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199. Chapter 198 The five of us are qualified to represent China,

 Chapter 198 The five of us are qualified to represent China, and those five rubbish from RNG are not worthy at all!

"I'm sorry, I was stupid."

"Dark's position in our G2 team can never be replaced!"

"The most important thing is that currently no one in the world has the strength to fight Dark!"

When the eyes of everyone present fell on him, the G2 coach instantly realized what a stupid statement he had just made, and immediately found a way to make up for it, dumbfounded.

"Coach, you are probably hungover and haven't fully woken up yet. You can even say that Dark was replaced. You are indeed being stupid!"

"It scares me to death, coach. What you said is that if Dark is really replaced and he turns around and runs to the FNC team, then we shouldn't cry to death on the spot?"

"If nothing else, if there is a jungler who is really good enough to replace Dark, his first choice would definitely be to start in another team, rather than being a substitute for Dark."

"Of course, it's not necessarily true. After all, our G2 can definitely win the world championship if we come here. If we go to other teams, we will lose everything."

As soon as the G2 coach finished speaking, the four G2 teammates said with lingering fear, fearing that their jungler Dark would really leave them!

"Ahem, my, my, my, I did drink too much last night and my mind is a little confused."

"Then Carlos, let's follow Dark's idea? Let's find a substitute for him. When Dark is away, let the substitute come on as a temporary replacement."

"As long as the strength of the substitute jungler is not too outrageous, if we have four and one, our G2 record should not be much worse. Even if it is really not good, Dark should be able to lead the team back again after he comes back."

The G2 coach glanced at Dark sheepishly, then turned to boss Carlos and asked.

"Well, then let's follow Dark's idea."

Boss Carlos chuckled and nodded, immediately agreeing with Dark's decision.

After all, the reason why he called people to this meeting was to find a solution to the problem, not to prevent Dark from returning to the country.

And Carlos is actually very clear that losing a little bit of league results in exchange for the return of Asian Games champion Dark is a huge good thing for the G2 team!

"Thank you boss, thank you coach."

"Then I'll go back and pack my things to go back to China. Time is still very tight."

After finally settling the matter within the team, Mingrui's face suddenly became excited. He immediately thanked everyone and then turned around and left the team training room.

Fifteen hours later, a plane from Paris, France, landed slowly at Pudong International Airport.

Not long after, a young boy carrying a small suitcase, wearing a hat and a pair of sunglasses followed the crowd and walked out of the airport. Then he looked at the time and saw that it happened to be early nine o'clock in the morning.

So without any hesitation, he immediately took out his cell phone and made a call.

"Hey, Brother Guangzi, don't sleep. Come pick me up at Pudong Airport."

The first person Mingrui contacted after landing was naturally Zeng Qi, also known as JDG.Yagao.

"Mingrui? Are you at Pudong Airport now? Why did you suddenly return to China?"

When Toothpaste, who was sleeping, heard that the caller was Mingrui, he immediately sat upright and asked in a startled voice without feeling sleepy.

"It seems that you haven't received the news yet. I have something big to do when I come back. Come pick me up quickly and save your ink."

Yesterday, when I talked to the boss on the phone, it was supposed to be the off-duty time of 5 or 6 pm, but now I have just started work the next day, Cai Cai Xia time, so it is reasonable that the boss did not have time to inform me.

But since the leader didn't notify him, Mingrui simply gave it up and said to Toothpaste with a smile.

"No, brother, a round trip to Pudong is too far... Let me call a car for you to come to our base, otherwise it would be a waste of time to go back and forth."

However, when it comes to picking up people, Toothpaste seems to be very resistant. After all, it is obvious that Mingrui's one-way trip by taxi is faster.

"Okay, okay, then it seems I can only let my left hand pick me up."

"After a while, I went to the Sports Bureau. The leader took a look and said, this left-handed guy seems to be more suitable for the national team. Then don't blame me for not giving you a chance."

Mingrui chuckled, and then hung up the phone.

Then, as expected, the next moment, Toothpaste called, but Mingrui didn't answer.

So the next moment, he received a WeChat voice message from Toothpaste.


"Wait for me!!!! I'm going to pick you up now!!!!"

"Give me a chance dad!!!!"

After receiving the news about toothpaste, Mingrui smiled softly, then replied "Hurry up" and contacted Zuo Zuo again.

Although there is definitely no chance of the left hand joining the national team roster, since we haven’t seen him for more than half a year, we just took this opportunity to get together.

An hour later, Mingrui, who had already finished breakfast outside the airport, finally saw Toothpaste and his left hand rushing over.

"Good guy, no wonder you had to ask me to pick you up."

