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152. Chapter 151 Violence is the way to end it! Kill Uzi with your own hands!

 Chapter 151 Violence is the only way to end it! Kill Uzi with your hands! Kill RNG with your hands! Kill LPL with your hands!

3 to 0!

Although this score is not the total score of tonight's BO5 semi-finals yet, it is just the temporary head score of the third round.

But when all the LPL spectators saw this "3-0", they all had expressions of bewilderment and panic on their faces, and their hearts were even more panicked and even frightened.

Because this game has been played so far, although the number of heads exploded is the smallest among the three games tonight, the psychological pressure exerted by the G2 team on the RNG team is the biggest among the three games tonight!

Not only because Dark Qinggangying's development and performance are invincible, but also because the G2 team's big recruitment system in the middle and jungle has begun to show its power through this wave of battles on the road!

These are just three big moves to kill the Blind Monk with the Incense Pot. If they are looking at UziVN to kill, there is a huge question mark as to whether Xiao Ming Gem’s big move can successfully land and save UziVN’s life!

"This time, Xiangguo is still a little anxious."

Just when all the LPL viewers were worried, Miller's slightly heavy voice slowly sounded from the commentary box.

"This wave is indeed a good opportunity for RNG to seize."

"But Xiangguo obviously didn't notice Gnar's anger, and Letme Shen's position was too obvious, which gave the G2 team time to react and provide support."

"But if the number of heads is 0-3, I don't think the problem is particularly big. After all, the main focus of this game is a functional one. In the team battle stage, a G2 team can be kicked back to the C position, or the G2 team can be kicked back.

If a hero enters the field and kicks away one, it already reflects the role of the blind monk in this game."

Miller said with joy in his misery that although the blind monk in this game must be functional, if he can avoid death, it is better to avoid death as much as possible.

"Miller is right. In fact, I even feel that the RNG team is not losing money this time."

"After all, the blind monk sacrificed his own life to buy at least one minute of stable development time for Uzi and Xiaohu."

"What is this called? This is called a team!"

Wawa said with a smile from ear to ear. In his opinion, since the development of Xiangguo Blind Monk has exploded in this game, it doesn't matter even if he dies a few more times, as long as the RNG team's Double C can develop stably.

In the later stage, the game will still be played, and the RNG team can still win!

"The heads of the Incense Pot Blind Monk are indeed not very valuable, but the resources in the wild are still valuable..."

"As soon as Xiangguo dies, this canyon pioneer will be captured by the G2 team again."

PDD frowned, finally feeling a little disgusted with the doll's "forcible without losing" explanation method.

After all, he had listened to the baby saying "no loss" for three games tonight, but looking at it with the benefit of hindsight, which wave of RNG teams didn't suffer a huge loss?

However, in PDD's view, although the RNG team did suffer a loss, it was indeed a small loss.

As long as the RNG team can still maintain the wretched development state of the past ten minutes in the next game time, then the RNG team can really delay the game to the later stages and come back to win!

The red side killed the Rift Herald!

While the three commentators were discussing, Dark Qinggangying and Expect Gnar also successfully obtained the first Canyon Pioneer, and then returned directly.

Immediately afterwards, Dark Qinggangying took advantage of the fact that he had the Canyon Herald in hand and tried to directly pull out the first tower of the RNG team in the middle.

However, I never expected that the RNG team's defense in the middle was so resolute that Dark Qinggangying could never find a chance to release the Rift Herald.

However, because the Rift Herald lasted for a long time, we did not rush to release it and hit the tower. Instead, we took advantage of the RNG team to enter a state of poor development again and won the first water dragon in this game.

"No, why is the second little dragon a water dragon?"

"If there were two water dragons, the RNG team would be a little uncomfortable."

And just when the attribute icon of the second dragon lit up in the dragon pit, the three commentators suddenly felt uncomfortable.

Because in this game, the RNG team's explosive ability is actually not very strong, and the late output mainly relies on the continuous output of UziVN and Xiaohu Aircraft.

