?
Chapter 692 is just a calculation
Chapter 693: Idiots are all idiots
Chapter 694 He has always been a good man
Chapter 695 She is also a very good girl
Chapter 696 Master and apprentice like them
Chapter six hundred and ninety seventh old friends fall like autumn leaves
Chapter 698: Difficult scriptures are everywhere
Chapter 699: One sentence is worth 50,000 days of money
Chapter Seven Hundred
Chapter 701 I am not very reasonable
Chapter 702: The Mountain Behind Them
Chapter 775 Bad heart, under the flesh
Chapter 776: An Incompetent Good Official
Chapter 777 Playboy
Chapter 778: I don’t care
Chapter 779 Killing is a very simple matter
Chapter 780 There is a way
Chapter 781 I am back
Chapter 782: This is a guest with two hearts
Chapter 783: Moon Between Clouds Seeking Way
Seven hundred and eighty fourth chapter blood stained eight hundred miles
Chapter 636: Disappointed Sir, Confused Student
Chapter 637: The Lingzong Emperor who deceived everyone in the world
Chapter 638 They came out one by one
Chapter 639: Regicide
Chapter 640: Just a game of chess
Chapter 641: The viewer who comes on the morning glow
Chapter 642: A sword is more than just a sword, scholars are also human beings
Chapter 643: The master of the temple is not invincible, the Great Sword Immortal has entered the city
Chapter 644: That sword is only nine points
Chapter 645: So what about the first person in swordsmanship?
Chapter 646: The All-powerful Sword
Chapter 647: That sword is always only nine points
Chapter 648: Who can predict the emperor’s heart?
Chapter 649: Whose shoulders does the future of Daliang Dynasty fall on?
Chapter 650: I will not return the favor once I leave.
Chapter 651: Some people come from far away and some go to far away
Chapter 652: Senior brother and junior brother have different minds
Chapter 653: Cattle and dogs are the same
Chapter 654 Going to sea
Chapter 655: The sky will change from now on
Chapter 656: Changes in the View
Chapter 657: The word human
Chapter 658 The Emperor of Mobei is here
Chapter 659: Battle of Emperors (Part 1)
Chapter 660: Battle of Emperors (Part 2)
Chapter 661 The Battle of the Emperors (Part 2)
Chapter 662: Give His Majesty a peaceful world
Chapter 663 He is like a spring rain
Chapter 664: When the rain passes and the rain passes
Chapter 665 Hometown in the Heart
Chapter 666: How could it be sunset so soon?
Chapter 667: Without him
Chapter 668: Take a look at the history of Daliang
Chapter 669: Do you think history is just a few words?
Chapter 670: There are still mountains
Chapter 671 Daliang Guardian Envoy
Chapter 672 Heart-to-heart talk
Chapter 673: When the drizzle continues
Chapter 674 Women are like swords
Chapter 675: Fuyun Sect on Paper
Chapter 676 Things in the north are not simple
Chapter 677 How can regicide be so easy?
Chapter 678: He will be the one playing chess from now on
Chapter 679: The Sword Immortal who came to the Capital of Gods
Chapter 680: That Peach Blossom Alley
Chapter 681: What happened in Weizhou back then
Chapter 682: The familiar carriage
Chapter 683 The wine on the table is getting colder
Chapter 684: It’s not just about us living well
Chapter 685 I ask you to kill someone
Chapter 686: Young Taoist Master
Chapter 687 Three young people
Chapter 688: There is no perfect plan
Chapter 689: There is a young Taoist priest in the mountains
Chapter 690 The world of little people
Chapter 691 Is there any coincidence in this world?
Chapter 692: It’s just calculations and calculations
Chapter 693 Idiots, they are all idiots
Chapter 694 He has always been a good person
Chapter 695 She is also a very good girl
Chapter 696: Masters and disciples like them
Chapter 697: Old friends fall like autumn leaves
Chapter 698: There are hard-to-recite sutras everywhere
Chapter 699: One word is worth 50,000 days of money
Chapter 700: It’s not just about repaying debts
Chapter 701: Im not very reasonable either.
Chapter 702 The mountains behind them
Chapter 703: After killing people, you can still talk and laugh
Chapter 704 I am from my hometown
Chapter 705: Frankly Killing
Chapter 706 When dark clouds gather
Chapter 707: One here, one over there
Chapter 708 Who is from hell?
