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Chapter 7 Proud Li Huarong

 "And ask the prosecutor to shut down his Five-Star Group! They must not be allowed to take over Yazhen smoothly!"

Representative Cui bent down and replied: "Yes, President."

After Representative Cui left, Chen Yangzhe looked at Chen Daojun and snorted coldly: "It seems you are not the only one who wants to go against me!"

Chen Daojun was carefully recalling the memories of his previous life in his mind. In his memory, his second brother Chen Zejun went to study in the Lighthouse Country in his previous life and never came back.

But how could such a big change happen now?

Is he really a reborn person? Or is it a butterfly effect caused by his rebirth?

The next day.

Representative Cui reported something embarrassing: "The prosecutor's office rejected our request."

"Why?" Chen Yangzhe frowned and asked, "Did Emperor Cui Chang take action? Where did he get such energy?"

"No, I heard that someone was not allowed to do anything to Chen Zejun, and someone asked me to tell you that Yazhen Automobile belongs to the Five Star Group, and this cannot be changed."

"Hmph!" Chen Yangzhe slammed the table and said angrily: "Where is Chen Zejun? Why doesn't he come to see me?"

Representative Cui continued: "Master Taekjun is not in South Korea now, he is in the Lighthouse Country."

"Lighthouse Country? What is he doing there?" Chen Yangzhe couldn't help but think of Chen Zejun's visit to the base as soon as he came back.

Immediately I understood that the procuratorate’s arrest was definitely related to the incident in the Lighthouse Country.

At the same time.

BMW headquarters in Germany.

Chen Zejun met Oscar Morton, the president of BMW, at the door.

"Chen, I hope I can hear some good news this time!" Moton smiled and extended his hand to Chen Zejun.

Chen Zejun smiled and said: "I came here with enough sincerity."

In Ford's conference room.

After a series of arguments between the negotiation team brought by Chen Zejun and Ford executives.

An acquisition document was placed in front of Chen Zejun and Moton. Chen Zejun looked at Moton and said, "You should be satisfied this time, right?"

Morton looked at the document in his hand and couldn't help but smile: "This time we are a win-win."

Chen Zejun looked at Moton and said: "I hope there will be more noise when the signing is officially signed tomorrow."

"No problem!"

On the way back, Marvin McDonald, who was in charge of this acquisition and who Chen Zejun was eyeing to take charge of Land Rover and Jaguar in the future, couldn't help but ask: "Is it too much to spend US$3.8 billion to acquire Land Rover and Jaguar?"


"What? Are you not confident that you can earn the money back for me?" Chen Zejun asked.

Marvin replied: "That's not true, but I think if we talk for a few more rounds, we can lower the acquisition price to 3.7 billion."

Chen Zejun shook his head and said nothing more.

If he really wanted to save money, he could wait until 2008 to buy Land Rover and Jaguar from Ford.

He remembered that Ford spent US$3.9 billion to acquire Land Rover and Jaguar in 2000, but sold them to the Tata Group in 2008 for only US$2.3 billion.

This time, he purchased Yazhen Automobile in South Korea, and then came here to acquire Land Rover and Jaguar.

It will definitely attract a lot of attention in South Korea and inspire their patriotic feelings.

Although South Korea is currently suffering from the financial crisis, it will definitely rise again in the near future.

And no country can withstand the power of flowers blooming outside its walls and fragrance inside its walls, especially a country like South Korea where people have very strong self-esteem.

Being able to acquire world-famous brand cars such as Land Rover and Jaguar is not impossible for Five Star Group to surpass Daying Group in their hearts.

The next day.

At a grand press conference, the Five Star Group from South Korea officially reached an acquisition agreement with the German BMW Group.

South Korea's Five Star Group acquired BMW's Land Rover and Jaguar Motors for US$3.8 billion.

At the press conference, Chen Zejun, chairman of Five Star Group, even announced in a high-profile manner that he would merge Yazhen Motors with Land Rover and Jaguar Motors.

And in order to give back to the people, Land Rover and Jaguar will launch large-scale promotional activities in South Korea.

As soon as the news spread back to South Korea, the group immediately caused an uproar.

Especially under the influence of the financial crisis, the South Korean people, whose self-esteem has been seriously hit, saw this news and suddenly felt like a chicken blood.

People who had money to spare rushed to the stores of Yazhen Auto, Land Rover and Jaguar and began to snap up cars.

When Chen Yangzhe heard the news, he was stunned and couldn't help asking: "Where did he get so much money?"

"Could it be the eldest lady..." Representative Cui stopped talking in the middle of his words. Obviously he also knew that even ten Chen Huarongs couldn't come up with so much money.

After hearing the news at home, Chen Huarong couldn't bear it anymore and took Cui Changdi back to Zhengxinzhai.

On the way, Chen Huarong even called his second brother Chen Dongji and his younger brother Chen Runji back.

"Haha... Husband, Zejun did so beautifully this time! See how I mock them when I get back later?" Chen Huarong shouted with excitement.

Emperor Cui Chang suppressed his inner excitement. He, who had always been looked down upon by the Chen family, finally felt proud and proud.

However, he still advised: "Don't go too far in front of my father for a while. After all, my father must have opinions about Zejun because of Yazhen's car."

"Ha! If you didn't tell me, would I have really forgotten about this?" Chen Huarong didn't take what Cui Changdi said to heart at all.

"By the way, do you think Zejun's net worth has surpassed that of his father now?"

"Haha... Then wouldn't I become the richest man in South Korea now?"

Cui Changdi smiled and said: "It should be our family that has become the richest family in South Korea. Wife, can I discuss something with you?"

Chen Huarong smiled and said: "You say."

Cui Changdi smiled and said: "Can we just change Zejun's surname back? After all, his current achievements are so high, and his surname is Chen..."

Chen Huarong interrupted impatiently: "What do you know? The more it is like this, the less it should be changed! Zejun is so powerful now, so Shunyang Group should let him inherit it!"

"Haha... yes."

As soon as Chen Huarong arrived at Zhengxinzhai, she opened the door and walked out without waiting for the guard to come and open the door for her.

"Hey...wait for me, wife!"

As soon as he entered the gate of Zhengxinzhai, Chen Huarong couldn't wait to shout: "Mom! Dad! Big brother! Second brother! Have you watched the news? Haha!"

Li Biyu came over with his eldest daughter-in-law Sun Zhenlai and said with a smile: "Look! Zejun is really amazing!"

Sun Zhenlai said jealously: "I just don't know how he got so much money? Could it be that Cui's son-in-law embezzled public funds?"

Cui Changdi smiled and teased: "Don't talk about me, the mayor of Seoul, it is impossible for even the commander-in-chief to come up with so much money now!"

"What's the noise?!"

This chapter has been completed!
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