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133. Chapter 132 The more you fight, the worse you get. EDG is really rubbish! (

 Chapter 132 The more you fight, the better you get. EDG is really rubbish! (Please vote for me)

Set the time back to one minute ago.

When Expect Pig Girl dismantled the first tower of the EDG team and continued to lead the lane towards the second tower, the Dark Troll immediately started to attack the Canyon Pioneer. After all, at this time, the Perkz plane had teleported explosive packets. If the three players from the top, middle and jungle of the EDG team came over,

If they forcefully pick up the vanguard, they will definitely not be able to match the top, middle and jungler of G2.

Especially when Meiko Lulu returned in front of the G2 duo and openly told them that she was going home to make an incense burner, the Dark Troll's canyon pioneer was bound to win.

As for the battle that is likely to happen in the bottom lane... After thinking twice, Dark decided to trust his teammates' personal strength and let them handle it on their own.

Of course, it was also because I had already started playing Rift Herald and couldn't get away, and Expect Pig Girl didn't have TP at this time and couldn't support the bottom lane.

And the most important point is that no matter how the battle ends in the bottom lane, Dark Troll and Expect Pig Girl will definitely be able to directly complete the continuous tower breaking mission while the EDG team is undefended on the road!

At 11 minutes and 10 seconds, the battle in the bottom lane started as expected.

At 11 minutes and 30 seconds, Dark took down the Rift Herald, and then walked directly towards the second tower on the top road with Expect Pig Girl, and directly released the Rift Herald, knocking out the EDG team's second tower on the top road, and even took advantage of the opportunity.

The battle on the bottom lane is not completely over yet, and they continue to rush towards the highland tower on the top lane with great momentum!

As a result, a scene that made all LPL viewers feel familiar and made all WE team fans heartbroken happened again.

Although the hero Pig Girl’s tower demolition speed is very small, the hero Troll’s tower demolition speed is really too fast!

Coupled with the impact of Canyon Pioneer and the cover of Pig Girl and Minions, Dark Troll activated the W skill Frozen Field to increase the attack speed, and at the same time continued to use the Q skill sharp teeth to bite the AQA defense tower, although it was finally resurrected.

Meiko Lulu finally arrived and could only watch helplessly as the Dark Troll demolished it!

The blue square defense tower was destroyed!

So when the game time only reached 12 minutes and 12 seconds, the EDG team's top tower was directly pushed down. With the last hard impact of the Rift Herald, even the EDG team's top crystal became in danger!


But just when Expect thought they could take advantage of the fact that the factory director's barrel was about to be resurrected to dismantle the top crystals in one fell swoop, Dark suddenly issued an order to retreat, which made Expect a little confused.

"Ah? Withdraw? Why?"

"If we demolish their high ground now, won't they be unable to defend it at all?"

Expect had doubts in his heart, but his body honestly retreated with the Dark troll.

"You can push, but it's not necessary."

"Because once the super soldiers are released, a lot of your soldiers will be eaten up by super soldiers on the road, but the super soldiers will definitely be solved by EDG."

"So if you go back and forth, it means you are losing money."

"In addition, EDG can hold off better. Even if we break EDG's high ground now, we may not be able to end the game before 20 minutes."

Dark explained with a chuckle, then walked to a safe place and quickly returned, then rushed directly in the direction of the first dragon.

Because at this time, after the team battle in the bottom lane, EDG's middle and top players immediately went to fight the first dragon. However, they were constantly being harassed by Mithy, so the speed of fighting the dragon was not fast. Dark was completely capable.

Take the opportunity to work with Expect to snatch this little dragon!

"EDG's mistakes this time are really huge!"

"They misestimated their damage capabilities and thought they could kill Zven in seconds."

"Actually, there is no miscalculation, because if Iboy's W at the beginning can sit on Zven's big mouth, EDG's damage will definitely be enough, but Mithy's reaction speed is too fast, and she cannons Iboy directly with Q

He was blown away, and he also used his flash ultimate to blow back the three EDG players, delaying the death of Zven."

"In fact, EDG should have retreated when they saw Perkz's plane teleporting, but maybe because they saw Scout on the way and Mouse's TP lighted up again, EDG thought they could fight."

"Who would have thought that the damage capability of the Perkz aircraft was so terrifying that in the end, a wave of two-for-three came out."

