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Chapter 1 The king explodes at the beginning

 Lin Ze half-reclined on the bed and muttered to himself: "System, take a look at my reward this time."

[Okay, host.]

World: Golden Years

Main mission: Re-enact the grand event of Emperor E and her daughter-in-law serving one husband together (completed)

Rewards: 1. Rambo’s combat skills and combat experience

Instructions for use: The combat experience and combat skills of Rambo, the protagonist of First Blood.

Note: Veterans are immortal!

2. Title: Harem Halo (one-time use)

Instructions for use: After wearing this halo, you can open a harem at will without worrying about hatchets.

Note: Can only be used in the next mission world.

3. The portable space is increased to 1 cubic meter.

Instructions for use: Get in! Get out!

Note: Mom no longer has to worry about not having enough peanuts!


"System, take a look at my character panel."

Host: Lin Ze

Skills: 1. Professional trader

2. The physical fitness and fighting experience of Jang Dong-soo (Ma Dong-seok) in "The Legend of the Villain"

3. Proficient in pistol shooting

4. Rambo’s combat skills and combat experience

Status: The more you fight, the braver you become

Title: Mask Promotional Ambassador, Harem Halo (disposable)

Props: Prime Minister's Wife Strategy Manual, helmet, 1 cubic meter of portable space.


After reading the character panel, Lin Ze asked: "System, what is the next mission world?"

Mission World: The youngest son of the chaebol family

World introduction: After Yin Xianyu, who loyally worked for the chaebol, was killed by the chaebol family, he was reborn as the youngest grandson of the chaebol family, determined to seize the chaebol group and find his murderer.

Main mission: Buy Shunyang Group from Chen Yangzhe.

Side mission: Ask the host to dig it out by himself.


Seven days later, Lin Ze glanced at Li Shiqing who was sleeping in his arms and said: "System, let's start the next mission."


Seoul, South Korea, 1986.

Lin Ze...No!

Now Chen Zejun should be asked to open his eyes in confusion and look at the mother of this body, Chen Huarong, who is the only daughter of Shunyang Group Chairman Chen Yangzhe.

In that case, shouldn’t my last name be Cui?

Lin Ze remembered that Chen Huarong's husband should be named Cui Changdi. Shouldn't he follow the surname Cui?

Lin Ze recalled the memories in his mind and successfully found the reason why he did not take his father's surname.

"So that's it..."

Lin Ze looked at Chen Huarong. The reason why Lin Ze's surname was Chen was actually Chen Huarong.

The relationship between Cui Changdi and Chen Huarong is a typical one in which the woman is strong and the man is weak, so when the child was born, Chen Huarong strongly demanded that the child follow her surname Chen.

Of course, Chen Huarong actually did this because he had some thoughts of his own.

That is to name the child Chen Zejun. If anything happens to the other heirs of Shunyang Group in the future, it will be a matter of course for her child Chen Zejun to inherit Shunyang Group.

After all, they both have the surname Chen. Since you, Chen Xingjun, the son of Chen Huarong’s eldest brother, Chen Rongji, can inherit Shunyang, then my son Chen Zejun can naturally do the same.

"It is now 1986, I am nine years old, Chen Xingjun is older than me, and Chen Hengjun and Chen Daojun are both younger than me." Lin Ze thought a little bored.

Today is the day when Chen Yangzhe’s family gets together, which is also the time when the protagonist Chen Daojun just traveled through time.

"Zejun!" Chen Huarong waved to Lin Ze who was in a daze.

Lin Ze was stunned for a moment, then realized that Chen Huarong was calling him, and said helplessly: "I'm here."

(The following will be called Chen Zejun uniformly)

"Come here." Chen Huarong waved to Chen Zejun. After Lin Ze came over, he smiled and said: "Say hello to your grandma."

Logically speaking, Chen Zejun should call Li Biyu grandma, but Chen Huarong always asked him to call her grandma, and then called Chen Yangzhe grandpa.

Chen Zejun had no choice but to shout: "Hello, grandma."

Li Biyu knew his daughter's little thoughts, but it had nothing to do with Chen Zejun, a kid like him. He looked at Chen Zejun dotingly and said, "How about you, Zejun."

