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Chapter 5 These anti-fans are really awesome!

 Chapter 5 These anti-fans are really awesome!

One stone stirs up a thousand waves!

As soon as the RNG team's "dismissal announcement" was released, it shot directly onto the scarf hot search list at the speed of a rocket.

Click on the relevant entries and take a quick look. They are all full of distressed understanding of the RNG team and deep hatred of the Light players!

"Expelled? Okay, okay, rubbish fake players should be fired! Our RNG has no place for rubbish players like Light!"

"Your name is Mingrui, and you dare to have the same surname as the factory director Ming Kai? It's embarrassing for your surname Ming!"

"My surname is Ming, but I ended up doing some shameful things. What the hell!"

"How dare you insult your teammates? Are you referring to Uzi, Xiaohu or Xiaoming? Damn it, don't let me catch him if you can, otherwise I'll beat him every time I see him!"

"It must be Xiang Guo. Xiang Guo's condition has been so bad during this period. It must have been influenced by this garbage player."

"In contrast, RNG is so kind. It didn't say anything about his match-fixing in the whole article. It just mentioned his serious violation of discipline and gave him enough face!"

"If this fake player still dares to force Lai Lai, the RNG Legal Department will definitely put him in jail!"

"Fake game players, get out of RNG, get out of LPL!"

Merrill Lynch E-Sports Hotel, Lingshi Road.

After getting a single room, Mingrui finally settled down.

But this is only temporary. After all, in the past year, due to RNG's malicious default of wages, malicious default of live broadcast gift fees and other bad behaviors, Mingrui's deposits can be said to be very few.

If you can't find a new job within a month, you may need to find another job.

"One month is definitely enough."

Mingrui started the computer and thought about it in his mind.

If you want to complete your online job search, the first thing you need to do is score points.

As long as you reach the King of Ionia rank, or even rank first in the national server, there will naturally be an endless stream of teams willing to contact you.

"About half a month will be enough to go from zero solo queue to king. The remaining half month will be enough to find a team, so there should be no problem."

Mingrui was full of confidence. After owning the [Dark System], he was full of confidence in his future career!

"It's been an hour, there must be some negative fans, right?"

While waiting for the game to be updated, Mingrui felt happy and entered the system again.

The next moment, you heard the system prompt message.

[Congratulations to the host, during the period of your absence, you have gained a total of 233333 dark points, and the current available dark points are 233333 points. 】

How many?

More than 230,000?!

When he saw this string of numbers, Mingrui was stunned and in disbelief.

You should know that the system's dark value is calculated based on "person-times", that is, every time one of your own black fans "blacks" you, you can get 1 dark value point.

However, because the system has a CD limit of "once a day, any more will not be counted", Mingrui expected that with the power of his "fake player", he would be able to get almost 30,000 dark points today, and no more than 50,000 at most.

But what Mingrui never expected was that just over an hour later, he had gained more than 230,000 dark points!

"230,000 black fans? When did I have so many black fans?"

This number really shocked Mingrui. After all, his number of followers on the bib account was less than 3,000, which was less than a fraction of the number 233333.

So where did the extra 230,000 black fans come from?

Although he probably guessed something in his mind, Mingrui still couldn't hold back the strong curiosity in his heart and opened the phone scarf again.

Ding ding ding ding ding…

The next moment, the message notification sounds sounded endlessly one after another, making Mingrui's scalp feel numb.

999+ comments!

Private message 999+!

Retweet 999+!

When the ringtone on his cell phone quieted down, Mingrui finally saw clearly the status of his bib account.

As expected, the list was full of insults and abuses towards myself!

If netizens just call him a "fake player" or simply target him, Mingrui doesn't care at all. After all, he has never done these things before and doesn't need to pay attention to them at all.

But when he saw comments such as "orphan", "Sima's stuff", "your parents didn't educate you well", the anger in Mingrui's heart could no longer be suppressed!

"Fuck xxxx, if the tiger doesn't show off its power, does it think I'm a sick cat?!"

Mingrui was really angry and immediately clicked on the RNG team's official scarf. As expected, he saw the latest "dismissal announcement" at a glance!

And when he saw that RNG said that he had become a player who "neglected training", "insulted his teammates", and even "violated disciplines many times", a cruel smile appeared on his face.

"RNG, do all the bad things!"

"You still want to sue me? I'm barefoot and I'm afraid of you wearing shoes?"

After enduring the calm for a while, he took a step back and became more and more angry. Naturally, Mingrui didn't want to endure it. He immediately released a new scarf and once again denounced RNG, a garbage team!

"Are you saying that I have seriously violated disciplines many times? If you have the ability, please provide evidence!"

"I've neglected training? Do you dare to post our usual training matches and ranking records? I'm afraid Xiao Ming and Xiao Hu will lose face!"

"Insulting teammates? Isn't it Mala Xiangguo and Letme who did this? When have I ever scolded someone?"

"You are welcome to collect evidence to sue me. If you don't sue, your RNG team will be a complete garbage team!"

"I hope I can take care of myself. It's you who can take care of yourself!"

Mingrui released this scarf angrily. Since he has already broken up with RNG, he will fight to the end!

RNG will sue if he has the ability, but the question is, does he have the ability?!

After releasing this scarf, although he knew that it would definitely cause an uproar again, Mingrui didn't have time to pay attention to it for the time being.

Because for him, the most important thing now is not to argue with RNG, but to get his account to the top of the national server as soon as possible!

"Let's change the name first. What should we call it?"

"Yes! Just call..."

"RNG garbage team!"

The next moment, the name change was confirmed, and [RNG Garbage Team] was officially born!

"It's a pity that the team number cannot be brought out, otherwise it would be exciting to just change the name of the team number."

"But it doesn't matter. The trumpet is just a trumpet. In two days I will rise from diamond five to king. I can still let everyone see my ID!"

Mingrui gritted his teeth secretly. While waiting for the match, he ordered a takeaway and entered the dark system again.

After all, I now have more than 200,000 dark points. If I don't spend them as soon as possible, how can I turn them into my own strength?!

[Congratulations to the host, during your absence, you have gained a total of 20,002 Dark Points, and the current available Dark Points are 253,335 points.]


In less than ten minutes, another 20,000 dark points have been collected?

These black powders are really awesome!

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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