Chapter 709 The Unlockable Yunjianyue
Chapter 710 Some flowers bloom only for one person
Chapter 711: Kill one and another comes
Chapter 712: Make you angry before killing you
Chapter 713 Three heroes gather together
Chapter 714: There really is retribution in the world
Chapter 715 This is what hurts people
Chapter 716: True Mountain Rules
Chapter 717 Young viewer
Chapter 718 Everyone is happy
Chapter 719: Sword Sect Yu Xiyi
Chapter 720: The world is so cute
Chapter 721: Brothers don’t trust each other
Chapter 722 Father and Daughter
Chapter 723: They can be called brothers and sisters.
Chapter 724: People are not free in the world
Chapter 725: There are many people who deserve to be killed in the world
Chapter 726: Everything depends on people, do whatever you can
Chapter 727 An honest man
Chapter 728: A trip to Fengling Mountain like this
Chapter 729: Difficulties in the mountains have nothing to do with me
Chapter 730: How dare you not see me when I come to worship the mountain?
Chapter 731: Chickens and dogs are restless
Chapter 732 Fenglingshan will be buried with Mr. Chen
Chapter 733: Trouble in the Mountains
Chapter 734: Halfway through, must continue
Chapter 735: The heartless person
Chapter 736: Something in the dark
Chapter 737 A subtle misunderstanding
Chapter 738: Unknowable Things in the World
Chapter 739: The confused Taoist, the crazy scholar
Chapter 740: There is not much that should be taken for granted
Chapter 741 Three Thousand Floors
Chapter 742: Flowers in the Mirror and Moon in the Water
Chapter 743 The secret inside the building
Chapter 744 A Jade Talisman
Chapter 745: The scenery outside the road is not enough to see
Chapter 746 It snowed in the city of Gods
Chapter 747 Celebrating New Year’s Eve
Chapter 748 It doesn’t matter whether you like it or not
Chapter 749: If you say there is a problem, there is a problem
Chapter 750: Death Talisman
Chapter 751: Dismantling the Door
Chapter 752: I have the final say on this matter
Chapter 753: I am unreasonable, what can you do?
Chapter 754: Everyone has a reason to kill
Chapter 755: Give you a chance to become a general
Chapter 756: My Wife
Chapter 757: Sweetheart’s explanation
Chapter 758: An old friend suddenly fell in love with me
Chapter 759: In Daliang, Chen has the final say
Chapter 760 Why are all women like this?
Chapter 761 The heart is surging
Chapter 762: The only enemy in front of me
Chapter 763 Riding a Tiger
Chapter 764: There is a white building at the bottom of the lake
Chapter 765 Reading books
Chapter 766: Colorful Sacred Mountain
Chapter 767: A Sword Immortal once came
Chapter 768: Building bridges and paving the way
Chapter 769: Some people are just a drop in the ocean
Chapter 770 Goddess
Chapter 771 Old Friend
Chapter 772: I can’t get out of the sacred mountain, so take a flower with you.
Chapter 773 Kill again
Chapter 774: It’s hard to recite every family’s scriptures
Chapter 775: Bad heart, under the skin
Chapter 776: An Incompetent Official
Chapter 777: Playboy
Chapter 778: I don’t care
Chapter 779: Killing is a very simple matter
Chapter 780 There is a way over there
Chapter 781 I’m back
Chapter 782 I am a double-hearted guest
Chapter 783: Yun Jianyue Seeking the Way
Chapter 784 Blood-stained Eight Hundred Miles
Chapter 785 The darkness under the day
Chapter 786: Rules are not important, only right and wrong are important
Chapter 787 The boy is still there
Chapter 788 The Ten Deadly Sins
Chapter 789: Retreat from the Dynasty
Chapter 790 Just be sincere
Chapter 791: Refining
Chapter 792 One Hundred and Eight Furnaces
Chapter 793: Martial arts is all about me
Chapter 794: It is impossible to accept fate.
Chapter 795: Those young people (Part 1)
Chapter 796: Those young people (Part 2)
Chapter 797: Unable to Ask
Chapter 798: No one can see the thoughts in the heart
Chapter 799 Jiazi Conference
Chapter 800 Fishing a Lake
Chapter 801 Mountaineering
Chapter 802 What kind of swordsman is this?
Chapter 803: Can kill anything
Chapter 804: Master Yingshan
Chapter 805: No Killing
Chapter 806: Fight to the death
Chapter 807: Is the lineage of Qi Refiners amazing?
