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Chapter 61 Is G2 crazy? Let’s get through it in the opening game?!

The next moment, under the host's introduction one by one, the six participating teams and players finally made their official debut!

The first one to appear is the champion team of the LCK division, SKT!

Top laner Huni, jungler Peanut, mid laner Faker, bottom lane Bang, and assistant Wolf!

The second one to appear is the champion team of the LCS.EU division, G2!

Top laner Expect, jungler Dark, mid laner Perkz, bottom laner Zven, and assistant Mithy!

The third one to appear is the champion team of the LPL division, WE!

Top laner 957, jungler Condi, mid laner Xiye, bottom laner Mystic, assist Ben!

The fourth one to appear is the champion team of the LCS.NA division, TSM!

Top laner Hauntzer, jungler Svenskeren, mid laner Bjergsen, bottom laner Doublelift, assist Biofrost!

The fifth one to appear is the champion team of the LMS division, FW!

Top laner MMD, jungler Karsa, mid laner Maple, bottom laner Betty, assistant Swordart!

The sixth place on the stage is the champion team of the VCS division, GAM!

Top laner Stark, jungler Levi, mid laner Optimus, bottom laner Slay, and assistant Archie!

During the entire team's debut ceremony, the audience gave them the warmest applause and cheers, even the GAM team from the wild card division.

However, countless LPL viewers in China, after seeing this entry sequence, all frowned with dissatisfaction and asked questions.

"I can accept SKT being the first to appear, but why should G2 be second and we be third?"

"Are Riot officials discriminating against our LPL?"

"Damn it, every time our LPL goes out to play in the World Championship, we are treated unfairly by the officials. I am really speechless!"

"It doesn't matter that the competition version is updated one week later, and the finals are also one week later. Why do we have to have our LPL mentality on such trivial matters?"

"Is this because we are afraid that our LPL will be too strong and that Team WE will win the championship, so we use all kinds of off-board tricks to cause trouble?"

Suddenly, the audience in the LPL live broadcast room began to curse. Even if some rational viewers quickly pointed out that the order of appearance should be arranged according to the results of each division in the S6 World Championship last year, they simply ignored it and only vented their anger.


Especially after seeing the G2 team on the stage and seeing the ugly face of the fake game brother, the anger in my heart was even more ignited to the point of bursting into rage!

"Stop inking and start the game quickly."

"SKT plays G2 in the opening game. SKT must give the fake player a good look!"

"Yes, the best result of today's game is that the WE team wins both games, the G2 team loses both games, and then the SKT team wins one and loses one."

"This way our WE team can temporarily rank first in the group!"

"There's no problem. WE are terrible at playing against Flash Wolves and TSM. Although SKT can definitely win against G2, there is a high probability that it will overturn when facing GAM. As long as SKT loses to GAM, there is a high probability that WE will qualify first in the group!"
Although the game has not yet been played, all LPL fans have already set a perfect script for the WE team.

The main point is that the WE team is invincible in the world, and even SKT can never be their opponent!

The reason is very simple. The WE team defeated RNG 3-0. Even if it is a bit more difficult to beat SKT, they can definitely win with a score of 3-2 or 3-1!

But obviously, all LPL fans have automatically ignored one possibility, that is, the RNG team is actually both good and rubbish!


"How are you guys? We are about to play in the opening game. Are you nervous?"

After the debut ceremony, all G2 members returned to the lounge again, preparing to pack up and debut immediately.

But before going on stage, boss Carlos felt quite relaxed and asked everyone with a smile.

"Dark, especially you, I've seen it on your Chinese scarves a long time ago. At this time, I don't know how many LPL fans are waiting for you to lose."

"So how are you feeling, are you nervous?"

Carlos smiled and patted Mingrui on the shoulder, comforting him and saying.

"Just those fans from the LPL can make me nervous? Are they worthy?"

"Besides, the people all over the world waiting for us to lose are not just the LPL, but also fans in the LCK and North America."

"There are too many lice to bite you. Why should I be nervous? When we beat SKT later, they will be the ones to be nervous!"

Mingrui said confidently, after all, they have been studying the SKT team for a long time.

If G2 spends 10 hours studying other teams, then the time given to the SKT team is 5, the time given to the WE team is 2, and the time given to TSM, FW and GAM is 1, 1.5 and 0.5 respectively.<


As for the upcoming opening game, all members of G2 have carefully prepared for three days!

If we don’t stun the SKT team in a while, they will be sorry for the three days of targeted training!

"Haha, Dark is right, they are the ones who should be nervous now."

"After all, if our G2 beats SKT, it will be the light of Europe. If SKT loses to our G2, then they will be the shame of the LCK!"

"And when the time comes, the LPL will be stupid and think that we can even beat SKT. If we beat them and WE, won't it be easier to win?!"

Just when Mingrui's voice fell, Perkz couldn't help but laugh heartily.

Especially when he said the word "idiot" he learned from Dark in Mandarin with a loud voice and a clear accent, all members of G2 couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Because on weekdays, Dark uses these two words to scold the LPL competition!

"Not bad, the condition is very good."

"Come on, refuel and get on stage."

The G2 coach looked at the mental state of the players with satisfaction, and then took the initiative to reach out.

So, when several hands were stacked together, all members of G2 raised their hands and shouted in unison.

Let's go G2!

At the same time, LPL live broadcast room.

When the team's debut ceremony finally ended, the voices of the two on-site commentators finally sounded.