"This look is because you're afraid that your fans will beat you up if they see you, right?"

Looking at Mingrui's image at this moment, Toothpaste asked, dumbfounded.

"They are just trolls on the Internet. If they see me, they will take the initiative to ask me for a photo."

"Besides, I have quite a few fans in China now."

Mingrui said with a smile, and then stood up to leave the restaurant, but Toothpaste directly pressed his shoulder with his hand.

"Wait a minute, tell me about the national team first."

"Is this national team you are talking about the national team I think of?"

Toothpaste asked Mingrui quite excitedly.

"Yes, let's take a taxi first and then go to the Shanghai Sports Bureau. We'll talk about it on the way."

This time, Mingrui didn't lie anymore, but admitted with a smile, even though he saw the excitement in Toothpaste's eyes and the envy in his left eye.

After Toothpaste immediately stopped a taxi on the side of the road and got in, Mingrui slowly spoke to the two of them and briefly introduced the causes and consequences of his sudden return to China.

"Before the MSI started, wasn't there a rumor that if the RNG team could win the MSI, all members would be selected for the national team? This rumor is most likely true."

"But because they were beaten to the semi-finals by us in the end, the leader began to doubt RNG's strength, so he contacted me, hoping that I could replace Mala Xiangguo and form the national team with the remaining four people from RNG, but I am definitely not happy.

Ah, so I made a request to form my own team."

"To put it simply, I will form a temporary team with four people, and then play an internal selection match with the entire RNG team. As long as I win, I can go to the Asian Games. If I lose, we will go back to our respective homes."

Mingrui said calmly to the two of them. The driver was stunned for a moment. Although he didn't know much about e-sports, when he heard the words "national team", his ears also stood up high, and his eyes were filled with excitement.

Full of curiosity and excitement.

"Let me go, Brother Rui, are you trying too hard?"

"Should the temporary team fight against the entire RNG team? This is really difficult!"

Hearing this, Toothpaste and Left Hand were stunned. Although the RNG team was beaten like a grandson in front of the G2 team, the dominance of the RNG team still exists in the LPL league.

"What are you afraid of when I'm here? As long as you listen to my instructions, doing them RNG will be no different than chopping melons and vegetables."

"It's just a pity about your left hand. If your Suning team can enter the playoffs in the spring split, I will definitely let you go to the national team as a substitute for Brother Guozi, but now you can only cheer for the two of us."

Mingrui gently patted his left shoulder and apologized, but he didn't think it was anything.

"It's okay, Brother Rui. I'm still young and I will still have a chance in the future, but Brother Guozi is two years older than me. Let him go to this Asian Games first. I will play with you in the next Asian Games."

Zuo Zuo laughed and said that he had already booked the midfielder position at the 2022 Hangzhou Asian Games four years in advance.

"Well, it will definitely be fine after four years."

Mingrui nodded, still very sure of the strength of his left hand.

"Brother Rui, who is in your team now?"

Toothpaste continued to ask curiously, but at this moment, his cell phone suddenly rang. He picked it up and saw that it was the manager of the JDG team.

"Toothpaste, where have you been? Why can't I find you in the base?"

"Come back quickly. The person in charge of the LPL has just contacted me and said that you have a chance to be selected for the national team. Come back quickly, quickly, quickly!"

The Jingdong manager urged anxiously, and it sounded like he was very excited.

"Manager, I'm on my way to the Sports Bureau now, with Brother Rui."

Toothpaste quickly explained.

"You are already on the way? How did you know the news in advance?"

"Brother Rui? Which Brother Rui?"

The manager was confused. Logically speaking, this kind of news must be passed from top to bottom, but how did Toothpaste know about it in advance?

"Dark, the jungler of the G2 team, his real name is Mingrui."

Toothpaste chuckled. The team had actually known about his relationship with Mingrui for a long time, so their attitude towards Dark had always been neutral. They were not as ignorant as the Yu Sanjia.

"I understand, then go ahead and tell me any news you have."

Therefore, the Jingdong manager didn’t say anything more. After all, he knew very well that this opportunity for toothpaste was brought to him by Dark himself!

"National team, we're here."

"You must win glory for the country in the Asian Games!"

At this moment, the taxi happened to stop at the entrance of the Magic City Sports Bureau. The driver smiled and said to the three of them, and also took a group photo with the three of them.

Five minutes later, the three of them walked into the Magic City Sports Bureau, and then in the conference room called the "Information Center", they met the leader who called them yesterday, as well as the person in charge of LPL.
"Contestant Mingrui, I didn't expect you to return home so quickly. Aren't you going to take a day off to catch up on the jet lag?"

