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202. Chapter 201 Since RNG doesn’t want to win, then you still come to participate

 Chapter 201 Since RNG doesn’t want to win, then why are you still participating in the trials?!

"The blue team actually went directly to the top laner Alchemy on the third floor. It seems that it was a showdown. They stopped pretending. They just wanted to use Alchemy to defeat Yan Junze's top laner Ornn."

"We all know that Yan Junze's Ornn is his unique hero, but in the previous MSI semi-finals, he was successfully countered by G2 team's Wunder player with his alchemy."

"It seems that in this round, player Li Xuanjun also wants to repeat his old tricks!"

When the blue team locked up alchemy on the third floor, Kris immediately said in the commentary box without any hesitation. Although it was true, it was a bit inappropriate because the people present were all leaders and not the audience. Such an explanation would most likely make the leaders

It left a bad impression on the player Yan Junze.

So Wang Duoduo hurriedly said things to smooth things over.

"The hero Alchemy is indeed better at countering Yan Junze's Orn, but Yan Junze's top lane hero pool is actually quite large."

"Since we have been preparing for the trials for so long, I think player Yan Junze will definitely be able to give us some surprises in this game and show the audience his top lane laning strength."

"However, the red team's third floor has not produced a top lane hero for the time being. Instead, Liu Shiyu has been given first-hand jungler Olaf. It seems that he wants to compete with the blue team's midfielder!"

Wang Duoduo said with a chuckle. At this point, the first round of BP for both teams ended, and the second round of banning began immediately.

Policewoman! Little gun!

The last two bans on the red team's side all targeted Han Jin's adc hero pool and ignored Chen Bo's auxiliary hero pool. It seemed that Chen Bo's auxiliary level was not very good.

Sion! Poppy!

The blue team's last two bans continued to target Yan Junze's top lane hero pool, still looking like they were trying to force him to pick top laner Ornn.

Logically speaking, when the RNG team's BP reaches this point, Letme can only take out Ornn to reverse the counter anyway. After all, his other top lane heroes are really very bad.

But Letme himself knows very well that this round is an internal selection match for the Asian Games. Even if the RNG team wins, one of the five of them must be eliminated. Therefore, in the entire internal selection process, personal performance is equally important.

At least it can't be the one with the worst performance.

So, after struggling, Letme finally chose to believe in and hope to prove his strength, and chose a hero with a more counter-alchemy position in the top lane.

Kennen the Furious Heart!

"Sure enough, Yan Junze did not continue to forcefully take out top laner Ornn, but chose top laner Kenan. It seems that Yan Junze also wanted to gain a laning advantage in the top lane in this game."

"And after the red team's top, midfield, and jungle are selected, they actually form a rushing lineup. Whether it's Kennen, Olaf or a vampire, they can all rush into the blue team's lineup and cause tons of damage!"

"In this case, we have to take a look at the final choice of the blue team duo. In my opinion, saving life will become a crucial thing for Han Jin."

Wang Duoduo said seriously, after all, if the two AP heroes of the red team enter the field, the momentum will still be very terrifying. If Han Jin is directly killed, but the red team's Jian Pride escapes with the displacement ability of EZ, the blue team will

The team's teamfight output capability will be greatly reduced!

Sivir, goddess of war!

Sure enough, facing the red team's lineup, Han Jin chose Wheel Mom, a hero with the ability to accelerate the ultimate and the life-saving E skill.

Xayah, who has a stronger life-saving ability, was not chosen because the top, middle and jungler on the blue team also need to rush to the back row, and Wheel Mom's ultimate acceleration can also provide more mobility for the three of them.

As for the last auxiliary hero of the blue team, Chen Bo decided to choose the auxiliary Niutou after struggling for a long time.

The main idea is actually not to start a group, but to protect!

After all, no matter whether Kennen or the vampire enters the battlefield, the Bull Head can use one of his W skills to push him away, which can indeed achieve the effect of "keep strangers out".

As the blue team's lineup was completely formed, the red team's fifth-floor auxiliary counter position was finally revealed. Shi Senming personally selected an auxiliary gem for himself, which immediately shocked Wang Duoduo and Kris in the commentary box.

for surprise.