But if the G2 team gets two water dragons and gains extremely strong recovery ability, then the team battles in the later stages will not be so optimistic for the RNG team.

"Two water dragons are acceptable. After all, the G2 team is the one with the offensive pressure in this game. In the later stage, they will never be able to withstand the damage of RNG's double C, so they will definitely want to end the game as soon as possible."

"But as long as the RNG team holds off, we will be able to fight in the later stages. And if we can catch the G2 team making mistakes due to impatience, then the RNG team's strong period can be advanced again!"

Wawa said loudly, still quite optimistic about the RNG team's late game.

And to the delight of the three commentators and all LPL viewers, in the next five minutes, the game was really delayed by the RNG team again!

Even Dark Qinggangying's Canyon Pioneer had to be placed in the middle. After knocking off half of the health of the RNG team's middle tower, it left the game hastily. It no longer had the same majesty as in the previous two games.

"No, we can't continue to delay this."

"ZvenMithy, you switch to the middle lane and push the tower."

"Perkz, you come to the bottom lane and lead solo."

"Expect just stay on the top lane and guard the tower."

The game time was about to reach 15 minutes, but the G2 team still failed to knock down the first tower of the RNG team, which made Dark feel very unhappy.

Because of the three games tonight, their G2 has never been so "disadvantaged" in any game.

Therefore, although the bottom tower of the G2 team was still not pushed out by the RNG duo, Dark decided to let his teammates make simple adjustments in an attempt to pull out some flaws in the RNG team through rhythm changes.

Don't tell me, he actually found me!

After the duo of both teams actively and passively switched to the middle lane, the RNG team chose to hand over the safer lane in the top lane to Xiaohu Aircraft and the more dangerous lane in the bottom lane to Letme Shen.

And this time, the opportunity Dark found was Shen who was alone!

"Expect, half-zone principle, Perkz and I will jump over the tower in the bottom lane. You should control your anger. If the other side wants to capture you, you will clear out the troops with a big move."

From the jungle, he climbed over the wall to reach the RNG team's Stone Man bush. While waiting for Perkz Galio to push the line into the tower, he looked at Letme Shen who appeared in front of him. Dark said to Expect.

"no problem."

Expect said confidently, and then hung up under the defense tower on the top lane while watching the tower jumping performance on the bottom lane.

Although the G2 team's wave is only two against one, it seems a bit risky, after all, Letme Shen still has some meat.

But at this time, Letme's so-called meat is not worth mentioning in Dark Qinggangying's eyes!

So, when the bottom line of troops entered the tower, Perkz Galio began to charge up his W skill to taunt in front of Letme Shen, and the taunt was successful.

Immediately afterwards, there was Dark Qinggangying's second stage E stun without any skills, followed by a series of punches and kicks.

Although it took a full 8 seconds to successfully kill Letme Shen, with this wave of two-over-one bot lane, the G2 team still succeeded in the end!

G2.Perkz killed RNG.Letme!

So, at 15 minutes and 13 seconds of game time, the head ratio on the field was finally updated to 4-0!

On the other side, as expected by Dark, the moment Dark Steel Shadow appeared in the bottom lane, the Incense Pot Blind Monk began to move towards the top lane, because the Tiger Aircraft that was pushing the lane at this time was about to lead troops into the tower.

If the operation is good, then the two of them in the middle and jungle can also successfully jump over the tower in this wave, and win the RNG team's first head and first defensive tower in this game!

However, even though Expect Gnar's anger was only half full at this time and the situation seemed to be dangerous, because he had been mentally prepared and had simulated it in his mind in advance, Expect Gnar's thinking was very clear at this time.

Before the blue square troop line entered the tower, he took the initiative to leave the tower and began to clear the troops from the damage caused by the Xiaohu aircraft.

When the troops did not enter the tower, it was very uncomfortable for the blind monk who was already preparing to circle back. However, in order to kill him with one hit, he still waited for a while before the Xiaohu aircraft forced Expect Gnar back to the defense tower.