Chapter 808 No one can escape
Chapter 809: The next generation is to be feared
Chapter 810 Those wild flowers are blooming all over the mountains
Chapter 811: Beyond the Sea
Chapter 812 Fuyun
Chapter 813: Autumn is getting colder
Chapter 814 Blue Sky
Chapter 815 Heavy Snow in Mobei
Chapter 816 I want to go
Chapter 817 He will be willing
Chapter 818 Xilu is coming
Chapter 819 What a good couple
Chapter 820 The wind rises
Chapter 821 Just one person
Chapter 822: Massacre in all directions
Chapter 823 Military Law
Chapter 824 The scenery beyond the mountains
Chapter 825: Poison on the battlefield
Chapter 826: Look at the flower that is about to bloom
Chapter 827: Furious
Chapter 828 One knife, two lives
Chapter 829: Fighting in the Snow
Chapter 830: Go kill that woman
Chapter 831 Very drinkable
Chapter 832 Welcome back to the mountain
Chapter 833 The Courage to Choose
Chapter 834 A Taoist priest is back
Chapter 835 Sir is always there
Chapter 836: Same Path, Different Paths
Chapter 837 Breaking the rules
Chapter 838: All thought of
Chapter 839 The courage of young women
Chapter 840 Some hindsight
Chapter 841 Two Strange Women
Chapter 842 The Sword Immortal is Here
Chapter 843 Between Jing and Wei
Chapter 844: Who is the oriole in the layout?
Chapter 845 Coming with murderous intent
Chapter 846 Young people are not easy to mess with
Chapter 847 Goodbye White Tiger
Chapter 848: Kill Xilu
Chapter 849 The Demon Emperor is in the snow
Chapter 850 The boy in the snow
Chapter 851: The War Between Era
Chapter 852 The flower
Chapter 853 The goddess walking out of the sacred mountain
Chapter 854: Sword cultivators are very bluffing
Chapter 855 Drawing the Sword
Chapter 856 The Demon Emperor in front of the pocket flying sword
Chapter 857 Antler Hat
Chapter 858 Thoughts
Chapter 859 The way between two people
Chapter 860: Kill this uncle too
Chapter 861 What a fart
Chapter 862 Competing Yu Xiyi (Part 1)
Chapter 863 Competing Yu Xiyi (Part 2)
Chapter 864 The best sword sharpening stone in the world
Chapter 865: The human heart is like a field with weeds in it
Chapter 686: High Sword, Low Sword
Chapter 687: The sword loses one move
Chapter 688: Meet Yu Da Sword Immortal
Chapter 689 Welcome
Chapter 890 I’m here to ask the sect leader to kill someone.
Chapter 871: The sect leader is not strong enough
Chapter 892 You are not as good as the Demon Emperor
Chapter 893: Another person to kill?
Chapter 894: The Old and New Viewers
Chapter 895 An old friend returns from heavy snow
Chapter 876: The road was different from before
Chapter 877: Reluctant
Chapter 878 You are so lucky
Chapter 879 If you are not afraid of death, it will be difficult to die
Chapter 880 Oh?
Chapter 881 Still protecting one’s shortcomings like this
Chapter 882: Xiaguang Armor
Chapter 883 Big and Little Chen
Chapter 884: What a great reunion between uncle and nephew
Chapter 885 I feel very wronged
Chapter 886: A Place to Go
Chapter 887: An Unparalleled Liang Dynasty
Chapter 888 Some little things
Chapter 889 Not exposed
Chapter 890: Going to see the mountains (1)
Chapter 891 Going to see the mountains (2)
Chapter 892: Going to see the mountains (3)
Chapter 893: Going to see the mountains (4)
Chapter 894: Going to see the mountains (5)
Chapter 895: Going to see the mountains (6)
Chapter 896: When those wild flowers bloom (Part 1)
Chapter 897: When those wild flowers bloom (Part 2)
Chapter 898: When those wild flowers are in bloom (Part 2)
Chapter 899 Human guest
Chapter 900 Stone Statue of Dong Zi
Chapter 901 Su Yin
Chapter 902: It’s not good to do this
Chapter 903: More than a thousand years before and after the world
Chapter 904: Cooking Tea Around the Fire (Part 1)
Chapter 905: Cooking Tea by the Fire (Part 2)
Chapter 906 The bastard and the good guy
Chapter 907 Demonic Heart
Chapter 908 Argument
Chapter 909: Someone once looked north, and there was a demon going south.
