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Chapter 64: Catch them all in one fell swoop

 Hearing this, Michelle involuntarily slowed down her pace.

Although Zhao Ke told her before that he would divorce his current wife and then marry her.

But Michelle also knows that just listening to such words is enough, not to mention that Zhao Ke can't protect himself now. If he wants to marry, it depends on whether he agrees.

When Michelle opened the door, Zhao Ke also bent over and walked out of the next room.

Now he no longer has the high spirits of the past, nor the power to fire all the interns who reported him with a wave of his hand.

Zhao Ke, who bent down and walked out of the door, had a face full of unwillingness and despair. In the office was not only the HR director but also the boss who promoted him.

From the moment Zhao Ke saw his old boss, he knew he was finished.

"Zhao Ke!"

Michelle's shout made Zhao Ke, who had his head down, wake up and look up at Michelle.

"Didn't you say it was okay? Didn't you let me put my heart in my stomach?"

"Ah! Is this what you mean?" The more she talked, the closer she got to Zhao Ke. She didn't stop until she was only half a meter away from Zhao Ke.

"What are you yelling at? I was fired just like you!" Michelle asked him, and he thought Michelle was a loser.

Before Michelle came, he had a good life, but now he has lost his job, his wife wants to divorce him, and everything he has is ruined.

"I don't care! You have to make it up to me!"

"I'll make it up to you!" Zhao Ke wanted to strangle the stupid woman in front of him to death.

"If you don't compensate me, I will... I will..." Michelle wanted to tell Zhao Ke's wife what happened between them to threaten him, but she thought about what the HR manager said to her before.

Zhao Ke's wife already knew about this, and she didn't know what to use to threaten Zhao Ke.

"I'll tell you what happened!"


You and she have already said it!

Are you so threatening to others?

Zhao Ke couldn't help but slap Michelle on the face. If this continues, I don't know what this stupid woman will say.

"You dare to hit me?" Michelle covered her face and looked at Zhao Ke in disbelief.

"I'll fight with you!" Michelle said and rushed towards Zhao Ke, scratching Zhao Ke with her nails.

Zhao Ke's boss heard the commotion and came out of the room. He frowned at the funny scene in front of him and ordered the employees watching the fun: "Why don't you go up and pull them apart? What a mess it looks like?"

The surrounding employees then went up to pull the two people who were struggling apart.

"Zhao Ke, I'm not done with you!"

"Crazy woman!"

Zhao Ke's face was streaked with blue and red. He didn't understand what was going on with this crazy woman?

If you want to blame, you should blame Mr. Yang, blame Guan Ju'er, what's the matter with you coming here to act mean to me?

If you hadn't insisted on going to Guan Ju'er yesterday to show off, where would all this nonsense have come from!

Two days passed.

Guan Ju'er received a call from a colleague who was an intern at AB Group.

"Guan Guan, let me tell you good news!"

Guan Ju'er smiled and sorted out the documents on Lin Ze's desk and said, "What's the good news?"

"Zhao Ke and Michelle have been fired! Do you think this is good news?" a colleague said excitedly on the other end of the phone.

"To say that AB looks like a big group, it's just that it was handled a little late."

"Guan Guan? Why don't you speak?"

"Oh...this is indeed good news." Guan Juer quickly explained.

"Why can't I tell it from your tone?"

Guan Juer laughed and said, "It's been so long, I've almost forgotten about it."

The colleague said clearly: "Guan Guan, if you ask me to say that you are too kind, then Michelle bullied you so much before, and you don't even hold grudges."

Guan Juer could only laugh along with him: "Haha."

The colleague said a little boringly: "Then I won't bother you, I have to tell other people the good news, bye."


After hanging up the phone, Guan Juer originally wanted to call Lin Ze and ask if he did this.

After thinking about it, she gave up the plan and decided to talk about it when she went back in the evening.

Room 2203, Building 19, Ode to Joy Community.

"Are you going to the United States?"


"Do you need me to accompany you?"

"I can go alone." Lin Ze shook his head and said.

Guan Ju'er flipped through Lin Ze's itinerary for the next few days on his phone and asked, "How long are you going to go?"

"Not sure, I'll call you then." Lin Ze went to the United States this time to find Andy, and he wasn't sure how long he would stay.

"What about the work meeting on Friday?"

Lin Ze said with a smile: "You, little pepper, will host it for me."


Guan Ju'er hesitated for a moment and then asked: "Are you going to find Sister Andy?"

"How do you know?" Lin Ze did not deny Guan Ju'er's guess.

Guan Ju'er was silent for a moment and said: "I don't need my company to explain that it's not a work matter, and Ms. Li is not in the United States now."

"It seems that you have made considerable progress in the past six months."

"You're like this..." Guan Ju'er wanted to say, are you worthy of Li Ruyan?

As soon as the words came to her lips, Guan Juer swallowed them again. Firstly, she had no position.

In addition, she secretly hoped that Lin Ze was a scumbag. In this case, would she also have a chance?


Guan Ju'er shook his head and said: "It's nothing. Yingying and I would like to say hello to Sister Andy and Xiao Ming."

"Got it."

Lin Ze looked at Guan Ju'er who turned to leave and said, "Don't you have anything to say to me?"

"The United States is not safe, please pay more attention and come back soon."


Lin Ze suddenly remembered something that he had not yet explained, "Hey... wait, there is one more thing I forgot to tell you."

"You guys can move upstairs to 2301 for a while. This place needs to be renovated."

Guan Ju'er looked at Lin Ze with some confusion, why do you want us to move when you renovate your house?

"Not just 2203, but the entire 22nd floor, 2201, 2202 and 2203 will be renovated together."

Guan Ju'er asked stupidly: "The landlord never told us about this."

"Aren't I telling you now?"

"You...are you our landlord?" Guan Ju'er knew that 2202 had changed its landlord, but her rent had always been paid to an agency, so she didn't know that the new landlord was Lin Ze.

"That's right, didn't I tell you?" Lin Ze thought about it carefully, and it seemed that he really had not told Guan Ju'er and the others about this.

"I forgot to tell you about this, mainly because it's not a big deal." Lin Ze said indifferently.

Guan Ju'er was silent for a moment after hearing Lin Ze's words. The three rooms on the 22nd floor are estimated to cost tens of millions in total. Based on her current monthly salary of 50,000 yuan, it is estimated that she will have to work without food or drink for decades.

Only then can you afford it.

This is because her salary has increased from 20,000 at the beginning to 50,000 now.

"By the way, you can help me supervise the progress of the decoration."

Lin Ze thought of Guan Ju'er's overly serious work attitude and said worriedly: "Just come down and take a look when you have time. You don't have to stare at it all day."

"Then...what should we do after the renovation is completed?"

Lin Ze said nonchalantly: "If you want to live together, just come down here. If you don't want to live together, just stay in 2301. I also bought that place."


Guan Ju'er was not excited about Lin Ze buying 2301, but she was thinking that Lin Ze wouldn't want to catch her, Andy and Qiu Yingying in one go, right?

This chapter has been completed!
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