Chapter 1890 I will definitely not give up!

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 When Li Wan was helping the Sui people to explore the news, she could feel the large hidden families and hidden wealthy families in the Deep Brahma Federation.

Changes are happening that I don’t understand.

The relationship between the Deep Brahma Federation, the Shenmu Federation, and the Iron Hammer Federation suddenly became tense.

This makes the two federal fringe cities that were originally least favored by caravans suddenly become popular.

The Shenhan Chamber of Commerce sent people here, firstly to seek revenge, and secondly to gain profits.

The Shenhan Chamber of Commerce is equipped with emperor-level powerhouses. If other large chambers of commerce want to compete with the Shenhan Chamber of Commerce for resources, equipping them with emperor-level powerhouses is the most basic thing.

Right now, Oak City has become a dynamite barrel.

The Ding family, the four-star builder family in charge of Oak City, has obviously lost control of Oak City.

At this time, Ding Chengshuo, the head of the Ding family, and City Master Ding must be worried!

Li Wan is very smart, otherwise he would not be able to take charge of the entire Shengfan Chamber of Commerce.

At the most critical moment, we made the most correct choice and reached cooperation with Lin Yuan.

But Li Wan really guessed wrong about Ding Chengshuo's emotions.

Everyone in the Ding family is worried.

Only Ding Chengshuo was at ease in his breeding room, drinking wine and talking to the dragon-horned black turtle that had transformed into a human form in front of him.

Usually, Ding Chengshuo would hold a family meeting for any major or minor matter that occurred in Oak City.

But this time, Ding Chengshuo had no intention of convening a family meeting.

The Ding family was founded by Ding Chengshuo.

Everyone in the family must look up to Ding Chengshuo.

So even in the eyes of the Ding family, the situation is already critical.

No one bothered Ding Chengshuo.

Before Ding Chengshuo, he had always had an almost perverted regard for Oak City.

Ding Chengshuo has always regarded Oak City as his face.

If any disturbance occurs in Oak City, Ding Chengshuo will be furious.

Now Oak City has become a dynamite barrel.

There are even more powerful people present who are far more powerful than themselves.

Ding Chengshuo is not anxious at all, because Ding Chengshuo believes in Lin Yuan's strength.

The quality of the dragon-horned black turtle has been improved from the second realm of mythology to the peak of the third realm of mythology, which is the best explanation.

Ding Chengshuo picked up the wine in the glass and drank it in one gulp.

Look out the window.

Ding Chengshuo was very curious about how Lin Yuan would calm down this turmoil.

Ding Chengshuo didn't know Lin Yuan well, but he had already issued a pledge of allegiance to Lin Yuan.

Ding Chengshuo placed all the glory of the Ding family on Lin Yuan.

Ding Chengshuo really wanted to know how strong Lin Yuan's power was.

The stronger the power in Lin Yuan's hands, the more secure he will be.

Ding Chengshuo has always regarded Lin Yuan as a member of the hidden wealthy family of the Deep Brahma Federation.

It can be said that the only thing that Ding Chengshuo is puzzled about now is, is the transmission of news among the hidden wealthy families of the Deep Brahma Federation so poor?

If other large hidden families and hidden wealthy families in the Deep Brahma Federation knew that there was a hidden wealthy family standing behind the Shengfan Chamber of Commerce.

There should not be such a big conflict internally.

Just when Ding Chengshuo was thinking secretly, an angry shout came from the distance.

"People in the tree fort of the Shengfan Chamber of Commerce, listen up!"

"Within three minutes, all the people in the tree fort stood in a row in front of the tree fort!"

"Give me an explanation to the Shenhan Chamber of Commerce!"

"Otherwise I will set fire to the tree fort!"

The person shouting is a strong man.

This man is wearing gorgeous blue fur.

The belt is inlaid with several blue gems the size of half a palm.

At this time, the man's face was full of anger.

Obviously he is very angry about the Lu family's loss in Oak City.

Next to this middle-aged man, stood a man wearing a golden robe.

This man in golden robes has a golden mask on his face.

Just like a golden ghost.

Behind the man in blue fur and the man in gold robe, stood four old men.

Behind the four old men were eight hundred aura professionals wearing leather armor.

At this time, these spiritual energy professionals released their aura without any reservation.

The vast majority of these eight hundred Reiki professionals exude the aura of A-level Reiki professionals.

It's obviously the Lu family, a rather elite team.

I think Luo Ya, the strongest among the bandits that Lin Yuan met, only owned one gold-level spiritual object.

Each of these elite members of the Lu family basically has a spiritual creature of gold level or above.

It can be said that three random people started a dispute with Luo Ya's group of thieves.

Luo Ya's gang of thieves could not escape the fate of being destroyed.

The man in blue fur thought he was showing up.

Someone will immediately run out of the tree fort of the Shengfan Chamber of Commerce and tremble in front of the tree fort.

Unexpectedly, a minute after he said his words, the people in the tree fort of the Shengfan Chamber of Commerce seemed to have not heard them.

No one came out.

In the eyes of the man in blue fur, this scene was like a slap in the face from the Shengfan Chamber of Commerce.

The Shengfan Chamber of Commerce's ignorance is the greatest insult to itself.

As an emperor-level powerhouse, he is respected everywhere he goes.

Even if you go to Holy Wood City, the established nobles in Holy Wood City will collapse in front of you.

If you don’t give Shengfan Chamber of Commerce a good look today.

From now on, my name as Lu Han will probably become the object of ridicule by all the forces in the Hainwen Continent.

Lu Han ignored what he had just said to give the people in the tree fort of the Shengfan Chamber of Commerce three minutes.

He shouted directly to the eight hundred spiritual energy professionals from the Lu family behind him.

"Summon all your fire-attributed spiritual creatures!"

"Light up the hollow tamarisk tree that serves as the tree fort of the Prosperous Chamber of Commerce!"

After hearing Lu Han's instructions, all the spiritual energy professionals in the Lu family who had fire-attributed spiritual objects summoned the spiritual objects one after another.

Other spiritual energy professionals who had not contracted fire-attributed spiritual beings looked at their companions who had summoned fire-attributed spiritual beings with envious expressions on their faces.

Lord Lu Han has lost face, and now stepping forward to light the tree fort of the Shengfan Chamber of Commerce is tantamount to helping Lord Lu Han regain his face.

This can definitely be regarded as an opportunity to show his face in front of Master Lu Han.

The competition within the hidden wealthy families of the Deep Brahma Federation is very fierce.

Becoming the captain of a combat team means that your treatment is ten times better than that of a team member.

This makes the competition within the hidden wealthy family very fierce.

These Lu family spiritual energy professionals who are fortunate enough to contract with fire-attributed spiritual objects control their own fire-attributed spiritual objects from gold to platinum levels.

Crazy pouring skills towards the tree fort of the Prosperous Chamber of Commerce.

The tree fort of the prosperous chamber of commerce is a hollow tamarisk with diamond steps.

Spiritual objects like hollow tamarisk, the higher the rank, the larger the body, and the more internal layers there are.

Therefore, the most fearful thing for spiritual creatures like the hollow tamarisk is the burning of flames.

This chapter has been completed!
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