Because in their opinion, the red team’s auxiliary gem is a sure win for the blue team’s overall lineup!

"Shi Senming chooses the auxiliary gem. Although it means giving up the ability to suppress the bottom lane, it is a great enhancement in the team battle stage."

"Because in the team battle stage, whether the red team rushes into the middle or jungle, or is rushed by the blue team, Gem's ultimate move can play a very good protective role."

"Coach Abramovich is indeed the strongest domestic coach in China. It only took him a week to quickly develop a system that looks so strong in version 8.10."

When the red team's lineup was officially finalized, Kris immediately said in surprise that he was not favoring the RNG team, but that no matter how this lineup looked, the RNG team was stronger.

"Actually, the blue team's lineup is also pretty good."

"In addition to the bull head I just mentioned that can push people into the air, the existence of the hero Alchemy in the top lane is also a major threat to the red team's lineup."

"We all know that the hero Alchemy is a troublemaker in team battles. If the red team uses key skills first to deal with Alchemy, then the blue team will be more powerful in subsequent team battles."

"After all, the blue team has the absolute late-stage guarantee of Wheel Mom!"

"So in my opinion, who loses and wins in the first game still depends on the personal strength of the players on both sides. If someone can gain an advantage in the laning stage, then the winning rate in the team battle stage will be greater.


Wang Duoduo said solemnly. He was not speaking for the blue team either, but he hoped that the leaders would understand that the difference in BP between the two coaches in this game was actually not that big. Only the players could affect the outcome of the game.

personal strength and teamwork!

At this point, the final lineups of both teams have been officially finalized.

Blue side blue team, top laner alchemy, jungle excavator, mid laner sword girl, bottom lane wheel mother, and auxiliary bull head.

Red team red team, top laner Kennen, jungler Olaf, mid laner Vampire, bottom lane EZ, auxiliary gem.

As the two coaches Zhu Kai and Abu shook hands in the center of the stage, the first game of the Asian Games internal selection BO5 officially entered the Summoner's Rift!

"It's so quiet here, I'm really not used to it."

In the blue team, while buying equipment for going out, Mingrui said with a chuckle.

"I'm really not used to it. If there were live audiences, they would have been cheering for RNG so crazy that even the sound-isolating headphones couldn't stop them."

Zeng Qi laughed and said, not only him, but the other three people also smiled knowingly.

"Haha, since RNG has no audience advantage, why don't we just beat them easily today?"

"Let's take a five-star continuation position. It's difficult to fight a first-level group."

"Brother Holy Spear, you squat in the grass in the river. Letme will definitely go over and take a look later. If he doesn't learn E at level 1, you can chase him and fight."

"Marco Hirano Aya, you two will develop in this game. I will mainly focus on the top and middle in this game. If I have the chance, I will go to the bottom lane."

Mingrui naturally switched to the command state and quickly completed the basic tactical arrangements for this game.

When he finished speaking, the two groups saw each other across the river at the lower river channel, but Mingrui and Mala Xiangguo on the upper river channel did not see each other until Mingrui eyed the grass in the middle of the river in advance.

, just now I saw a red eye position appearing out of thin air at the opponent's F6 pass.

"Olav is here."

Although he didn't see Mala Xiangguo, Mingrui immediately determined his position. At the same time, he was also sure that his position had not been seen because he had not been out of sight.

In this game, it is very crucial that the early jungle route is not known to the opponent. After all, the top, middle and jungle of both teams are the kind of heroes who can snowball if they get a little advantage in the early stage!

"Army attack!"

At this moment, the minion finally went out, and Mingrui immediately turned around and walked towards the lower half of the wild area, preparing to open the red BUFF alone, and at the same time, let the duo go online in advance to compete for the right to line.

"Because the blue team didn't have the vision of the red team's jungler at the beginning, Li Xuanjun's alchemy didn't dare to cut off the line of troops directly at the beginning."

"But he has been squatting in the grass in the river for a while. It seems that he wants to wait for Yan Junze's Kainan here, but he really went to look into the grass... and he really came!"

