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195. Chapter 194 LPL, you once regarded me as an ant, but today I

 Chapter 194 LPL, once you regarded me as an ant, today I regard you as garbage!

"The last wave, the last wave!"

"Go, go, go, push the incisor tower!"

"The other side is going to fight for their lives, protect P, protect P!"

"It's okay if Caps Risan is dead, let's continue to deal damage. The other side won't be able to hold us back!"

“Point the tower, click the tower, click the tower, click the tower!”

"Kill the little peanut, kill the little peanut...the whole group is destroyed! Ness!"

In the last wave, when all members of G2 rushed to the high ground of the KZ team and successfully destroyed the team again despite the desperate resistance of all members of the KZ team, the entire voice channel of the G2 team had fallen into complete madness.

Because they can already be very sure that as long as they click on the base crystal of the KZ team, they will once again become the champions of MSI in 2018!

And I didn't wait too long for this moment.

As the KZ team's base crystal exploded, the five players on the G2 player bench had ecstatic smiles on their faces, and they began to raise their arms and shout at the same time!




"Successfully defended the title, G2 is invincible!"

Among them, the most excited person was the mid laner Caps. He couldn't even wait for the KZ base to explode. He had already taken off the headset from his head, then jumped up from the gaming chair like a spring, and then moved towards Dark next to him.

He rushed over directly.

Without even giving Dark a chance to stand up, he gave Dark a big hug, his expression was extremely excited!

The same was true for Wunder and Hilisan. The moment they were sure they had won the game, they hugged the teammate closest to them. Their ecstasy was beyond words.

Because for these three people, the MSI championship trophy they are about to win will be the first world championship trophy in their careers!

Being hugged tightly by the top laner and mid laner, Dark was really out of breath. He could only smile and pat the arms of the two of them before forcefully getting up. Then he turned to look at Perkz, who was also being held by Hirisang, and immediately laughed.

Gotta be a little louder.

However, in this moment of celebration, the two people who looked at each other and smiled did not say anything. They also approached each other and hugged each other vigorously. After all, for the two of them, winning the championship is already commonplace!

"Let's go, shake hands with the other party first, and then celebrate properly when we hold the cup."

Dark chuckled softly, greeted his four teammates, and then walked in the direction of the KZ team refreshed and with a smile on his face.

But this time, facing the sadness and silence written on the faces of everyone in the KZ team, Dark did not say any post-match greetings. After all, the KZ team was just a "passer-by on the road to the championship" for him, and there was no need to go.

What a waste of breath.

Wunder, on the other hand, was very upset about the fact that Little Peanut didn't give him the pentakill. When shaking hands, he kept asking Little Peanut to wait until he got to the S8 World Championship to make up for the pentakill he owed him.


And just as all members of G2 shook hands with the KZ team and were about to walk towards the championship trophy in the center of the stage, the entire audience could no longer hold back their excitement.

They couldn't even wait for the G2 team to win the championship trophy, so they started cheering for the G2 team and Dark players in advance!

At this moment, apart from the G2 team players and staff, as well as the G2 fans at the scene, the most excited person is probably the commentator Shaggy in the LPL commentary box!

"Let us congratulate G2! In today's BO5 finals of the 2018 MSI Mid-Season Championship Invitational, they successfully defeated the KZ team with a score of 3 to 1 and became the MSI champion again!"

"Congratulations to G2, world champions!"

"G2 is the champion again!"

"G2 is always the winner!"

"If we say last year's MSI, when the G2 team won their first MSI championship, some people might have thought that the G2 team's championship was due to luck."

"If we talk about last year's S7 World Championship, when the G2 team won their first S championship, some people might have thought that the G2 team's champion only received version bonuses."

"Then this year's MSI championship belongs to the G2 team. It is the second MSI championship and the third World Championship championship. This is enough to completely prove that the G2 team is the strongest team in the world!"

"No matter how the players change, no matter how the version changes, the G2 team can adapt and adjust as quickly as possible, and rely on their most outstanding personal abilities, version understanding and operational capabilities to defeat every opponent that stands in their way to win the championship.


"Let us congratulate G2 again, world champions!"

"Hold the cup, G2, and please enjoy the grand cheers sent to you by the whole world at this moment!"

Changmao said with great excitement while watching all members of G2 slowly walk to the center of the stage around the trophy.

And when all G2 members finally put their right hands on the trophy and lifted it together, countless golden fireworks sprayed down from the sky above the entire stage!

"Look, this is a golden rain belonging to the G2 team!"

"Listen, this is a celebration that belongs to the G2 team!"

"Two MSIs, one S-tournament, so far, the G2 team has won three consecutive world championships!"

"Indeed, as the Dark player said at the end of the S7 World Championship last year, the era of the LCK division has ended, the era of the EU division, the G2 team, and the Dark players has begun!"

"The G2 dynasty has been established, and next, let us look forward to the G2 dynasty reaching more honors and reaching higher peaks!"