"Welcome to all the viewers on site and in front of the screen to watch the opening game of our 2017 MSI Mid-Season Championship Invitational Tournament on time. Hello everyone, I am the commentary doll for the first half today!"

"Hello everyone, I am Miller. Although it is late at night in China, I believe that every audience watching in the live broadcast room must be in high spirits. After all, the next two games can be said to be today's best.

It’s the top priority!”

"The first opening game is the SKT team against the G2 team, and the second game is the debut of our WE team in the LPL division, against the Flash Wolves team in the LMS division!"

It’s been seven months since they commented on the World Championship again, and Doll Miller, the veteran LPL commentator, is very excited.

Because in their opinion, this year's LPL, at least this MSI, is quite promising. After all, the dominance shown by the WE team throughout the spring is not something that the LPL teams in previous years can match.

Therefore, the entire LPL is full of confidence in this year’s MSI!

"Let's talk about the upcoming opening game first. There must be many LPL viewers like us. Although they don't want to see the SKT team win, they don't want to see the G2 team win."

"After all, this Dark player who came out of our LPL division is really too arrogant. Not only did he insult our LPL division in public many times, he even said this in the post-match interview after winning the European division a few days ago.

We want to replace the LCK division and become the new shadow of our LPL division!"

"I have to say that Dark is really the king of talking. I think his strength is just that, but his talking skills are the best in the world."

Wawa said with disdain, in his opinion, there are not only 20 junglers but 15 junglers in the entire LPL who are stronger than Dark!

"Maybe after listening to my words, some viewers will say that I am not neutral enough as a commentator."

"But I really have no choice. Facing Dark, I really can't remain neutral. After all, he may be the only player in the world who dares to directly declare war on a certain competition region."

"To be honest, I don't understand why such a player can still play professionally. If he was placed in the LPL, he would have been expelled from the LPL long ago!"

The more Wawa talked, the angrier he became, and his radical remarks instantly captured the hearts of all LPL viewers. They thought that although Wawa was not a good commentator, in terms of stimulating the atmosphere, he was definitely the number one commentator in LPL! <


"Although the LPL has not officially announced it, Dark has actually been removed from the LPL."

"The next thing we have to do is to cheer for the WE team and try to let them compete for our LPL division in the game against the G2 team!"

"Of course, before that, we have to cheer for the SKT team to some extent, and I believe that all fans in the LCK region are also cheering for the SKT team at this moment. After all, they definitely don't want to have a second team besides our LPL.

This division poses a threat to them!"

Miller chuckled softly, thinking that the only opponent in the LCK division would always be the LPL!

As for the so-called "good results" in the European and American competitions, it's just luck!

"Okay, we see that the opening match between SKT and G2 has entered the BP stage."

"I wonder what kind of surprises the SKT team will bring us in the new 7.8 version?"

"It's best for G2 to help us bring out some of SKT's skills. In this way, when we face SKT in the future, it may be easier for WE to win."

As the opening game of the MSI group stage officially enters the BP stage, Doll Miller said with great anticipation.


In the opening match between the SKT team and the G2 team, the SKT team is on the blue side and will be banned first.

They had obviously seen the performance of the Dark player of the G2 team in the spring finals, so when they came up, the first two bans were directly given to Lee Sin and Spider. These two heroes are not only strong in the version, but also Dark's unique skills.


As for the third-hand ban player, mid laner Perkz Syndra was given to him, who was also one of the heroes who performed well in the Spring Finals.

The first three bans on the G2 team were also tit-for-tat. They first banned the version T1 jungler Cuishen to prevent the SKT team from stealing, and then directly banned the bottom lane combination of Mouse and Lulu, hoping to give their team two players.

The team has better room to play in the bottom lane.

It seems that the bans on both sides are relatively stable and in line with expectations.

But during the first round of selection, something suddenly went wrong.

After the blue side SKT team grabbed the version of the T2 jungler gun, backhand, the G2 team on the first floor directly locked a jungle hero that no one expected.

Evelyn the Widowmaker!

[This again, leaving women alone and lonely!]

"What? Widow jungler?!"

When they saw the Widow jungler on the first floor of the G2 team, both the two LPL commentators, including Doll Miller, and the official commentators from other divisions were all shocked on the spot.

Because the hero Widow is not a T2 hero, or even a T3 hero. At most, it can only appear.

But even if he can appear on the stage, there is absolutely no way that the hero Widow can be the opponent of the male gun?!

What do G2 think?!

"Some viewers may not be clear about it. In fact, before Dark left the LPL, he played Widow in the Chinese server for a while. It seems that he wanted to win the favor of the EDG team by paying tribute to the factory director."

"But you also know what happened later. EDG will definitely not want a player like Dark, but I have to admit that the Widow is also a unique hero for Dark."

"Since he dared to take out a man's gun in the opening game of this game, it shows that he is extremely confident in his unique hero, and it is very likely that the G2 team has also specially formulated a tactical system around the widow, just to use it in the opening game.

Play SKT."

"But the question is, what kind of tactical system can actually use the auxiliary hero Morgana?!"

Miller analyzed it seriously.

But before he could finish his words, the G2 team directly locked onto the fallen angel Morgana on the second floor!

Suddenly, the entire competition site was in exclamation.

Everyone looked at the G2 team in stunned silence, not knowing what they wanted to do!

In order to win against the SKT team, you directly revealed a set of trump cards?

Or is it that the G2 team, knowing that they are no match for the SKT team, decided to play happily and start reviving?!

But the problem is, this is the opening match!

Even if they are as happy as G2, they can’t start renovating in the opening game, right?!

This chapter has been completed!
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