"And if Mouse doesn't teleport to the bottom lane, the EDG team's high ground tower on the top lane can actually be defended. But now, EDG was easily climbed to the high ground by the G2 team in 12 minutes."

When the battle, which lasted for more than a minute, finally ended, I remember repeating the story with a trembling voice in the commentary box.

Although he is not willing to admit that the G2 team has strong decision-making ability, the G2 team has indeed gained considerable economic advantages through this wave of battles!

Four thousand dollars!

In just 12 minutes, the G2 team had already gained an economic advantage of 4,000 yuan!

The good news is that most of the 4,000 yuan is concentrated on Troll and Pig Girl. The two C positions of Big Mouth and Airplane do not currently have much financial accumulation.

But the bad news is that because the trolls and pig girls are so rich, they used the "demolition squad" that was once performed on the WE team. In this game against the EDG team, they used the "demolition squad"

The way appears again!

"In fact, if Iboy is not killed by Big Mouth's corpse in the end, the two-for-two EDG team in the bottom lane is actually completely acceptable. After all, Nosuke's head replaced the two C-position heads."

"And if the small cannon survives, the EDG team can also directly demolish the bottom tower of the G2 team, and at the same time let the big Mouse bug with the ultimate move eat the small dragon to replace resources."

"But now, Scout and Mouse no longer dare to continue fighting the dragon, because they have been discovered by Mithy. If they continue to try, even if they eat the dragon, the coming trolls and pig girls will be able to keep them.

At least one person."

Rita's heart started to bleed when she saw that EDG's top and middle duo, who had beaten one-third of the dragon's health, had to retreat under Mithy's harassment.

Because she couldn't understand why EDG still failed to win this wave of team battles even though Meiko Lulu had clearly reached the incense burner!

"I can only say that Zven's cloth-armored shoes and Dolan Shield have done a great job. If it were the attack speed shoes and Dolan Sword, Zven might be directly killed by the factory director's barrel's ultimate move."

"But it's too late to say anything now. The EDG team's rhythm has been completely lost due to the failure of this wave of bottom lane ganks."

"Not only were the defensive towers and dragons not taken down, but they were also given jobs for the G2 team."

"Now, even if the G2 team gives up the offense and starts to operate with the EDG team, in the later stage, after the big mouth and aircraft equipment are formed, the EDG team will never be able to withstand their damage."

"Actually, if the big bug Mouse develops well, even if it is delayed until the later stage, the EDG team can still beat it. After all, Xiaopao and Snake Girl are actually not weak in the late stage."

"But this big bug died twice in a row at the beginning, and his development was too far behind the timeline. As a result, his frankness was very different from that of the Pig Girl Expect."

Shenchao sighed lightly, thinking that in tonight's second game of BO5, the EDG team could show their style.

But who would have thought that the style was indeed achieved, but the effect was not achieved. On the contrary, the G2 team relied on the correct decisions of the Dark players to gain many advantages one after another!

"The EDG team is really at a huge disadvantage now."

"But if the EDG team can be as stable as the last game and drag the game to 30 minutes, I think EDG can still win."

"Of course, the premise is to stay safe, especially Mouse. He must not die again."

I remember saying worriedly, although I still said I was optimistic that EDG could make a comeback, my mood was extremely solemn.

Because of the matter of "comeback G2", not to mention the WE team, the TSM team did not do it, even the SKT team and the SSG team did not do it!

So, can EDG become the first team to overturn G2?

A huge question mark appeared in Remember's mind, but he couldn't get an answer until the end of the game.

But the good news for all LPL viewers is that after the EDG team suffered consecutive losses in the first 12 minutes, starting from the 13th minute, they finally stabilized the situation and began to enter the stage of normal development.

On the road, the two tank tanks were lining up normally. Expect Pig Girl pressed the line very deep, almost reaching the second tower position of the EDG team on the road, but she was not afraid of being caught at all.

First, because the current Expect pig girl is so fleshy that even if she is caught, she will not die for a while, and she can also escape through Q skills.

The second reason is that, after helping Expect to establish a sufficient top lane advantage, the Dark Troll's second combat goal finally changed to the bottom lane, and began to frequently appear in the lower half of the jungle, putting pressure on the EDG team duo and forcing the barrel factory.

The leader must give up the top lane and take care of the bottom lane.

In the middle, Perkz and Scout are still restraining each other. No one can do anything to defeat the other, they can only look forward to the next wave of battles.

