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173. Chapter 172 WE was lucky last year, but this year RNG won’t be able to compete in the finals.

 Chapter 172 WE was lucky last year, but RNG can’t even get into the finals this year! Winning the championship? The runner-up doesn’t even deserve it!

"Let us congratulate the G2 team for successfully defeating the RNG team in just over 27 minutes and winning the first victory of this MSI!"

"Although before the start of MSI, many people thought that after the reorganization of the G2 team, there would be problems with the coordination between the players."

"However, through this game, we have seen that the G2 team players cooperate very well."

"Especially the two new players, top laner Wunder and support Hylissang, their outstanding performance must have impressed all the viewers!"

"Moreover, through this game, all MSI teams must have witnessed how terrifying the 2.0 version of the G2 team is, and realized that the current G2 team is still the most favorable competitor for the MSI championship!"

On the stage, when the five members of the G2 team began to celebrate, in the LPL studio, Changmao's joy was already beyond words, because this victory of the G2 team was truly a hearty victory, and it severely slapped those who thought that the RNG team would definitely win.

You can easily defeat the G2 team and win the MSI, which will make LPL fans happy!

Compared to Shaggy's unabashed joy, the expressions on Doll Miller's faces can be described as gloomy.

Because of this game, the RNG team lost so miserably!

Let alone fighting back, throughout the entire game, the RNG team did not even organize any decent counterattack!

"Hey, I lost."

"Although the RNG team is indeed in bad shape in this game, overall, I am still convinced that I lost this game."

Miller sighed, looking at the lonely faces of the RNG team players in the camera, his eyes filled with heartache.

"I must once again say sorry to the duo of the G2 team. The bottom lane combination of Perkz and Hilisang really surprised me. I didn't expect them to beat Uzi and Xiaoming in the laning phase!"

"Especially Hilisan's Morgana, her Q skill is so accurate. Even if Dark doesn't come to gank in the bottom lane in this round, with the accuracy of his Q skill, the Perkz policewoman can still get it.

It’s a laning advantage.”

Miller was very sad and said that the same was true for the doll.

"There really isn't much to say. It's just that RNG has never fought in the lane, not only in the bottom lane, but actually in the four lanes."

"In this disadvantageous situation, the RNG team's only chance to make a comeback is actually to grab the Baron, but the G2 team didn't give them any chance at all!"

"Although I am very reluctant, I have to admit that this year's G2 team is stronger than last year."

"If the top and bottom lanes of the G2 team last year might have become a breakthrough for the G2 team, then this year the top and bottom lanes of the G2 team have almost eliminated the possibility of becoming a breakthrough point."

The doll's expression was heavy, but his tone was relatively relaxed.

Sure enough, the next moment he once again gave the RNG team high expectations!

"But I think LPL fans don't need to worry too much. Let's not say that the RNG team was not in a good state today, so they lost the game. Even if they were in good form, the loss of this game is actually not good for RNG.

a good thing."

"Because it can give the RNG team a good reminder on the day MSI starts. That is, if RNG wants to win this year's MSI, it will be quite difficult. After all, in addition to the KZ team, the G2 team is also a relatively strong team.


"So, in the next MSI journey, the RNG team must adjust its state as soon as possible. As long as the RNG team returns to the state of the Spring Finals, then whether it is KZ or G2, we can easily win them!"

Wawa said categorically that although RNG lost, he is more confident in winning the subsequent games!

And just when the baby entered the state of gibbering again, the five members of the G2 team finally walked to the RNG team player bench and began the post-game handshake session.

Although Perkz is three people away from Uzi, he needs to shake hands one by one before he can greet him in a friendly way.

But Dark’s post-match greetings can be started directly from top laner Letme!

"Letme, one and a half years have passed, and you really haven't made any progress at all. You are still playing like this."

"When we played Expect last year, you were still able to mix with him a little bit, but this year, we have a stronger top laner Wunder, so you can try to mix with him again."

"Today I only beat you by 40 knives, but next time I'll beat you by 400 knives!"