At this time, Chen Huarong praised with some exaggeration: "Mom, you don't know that Zejun got the first place in the exam again this time. The teachers told me that Zejun will definitely be admitted to Seoul University in the future."

Chen Zejun was a little embarrassed on the sidelines. After all, it was okay for such a thing to happen to a child. As an adult, he really couldn't stand this scene.

But Chen Zejun still knows why Chen Huarong is talking about Seoul University and not Seoul National University. It will not be until 2005 that Seoul will be renamed Seoul, and Seoul University will naturally be renamed Seoul National University by then.

"Haha...our Zejun is so awesome!" Li Biyu touched Chen Zejun's head and praised.

Chen Huarong was very happy to see that her mother liked her son so much, but waiting for her half-brother Chen Runji still made her feel unhappy. She took the opportunity to add jealousy to her mother and said: "Mom, why did you let that illegitimate son come over? On such an occasion.

They shouldn’t be allowed to come and participate.”

Li Biyu glanced at his daughter lightly and said, "Of course I have my own reasons for doing this."

Chen Zejun curled his lips in boredom. What else could be the reason?

It's just to show my generosity as a real wife, and I don't want to have the reputation of being a coward.

The next step is the same as in the plot, and Chen Zejun can't do anything as a child now, he can only follow the adults in boredom.

I was also thinking in my heart: "I wonder if the future girl group and actors have been born now?"

"I remember that Lim Yoon-ah was born in 1990, Son Ye-jin was born in 1982, Han Ga-in was born in 1982, and Bae Joo-hyun was born in 1991."

As for other names such as Jing Nan, Lin Rabbit, Zheng Xika, Zheng Shuijing and others, he really couldn't remember them clearly.

Next, just like in the plot, Chen Xingjun came to steal Chen Yangzhe's things, and then Chen Daojun broke Chen Yangzhe's vase in a panic. Chen Hengjun ran over to call the adults.

Chen Zejun, on the other hand, has been watching this scene silently, quietly being a bystander.

In 1993, Chen Zejun was now 16 years old. After consultation with his mother Chen Huarong, he boarded a plane to study in a lighthouse country.

Then four years later, in 1997.

A battlefield somewhere in Africa.

Chen Zejun was driving an Apache towards the drug dealer camp opposite and pressed the button in his hand.


The missile hit the camp opposite and made a violent explosion.

After two hours of fighting, Chen Zejun successfully destroyed the entire camp.

"Didi!" At this time, the satellite phone on Chen Zejun's waist rang. After answering the call, Chen Zejun said: "Hello? Who is it?"

"Your mother!"

Why did this person curse as soon as he opened his mouth? Chen Zejun subconsciously wanted to curse back, but when he thought about it carefully, the voice was really Chen Huarong's voice, and he said helplessly: "What's going on?"

Chen Huarong did not say anything immediately but instead asked: "Where are you now? Why did I hear the sound of a gun?"

"Ahem..." Chen Zejun coughed twice and explained: "I'm watching a gunfight movie!"

"Oh...it's your grandpa's birthday in two days. When are you going to come back? If you don't come back this time, I will go to the Lighthouse Country to catch you!"

Chen Zejun thought for a while and said: "I will definitely come back the day before grandpa's birthday."

"Remember what you said!"

Chen Zejun hung up the phone helplessly and told John on the side: "Go to Chief Nancy to hand over the promised gold mine."

"Yes sir!"

Chen Zejun has been idle in the Lighthouse Country for the past few years. John is the leader of the Black Panther Team under his military contracting company.

And his military contracting company relies on his friendship with Little Locke of the Locke family, and it is also one of the best military contracting companies in the Lighthouse Country.

Since it is a military contractor, it naturally has a good relationship with the military.

Major General Smith of the Peninsula Military Base happened to have cooperated with Chen Zejun before. Under the influence of 'Franklin', the relationship between the two was very good!

So Chen Zejun feels that he can now walk sideways on the peninsula, but before that, he still has to return to the Lighthouse Country.

The next day.

Chen Zejun flew directly to Seoul on a special plane, and following him back was another rhinoceros team from a military contracting company.

There are twelve people in the entire team, all of whom are retired T1-level special forces.

This chapter has been completed!
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