In the bottom lane, although the laning situation seems to be stabilizing, it is actually gradually favoring the G2 duo.

Because after Mithy the wind girl also came out of the incense burner, in the subsequent duel, Zven's big mouth was completely justified. After all, he had cloth armor shoes to protect himself!

So just like that, the game time slowly came to 16 minutes. When Zven finally produced the first ready-made sheep knife, the G2 team finally decided to take the initiative.

"We can't let EDG drag on any longer. Zven Yang Dao and Xiao Pao now only have the electric knife and the storm sword. If he comes out in a while, it will be difficult to fight."

"Ah P, I'm going to kill the river crab now. After you push the lane, come with me to the bottom lane and jump over the tower to kill a wave."

The game time is 16 minutes and 20 seconds. The warrior jungle knife, Tiamat and the Dark Troll with attack speed shoes have been released, and the Dark Troll said to the Perkz aircraft. At this time, he has also released the mercury shoes and the three-phase power. His combat effectiveness is incredible.

It's very high.

"Rivers have eyes."

Mithy Fengnu reminded her at this moment.

"It's okay, let's go back through the jungle area."

Dark nodded, and after knocking off the river crab, he immediately walked in the direction of F6, and at the same time completed the rendezvous with the Perkz aircraft.

However, after clearly seeing the movements of the G2 team and knowing that the G2 team was preparing to attack the bottom lane, the EDG duo did not retreat.

Because Scout Snake Girl and Factory Director Jiugong are also coming from the direction of the wild area!

In the EDG team's decision-making within the team, they feel that this wave of battles can be fought. After all, if it really happens, the G2 team's wave will only be five for four at most.

Since the EDG team was able to lose with four packs of two in the last round, it is even more impossible for the G2 team to win this round with five packs of four in the bottom lane!

"Ah P, go back and clear the line. Scout is here too. You can trick him back first and then come back. I'll leave the explosive fruit to you."

But for the G2 team, Dark immediately realized that if he climbed over the tower in front of the four EDG people, the power of Scout's ultimate move would be terrifying, so he immediately said to Perkz, and he directly bypassed the explosive fruit and headed towards

EDG went down the road in the direction of the triangle grass.

Perkz nodded, without saying a word, and immediately turned around to clear the lane in the middle, and it was still a wave of artillery lanes!

This scene made Scout, who had already rushed to the red buff position, frown naturally. After thinking for a while, she decided to go back to guard the tower.

After all, if I don't go back in this wave and G2 doesn't jump the tower, my tower in the middle will be easily knocked down by the Perkz plane!

"Holy shit, is this G2's guerrilla warfare?"

"Why does Scout seem to have been walked? He is going back to clear the line now, but the Perkz plane will be here soon!"

"The Dark Troll has arrived at the Stoneman Grass, and Director Keg has also arrived under the defense tower, but this wave of G2 is no longer a five-pack of four, but a five-pack of three!"

"It's indeed a three-for-five guarantee. Mouse handed over TP at 12 minutes. At this time, his TP has not improved yet, so it is impossible for him to come to the bottom lane!"

When the LPL viewers saw the Perkz plane passing over the wall through the exploding fruits, and when they saw the Scout snake woman still clearing troops in the middle, they immediately realized that this wave of situation is another matter for the EDG team.

This is going to be very bad!


And just when all the LPL viewers were terrified, a fake eye instantly appeared in the bottom lane of the EDG team.

Immediately afterwards, as the Expect pig girl TP lit up, the Dark Troll and Perkz aircraft rushed towards the EDG team's bottom lane tower in an aggressive manner!

The three people under the EDG tower naturally felt bad. After all, G2 troops had already entered the tower at this time. If three of them were outnumbered, one of them would die, so they immediately wanted to retreat.

Pillar of Ice!

But how could Dark be willing to let the three of them leave? A pillar was erected, instantly trapping the three of them at the same time!

So, the three of them had no choice but to turn back, because at this time, no matter whether it was the factory director's barrel with E or Iboy's cannon with W, they couldn't escape!

Because after handing over the displacement skills, even if they use flash again, it is absolutely impossible to escape from the palm of Expect Pig Girl who is about to land!

Void sludge!

Biochemical barrage!