Mingrui smiled disdainfully, and what he didn't expect was that when Wunder went to shake hands with Letme, he actually introduced himself to Letme.

"Letme hello, I'm Wunder."

Although Letme's expression didn't change at all when being ridiculed by Dark, when she heard Wunder's self-introduction, Letme's face immediately showed an expression of embarrassment and anger.

After all, as a "senior top laner", Letme could not accept the fact that he was beaten by a new top laner no matter what!

"Spicy Hotpot, you are different from Letme. If his bastard's strength is at least the same as last year, you will be better than last year. Except for the first ultimate move at level 6 that did not catch Wunder, your follow-up

Is there still any sense of existence?”

"Now you know why RNG bought Casa? Isn't it because of your talent?!"

"It's a pity that Casa has jumped into the den of thieves like RNG. If he realizes that there is no future in RNG and wants to leave the team, it may not be that easy... Oh no, I heard that Casa is in

Did you bring four or five lawyers with you when you signed the contract with RNG? Then it’s okay, you shouldn’t be stuck in the contract with RNG.”

After saying Letme, Dark continued to sneer at the spicy hot pot.

I thought that after Mala Xiangguo experienced last year's defeat in the S7 semifinals and today's defeat in the opening game, he would never dare to talk back to him.

However, I didn't expect that the reputation of a reckless man was well-deserved. Faced with Dark's ridicule, Mala Xiangguo actually scolded him again.

"I love you!"

"Let me give you one round first. When we meet again in the next round, it will be up to you to see if I want to kill you or not!"

Mala Xiang Guo cursed with great dissatisfaction, and then made Dark chuckle.

"No, just based on your performance today, will you still have a chance to play in the next round? You won't even have a chance in the next game!"

"Don't say it's the next game. I'm afraid that not only will you not be able to play in the starting lineup in the future, but your contract will also be blocked by RNG. In the future, you will only be able to live stream to pay off your debts, haha."

Dark couldn't help but laugh, and then prepared to shake Xiaohu's hand.

And just when Mala Xiangguo wanted to continue to chase Dark and curse, Wunder had already held his hand.

"Hello Mlxg, I am Wunder."

Then, he directly interrupted Mala Xiangguo's mouth with a self-introduction.

"Shut up!"

When it was Dark's turn to shake hands with Xiaohu, Xiaohu already had an expression of extreme disgust on his face.

But Xiaohu didn't expect that Dark really didn't have any intention to speak at this time!

I thought Dark was letting him go, but he never thought that Perkz, who was shaking hands with Uzi at the side, spoke in advance.

"Uzi, you didn't expect me to shake hands with you as an adc, did you?"

"I didn't expect it, and I didn't expect that the position of adc would be so much easier than mid lane. I just played casually and won directly."

"So I'm a little surprised, why did it take you six years to win the league championship, but it only took me one season to win the league championship?"

"It seems that after this MSI ends, the title of the world's number one adc will officially belong to me, Perkz!"

Perkz's face was filled with an expectant smile, and his tone was even more innocent, sounding as if this matter was a goal that could be achieved casually.

His words immediately made Uzi furious. At the same time, the other four people also had angry expressions on their faces.

Because you must know that the tactic that the RNG team is proud of is to protect one from four. If Uzi, the "1", is so ridiculed by the opponent, then the other "4" will naturally fight for Uzi!

However, this is not a game, but reality. No matter how angry the other four are, they can only endure it.

"Xiaohu, why are you angry? Didn't you pick Zoe in this game and prepare to carry the game?"

"Could it be that you have successfully discovered that at your own level, there is no way to carry the game, so you can only continue to play four guarantees and one?"

"This is not okay!"

"Didn't you say it yourself, the worse you fall and the worse the team's performance, the more people will praise Uzi? So you have to continue to choose the carry mid laner in the next game, otherwise we may have to win.

It’s more difficult.”

"And if you don't choose a carry-type mid laner and don't show your strong strength to female fans, how can you continue to be Aquaman?"

"Come on Xiaohu, you can definitely do it!"