I just finished the phone call last night and saw Mingrui this morning. Even the leaders were a little surprised, and the person in charge of LPL on the side was even more stunned.

"No need for a leader. Time is tight. Besides, I was actually sleeping the whole time on the plane."

After shaking hands with the leader, Mingrui explained with a smile and introduced the toothpaste method to the leader.

"This is Toothpaste, the mid laner of the JD team. I called him over as soon as I got off the plane."

As for the left hand, Mingrui did not introduce his identity and simply said "friend". After all, it is indeed inappropriate for a player other than the national team roster to appear on this occasion.

"I know the mid laner Zhuo Ding of the Suning team, and I also know that you three are the three outstanding players of Pingxiang."

"Sit down, it's okay, it won't affect you, but when it comes to confidential information later, I have to ask Player Zhuo Ding to avoid it."

But he didn't expect that Mingrui's little idea was exposed on the spot, which made Mingrui a little embarrassed.

"It will take some time for the other players to arrive. Let's go to the training room first."

"Didn't you say that you and player Zeng Qi were on the Korean server in double queue? Why don't you show us your skills while waiting for others and treat it as a trial training?"

The leader chuckled, and then directly invited everyone to a temporary training room built inside the Magic City Sports Bureau.

As for the formal training base, it is located elsewhere. It is a special national training team training base for all Asian Games national team players.

But because only the national team can go there, the next internal trials can only be held under simple conditions.

Although the leader himself does not know much about League of Legends, there are still a lot of professionals in the team, so when Mingrui and Zeng Qi got ready and started a double row game, they immediately gathered around, like

It was like being watched in an Internet cafe, staring at every move the two made.

Then, after only 20 minutes, everyone was conquered.

Because of the midfielder cooperation between Mingrui and Zeng Qi, it can be said that they played smoothly and had full suppression power!

Although if you insist on looking for flaws, they definitely exist, but you must know that the two have not played in double queue for nearly a year, but their tacit understanding in double queue is still perfect, which is enough to show that the midfielder combination of the two is really good.

Very powerful!

"Okay, let's go back to the conference room first. The other players have already arrived."

Seeing Mingrui and Toothpaste's performance, the leader nodded with satisfaction, and then took them back to the conference room again.

At this moment, more LPL professional players appeared in the conference room!

"Welcome everyone, I believe you already know why the Sports Bureau suddenly called everyone to come. Yes, because of the existence of player Mingrui, you also got an opportunity to become a national team player!"

"But whether you can seize this opportunity or not depends on the joint efforts of you and Mingrui!"

The leader didn't talk nonsense and spoke to everyone straight to the point. The next moment, everyone clapped excitedly. Although their attitudes towards Mingrui may have been different before, at this moment, for the LPL players present,

For them, Mingrui is their godfather!

After all, you must know that if it weren't for Mingrui, they might not have the chance to be selected for the national team roster in this life!

"Okay, you can complete the matters of mutual acquaintance and understanding by yourselves later. Now you go to the training room for a simple trial. If there are no problems, you will prepare for the trials according to this lineup in the next few days.


"Contestant Mingrui, please stay here for a moment. There are two things I need to discuss with you."

After the leader finished speaking, everyone left the conference room one after another. In the end, only the leader, the person in charge of LPL and Mingrui were left.

"Player Mingrui, first of all, let me explain to you that player Shi Weihao, also known as AmazingJ, is from Xiangjiang, so he can only participate in the Huaxia Xiangjiang team."

"The second thing, I forgot to talk about it when I called yesterday, but it is also very important, and that is the coaching issue. Who does your team want to be your coach?"

The leader looked into Mingrui's eyes and asked seriously, the fact that the national team coach is EDG team coach Ji Xing (Abu) has almost been confirmed, but because the relationship between Yu Sanjia and Mingrui is very poor, it must be clear

Rui will not agree to Ji Xing becoming his coach.

Besides, the RNG team has been in contact with Ji Xing in the past two days. In the next few days, they will prepare for this internal selection competition in the form of the Abgar RNG team.

"Hiss... I really haven't thought about this problem."

Upon hearing this question, Mingrui suddenly took a breath of cold air.

To be honest, although he is very confident in the abilities of himself and his teammates, the situation would be very different without a coach.

After all, the current League of Legends professional league is no longer the stage where the role of the coach is to order takeout. Besides, Mingrui doesn’t think he can be both a player and a coach. That would be really nonsense.


"Then think about it as soon as possible. The national team will definitely not be able to do without a coach."

The leader chuckled, and then handed Mingrui a list. The names that appeared on it were all candidates who were qualified to become the national team coach.

But the number is not many, it can even be said to be very pitiful, because at first glance there are only three candidates.

