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Chapter 42 Get rich! 7777777 dark value!

 "LPL rubbish league, but this ID is a bit long, so it should not be used."

Coco translated truthfully. Because she participated in Dark's entire "return" process, she knew very well why Dark hated the LPL competition region so much.

"Then what if LPL is all rubbish? Is it LPL all rubbish?"

Mingrui thought thoughtfully, and then immediately thought of an improvement plan.

After receiving Coco's approval, he immediately purchased a name change card and changed the European super number ID provided by the team to [LPLallRubbish]!

Only 13 characters are used, which fully meets the ID length requirements!

"Not bad, not bad."

"Then next, let's make this account number one in the European server as quickly as possible!"

Mingrui looked at the brand new game account on the computer screen and said with confidence.

"Oh, by the way, I almost forgot something important."

"I haven't logged into [Dark System] for several days, and I should have accumulated a lot of dark points by now."

"If I can't convert the dark value into my personal strength, wouldn't it be a waste of my life to fight RNG for so long?"

Mingrui said to himself in his heart.

Mingrui never had time to play games due to various things before, so the demand for [Dark Value] is not that high.

But now, since we are about to start scoring points, we must strengthen our personal strength!

[Congratulations to the host, during the period of your absence, a total of dark points have been obtained, and dark point points are currently available!]

How many digits is this?

This is a dark value of 7.78 million points!

When Mingrui heard that he had accumulated so many dark points, he was overjoyed and ecstatic!

Although he had long expected that because of his lawsuit with RNG, he would definitely gain countless negative fans.

But he never expected that he would get so many negative fans!

Even if you throw away the dark points provided by the same anti-fan multiple times, I am afraid that the number of anti-fans I have is at least 2 million, or even more!

“I’m really rich now!”

"There are 7.78 million dark points. As long as you don't go to the lottery and exchange them all for attribute points, you can exchange them for 7.7 attribute points!"

"You can almost fill up all the five-dimensional attributes in one go!"

Mingrui said with ecstasy in his heart, feeling more and more that what he had done before was completely correct.

As long as you and RNG fight to the end, the idiot fans of RNG will hate you more and more, the more dark points you can get, and the faster you will improve your strength.

The whole process is clearly a virtuous circle!

And once he completely defeats the RNG team in the World Championship, or even crushes RNG in a bloodbath, then the anger of RNG fans towards him will inevitably rise to an extreme!

Then, they can provide themselves with a steady stream of dark points!

"I just like the way you can't stand me, but you can't kill me."

"And it's not just RNG, it's the entire LPL!"

"No matter which of you can represent the LPL in the World Championship in the future, I will use my methods to completely destroy you!"

Mingrui snorted coldly, gritted his teeth and said, after all, in his opinion, the entire LPL is just like his European server ID, it is all garbage!

"Dark system, spend 7 million dark points to buy 7 attribute points."

The prerequisite for revenge is sufficient strength, so Mingrui didn't think much more and immediately redeemed 7 attribute points.

Although the skill effects in the lottery system are very obvious, the basic five-dimensional attributes are actually the foundation of everything.

[Congratulations to the host, the attribute points were purchased successfully!]

The next moment, 7 free attribute points appeared behind Mingrui's attribute panel.

"Add 2 points to [Consciousness], add 3 points to [Development], and fill these two up to 10 first."

After a brief glance at his five-dimensional attributes, Mingrui immediately made a decision.

But soon, something unexpected happened to Mingrui.

That is, when [Consciousness] and [Development] increased to 9 points, and when they wanted to increase it to 9.1, they failed!

The system's explanation for this is very simple and crude, that is, when a certain attribute is raised to 9 points, it is equivalent to entering the level of an SSR player.

As an SSR-level player, every time you increase your strength, the difficulty increases exponentially, so the same is true in the Diablo system!

In human terms, the attribute points start from 9, and for every 0.1 increase, you need to spend 1 million dark points to buy an [Advanced Free Attribute Point]!

"Well, this is not a profiteer. I didn't tell you earlier..."

Mingrui was quite speechless when he saw the system prompt, but there was nothing he could do about it. After all, all the rules in the system had "the right of interpretation belongs to the system"!

But it doesn’t matter, after all, when Mingrui uses a unique hero, he still has an extra attribute that can be improved.

In other words, when Mingrui uses the unique hero, his [Consciousness] and [Development] have already reached the full 10 points!

Not to mention in the entire European LCS, even in the world, his personal strength can probably go sideways!

"The remaining attribute points must be used, otherwise they will be wasted."

After using up 3 attribute points, Mingrui happily used up the remaining 4 attribute points.

So, after some help from RNG fans, Mingrui's personal strength has improved by leaps and bounds again!

[Current Dark Value]:






[Overall Rating]: 85 points

[Overall rating]: SR level

[Hero Pool]: 5 (Leopard Girl, Spider, Kindred, Xin Zhao, Pan Sen)

[Skill bar]: Last Stand, Mark of the Weak, Hunting Rhythm

[Honors received]: None


[Congratulations to the host, given that you have upgraded three basic attributes to 9.0 SSR player level and successfully turned on the system’s hidden function, the five-dimensional viewer!]

[Five-dimensional Viewer]: After use, you can freely view the five-dimensional attributes of any player.

"Huo? There is an unexpected surprise?!"

Mingrui was already very surprised when he saw the updated attribute panel and discovered that his player rating had reached the SR level.

However, he never expected that the system would give him a surprise, unlocking an additional hidden function called [Five-Dimensional Viewer]!

It seems that this function does not have much practical effect, but in fact, its effect is very terrifying!

Just imagine, before Mingrui goes on stage to compete, he uses this function to see the five-dimensional attributes of his opponent and determines that the opponent is far inferior to him...

This kind of psychological advantage can definitely be transformed into a victory in the game!

Moreover, what surprises Mingrui the most is that these are only the hidden functions unlocked after the three attributes reach 9.0.

Does this mean that when Mingrui's fourth and fifth attributes reach 9.0 respectively, he can unlock two additional hidden functions?!

This chapter has been completed!
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