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Chapter 19 A walk

 It’s not exam week yet, and it’s noon, so there are not many people in the library. Lin Ze and Li Shiqing shuttled through the novel area looking for books that they were interested in.

Li Shiqing suddenly poked Lin Ze secretly, pointed to the bookshelf in front of her, and whispered: "Look, it's your book."

Lin Ze came over with a smile and asked, "So you dragged me here on purpose?"

"Guess, hee hee."

Li Shiqing bypassed Lin Ze and picked up a book on Love in the Time of Cholera from the bookshelf. She shook the book in her hand at Lin Ze and said, "I'll just read this."

Lin Ze picked up a book. There is a small store near the clouds. He has been able to get this book recently. It would be a good time to read it at this time. "I have chosen it too."

The two of them chose an unoccupied table and sat down face to face. Li Shiqing clenched her little hand into a fist and handed it to Lin Ze with a smile, gesturing for Lin Ze to open his hand.

Lin Ze stretched out his hand and asked: "What?"

"Have you forgotten the candy you just bought in the supermarket?" Li Shiqing took her hand back and said.

"Green apple flavor, I like it." Lin Ze peeled off a piece of candy and put it in his mouth.

Li Shiqing also ate a piece of candy, but she chose the lychee flavor. She opened the book she took and said to Lin Ze, "I have to read hard."


After half an hour of silence, Li Shiqing could no longer hold back and glanced at Lin Ze secretly, twice, three times...

She discovered that Lin Ze was actually reading seriously. She quietly put her foot between Lin Ze's crossed feet, snickered a few times, and raised her head to watch Lin Ze's reaction.

But Lin Ze seemed not to notice her movements and was still reading.

Li Shiqing was a little bored and was about to pull her foot back and read a more funny book. This book "Love in the Time of Cholera" is quite good, but I feel that I have to read it slowly.

When she lowered her head and tried to pull her foot back, she found that her foot was sandwiched between Lin Ze's legs and could not move. When Li Shiqing raised her head, she saw Lin Ze looking at her with a smile.

"What are you doing if you don't read well?"

Li Shiqing replied in her sweet voice: "So you found out, are you trying to scare me secretly?"

"Have you seen through all this?"


"What? Don't you like this book?" Lin Ze looked at Li Shiqing and asked. Li Shiqing shook his head and said: "No, I want to find a more interesting book to read. You can continue reading. I will find another one.


Lin Ze handed her the canteen beside the cloud in his hand and said, "This is quite interesting. You take a look at this one, and I'll take a look at that one."

"Okay." Li Shiqing took the book Lin Ze handed her.

"Ah..." Lin Ze who came out of the library stretched, looked at Li Shiqing beside him, and asked, "Isn't that book pretty?"

"Well, I just feel that Cheng Shuang is quite pitiful. I never know when I will never wake up again."

"Did Thirteen and Cheng Shuang get together in the end?" Lin Ze asked.

Li Shiqing shook her head and said: "I don't know, I haven't seen that yet."

"It's good to leave some suspense, where to go next?"

Li Shiqing picked up her phone, looked at it, and said, "Let's go eat now. While they are still in class, we don't have to wait in such a long line to eat, and the food is hot now."

"Then let's go."

"What was your favorite thing to eat in the cafeteria when you were in school?" Li Shiqing asked.

"If we went to a restaurant in the West District, it would be the pork chop rice bowl."

Li Shiqing's eyes lit up and she said, "Do you like that too? I like it too, but the quantity is a little too much for me, so I don't dare to order it."

"How about trying it today?"

Li Shiqing nodded happily and said, "Okay, then I'll have another spicy mix, that one is pretty delicious too."

When passing by the small supermarket at the entrance of the cafeteria, Li Shiqing looked at Lin Ze and asked, "Would you like a piece of grilled sausage?"

"Have one?"

"Uncle, give us two sausages."

Li Shiqing took the two sausages handed to her and said, "This big one is for you."

After dinner, Lin Ze and Li Shiqing chose to go for a walk on the track of the stadium. There were already many people in the stadium at this time, and there were also many couples like Lin Ze and Li Shiqing.

"I really like this feeling." Li Shiqing couldn't help but straighten her hands and spin her body in a circle on the track.

"What are your thoughts after graduation?" Lin Ze asked.

Li Shiqing thought for a while and said: "Go be a teacher? I'm not sure what I want to do. I want to stay on campus as I am now, but also want to go to work early."

"Where are your parents? What did they say?"

"They, they said they respect my opinion and will support me whether I am taking the postgraduate entrance examination or looking for a job."

Lin Ze quietly walked away from Li Shiqing and said, "How about marrying me after you graduate from college? You can think about it slowly when you have a few children."

"Ah! Do you think I'm a pig?" Li Shiqing said dissatisfiedly. She subconsciously wanted to reach out and pat Lin Ze beside her, but unexpectedly, she missed.

When she looked over, she found Lin Ze hiding aside and looking at her with a smile. This was the second time she had been teased by Lin Ze like this today. This time she couldn't let him off as lightly as she did in the library.

Li Shiqing rushed towards Lin Ze, shouting: "Don't run, let me hit you."

Lin Ze was running in front, looking back at Li Shiqing's position from time to time, adjusting his speed so that he could maintain an appropriate distance from Li Shiqing.

But this kind of behavior made the little flame in Li Shiqing's heart keep rising. However, she found that after chasing for so long, the distance from Lin Ze was still the same as at the beginning, and she sat on the lawn at the edge of the football field with some frustration.


Lin Ze saw that Li Shiqing stopped chasing, and cautiously approached Li Shiqing and asked, "Why don't you chase anymore? Are you tired?"

Li Shiqing lowered her head and replied weakly: "Well, a little bit." But her eyes kept peeking at Lin Ze's position with her peripheral vision, thinking, why doesn't Lin Ze sit down yet?

Lin Ze thought that Li Shiqing was distracted, so he came over and asked with concern: "Are you okay? Did you get distracted?"

When Li Shiqing waited for Lin Ze to bend over, she grabbed Lin Ze's collar and said proudly: "Haha, let me catch you, right? Let's see if you dare to tease me again?"

At that moment, the other hand gently pinched the soft flesh of Lin Ze's waist.

Lin Ze lay down next to Li Shiqing, pulled Li Shiqing into his arms, and begged for mercy: "I don't dare anymore, I don't dare anymore."

Li Shiqing lay in Lin Ze's arms, looking at Lin Ze's side face, and gradually sunk in.

Lin Ze used both hands to bring Li Shiqing's body closer to his, and then kissed Li Shiqing's lips, and he slowly sank in.

This chapter has been completed!
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