Only then were we ready to take action.

"The Blind Monk is ready to make a big move, you just flash out of Tower A to make a big move!"

Although he was mentally prepared, Expect Gnar was still obviously panicked at this moment, because his Q skill boomerang was thrown towards the blind monk instead of the line of soldiers.

So, while he and perkz Galio began to push down the first tower, Dark commanded at Expect.


Expect naturally obeyed Dark's instructions. He immediately flashed to open the distance between him and the blind monk, and then went crazy with the A-soldier to gather his anger.

This scene immediately shocked RNG's midfielder. The blind monk directly touched his eyes and moved W, trying to rush to Expect Gnar's side at a faster speed.

However, in terms of time, the Incense Pot Blind Monk was finally a little slower.

Because just when Expect Gnar took the initiative and was attacked by Xiaohu's aircraft, his Gnar finally became bigger!

A library!


So, at the moment when the Blind Monk of Incense Pot kicked out his ultimate move, Dragon Swinging Tail, and kicked Expect Gnar out of the range of the defense tower, Expect Gnar's ultimate move also pushed the RNG midfielder and jungler under his own defense tower.

At the same time, the army line was completely cleared!

And as Big Gnar used his E skill to jump back to the defense tower, the RNG team's midfielder's top lane jump over the tower also officially failed.

The only good news is that they finally did not perform the "Ueno and Ueno joint one-death and one-for-one" drama, and successfully escaped one after another.

The blue square defense tower was destroyed!

At the same time that Expect Gnar completed a wave of escape operations, the G2 midfielder and jungler duo had successfully pulled out the bottom tower of the RNG team, and instantly expanded the G2 team's economic lead to 3,000 yuan!

It was also because the Incense Pot Lee Sin finally gave up his own flash in this wave of climbing the tower, so in the battle for the second water dragon two minutes later, the RNG team was forced to choose to let it go directly.

But when the third dragon icon refreshed and everyone discovered that the third dragon was actually a water dragon, not only the LPL commentators and the audience panicked, but even the players of the RNG team themselves panicked.

Because if even the third water dragon is captured by the G2 team, then the RNG team may not be able to defeat G2 in the subsequent team battle!

It can be seen with the naked eye that starting from the 17th minute, the RNG team finally couldn't sit still and began to be a little impatient and wanted to pull out the first tower of the G2 team in the middle, and also gain the advantage of arranging vision in the jungle.

But at this moment, when everyone in G2 saw that the third dragon was still a dragon, the G2 team was not in a hurry and was ready to have a good drag game with the RNG team.

Because as long as the G2 team can't drop a tower in the middle, then the third dragon team battle will wait for a while, then the G2 team will still have the advantage!

Therefore, in the next five minutes, the two teams launched a long battle around the middle line of troops and defense towers.

But because the adc players of both teams in this game, whether it is UziVN or Zven Xia, all used the electric knife equipment, so the middle line of troops will basically die miserably in the hands of both adcs as soon as they show up.

Moreover, the minions on the blue side obviously die faster. After all, Xia, the hero, uses a set of QWE electric knife skills and a wave of minions will be gone.

But the VN hero still has to level A one after another, and the clearing speed is much slower!

So much so that the G2 team successfully relied on this midline time difference to once again take the lead when the third water dragon was refreshed and occupied the view and opening of Xiaolong Pit. Then, Dark Qinggangying easily took over the third water dragon!

So, the next moment, something happened that shocked the entire audience to the point of being dumbfounded and angry enough to curse.

Because the fourth dragon in this game is actually a water dragon!

"Fuck, why are all the water dragons in this game?"

"Are we watching the game in front of China's home? Why is it the home court of the LPL? There are so many dragons that are not conducive to the LPL team!"

"Has Riot officially been bribed by the G2 team? Three water dragons are outrageous enough. Why can you brush four water dragons in a row?!"

"Isn't it obvious that you want the RNG team to lose?!"