Dark chuckled repeatedly. Facing the mid laner Xiaohu who was not expelled because of the RNG team's double standard, he was not angry but happy. After all, as long as he has General Tiger guarding the middle of the RNG team, Caps can always beat him into a breakthrough.


It was finally his turn to shake hands with Uzi, but this time, because Perkz had already said a lot, Dark only said one sentence.

"Uzi, I really envy you. It only took six years to go from the world's No. 1 adc to the world's No. 2 adc."

"But in the eyes of your fans, you must still be the world's number one adc. After all, you are a two-time solo champion and the LPL 18 spring champion!"

"Even Pig and Rat King deft Ruler Emperor are nothing more than that in their eyes. What does Ah P who is about to win the MSI championship mean? Right?"

After talking about Uzi, I finally talked about the last player of the RNG team, Xiao Ming.

But this time, Dark's tone was no longer mocking, but pleading!

"Xiao Ming, I really beg you, stop using soft assistants, what are you playing with?"

"Didn't last year's S7 prove that your soft assistant is rubbish? Why do you still choose soft assistant in S8?"

"Next time we meet, be sure to choose a strong support to make the game more difficult for us. Otherwise, if you kill the opponent, Lisangke will really get into trouble!"

Dark said sincerely that although Hilisang's performance in this game was basically 99% perfect, after an entire spring split, they had discovered Hilisang's only weakness.

That is, although he is very strong, he can easily kill people once he gets high in the game!

Take this game as an example. In fact, there was absolutely no need for Clarissa Morgana to engage in any one-man-for-one fight, but he just did it and got killed.

And if in future games, other teams discover this weakness of Hilisang, and the opponent team starts to give Hilisang an advantage crazily, making Hilisang get better and better as he fights, the other team will really be able to find the only G2 team.

A breakthrough!

Of course, a greater possibility is that before Hilisang got completely excited, the G2 team won the game because of its huge advantage in the bottom lane!

"Okay, in the next game, I will definitely use hard support to defeat you."

Xiao Ming still listened to the advice. After being ridiculed, he gritted his teeth and said harshly to Dark.

After the self-introduction of the last sentence "Hello Ming, I am Wunder" fell, the handshake session finally ended, and then all G2 members walked towards the center of the stage, with the audience shouting "G2", towards

All the G2 team fans present bowed their thanks and completed the G2 team’s debut in this MSI!

As for the post-match interview after the game, because this is the home court of the G2 team, Dark did not suffer unfair treatment from the LPL officials like last year, so it was no surprise that he was directly invited to the interview area of ​​the live stream.

When faced with the European host's question "About the outlook for this MSI", Dark's answer can be described as very domineering!

"The goal of this MSI is actually the same as last year, which is to qualify first in the group with a complete victory in the group stage, then defeat the opponents in the semifinals and finals, and then successfully defend the MSI championship."

"But what's different from last year is that this year's MSI competition format has been modified so that the team with the first place in the group can actively choose the third or fourth place in the group as its semi-final opponent in the semi-finals."

"So here, I hope the RNG team can successfully qualify for second place in the group. Otherwise, in the semi-finals, our G2 team will definitely choose the RNG team as our opponent in the semi-finals!"

"Because last year's MSI did not have this mechanism to select opponents, Team WE was lucky enough to win the runner-up spot in MSI."

"But this year, I hope to help the RNG team recognize the reality early. That is, let alone wanting to win the MSI championship, they are not worthy of being the runner-up!"

"RNG, at best, is only as strong as the top four in the international competition!"

During the post-match interview, Dark said arrogantly to the camera, which immediately made all the LPL viewers furious and filled with smoke.

While everyone was scolding Dark, they also hoped that the RNG team would be able to speak up, adjust their status in time after losing the opening game, and then beat Dark hard without losing a single game in the remaining games and win the MSI championship.

s face.

But what all LPL fans never expected was that the first person to be slapped in the face was not Dark at all, but themselves!

After the opening game of the first day of 2018 MSI ended, the subsequent games started non-stop.

In the second game, the FW team faced the EVS team.