The first one, Ji Xing (EDG team coach Abu)

Second, Zhu Kai (Snake team coach Kenzhu)

Third, Yang Jisong (BLG team coach Maokai)

"No, let's just say that in such a huge LPL division, there are only three mainland Chinese coaches?"

Seeing this list, Mingrui felt it was extremely ridiculous.

In the past two years, in addition to bragging about players, the LPL region has also been bragging about individual coaches, such as Firefox of Wind BP, Sun Dayong who led the IM team to complete three consecutive jumps, and the LMS team that can lead the LMS team to the World Championship every year.

But this year I came to the LPL to serve as coach RW’s steak.

The strength of these coaches is quite good, but the problem is, looking at it, no one is from mainland China, either China Xiangjiang, or China Wanwan, and even if they can go to the Asian Games, they have to lead the team

Also a regional team!

"Of course there are more. These are just three mainland China coaches among the top eight teams."

The person in charge of LPL on the side was immediately dissatisfied.

"Come on, besides these three coaches, can you name a fourth coach who is qualified to be the national team coach?"

Mingrui sneered and sneered at the person in charge of LPL.

This problem also made the person in charge of the LPL speechless, because although there are other mainland Chinese coaches in the LPL team, their level may not be qualified to become a national team coach!

"Leader, I don't know how to choose. How about letting Zhu Kai and Maokai come together, which is equivalent to giving them a trial training."

Mingrui shrugged and said helplessly that he really didn't know much about these two coaches, but there was absolutely no way he could settle for second best and choose Abramovich.

After all, the EDG team rejected themselves last year because of this guy!

"Okay, actually I have the same idea. Let the two of them come together. As for who will be the head coach in the end, we will make a detailed evaluation."

"Okay, you can go train with your teammates too."

"Today is the 22nd. We will play this internal trial on the afternoon of the 29th. You have a total of seven days and 168 hours to play, so..."

"come on!"

The leader cheered Mingrui with complicated eyes.

After leaving the conference room, Mingrui quickly arrived at the training room.

At this time, under the supervision of the professional team, all the players present began their trial training.

Soon, Mingrui received feedback from the professional team.

Top laner Li Xuanjun, mid laner Zeng Qi, and bottom laner Han Jin all have good abilities and have passed the trial training.

There is no problem with the strength of the two auxiliary players, Liu Danyang and Chen Bo, but it is obvious that Chen Bo is stronger than Liu Danyang in all aspects, and the most amazing thing is that Han Jin is competing with the two players respectively.

When forming a team, the effect with Chen Bo was actually better than with Liu Danyang.

But you must know that Han Jin and Liu Danyang are actually teammates on the same team!

"Normally, Sima Rogue and Killua have only been teaming up for one season, but Hirano Aya is the only man who can get Sima Rogue's smile."

"Then you announce it, leave Hirano Aya behind and let Killua go back first."

"As for the final selection of a substitute for the national team, we will wait until we win the internal selection."

Mingrui chuckled and said to the professional team, who nodded and then made the final announcement to the two assistants "ruthlessly".

Although it seems a little unkind, there is no way, the Asian Games is about national honor, and they must make the best choice.

And with the two coaches Zhu Kai and Maokai appearing in the training room, the national team reserve list was officially born!

Top order, Li Xuanjun (Flandre).

Jungler, Mingrui (Dark).

Mid laner, Zeng Qi (Yagao).

Bottom lane, SMLZ (Han Jin).

Assistant, PYL (Chen Bo).

Coaches, Zhu Kai (Kenzhu), Yang Jisong (Maokai).

When the professional team left the training room, the atmosphere in the training room fell into a slight embarrassment.

Logically speaking, it was the coach who should speak at this time, but because the two coaches were able to come here because of Mingrui, they didn't know what to do for a while.

"Brother Rui, you can speak, you are the big brother here."

Finally, Zeng Qi couldn't stand it anymore and urged Mingrui.

Therefore, Mingrui had no choice but to stand up slowly and then face everyone.

"Two coaches, teammates, hello, I'm Mingrui."

"Although I'm not sure about everyone's attitude towards me, since everyone can come here, it means that everyone has a good attitude towards me. At the same time, they also recognize my strength, and they all want to be selected for the national team and compete for the country.


"So, in the next seven days, I hope everyone will work hard with me to win the Asian Games internal trials on the afternoon of the 29th and officially become a member of the Chinese national team in League of Legends!"

"Believe me, the five of us are the most qualified and capable to represent China and compete for the Asian Games gold medal."

"As for those five pieces of trash from the RNG team, they are all unworthy!"

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(End of chapter)

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