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Chapter 54 Want to get off work early? Then I’ll make it happen!

 Of course, it is absolutely impossible for the FNC team to surrender.

First, because the current game time is only 7 minutes, it is still very early before "20 shots".

The second reason is that the above are all what Mingrui thinks in his heart and are not the wishes of the FNC team at all.

What's more, from the perspective of the FNC team, although their head ratio is indeed lagging behind, in terms of the situation, they actually have no disadvantage and even have some small advantages!

Because with the FNC team's success in the top lane, not only did Caps win a kill, but sOAZ also enjoyed the 650-yuan economy of the first tower on the top lane!

In other words, when the first tower on the road fell early in the 7th minute, the Expect Murloc not only lost a good development space, but sOAZ's Qinggang Shadow was also likely to become a problem that G2 could not handle in the later stage.

The single belt point!

But the response speed of the G2 team is also very fast.

After seeing their top tower destroyed, the four G2 players were unwilling to suffer a loss and immediately cooperated with the bottom lane troops to take down the bottom tower as well.


Yutong Live Room.

"What the hell, what do Ou Cheng and Jesiz mean by this? Don't you know the half zone principle? There are three people in the upper, middle and jungle, and they still dare to point the tower. Aren't they waiting to be caught?"

"Originally, this wave of FNC's three guarantees was based on blood gain, but after Ou Cheng and Jesiz gave it away like this, the blood gain turned into a blood loss!"

When this wave of fighting finally came to an end, Yutong and Qihuan suddenly cried out as they saw the economic difference between the two teams was nearly 1,000 yuan.

After all, in their opinion, as long as Ou Cheng and Jesiz are not greedy in this wave, FNC will have recovered Broxah's early disadvantage!

But in fact, Ou Cheng and Jesiz were not greedy at all, because when they pressed the line, the grass in the river had real eyes. If the blind monk came to gank, they could discover it and retreat immediately.

But Dark is really too cunning!

The FNC duo never expected that the Dark blind monk would move across the wall by touching the grasshopper with his W skill, directly reducing the walking time by nearly 5 seconds!

But in fact, the impact of this 5-second time difference is actually not big. Dark's subsequent series of "cheating skills" operations are the key to cutting off the FNC duo's survival!

If Ou Cheng EZ hadn't surrendered E skills and flash in succession, how could he have been single-killed by Perkz Syndra?

If it weren't for the duo's death, how could FNC's bottom lane be defeated so quickly, causing FNC's situation to instantly fall into a disadvantage?!

"Breaking Hu! Several of the moves made by the fake Sai brother are definitely blasting!"

"Ou Cheng was still too reckless. If he had retreated earlier, or if he had retreated directly to the second tower after his first escape, there would have been no way he would have died."

"It's okay, why are you so anxious? Isn't it just three heads and a little dragon behind? My sister-in-law's Qinggang Shadow is invincible on the side. Even if I can't beat them head-on after a while, my sister-in-law can bring G2 to collapse!"

Although the FNC team has fallen into a disadvantage, the LPL audience still gave him unparalleled support, as if the FNC team is their home team at this moment!

But all LPL viewers seem to have forgotten one crucial thing.

That is, all LPL teams have a consistent traditional custom...

When it comes to disappointing fans, they will never let them down!

This is true for the LPL team, and the same is true for the FNC team at this time!

After G2 successfully pushed down the first tower of FNC's bottom lane, the G2 duo immediately chose to change lanes, but instead of going to the top lane, they appeared in the middle lane, hoping that with Zven Ashe's ultimate move, they could radiate the entire map.


As for the two talented European mid laners, Caps and Perkz, they both appeared in the bottom lane, pushing each other's lane, but they couldn't do anything to each other.

Therefore, it seems that sOAZ Qinggangying is the only one who can help the FNC team regain its disadvantage.

And sOAZ also knew this clearly, so he did not leave the top lane, but continued to rely on his Qinggang Shadow's advantage to solo.