In the commentary box, as the jungle heroes of both sides all chose to open solo in the lower half of the jungle, the duo followed the army line and met directly in the bottom lane and quickly pinned questions towards each other. At the same time, on the top lane, Wang Duoduo didn't even say "?"

Without even uttering a word, he watched Yan Junzekainan walk into the grass in the river out of "curiosity".

Then, Li Xuanjun's alchemy directly drew A and then Q, which consumed some blood.

"Fortunately, Yan Junze saved skill points at level 1 and used E skill to open up at this time, otherwise his start would have been a bit uncomfortable."

Kris secretly exclaimed, he just said that Abramovich is the strongest coach in China, but judging from Li Xuanjun's opening design, it seems that coach Zhu Kai's level is not weaker than Abramovich!

Of course, there is also a possibility that this is the players' on-the-spot performance!

"It does feel a little uncomfortable, but it won't have much impact. After all, Kennan has long hands and short hands, so he still has early-stage suppression."

"And the key point of this game actually lies in the two junglers. In my opinion, it is actually very difficult for the online players of the red and blue teams to kill their opponents."

"So in a situation where the balance of power between the two junglers is greater, whoever has the stronger ability to break the game can take the lead in bringing an early advantage to the team!"

"And we all know that both player Mingrui and Liu Shiyu are two of the world's top jungle engines, so we can also take this opportunity to see which engine accelerates faster from zero to a hundred!"

Wang Duoduo said with a smile, and then began to carefully observe the jungle routes of both junglers.

Although both junglers start in the lower half of the jungle, their jungle clearing routes are slightly different.

Liu Shiyu and Olaf chose to brush all three groups of wild monsters in the lower half of the wild area, and then go to the upper half of the wild area.

Mingrui Excavator chose the red BUFF and F6 after starting the game, and went directly to brush the three wolves and control the Shanghe Crab. Then he turned back to brush his own toad and blue BUFF, and after returning, he moved non-stop towards

Rush in the direction of the stone man.

But his next choice was not to continue the second round of farming, but to sneak into the grass in the lower river directly blocking the sight of the red team duo.

This scene immediately made the two people in the commentary box nervous.

Because Mingrui’s move was clearly a black light!

"Why is Mingrui's jungle clearing speed so much faster than Liu Shiyu's Olaf? He has cleared one more river crab than Olaf. How come he and Olaf can still rush to the lower river at the same time?"
"This time difference is also critical, because Liu Shiyu Olaf, who is farming river crabs at this time, has no idea that there is anyone in the grass. At the same time, it also gives the red team duo a chance to directly step forward to suppress them because of their jungler."

"But the problem is, the Mingrui excavator is in the grass!"

In the commentary box, Kris couldn't hold back for a moment, because the Mingrui excavator was clearly in a "double-teamed" state at this time, but because of the red team's lack of vision of the river, Jian Proud and Shi Senming mistakenly thought that they were extremely dangerous.

Safe, you can even use your power to bully others!

So at the next moment, Jian Guo EZ stepped forward confidently, trying to QQ Chen Bo Niutou's health while A dropped the minions.

But at the same time, a shock wave as fast as lightning suddenly hit Jian Guo EZ's face from the grass in the river.

It is Mingrui Excavator’s Q skill prey hunting!

Brutal collision!

Seeing Mingrui's excavator emerge from the grass, Chen Bo Niutou immediately pressed his W skill in an attempt to complete the second consecutive attack on EZ.

[Congratulations to the host, the shock effect was successfully triggered!]

At this moment, Mingrui's mind finally heard the prompt for triggering the [Shock] effect again after an unknown period of time!

But the next moment, Mingrui was confused, because it seemed that the person who was shocked was not Jian Proud, but Chen Bo.

Because when his W went out, his Q skill didn't connect!

However, it was not because of Chen Bo's own mistakes, but because of Shi Senming's quick acting skills and used the E skill "Dazzle" at the moment when Niu Tou came out with W, which directly made Chen Bo Niu dizzy.

But just when Mingrui knew that if he went to top Jian proud EZ at this time, he could also flash and pull away without being connected to the control chain by Chen Bo's Niutou Q, so he was ready to turn around and leave.

Jian proudly made the mistake that he should have made, but it still happened!