Although the FW team lost Karsa, they still managed to win the game against the wild card EVS team with a head-to-head ratio of 22 to 2.

In the third game, the KZ team faced the TL team.

In the early stage, the two teams still played back and forth, but as the game entered the middle stage and the LCK-style operation of the KZ team began to take effect, the TL team gradually became unable to parry, and finally lost the game with a head ratio of 4 to 8.

In the fourth game, the G2 team appeared again and faced the FW team.

I thought that the G2 team would win easily, but I didn’t expect that the FW team would be much harder to beat than the RNG team. In the end, it took the G2 team 38 minutes to win the game with a head ratio of 16 to 5, and won the first day of the group stage.

Won both games.

In the fifth game, the TL team faced the EVS team.

I thought that the TL team could finally pick up a soft persimmon, but I didn't expect that the TL team was eventually defeated by the EVS team by a 24 to 14 head count, and then ended the first day of the group stage with a record of two losses.


The sixth game, which is also the last game, is the most anticipated and nervous game for all LPL fans and LCK fans.

Because this game is a division showdown between the RNG team and the KZ team!

For the RNG team, although they lost to the G2 team, as long as they defeat the KZ team, they will have a chance to hit the second place in the group, or even the first place in the group!

But amid the unrealistic fantasies of all LPL fans, the KZ team finally easily defeated the RNG team's weak defense with a head-to-head ratio of 12 to 5. While winning two games on the first day of the group stage, they also received

It gave the RNG team a disastrous ending on the first day with two complete defeats!

"@G2.Dark: Just a joke, RNG fans say that the RNG team will win the MSI championship without losing a game in the next games."

Immediately after the game, Dark posted a taunting scarf, which once again made all RNG fans scream with anger. However, there was no other way but to use whitewashing tactics such as "RNG is not in good shape today".

The RNG team excuses itself.

But the mood of all LPL fans is extremely solemn.

Because with the release of the points rankings on the first day of the group stage, the RNG team successfully achieved the good results set by the group!

First place, G2 team, 2-0.

Second place, KZ team, 2-0.

Third place, FW team, 1-1.

Fourth place, EVS team, 1-1.

Fifth place, TL team, 0-2.

Sixth place, RNG team, 0-2.

Judging from the results on the first day of the group stage, all fans of the G2 team can proudly say, RNG, you are better than the wild card!

After a short break, the second day of the MSI group stage continued to start on time.

The first game of the next day is still a highlight, it is the game between the G2 team and the KZ team.

Just when all LPL fans believed that the KZ team could definitely teach the extremely arrogant G2 team a good lesson, the G2 team defeated the KZ team with a crushing 16 to 8 victory. In the end, Perkz even used the hero Xiaopao to win a championship.

Wave three kills!

At this point, the G2 team has successfully continued to lead the group stage standings with three consecutive victories, and has almost secured the first place in the group, although today is only the first game of the second day of the five-day group stage.

In the second game, the TL team faced the FW team.

In the promotional video before the game, the senior brother vowed to win both games today, but was beaten 8 to 2 by the FW team. He successfully lost three games in a row and continued to be at the bottom of the six teams in the group stage.

In the third game, the RNG team faced off against the EVS team. Finally, they caught the soft persimmon and successfully won the first victory of this MSI.

But just when all LPL fans thought that the RNG team had finally recovered its form, the RNG team successfully inherited the fine tradition of the EDG team and successfully performed a performance that never disappoints!

Because just after the KZ team easily defeated the EVS team in the fourth game, in the fifth game the RNG team played against the FW team.

The RNG team faced their old club in Karsa's first appearance. When the whole team was confident that they could win the second day, they suffered a humiliating loss to the provincial team with a head-to-head ratio of 3 to 3.

FW team!

And successfully maintained the good result of being second to last in the group!

Please give me a guaranteed monthly ticket from the big guys~

Thanks to Wu Weiqiao, Dalang Takes Medicine, DevilCrying, You Who Look Up at the Stars, Opening a Pack of Instant Noodles, and the incomprehensible monthly ticket support!

(End of chapter)

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