However, the idea is full and the reality is skinny.

If sOAZ is the world's top top laner from LCK, then his single lane will definitely cause a lot of trouble to the G2 team.

But unfortunately, sOAZ is a European top orderer whose operations cannot keep up with his ideas.

So, just when sOAZ Qinggangying was about to lead his troops past the top tower of G2 and prepare to retreat, the little murloc of Expect suddenly faced the troops and threw his ultimate move, Shark!

If there is only one Expect fishman on the road, then even if sOAZ Qinggangying takes damage, he can leave successfully.

But what sOAZ never expected was that the Dark blind monk, who had appeared in the middle just now, would already appear next to him!

So that sOAZ had no chance to operate at all and was directly kicked to death by the Dark blind monk in the air!


【G2.Dark】has already killed everyone!

So, when the game time came to just over 10 minutes, Dark Blind Sin easily got his third head in this game and achieved a big kill!

And with the death of the only advantage point in the FNC team, everyone in FNC finally became anxious.

After gritting their teeth and developing for 10 minutes, the five FNC players finally had decent equipment. They finally decided to have a decisive battle with G2 through the baron to force the team!


"Dark, the other side seems to be attacking the Baron, what should we do?"

On the mini map, when he saw the movements of everyone in FNC, Perkz immediately asked nervously.

Although G2 has been leading the situation at this time, because the FNC team has been too insignificant in the past ten minutes and has never given Dark the blind monk a chance to expand its advantage, so the head ratio on the field is still 5 at this time.

Compared with 1, the economic advantage is only 2,000 yuan.

Once the FNC team rushes away the Baron, the subsequent direction of this game will change again.

"Their speed at beating the dragon is not fast. They must be pretending to beat the big dragon and really beat the team."

Dark chuckled lightly. It’s not that he looked down on FNC’s courage, but Zven Ashe and Expect the murlocs both had the means to start a group remotely. If they really dared to stand in the dragon pit and fight the dragon, what else would they do if they weren’t seeking death?<


"Then we don't care about them?"

Perkz continued to ask doubtfully, subconsciously thinking of Dark as the team's rhythm engine.

"No matter what, why don't you care?!"

"Since they want to end the game early, then we will make it happen for them!"

"Be prepared to take over the team. As long as the team defeats them, this championship will belong to us G2!"

Dark gave the order, and then immediately took the lead and walked towards the direction of Dalongkeng.

The eagle strikes the sky!

However, it was not the Dark blind monk who rushed to the Dalong Pit first, but Zven Ashe's Eagle Spirit.

And as expected, when the Eagle Spirit illuminated the entire Dalong Pit, the five FNC people were actually boldly rushing the Dalong!

Judging from the baron's health, FNC should have just started fighting, so Zven Ashe was not in a hurry to use his ultimate move.

But also because the lighting time of the Eagle Spirit is limited, the vision in Dalong Pit soon dimmed again, and the Dark Blind Monk's true eyes are urgently needed for detection.

But just when Dark Blind Monk finally walked to the big dragon wall and pointed a true eye into the big dragon pit.

A sharp black and white figure suddenly flew up from the dragon pit.

It’s sOAZ’s Qinggangying!

Not only did he successfully knock out the Dark Lee Sin with his E skill Hook Lock, but he also jumped up to use his ultimate Hex's Ultimatum in an attempt to keep him where he was, and cooperated with his teammates in the dragon pit to kill him instantly!


Just when sOAZ Qinggangying leaped high in the air, the Dark blind monk, who had taken out the mercury shoes, was already able to move again.


Touch the golden bell!

The next moment, almost in the blink of an eye, the Dark blind monk moved directly from the top of the dragon pit to the depths of the F6 camp!

So when sOAZ Qinggangying framed the Dark blind monk with a "bang", he himself was the first to fall into the circle surrounded by all G2 members!


A four-letter word flashed through sOAZ's mind instantly, and what followed was only incomparable despair!

This chapter has been completed!
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