Just when the Iboy cannon was forced to return to the defense tower, Zven, who had also entered the tower, immediately began to attack the Iboy cannon. With Mithy's shield support, the Iboy cannon was instantly reduced to residual health.


Meiko Lulu did give Zven the big mouth shield at the first time, but just when he was about to hand over his ultimate move, Mithy Fengnu opened it directly under the tower, restoring the HP of Zven who was resisting the tower, and also exposed Meiko

Lu is instantly knocked back a certain distance!

At this moment, the Expect pig girl who had already landed directly ignored the factory director's wine barrel, and directly QR sniped Meiko Lulu and instantly froze Meiko Lulu under the defense tower!

G2.Zven killed EDG.Meiko!

So what if Meiko is exposed to the incense burner? With a fragile body, but unable to use her ultimate move or even flash, she was instantly killed by Zven with her big mouth!

Destroying shot!

Rocket jump!

Iboy's small cannon quickly repels Zven's big mouth, and at the same time uses the W skill to jump out of the defense tower.

Therefore, Factory Director Jiugong, who was left alone under the defense tower, was in bad luck. Being surrounded by four people, even if he used his ultimate move to temporarily persuade everyone in G2 to retreat, it was only the last struggle before death.

G2.Perkz killed EDG.Clearlove7!

The next moment, as a missile from the Perkz plane hit, the factory director Jiugong died on the spot!

As for the Iboy cannon with residual health, the four main players of G2 had no intention of chasing him down, but directly started to turn around and demolish the tower.

But instead of letting him go, the fast-moving Mithy Fengnu was left to chase him.

It seems that it is a fantasy for the auxiliary to chase down the adc.

But as Mithy Feng Nu flashed up to catch up and lightly threw a W skill at Iboy's cannon who flashed in advance, his last trace of blood was easily absorbed by Mithy Feng Nu!

G2.Mithy killed EDG.Iboy!

So, the game time is 17 minutes, assist Feng Nu, and kill the adc cannon alone!

When the G2 team's wave of five-for-three jumps in the bottom lane instantly resulted in a 0-for-3 ending, the Guangzhou Library once again entered a state of silence.

Although five minutes ago, all the LPL viewers had a vague feeling that the EDG team was going far in this game, but what they never expected was that the EDG team was going far away so fast!

Because with the end of this wave of battles, the G2 team not only got the three heads of the EDG team again, but also once again staged a showdown for the EDG team in the presence of the three main demolition forces: Troll, Big Mouth and Airplane.

Forced demolition drama!

The first tower in the bottom lane was destroyed instantly, and the second tower in the bottom lane was destroyed immediately!

Although the belated arrival of Mouse and Scout prevented the G2 team from directly rushing to the high ground, they still successfully turned around and captured the second dragon, giving the G2 team the overall advantage.

It has reached an extremely terrifying level!

The economy is ahead by 7,000 yuan!

Defense towers lead by five!

Xiaolong is two ahead!

Although the G2 team's lineup is indeed unable to end the game in one breath, when the G2 team enters operational status, the EDG team is simply unable to cope!

Therefore, taking advantage of the huge advantage of military lines and vision, the game time was just over 20 minutes, and the five members of the G2 team gathered in the Dragon Pit, allowing Baron Nash, who had just returned to work, to complete the achievement of getting off work at the speed of light.

Furthermore, as Expect Pig Girl directly hit the QR barrel of the factory director who came to check the situation in Dalong Pit, everyone in G2 rushed forward and killed him in an instant!

When the EDG team lost the only starting point of the factory director Liquor, facing the attack of the five members of the G2 team, the remaining four EDG players were no longer able to defend, and could only be defeated by them one by one, and then reached 21 in the game time.

Minutes later, the base crystal was easily pushed away without any bloodshed!

2 to 0!

In today's second BO5 game of the quarterfinals, the G2 team completed another crushing of the EDG team at a faster speed than the first game!

Let's, congratulate G2!

At this moment, with the G2 team already holding three match points, there is only one last step left before the G2 team successfully advances to the semi-finals of the S7 World Championship!

Thanks to the single Wang of Leo, Book Friends 2023xxx9934, Ling Yue Jiange, Book Friends 915147, nero001, ten-year book boy, Book Friends 2021xxx0245, Book Friends 160xxx034, Book Friends 2023xxx2796, picky old book ghost, Book Friends 2023xxx6643 for their monthly ticket support


(End of chapter)

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