Chapter 1889 The big hand behind the scenes!

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 The Queen of the Moon gave all of these two hundred copies of the pure blood of fairy-like creatures to herself.

Lin Yuan took out a hundred copies and gave them to Liu Jie.

The pure bloodline of fairy-like creatures is not suitable for fairy-like creatures to be used as supplements.

Improving the bloodline in this way will affect the subsequent transformation potential of the bloodline.

However, it is still very effective to use the power of the pure blood of fairy-like creatures to induce a breakthrough in the fairy blood.

Lin Yuan plans to let Red Thorn temper his bloodline again.

So he tried to provide the red thorn with ten pieces of pure fairy blood power.

Let’s see if the fairy bloodline at the peak of Red Thorn Six Wings can continue to break through.

After receiving Lin Yuan's instructions, Hong Qian woke up dazedly on the swing.

Then he rushed to make arrangements for Zhai Wanmi.

The targets parasitized by the red thorn with the tongue of sacrifice are like the eyes of the red thorn.

What Red Thorn likes most is excitement.

Therefore, once Zhai Wanmi takes action, the Red Thorns will be able to have fun.

Hu Quan was originally on the side, directing the craftsman to carve.

After hearing the conversation between Lin Yuan and Su Yiren, Hu Quan came over and said to Lin Yuan with a smile.

"Su Yatou is really amazing. I lack spiritual craftsmen here, and the underground palace is only 80% completed now."

"I have drawn up the design drawings for the territory that Tare was granted, but I have never found the time to actually build it."

"In the end, Su Yatou helped me get more than 500 two-star spiritual craftsmen in the Shenmu Federation."

"There are also ten three-star spiritual craftsmen among them."

"The construction of the tower's territory is mainly to improve defense."

"Therefore, there is no need to be very sophisticated in the design."

"Having more than five hundred two-star spiritual craftsmen and ten three-star spiritual craftsmen follow my design will be enough to build the territory."

Hu Quan praised the Sui people from the bottom of his heart.

After the Sui people came to help take care of the underground palace, they solved many problems for Hu Quan.

After hearing what Hu Quan said, Lin Yuan knew that the relationship between Hu Quan and the Sui people should be relatively harmonious.

Lin Yuan has never denied the capabilities of the Sui people.

The federal envoy is not a position that can be held by those who lack ability.

When the Sui people heard Hu Quan praising him, they first expressed their gratitude to Hu Quan.

Then he whispered to Lin Yuan.

"It's time for us to get over. If it's too late, those powerful men from the Lu family of the Shenhan Chamber of Commerce will definitely set the tree fort of the Shengfan Chamber of Commerce on fire."

Lin Yuan shook his head when he heard this.

He said with a very determined look.

"It won't burn, and if I don't arrive, this farce won't stop."

After saying that, Lin Yuan contacted the mineral goblin mountains through a contract.

As one of Lin Yuan's apostles, Zhongshan has been searching for mineral veins for the past two months.

While hoarding metal spiritual material resources for Lin Yuan, he is also constantly improving his own strength.

Lin Yuan purchased many goblins produced from the cracks in the underground dimension from the Star Network in the Federation of Radiance.

Lin Yuan did not let the mountains cultivate his own benevolent people.

Instead, let Zhongshan raise the base of believers first.

The number of believers in Zhongshan now reaches seventeen.

Goblins are all good at building infrastructure.

Lin Yuan said to Hu Quan.

"Uncle Hu, you will take over a group of tamed goblins later, and then you will take these goblins to Tare's territory."

"Let these goblins assist the craftsmen in construction."

Hu Quan had a surprised expression on his face when he heard Lin Yuan's words.

Hu Quan never expected that Lin Yuan had mastered the method of domesticating goblins.

Hu Quan is not curious about how Lin Yuan domesticated goblins.

What Hu Quan is curious about is the specific number of these domesticated goblins that Lin Yuan mentioned.

Goblins have the power to control rocks, and can also change the structure of rocks and selectively increase the density of rocks.

With the help of goblins, not only do you not need to lay a foundation.

The architectural model will be created directly.

As long as the number of Lin Yuan's goblin squads exceeds fifteen, Hu Quan will be sure to build the approximate scale of Ta Lei's territory within a month.

After all, there is a legend that has been circulating in the architects union.

A day spent by a goblin on infrastructure is equivalent to nearly half a month's work of a team of architects.

"Lin Yuan, how many goblins can you arrange to listen to my command?"

When Lin Yuan heard this, he pondered for a moment and said.

"Currently there are only seventeen units. Within a month, we should be able to gradually add about six goblin units."

Hu Quan was overjoyed when he heard this.

"Come on! With these goblins, I can finish the work for you in Tare's territory in one and a half months!"

"Before, I thought about having a spiritual craftsman build the stone slabs."

"The natural dangers in the Tarei territory can be built up to 40 meters, which is the limit."

"With these goblins here, if we feed these goblins more metal spiritual materials, it will definitely not be a problem to build a natural barrier of 150 meters!"

Lin Yuan chatted with Hu Quan for a while about the construction of the Tarei territory, and followed Hu Quan to visit the layout of the underground palace.

Just getting ready to leave for Oak City.

At this time, Oak City was already in turmoil.

Li Wan was sitting in the president's room of the Shengfan Chamber of Commerce, talking with Feng Jiazhi about the next development of the Shengfan Chamber of Commerce.

Mr. Feng from Chengyi Caravan is already old.

After experiencing the last turmoil, Feng Jiazhi took over Mr. Feng's position and became the captain of the Chengyi Caravan.

The Chengyi Caravan was arranged by Lin Yuan to join the Shengfan Chamber of Commerce early in the morning. Lin Yuan holds shares and manages the Shengfan Chamber of Commerce together with Li Wan.

Li Wan and Feng Jiazhi are both the kind of characters who advocate expansion but will not make rash advances.

Regarding the development of Shengfan Chamber of Commerce, the pace is very consistent.

This is also the reason why the Shengfan Chamber of Commerce has developed so rapidly.

Seeing the worried look on Li Wan's face, Feng Jiazhi spoke.

"Don't worry, my benefactor will definitely not ignore us."

"And Mr. Han, the strong man who our benefactor originally left in our Chengyi Caravan, is now stationed at the Shengfan Chamber of Commerce."

"Even if it is like the news from Lord Ding that there is an emperor-level powerhouse behind the Shenhan Chamber of Commerce, we have nothing to fear."

"You should have seen Mr. Han's strength before, right?"

"What I remember is that you arrived at the scene."

Hearing this, Li Wan glanced at Feng Jiazhi and felt that Feng Jiazhi was still a little too young.

What Li Wan is afraid of is not the Deep Brahma Chamber of Commerce at all, but the secretly surging forces in Oak City.

A large part of the Liyuan Chamber of Commerce's resources has been invested in Oak City.

Previously, Liyuan Chamber of Commerce chose to cooperate with Shenhan Chamber of Commerce.

After something happened to the Shenhan Chamber of Commerce, Liyuan Chamber of Commerce abandoned the Shenhan Chamber of Commerce without hesitation.

Turn around and cooperate with other large chambers of commerce.

The banker behind Liyuan Chamber of Commerce is not only better than the Lu family of Shenhan Chamber of Commerce.

The banker behind the Liyuan Chamber of Commerce is backed by a hidden wealthy family.

Shengfan Chamber of Commerce has risen rapidly in just two months.

I don’t know how many chambers of commerce’s interests have been violated.

These chambers of commerce will definitely not give up.

This chapter has been completed!
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