Chapter 910 Some difficult secrets
Chapter 911 Red Sleeves
Chapter 912 Someone interested
Chapter 913: His group of disciples
Chapter 914 The Beach
Chapter 915: The posture of the God of War
Chapter 916: A poor monk also wants to be a national teacher
Chapter 917 Business is in the wine
Chapter 918 Not only is it difficult to mess with
Chapter 919: I am the most difficult to offend in the world
Chapter 920: One person in the world
Chapter 921: Disappointment
Chapter 922: There is a girl I like
Chapter 923: Someone has a bad temper
Chapter 924 The star in my heart
Chapter 925 This matter is more important
Chapter 926: It’s the same as asking me for boxing
Chapter 927: Prepare for a Rainy Day
Chapter 928: My life is like walking on thin ice
Chapter 929 The New Year is approaching
Chapter 930: Daring to urinate on the guard’s face
Chapter 931 I still don’t know who will kill whom.
Chapter 932: Don’t be afraid, I’m here to give you a betrothal gift
Chapter 933: The Dowry of the Shanshui Sect
Chapter 934: Climbing is not easy
Chapter 935: Begging for Mountain
Chapter 936: Murder and Heartbreaking
Chapter 937 Taoist Yuxu
Chapter 938 Broken Building
Chapter 939: Taoism reaches heaven, but he likes fists
Chapter 940: It’s hard to meet each other
Chapter 941 The style remains the same
Chapter 942: God knows whether I will spare others or not.
Chapter 943: Waiting for No One
Chapter 944 Kill her
Chapter 945: Several Scholars
Chapter 946: Binding the Dragon
Chapter 947 It turns out that you have grown up
Chapter 948 Yes, that’s right, I’m an old bird
Chapter 949: Look down
Chapter 950: People’s support
Chapter 951: I have no intention of raising a dog, but I hope that I will
Chapter 952: A woman’s beauty extends beyond her breasts
Chapter 953: The First Person in the Dead Country
Chapter 954: High on the road, the scenery is beautiful alone
Chapter 955: We are united
Chapter 956: Good people will fight to the end and send Buddha to the West
Chapter 957: Like a spring breeze
Chapter 958 The storm is coming and will destroy the building
Chapter 959: Early Summer This Year
Chapter 960 The smoke is visible
Chapter 961: In the General’s Mansion
Chapter 962 Two women fight
Chapter 963: Looking at each other from high to low
Chapter 964 Number of battles at the top of the city
Chapter 965: The Great Sword Immortal Arrives
Chapter 966 Confrontation in the sea of clouds
Chapter 967 Can’t leave
Chapter 968 Try your best
Chapter 969: Change
Chapter 970: Some bad people are hard to do
Chapter 971 Conscience
Chapter 972: Sending Letters
Chapter 973: Going North to South
Chapter 974: Going up the mountain
Chapter 975: Some things are not yours to say
Chapter 976 Hiking in the Mountain
Chapter 977: Rescue
Chapter 978 Someone goes up the mountain again
Chapter 979: Old Bastard
Chapter 980: People who can’t do it can never do it
Chapter 981: Spirit Resurrection Technique
Chapter 982 Please give a lecture
Chapter 983 I want to inquire about the mysterious place
Chapter 984 Who called me Chen
Chapter 985 It’s a pity that I don’t practice swordsmanship
Chapter 986 Sword and Fist
Chapter 987 We all need Zhu Xia
Chapter 988: Go higher
Chapter 989: Some things are a hundred years too late
Chapter 990: Some people can’t leave no matter what
Chapter 991: Dreaming
Chapter 992: Yellow Liang
Chapter 993: Some things make me sad just hearing about them
Chapter 994 It’s already my turn
Chapter 995 Already at the door
Chapter 996 The scenery here is just right
Chapter 997 I know how to choose
Chapter 998 Three hundred years too late
Chapter 999: Two Dharma Images
Chapter 1000: The Man in the Book
Chapter 1001 It’s my turn to appear
Chapter 1002: Attracting worldwide attention
Chapter 1003 The young man who never had a way out
Chapter 1004 Some people are scared
Chapter 1005: Protecting the Soil
Chapter 1006 Then I’m leaving
Chapter 1007 I’ve been here forever, who can do anything to me?
Chapter 1008 On the top of the city
Chapter 1009: Spread to the world
Chapter 1010 Going South
Chapter 1011 The most dangerous thing is at the end
Chapter 1,012 Can’t Die
Chapter 1013 She is here
Chapter 1014: Not Meeting
Chapter 1015: There are good and bad in this world
Chapter 1016 I have a butcher knife
Chapter 1017: The one who earns a salary for everyone
Chapter 1018 Don’t let him freeze to death in the snow
Chapter 1019 We all have ulterior reasons
Chapter 1020 There is a question
Chapter 1021 Gods
Chapter 1022: Something that seems to be the truth
Chapter 1,023 Do you want to see him or kill him?