When the attribute of the fourth dragon was once again determined to be a water dragon, all the LPL viewers went crazy and became furious, angrily blaming the LPL official for their "inaction".

After all, this one-sixteenth chance was encountered by the RNG team in the life-and-death game. Someone was definitely operating behind the scenes!

But they actually know in their hearts that there is no possibility of secret operations in League of Legends.

This desperate situation is all because the RNG team is too rubbish!

If the RNG team is not at a disadvantage in the early stage, or even has an advantage, then the team facing the pressure of the Four Water Dragons at this time is not RNG, but the opposite G2!

But it's too late to say all this now. Unless the third game is restarted, once the G2 team wins the fourth water dragon, the RNG team can almost choose to surrender directly!

"The RNG team must take the initiative and cannot continue to delay."

"The birth time of the next water dragon is 28 minutes. By then, both UziVN and Xiaohu Aircraft should be able to produce three-piece sets."

"As long as the RNG team can win a team battle before 28 minutes, then we, RNG, can make a comeback in this game!"

In the commentary box, Wawa said nervously, and at this moment he finally felt the heavy pressure on his body.

And this pressure also exists on the five players of the RNG team, because they all know that the next five minutes will be their last chance to win!

But the problem is, it is no longer their RNG that is avoiding the battle, but the opposite G2!

Therefore, the RNG team in this situation at this moment has only one choice, and that is to force the Baron team!

So, once again, the two teams started a long-term tug-of-war around this big dragon.

Although the RNG team beat the Baron several times in a row, the intimidation of the top, middle and jungle players of the G2 team was so terrifying that they could only dabble in it and did not dare to rush the Baron to the end.

Then, after a back and forth, the RNG team was overwhelmed. The first tower in the middle that had been defending for 25 minutes was easily pushed away by Zven Xia!

As the game time got closer and closer to 28 minutes, the RNG team became more and more impatient, so much so that the blind monk had to start thinking of ideas crazily.

For example, go around the back!

So, when the game time came to 27 minutes and the fourth water dragon had one minute left to refresh, the Incense Pot Blind Monk, after wandering around the jungle for a long time, finally found an opportunity and dived into G2

The team’s top lane triangle of grass!

At the same time, the four front members of the RNG team also headed towards the dragon again, trying to force the dragon to force the team. While pretending to retreat, the blind monk of the incense pot kicked Zven Xia back and killed him instantly!

However, what everyone in the RNG team is completely unaware of is that as early as the last wave of G2 team repelled their Baron team, everyone in the G2 team was already in all the grass near the Baron pit, including but not

Limited to river grass, triangle grass, red buff grass, and even stone man grass, the eye positions have been prepared in advance.

So when the blind monk thought he was squatting in an absolutely safe bush, his every move was actually visible to everyone in the G2 team!

"Kill the blind monk first?"

Looking at the motionless incense pot blind monk in the triangular grass, Perkz's eyes lit up and he asked in surprise.

"No, first repel the four people in front of RNG, then turn around and kill them."

"There are still 40 seconds before the water dragon is refreshed. Kill him now and wait for a while when the water dragon resurrects. He will have a chance to resurrect and rush to the small dragon pit to grab the dragon."

Dark sneered repeatedly, although with the passive skill [Punishment Master], he could never lose in the punishment stage, but he still didn't want to give Mala Xiang Guo any chance to fight with him for punishment.

He wanted to let Mala Xiangguo lie in the spring water for a while, watch them take down the fourth water dragon with his own eyes, and feel what it meant to be truly powerless.

And, despair!

However, the first people to feel despair at this time were not the players of the Mala Xiangguo and RNG teams, but the LPL commentators and the audience from God's perspective.

When they saw the blind monk squatting in front of their eyes, everyone in G2 completely pretended not to see it, and just drove away the four people in front of the RNG team again, and then turned back to find the spicy hot pot.

Only then did everyone realize that the G2 team didn’t want to take care of the blind monk at all, but wanted to kill someone!