Whether it was Changmao or the official commentator of the EU division, they all said similar congratulations to the G2 team for winning the championship at this moment.

Compared with their various parallelisms, the words used by the G2 people who are holding the cup are a little more ordinary.

"Champions! We are champions!"

"This championship trophy is so heavy!"

"Golden Legend! No way! I'm going to be blinded by the flash!"

"Wow, wow, I'm about to cry. I feel like I'm still dreaming. We actually won the championship!"

Everyone in G2 was holding the trophy while staring at the unparalleled brilliance in front of them. When they were so excited, there were even tears shining in the corners of their eyes.

"Okay, okay, put it down, it's really a bit heavy."

Listening to the speeches of his teammates, Dark couldn't tell whether to laugh or cry, and then together they carefully placed the trophy back on the base.

"Dark, please hold the cup alone for once. Did you hear their voices?"

But at this moment, Perkz suddenly asked with a smile.

As a result, everyone fell silent for a while, then raised their ears and listened to the audience below the stage...




And the words they shouted were clearly Dark's own name!

So, unable to resist the hospitality, Dark smiled movedly, then placed his hands on the trophy again, and raised it high again.




So, at this moment, the world is focused on the Dark player!

"Okay, let us once again congratulate the G2 team for winning the 2018 MSI championship."

"Next, please invite the presenters to present championship medals to all the players of the G2 team."

After a simple cup-holding ceremony, the final awards ceremony officially began.

As the host and presenters took the stage, the G2 players who had already stood in a row wore their own championship medals one by one.

At the same time, everyone in G2 has also had enough of the addiction of winning the trophy alone, especially the three first-time champions of the G2 team, the top, middle and assistant players. They couldn't put it down and took turns hugging the trophy. They even couldn't help but kiss the trophy.

Express the strong excitement in their hearts.

The award ceremony ended soon, and what was about to happen next was the part that the fans at the scene were looking forward to the most, and that made all the LPL fans in the LPL live broadcast room the most nervous.

Post game interview!

Because according to the practice of Dark player's previous championships, when he wins the world championship again, he will definitely make some championship declarations for the entire LPL and even the entire world in front of the whole world!

But for the first time, what the global audience expected did not happen immediately.

Because the first thing to do was a one-sentence victory speech from the entire G2 team.

First up is top laner Wunder.

"Actually, I started my career as early as 2014, but I have never achieved any results."

"But fortunately, I joined the G2 team and was fortunate enough to be teammates with four of the world's top players. That's how I finally won the EU Spring Championship and this MSI championship."

"Thank you to G2 and my teammates. In the following summer split and S8 World Championship, I will definitely work harder and strive to complete the second Grand Slam with the G2 team again!"

The second person to speak was jungler Dark.

"When I won the world championship in the S7 World Championship last year, I already said that the era of the G2 team was about to begin."

"At that time, all major competition regions looked down upon my declaration and dismissed it."

"For example, the LPL division actually thinks that 2018 will be their most promising year. Some teams even threatened to get back everything they lost in S8. But the problem is that the LPL division seems to have no hope at all in the World Championship.

I didn’t get any honors.”

"Oh no, the only thing we lost might be the 2015 MSI championship. However, this year's RNG team, the strongest team in the LPL division, has no chance of reaching the finals, let alone regaining the MSI championship!"

"Another example is the LCK division. After losing the S7 finals, they actually threatened to rebuild the glory of the LCK. But you must have seen that the KZ team, the strongest team in the LCK division, was almost shut down by us 3-0."

"There is also the NA Division. They actually think that they can do what our EU Division can do. But now, the NA Division should fully understand the fact that the EU Division is far, far, far larger than the NA Division, right?"

"After all, while our EU division completed three consecutive World Championships, the NA division completed an astonishing record of three consecutive top 16s in the World Championships!"

"I know that if I say these words now, some competition regions and some teams will still be unhappy or even dissatisfied, and they will still think that I am speaking arrogantly."

"Haha, then now..."

"Just invite the next challenger to come and die!"

When Dark said this championship declaration with a scornful look in his eyes and a arrogant tone, the entire audience was completely excited.




Especially when Dark showed his unparalleled kingly spirit, all the fans at the scene and throughout Europe regarded Dark at this moment as God and as a god in their hearts!

Of course, as Dark said, at this moment, all the opponents of the G2 team and Dark players already hate him to the bone and clenched their fists.

But they were unable to express any dissatisfaction or displeasure.

Because the G2 team at this moment is indeed the MSI champion and the strongest team in the world!

No matter how dissatisfied they are, they can only hold it in for the time being until the championship celebration is over!

The third person to speak was mid laner Caps.

"I am very happy to win this MSI championship, because it is my first world championship!"

"Before this, someone described me as the Uzi of Europe. Although I am a genius, I have never been able to prove my strength."

"But now, have you seen it, I, Caps, am the world champion!"

The fourth person to speak was bot lane player Perkz.