After being pushed up by Chen Bo Niutou's W, he actually handed over a reverse E skill Arcane Leap and returned to Chen Bo Niutou's side!

"What the hell?"

"Damn it! This Jian proudly doesn't want to go to the Asian Games, does she?!"

This scene really shocked both Han Jin and Chen Bo. They never expected that Jian Pride would make such a serious mistake just four minutes into the game!

But the two will not be merciful because of each other's mistakes.

The earth shatters!

The next moment, when Chen Bo Niutou activated his E skill, Trample, he punched Jian Guoao's EZ away. Immediately afterwards, Han Jinlunma immediately followed up with his skill Peace A, and in conjunction with Niutou's ignition, he instantly caused EZ damage.

Tons of damage!

If in this round, Jian proud EZ brought Flash Heal, he might still have a chance to escape.

But in this round, because the Teleport EZ developed by the RNG team's substitute adc player Able became very popular in the Korean server, Jane proudly brought Teleport Flash.

Therefore, even if Jane proudly handed over the flash, even if Shi Senming put his weakness on Han Jinlun's mother, even if Mingrui's excavator did not even come to join the battle, but directly stopped Liu Shiyu and Olaf from coming to support the bottom lane.

Jane's proud EZ finally died under Han Jinlun's mother's flat A!

BLUE.SMLZ killed RED.Uzi!

First Blood!

So the next moment, the game time was 4 minutes and 20 seconds, and first blood was born!

Another first-blood head sent by Jian Guoao!


"Is this going to be a line kill?"

"Marco is awesome!"

"Hirano Aya is so strong!"

I thought that in the game against the RNG team, the most difficult part was the bottom lane, but who would have thought that just over four minutes later, the bottom duo would directly kill each other, which made the blue team teammates

Everyone was shocked!

"It's mainly because Rui Ge is so good at ganking. His Q might have scared Uzi to the point of pissing him, so he came back with his E, haha."

Han Jin smiled and remained silent, but Chen Bo couldn't help laughing, because for them, when the wheel mother got the first-blood kill, the pressure in their subsequent laning would be instantly reduced a lot!

"Haha, I've said it before. The hands of RNG guys are shaking when they see me. It's not surprising that they make mistakes."

Mingrui also laughed and said, not chasing the spicy pot that turned around and ran away. After all, he couldn't catch up after the W skill was on CD.

Moreover, they have already made a lot of money from this wave of bottom lane ganks!

In addition to the first-blood kill of the old thief Sima, all members of the blue team now enjoyed the 10% increase in laning ability brought about by [Angrily Taking First-Blood]!

When the laning level of the five RNG players is not much higher than that of the blue team, if they get this 10% increase, wouldn't they be able to enter a state of defeat in the subsequent laning?!

"Jian proudly made such a serious mistake. After being pushed away, he pushed her back again?!"

"Fortunately, in this game, Jian Aoao led teleportation, so he didn't suffer any losses in the line of troops. Otherwise, the hero EZ would die once in the early stage, plus lose a wave of troops, and the line would be basically unplayable."

When the dust of the first-blood battle settled, the two people in the commentary box were all stunned.

I thought that in such an important Asian Games internal selection match, every player present would play extremely cautiously, but who would have thought that the red team made two mistakes in the beginning.

The first mistake was naturally made by Yan Junzekai in the early stages of exploring the grass with his face south, but it had no impact and can be ignored.

But the second time Jian proudly made a mistake, the impact was relatively large. After all, after the hero Wheel Mom is equipped, his W skill can deal tons of damage!

"There is too much pressure. After all, this selection event concerns the national team, so it is understandable that mistakes will be made under heavy pressure."

"But the pressure test is actually the significance of this selection competition. If you can't even withstand the pressure of the internal selection competition, then in the real Asian Games, the performance of the players may also be substandard due to the existence of pressure."

"So I hope that player Jian Aoyou and all the players present can adjust their mentality as soon as possible and try to reduce their own mistakes while resisting pressure, so that they can become a truly qualified national team player!"

Wang Duoduo frowned and said with a complicated mood.

