Chapter 6067 One and a half years

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 Integrating three avenues is obviously much more difficult than fusing two avenues. Qin Ming did not think that he could completely integrate the three avenues in a short time, but wanted to do it step by step.

In this way, as time passed day by day, Qin Ming's secondary consciousness was making breakthroughs, while his main consciousness was practicing "Return to One", working hard to integrate the three avenues.

A year passed in the blink of an eye, Qin Ming's main consciousness returned, and he sighed quietly.

"It's too slow. Although the Tao Fusion Pill is good, it's only a holy beast-level elixir. It won't be of much help to me in integrating the three great ways."

"It has been a full year, but the Water Avenue has only been half-integrated. If you want to completely integrate it, it will not be possible even if it takes a hundred years."

Qin Ming already had experience when integrating the Wind and Fire Dao. The further he goes, the more difficult it becomes to integrate.

Now it is only half-finished, and it took a year. Such a complete integration, Qin Ming felt that it would take more than a hundred years.

For the warriors of the Divine Beast Realm of the Jinxuan Macaque Clan, a hundred years is not a long time, and the speed of this fusion is already very fast.

But for Qin Ming, a hundred years was too long, and he couldn't afford to wait.

The most important thing is that he estimated the hundred years. Only if there are no bottlenecks can complete integration be possible in another hundred years. ??

If you encounter a bottleneck, it will no longer be a matter of time, and you will need external help.

He had found an opportunity before and was finally able to integrate the three avenues, but he did not expect that their integration would be so difficult.

Now if he wants to fuse quickly, there is only one way, to develop a divine beast-level Dao Fusion Pill. Only in this way can he fuse the three Dao at an extremely fast speed.

And research
It is not easy to create new pills, especially for mythical beast-level pills, it is even more difficult.

There are so many geniuses in the Jinxuan Macaque Clan, but they have never researched several mythical beast-level elixir recipes.

The existing divine beast-level elixir prescriptions of the Jinxuan Macaque Clan were all researched by countless seniors over countless years.

And sometimes, there will be one or two alchemy wizards. Such people may research several mythical beast-level elixir recipes in their lifetime.

Qin Ming has already planned that when his martial arts realm breaks through to the realm of divine beasts, he will work hard to create a pill that can help warriors refine their bodies.

And now we have to create a new elixir recipe, two mythical beast-level elixir recipes, which is really difficult.

However, Qin Ming is confident that with the help of Youhuo, he will create new alchemy recipes, which will have many advantages over ordinary alchemists.

It's just that in this year, I can only use the holy beast-level Dao Fusion Pill, so time is considered a waste.

"It's not a complete waste. My path is about to break through to the realm of divine beasts!" Qin Ming looked at the golden light in the sky, his face full of excitement.

It's not easy. He has finally reached the final moment of breakthrough.

He has stayed in Lingyun Cave for three years. He originally planned to stay in Lingyun Cave for only three months, or even just three months, before breaking through to the divine beast realm on the great road.

Unexpectedly, after entering Lingyun Cave, he found that the place was completely different from what he had imagined. The three months originally planned turned into three years.

Fortunately, in the past three years, although his path has only barely reached the realm of divine beasts, he has made great progress in other aspects.

Moreover, his avenue breakthrough requires a lot of energy. Outside, it is very likely that the entire Jinxuan Macaque Clan will not be able to collect enough black stones in a short period of time. Fusion of three avenues is obviously much more difficult than fusing two avenues. Qin

Ming never thought that he could completely integrate the three avenues in a short period of time, but wanted to do it step by step.

In this way, as time passed day by day, Qin Ming's secondary consciousness was making breakthroughs, while his main consciousness was practicing "Return to One", working hard to integrate the three avenues.

A year passed in the blink of an eye, Qin Ming's main consciousness returned, and he sighed quietly.

"It's too slow. Although the Tao Fusion Pill is good, it's only a holy beast-level elixir. It won't be of much help to me in integrating the three great ways."

"It has been a full year, but the Water Avenue has only been half-integrated. If you want to completely integrate it, it will not be possible even if it takes a hundred years."

Qin Ming already had experience when integrating the Wind and Fire Dao. The further he goes, the more difficult it becomes to integrate.

Now it is only half-finished, and it took a year. Such a complete integration, Qin Ming felt that it would take more than a hundred years.

For the warriors of the Divine Beast Realm of the Jinxuan Macaque Clan, a hundred years is not a long time, and the speed of this fusion is already very fast.

But for Qin Ming, a hundred years was too long, and he couldn't afford to wait.

The most important thing is that he estimated the hundred years. Only if there are no bottlenecks can complete integration be possible in another hundred years.

If you encounter a bottleneck, it will no longer be a matter of time, and you will need external help.

He had found an opportunity before and was finally able to integrate the three avenues, but he did not expect that their integration would be so difficult.

Now if he wants to fuse quickly, there is only one way, to develop a divine beast-level Dao Fusion Pill. Only in this way can he fuse the three Dao at an extremely fast speed.

And research
It is not easy to create new pills, especially for mythical beast-level pills, it is even more difficult.

There are so many geniuses in the Jinxuan Macaque Clan, but they have never researched several mythical beast-level elixir recipes.

The existing divine beast-level elixir prescriptions of the Jinxuan Macaque Clan were all researched by countless seniors over countless years.

And sometimes, there will be one or two alchemy wizards. Such people may research several mythical beast-level elixir recipes in their lifetime.

Qin Ming has already planned that when his martial arts realm breaks through to the realm of divine beasts, he will work hard to create a pill that can help warriors refine their bodies.

And now we have to create a new elixir recipe, two mythical beast-level elixir recipes, which is really difficult.

However, Qin Ming is confident that with the help of Youhuo, he will create new alchemy recipes, which will have many advantages over ordinary alchemists.

It's just that in this year, I can only use the holy beast-level Dao Fusion Pill, so time is considered a waste.

"It's not a complete waste. My path is about to break through to the realm of divine beasts!" Qin Ming looked at the golden light in the sky, his face full of excitement.

It's not easy. He has finally reached the final moment of breakthrough.

He has stayed in Lingyun Cave for three years. He originally planned to stay in Lingyun Cave for only three months, or even just three months, before breaking through to the divine beast realm on the great road.

Unexpectedly, after entering Lingyun Cave, he found that the place was completely different from what he had imagined. The three months originally planned turned into three years.

Fortunately, in the past three years, although his path has only barely reached the realm of divine beasts, he has made great progress in other aspects.

Moreover, his great avenue breakthrough requires a large amount of energy. Outside, it is very likely that the entire Jinxuan Macaque Clan will not be able to gather enough black stones in a short period of time.

This chapter has been completed!
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