"Dark and I have the same idea. In the S8 World Championship, we welcome teams from all major regions to come and challenge us."

"But don't be a team like RNG, KZ, FW, or TSM. Their level is really not up to par. I hope there will be a stronger team."

"Otherwise, even if we G2 win the S8 world championship again, the whole process will be very boring!"

The last person to speak was support player Hylissang.

"For Dark and Perkz, championship has become their daily life."

"But for Caps, Wunder and me, this MSI championship is just our first championship."

"We also want to become the champion of the S tournament and become a Grand Slam player. Therefore, in the S8 World Championship, no matter what, I will follow the G2 team to defend the S8 World Championship championship again!"

Amid the applause and cheers of the entire audience, the G2 players’ declarations of winning the championship were finally announced one by one.

What's coming next is the more anticipated moment, but I don't think there will be any surprises when the Finals FMVP is announced!


Sure enough, as the host officially announced, G2 team jungler Dark once again won the Finals FMVP award with his wonderful performance in the four games!

"Dark player, congratulations on being selected as FMVP of the finals. This is your personal trophy."

"Now that you have become the Finals FMVP again, what are your thoughts and feelings at this time? Can you share them with us?"

When the award presenter handed the FMVP trophy to Dark, and when the host invited Dark to come to him, the final moment that made all LPL fans hold their breath finally arrived!

Looking at the enthusiastic fans in the audience, Dark took a deep breath and then slowly spoke.

"The championship declaration I just made was from the perspective of the G2 team."

"Now, since I have become the Finals FMVP again, I will say a few words from my own perspective."

Dark said calmly, but when he looked at the camera, an extremely ruthless and sharp look suddenly flashed across his eyes!

"RNG team, LPL division, are you satisfied with this result?"

"I'm afraid you guys now would never have thought that a man you regarded as an ant and dispensable would win three world championships in a row in just one and a half years.

Was he elected FMVP three times in the finals?"

"I helped you win the S-race championship that you couldn't win."

"You were lucky enough to win one MSI championship, and I helped you win two."

"You can never beat the LCK teams. I defeated three of them in a row!"

"So, standing here, in front of the audience all over the world, I still want to ask..."

"When are you going to apologize to me?"

"Of course, I can't hear your answer now, and I'm sure that even so, even now, you will definitely choose to continue to be stubborn and not admit what you did in the first place."

"And what I want to say about this is still the same sentence..."

"As long as I, Dark, play professionally, no team in the LPL will ever be able to win a world championship!"

"This year's S8 World Championship, the LPL division has four participating places. I hope their struggle can be more intense than last year."

"Otherwise, I will be very disappointed."

Dark looked at the camera with cold eyes, said loudly, and then handed the microphone back while the host was stunned.

Although she was sure before the interview started, Dark would definitely be more specific about the LPL region when delivering his speech. After all, there is a blood feud between the two.

But what she never expected was that this time the Dark player's speech would be more intense and cruel than the previous ones!

Especially the sentence "LPL will never win the world championship". Before, Dark only said it in words on the online platform, but this time, he actually gave a post-match interview with FMVP in front of the world's audience.

He said this himself!

It can be seen that the Dark player's confidence in himself has reached its peak!

"Okay, in addition to the four quotas in the LPL division, the LCK and NA divisions also have four quotas."

"Then in the S8 World Championship half a year from now, I hope that each major region can send stronger teams to challenge the G2 team and Dark player for the championship."

"Thank you Dark for your speech, you can continue to enjoy your championship moments with your teammates!"

Seeing the excitement, the host thanked Dark without taking it too seriously, and then made a gesture of please.

And as Dark returned to his teammates and was about to hold the championship trophy high again, all the spectators at the scene once again shouted the loudest word in unison!




This moment belongs to Dark!

This moment belongs to the champion!

This night belongs to G2!

And listening to the congratulations from all over the world, Dark's face was filled with an indomitable and invincible glory.

Because he knew very well that when he said that FMVP speech, the LPL fans who hated him would definitely hate him even more, because he was slapping their LPL division hard in front of the whole world.

But more fans who support him will definitely appear one after another like mushrooms after a rain.

After all, e-sports strength speaks for itself. Only champions are the most worthy of admiration and pursuit in the world, not those trash players, trash teams, trash who only talk about bragging but can never prove themselves in terms of strength.

Competition area!

Thinking of this, Dark smiled proudly on his face again.

Then, he lifted the two trophies on his shoulders, one on the left and the other on the right, and amid the cheers of the audience, slowly walked towards a new era for him and the G2 team!

Thanks to Sammaster, the leap of the soul, Dazhu Kanshu, Book Friends 2019xxx5454, Book Friends 2018xxx8400, Coke Man, Yu Ruo Bingxin, You from the Yang King Star, Book Friends 160xxx1364, Taoist Creation, Feng Runshu, (Sun)

, Vitamins, Nanchuanghua has opened monthly ticket support!

(End of chapter)

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