Chapter 6066 Don’t waste time

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 His martial arts talent is undoubtedly very high. Because it is very high, he can be distracted when making breakthroughs and can also control the speed of breakthroughs.

There is still a lot of golden light in the sky, but Qin Ming estimates that these golden lights are not enough to support his breakthrough. But as long as he waits for more golden lights to come out of nowhere, he will have enough energy to break through.


"If I had known this, I would have waited a little longer and everything would be safe!" Qin Ming shook his head slightly.

If he had known earlier that his martial arts breakthrough to the divine beast realm would consume so much energy, he would have waited a little longer, and when the whole sky was filled with golden light, then he would not have to worry about insufficient energy for his breakthrough.

He has only been practicing here for four months, and during these four months, he has absorbed a lot of golden light.

If you wait a year, you will definitely succeed.

"But this is good, at least it won't waste too much time." Qin Ming knew that it was useless to regret now, he could only practice with peace of mind. .??.

Time passed day by day, Qin Ming was absorbing the golden light while making breakthroughs.

Others were very nervous when they made breakthroughs in martial arts, fearing that they would die if they failed to break through, but Qin Ming sat there bored, waiting for the golden light in the sky to increase.

And because he is making a breakthrough, he needs to move forward from time to time and cannot stop at all, which is very boring.

Lingyun Cave was already very boring, but now that Qin Ming has nothing to do, he feels even more bored.

"By the way, I have a secondary consciousness, and my breakthrough in the martial arts realm does not require conscious control at all. I only need to absorb energy."

"The golden light in the sky now can't hurt me. As long as the amount of golden light I absorb is not too small, there will be no danger. Therefore, I can completely let my secondary consciousness control my body. I can use this time to integrate properly.

Three ways." Qin Ming thinks this method is good.

Since he came to Lingyun Cave, he has not had time to practice "Return to One" to fuse the three avenues. The wind and fire path has been perfectly integrated, but the third avenue of water has not even been integrated at all.

There is an elixir in his space ring that can help him practice "Return to One", and he just has a lot of time now.

If he hadn't been able to use the divine beast-level energy in his body now, he would have wanted to refine the elixir now.

Unable to use divine beast level energy, he can only refine some holy beast level elixirs. Although they are all enhanced quality holy beast level elixirs, for Qin Ming, these enhanced holy beast level elixirs are too cheap.

It's not worth much black stone.

Only by refining a large amount of mythical beast-level elixirs can it be possible to earn a large amount of black stones.

Therefore, practicing "Return to One" and integrating the Great Dao is definitely the most suitable thing to do at the moment.

Qin Ming didn't hesitate and just did what he wanted. He took out the Dao Fusion Pill from the space ring and swallowed it. Then he let his secondary consciousness control his body and began to work hard to integrate the three Dao.

Although the secondary consciousness is not as flexible as the main consciousness, it is possible to use it to fight ordinary warriors, not to mention simply advancing up the stairs, which is even easier.

After seeing that his subconscious mind could easily control and control the time of advancement, Qin Ming put down all his worries and began to concentrate on integrating the three avenues, hoping to integrate the avenue of water into the path of wind and fire.

.His martial arts talent is undoubtedly very high. Because it is very high, he can be distracted when making breakthroughs and can also control the speed of breakthroughs.

There is still a lot of golden light in the sky, but Qin Ming estimates that these golden lights are not enough to support his breakthrough. But as long as he waits for more golden lights to come out of nowhere, he will have enough energy to break through.


"If I had known this, I would have waited a little longer and everything would be safe!" Qin Ming shook his head slightly.

If he had known earlier that his martial arts breakthrough to the divine beast realm would consume so much energy, he would have waited a little longer, and when the whole sky was filled with golden light, then he would not have to worry about insufficient energy for his breakthrough.

He has only been practicing here for four months, and during these four months, he has absorbed a lot of golden light.

If you wait a year, you will definitely succeed.

"But this is good, at least it won't waste too much time." Qin Ming knew that it was useless to regret now, he could only practice with peace of mind.

Time passed day by day, Qin Ming was absorbing the golden light while making breakthroughs.

Others were very nervous when they made breakthroughs in martial arts, fearing that they would die if they failed to break through, but Qin Ming sat there bored, waiting for the golden light in the sky to increase.

And because he is making a breakthrough, he needs to move forward from time to time and cannot stop at all, which is very boring.

Lingyun Cave was already very boring, but now that Qin Ming has nothing to do, he feels even more bored.

"By the way, I have a secondary consciousness, and my breakthrough in the martial arts realm does not require conscious control at all. I only need to absorb energy."

"The golden light in the sky now can't hurt me. As long as the amount of golden light I absorb is not too small, there will be no danger. Therefore, I can completely let my secondary consciousness control my body. I can use this time to integrate properly.

Three ways." Qin Ming thinks this method is good.

Since he came to Lingyun Cave, he has not had time to practice "Return to One" to fuse the three avenues. The wind and fire path has been perfectly integrated, but the third avenue of water has not even been integrated at all.

There is an elixir in his space ring that can help him practice "Return to One", and he just has a lot of time now.

If he hadn't been able to use the divine beast-level energy in his body now, he would have wanted to refine the elixir now.

Unable to use divine beast level energy, he can only refine some holy beast level elixirs. Although they are all enhanced quality holy beast level elixirs, for Qin Ming, these enhanced holy beast level elixirs are too cheap.

It's not worth much black stone.

Only by refining a large amount of mythical beast-level elixirs can it be possible to earn a large amount of black stones.

Therefore, practicing "Return to One" and integrating the Great Dao is definitely the most suitable thing to do at the moment.

Qin Ming didn't hesitate and just did what he wanted. He took out the Dao Fusion Pill from the space ring and swallowed it. Then he let his secondary consciousness control his body and began to work hard to integrate the three Dao.

Although the secondary consciousness is not as flexible as the main consciousness, it is possible to use it to fight ordinary warriors, not to mention simply advancing up the stairs, which is even easier.

After seeing that his subconscious mind could easily control and control the time of advancement, Qin Ming put down all his worries and began to concentrate on integrating the three avenues, hoping to integrate the avenue of water into the path of wind and fire.


This chapter has been completed!
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