Chapter 1024 Uninvited Guest
Chapter 1025: Some things are left unsaid
Chapter 1026 Sword Rain
Chapter 1,027 Do it again
Chapter 1028 A Leaf
Chapter 1029 The Second Rain
Chapter 1030: Die in the North
Chapter 1031 I want to see it
Chapter 1032 Not enough
Chapter 1033 I hope you will always have a lantern
Chapter 1034: The Lord Guard is as busy as a dog
Chapter 1035 Before entering the tour
Chapter 1036: Give you some face
Chapter 1037: Just the Guardian of Daliang
Chapter 1038: Soldier versus Soldier, versus General
Chapter 1,039 The Undead in the Dead Land
Chapter 1040: Smoke (1)
Chapter 1041 The smoke rises (2)
Chapter 1,042 Smoke Rises (3)
Chapter 1043 Smoke Rises (4))
Chapter 1,044 Smoke Rises (5)
Chapter 1,045 Smoke Rises (6)
Chapter 1,046 Smoke Rises (7)
Chapter 1047 A magnificent event
Chapter 1048 Someone is coming
Chapter 1,049 The High Place
Chapter 1050 Scholars can die once
Chapter 1051 I don’t want to die
Chapter 1,052 Change someone else
Chapter 1053: Who surrounds and kills whom?
Chapter 1054: Young Scheming
Chapter 1055 The Starting Point
Chapter 1,056 The Wind Stops
Chapter 1057: An empty chair
Chapter 1058 Gambling Table
Chapter 1059: Things with answers
Chapter 1,060 Eating and Drinking
Chapter 1,061 Demons and Demons
Chapter 1,062 Does it look like your dad?
Chapter 1,063 Don’t kill indiscriminately for trivial matters
Chapter 1,064 There is a person who is worth trusting
Chapter 1065 Mr. Letter in Danxiao City
Chapter 1066: Eating Money
Chapter 1,067 Originally a Taoist priest
Chapter 1068: A Thought in the World
Chapter 1,069 The ancestors are wise
Chapter 1070: There are some things that haven’t been told to the world yet
Chapter 1071 It’s not me who should be afraid
Chapter 1,072 Horse Treading on Yin Mountain
Chapter 1,073 The first time
Chapter 1,074 What is cowardice?
Chapter 1075: They are all smart people
Chapter 1,076 This is what I want to tell everyone in the world
Chapter 1,077 People Talking
Chapter 1078: People looking up at the stars
Chapter 1,079 Unnecessary
Chapter 1,080 The Price
Chapter 1081 Unchangeable
Chapter 1,082: We are both human beings, and we go one after another.
Chapter 1083: Before and After (Part 1)
Chapter 1084: Back and forth (Part 2)
Chapter 1085: Back and forth (Part 2)
Chapter 1,086 Things in Bailuli
Chapter 1,087 Liquidation
Chapter 1088: Scholars don’t read
Chapter 1,089 Very important
Chapter 1,090 They should be alive
Chapter 1,091 Gotta try
Chapter 1092: Those lovely people
Chapter 1093 Where are the immortals?
Chapter 1,094 The storm has hit us
Chapter 1095: It’s raining heavily
Chapter 1,096: Calculations, calculations, all considered bets
Chapter 1097: When will you die?
Chapter 1098 Fishing Bait
Chapter 1,099 Smile
Chapter 1,010 The situation is extremely critical
Chapter 1101 Let’s fight for you all
Chapter 1,102 Everyone will try, everyone will come
Chapter 1,103 How many people are behind you?
Chapter 1,104 It’s all counting
Chapter 1,105 Calling Sister
Chapter 1,106 Everything is in the middle
Chapter 1,107 They are all the same thing
Chapter 1,108 Young people, hard work
Chapter 1,109: When you mention a wooden stick, it means beating
Chapter 1,110 Blossom
Chapter 1111 Thanks, no thanks
Chapter 1,112 The next scene
Chapter 1,113 Debt Collection
Chapter 1,114 I don’t want to be reasonable
Chapter 1115 Just listen to me
Chapter 1,116 People who don’t want to leave
Chapter 1,117 Need help
Chapter 1,118 Traveling thousands of miles just to drink
Chapter 1,119 My mouth is like a knife
Chapter 1,120 The Demon Emperor is watching you
Chapter 1121 I choose a path for you
Chapter 1,122 Snowstorm