"Xiang Guo, run away!"

So the next moment, when Mala Xiangguo took action and tried to use his ultimate move to kick people in the back, the three commentators of the LPL shouted out these five words full of tears in their most hoarse voices.


But, it's too late.

With Dark Qinggangying directly across the wall, he used his E skill to knock out the incense pot blind monk. In addition, Perkz Galio used his E skill to push him up and then used his W skill to taunt him, and then cooperated with Zven Xia to hit him with a set of barbs.


The incense pot blind monk was trapped in a control chain that lasted for several seconds!

But that's not the most torture.

The most painful thing is that in order to save Xiang Guo's life, Letme Shen directly handed over his ultimate move.

So much so that everyone in G2 could kill the blind monk directly, but they chose to stop at the same time.

When Letme landed, the incense pot blind monk could resume action as soon as possible, and chose to directly kick Zven Xia with his ultimate move.

However, the reason why Xayah, the hero, is version T1 is because his ultimate move can protect himself!

Feathers fill the sky!

Therefore, after using her ultimate move to avoid the blind monk's ultimate move, Zven Xia immediately flashed forward after landing. Using a flat A at the extreme distance, she easily stopped the eye-touching W and flashed the head of the incense pot blind monk who was trying to escape.

Then he turned around again and tortured Letme Shen to death.

G2.Zven killed RNG.Mlxg!

G2.Zven killed RNG.Letme!

Double Kill!

Therefore, at 27 minutes and 38 seconds of game time, the G2 team successfully increased the head ratio in this game to 6-0. At the same time, it almost completely crushed the RNG team's last hope!

Why almost?

Because from RNG's point of view, they still have hope of grabbing the dragon!

"The incense pot is dead."

"Letme who entered the venue also collapsed."

"Expect Gnar has been eyeing the remaining three members of RNG. Uzi and Xiaohu don't dare to enter the field to deal damage!"

"But the opponent will fight the big dragon. If the RNG team gets both this big dragon and the fourth water dragon..."

"RNG can't give up!"

"RNG must never give up!"

When the RNG team was killed one after another in the jungle, the three commentators in the commentary box were almost crying.

As for all the RNG fans at the scene, they were in tears, screaming and shouting at the top of their lungs, hoping that they could lend their strength to the RNG team and Uzi.

At this moment, the only three people left in the RNG team naturally knew that they had entered the most difficult stage of this game. If they could not grab this big dragon, they would definitely lose.

Therefore, the three RNG people decided to fight to the death!

So, when Baron Nash's health was less than half, Xiao Ming Gem activated his ultimate move, Cosmic Glory, and sprinkled the sky with starlight on Xiao Hu's plane and UziVN, like the wind rustling the water.

Han's tragic hero.

Then, the Xiaohu plane with the explosive pack rushed into the dragon pit first. UziVN also immediately activated his ultimate move and entered the stealth state to kill into the dragon pit, trying to rely on his world-class operations and the understanding of the world's number one VN.

Win this seemingly impossible battle!


Truly tragic.

Is it funny?

It's really funny.

Because just when the RNG team's double C resolutely entered the field, the five members of the G2 team, under Dark's order, chose to stop at the same time!

Therefore, whether it was Uzi, Xiaohu, Xiaoming, or all RNG fans who were looking forward to a comeback by the RNG team, they were instantly dumbfounded.

Then, what greeted UziVN was the full set of ultimate move services that the G2 team had carefully prepared for him for nearly 30 minutes and then finally delivered!

Hex Ultimatum!

The hero appears!

Growing wild!


Although the damage is definitely overflowing, at this moment, in order to kill UziVN, the last hope of the RNG team, the G2 team still chose to kill the chicken with a knife!

G2.Dark killed RNG.Uzi!

G2.Dark has gone berserk!

So, when Dark Qinggangying personally slaughtered UziVN again, the final suspense of tonight's BO5 semi-final match was finally completely lost!

Let us congratulate G2 in advance!

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(End of chapter)

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