Fortunately, the players seemed to have heard his reminder, and similar serious mistakes did not occur again during the rest of the game, and the game was finally allowed to proceed normally.

But soon, the two commentators were surprised to find that although the players on the red team made fewer mistakes, the skill hit rate of the players on the blue team suddenly increased!

Especially Zeng Qi Daomei in the middle. His E skill, Winged Double Blade, is like a directional skill, hitting Li Yuanhao's vampire frequently and causing combo damage.

So when the game time came to 7 minutes, Zeng Qidaomei successfully got a chance to go home early and go directly to Yaoguang!

Under normal circumstances, the red team will definitely choose to avoid its edge temporarily and continue to delay the development of the vampire.

But Liu Shiyu Olaf is not normal, he thinks this is an opportunity to bring the situation back!

Because when Zeng Qidaomei returned to the city first, went to the line first, and pushed the line first, Liu Shiyu Olaf, who had already finished the blue buff, had the opportunity to complete a wave of gank around the back.

As long as Zeng Qi Dao Mei is killed once, Li Yuanhao's vampire development will take off directly and become a terrifying existence that can kill Han Jinlun's mother in an instant!

So, at 7 minutes and 15 seconds, Liu Shiyu Olaf, who had finished playing the blue buff, walked into the river.

In order to prevent himself from being seen by the ward, he directly clicked a real eye on the grass in the middle of the river. After confirming that there was no vision for the blue team, he directly threw a Q skill countercurrent throw towards the red BUFF grass of the blue team to continue to detect the vision.

Then, I saw a real eye inserted by Chen Bo Niutou a few minutes ago!

"Liu Shiyu probably wants to go around and gank, but if he is seen by the ward, he has to retreat, because at this time, Mingrui Excavator will finish the red buff soon, and Zeng Qi Dao Sister will also come online soon. Once..."

"Hey, no, is player Liu Shiyu so stubborn?"

In the commentary box, when Wang Duoduo saw from God's perspective that Mingrui's excavator had pinned the signal on Liu Shiyu Olaf, he thought he would leave directly, but he never expected that Liu Shiyu's choice was to take advantage of Zeng's

Qidaomei hasn't appeared in the middle yet, so I tried to force the eye position out of the way!

"No, since RNG doesn't want to go to the Asian Games so much, then don't come to this trial!"

Seeing this scene, Dark was speechless. He knew that the two buffs were refreshed simultaneously, he knew that he was in the red zone, he knew that Zeng Qi Dao Mei was coming soon, and he knew that all the bull heads in the bottom lane had disappeared...

But this Liu Shiyu actually forced his way into their wild area!

This is not about not wanting to win, so what is it?!

So the next moment, Mingrui didn't say another word, directly got into the hole and flew towards Olaf Liu Shiyu who was arranging his eyes.

Originally, if he wanted to run at this time, he could still escape, but who would have thought that, facing the real eye with only one health left, Liu Shiyu would forcefully kill it and then turn around!

In this case, don't even think about running away!

As Zeng Qi Dao Mei flashed her ultimate move into the field, even if Liu Shiyu Olaf made a big escape, it was already too late!

BLUE.Yagao killed RED.MLXG!

So, the game time is 7 minutes and 40 seconds, the red team RNG, the defeat is determined!

Thanks for sealing the CD, Shushan Junior, YNWA shouts Brother Zha, Vin Diesel, Junlin, Book Friends 2019xx0390, Bear-grase, Shadow with the Wind 10086, Book Friends 2023xx1693, Void Plunder Cannon, Big Mac in the Book, Falling from the Sky Xiao Quan Quan, Mo Yi Ao Miao, Chui Ying, Ye Feng, Xun Zheng, and one night I missed the pieces that didn’t come ashore, book friends 141xx7765, book friends 2019xx7934, book friends 2017xx3595, the king of heaven covers the ground and the tigers of the earth make rice, continuous Broken Rain, Captain of the Nordic Guards, Wang Xiaoke, Revenant Piggy, Book Friends 2018xx7256, My only hatred now, the lost sincerity, Book Friends 151xx0289, Liruo Eiroel, Fang Zhishao, Brother Dongdong’s monthly ticket support!

(End of chapter)

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