Chapter 1897 The power of two small fishes!

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 Once different opinions are raised, there is no telling who is raising the opinions, and they will become nourishment for those horrible flesh-like ginseng whiskers.

It may even affect the forces behind it.

Just when these chambers of commerce were preparing to withdraw from Oak City and report to the family.

Just listen to the young man's light and cheerful voice.

"I'm not that stingy. The city of Oak City is owned by the Shengfan Chamber of Commerce."

"In the south and north of the city, other chambers of commerce can camp at will and build tree forts."

After hearing Lin Yuan's words, the faces of the heads of these chambers of commerce remained unchanged and they did not dare to change.

But in my heart, I rolled my eyes countless times.

Listen! Is this something a person can say?

Isn’t the business district of Oak City only in the city?

Where are the south and north of the city?

The south and north of the city are both wandering areas for scavengers.

This area is full of dirt and the environment is dirty.

Go the hell and ask Ding Chengshuo, the lord of Oak City, if he admits that the south and north of the city belong to Oak City.

Who will sell things to if you open a business store in the south or north of the city?

Those refugees?

Let your generosity be left to the Shengfan Chamber of Commerce!

Although the heads of these chambers of commerce rolled their eyes countless times.

But at the same time, I was relieved.

The words spoken by the young man in front of him showed that the young man in front of him did not intend to take the lives of himself and others.

Otherwise, how could you and others have a chance to build a tree fort in the south of the city and in the north?

Just when the heads of these chambers of commerce were about to leave with a few polite words to Lin Yuan.

Just listen to Lin Yuan change the subject and say.

"I like liveliness the most. If there is only Shengfan Chamber of Commerce in Oak City, I will not be happy."

"In the south and north of the city, I hope to see each of your chambers of commerce."

Lin Yuan's words were said lightly.

But it made all the heads of chambers of commerce present feel a sinking feeling.

Through Lin Yuan's words, the person in charge of the chamber of commerce present knew.

I and others cannot escape the fate of building chambers of commerce in the south and north of the city.

Although Lin Yuan did not say what the consequences would be if he did not establish chambers of commerce in the south and north of the city.

But no one dared to test what the consequences would be.

Lin Yuan's men, that is, the black-robed woman's method of cleaning up the Lu family, has become a nightmare in the hearts of everyone present.

The heads of the chamber of commerce looked at each other and quickly assured Lin Yuan.

"We will go to the south and north of the city to clear up wasteland and build the Chamber of Commerce!"

"With our chamber of commerce here, we guarantee that both the south and north of the city will be lively!"

After hearing the guarantees from the heads of these chambers of commerce, Lin Yuan remained calm.

But Ding Chengshuo on the side was happy.

In the south and north of the city, Ding Chengshuo had already given up on management.

And to put it bluntly, the south and north of the city are not within the scope of Oak City.

It's just a scavenging area where the refugees are not allowed to enter the city, so they spontaneously gather outside the city.

These chambers of commerce went to clear up wasteland and develop this land.

All the chambers of commerce spent real money, and the south and north of the city would soon develop.

By then, the territory of Oak City will expand.

Our own Oak City, a large city on the border of a remote area, will reach a level comparable to the core cities of the Shenmu Federation.

It can be said that he is the actual beneficiary of this conflict that took place in Oak City.

Lin Yuanhui said what he just said, not randomly.

It's because Lin Yuan has his own plan.

Whether it's Ta Lei's territory or Lin Yuan's underground palace.

The nearest big city is Oak City.

A small town like Nanmucheng cannot develop in a few decades due to its sparse population.

Lin Yuan can invest resources in Nanmu City at will, but there is no way to invest people in Nanmu City.

Therefore, developing Oak City has become a choice that Lin Yuan must make.

The better Oak City develops, the more beneficial it will be to Lin Yuan.

He saved the Shengfan Chamber of Commerce and secured resources for the Shengfan Chamber of Commerce.

It will inevitably cause other chambers of commerce to withdraw from Oak City.

This is not conducive to the development of Oak City.

Therefore, Lin Yuan found two good places for other chambers of commerce.

When Lin Yuan went to find Yin Yang Ji Luandie and the Sui people.

We ran to the south and north of Oak City respectively.

In the south of the city, Lin Yuan rescued two siblings, Xiaohua and Xiaocao.

In the north of the city, Lin Yuan saw the dilapidation of the city and the misery of the Sui people.

If these chambers of commerce are opened in the south and north of the city, it will definitely bring a bright future to the people in the south and north of the city.

It can be said that in order to achieve his own goal, Lin Yuan brought an opportunity to the people in the south and north of the city.

After listening to the assurances from the heads of the chamber of commerce, Lin Yuan said directly.

"Since you are determined, then as you said, go to the south of the city and open up wasteland in the north."

"After you build the Chamber of Commerce, take the initiative to send someone to Shengfan Chamber of Commerce to make a report."

"You can also supervise each other. If any chamber of commerce does not do well, you can report it to me."

"The party who reported it can get some benefits from me."

"For example, this pair of bronze-grade epic quality storage walnuts."

As he spoke, a pair of huge vermilion walnuts appeared in Lin Yuan's hands.

In Lin Yuan's palm, it moved slightly.

Even the leaders of these chambers of commerce are well-informed.

When I suddenly saw the walnuts, a container of epic bronze quality, my eyes could not help but shine with gold.

Lin Yuan can freely take out the bronze-level epic quality container walnuts as a reward for reporting.

This shows that Lin Yuan does not take the walnuts as a container of bronze-level epic quality at all.

What kind of pride is this?

All chambers of commerce are determined to keep an eye on other chambers of commerce.

At this time, the more clever person in charge of the chamber of commerce had already led a team to the south and north of the city to inspect the terrain.

Choose the most favorable location to build a tree fort.

Soon, the crowd dispersed.

But the man in gold robe still stood where he was.

Zhai Wanmi's momentum was overwhelming the man in the golden robe.

It was very difficult for the man in golden robe to even breathe.

Zhai Wanmi's pressure, on the one hand, made the man in gold robe more clear about the strength gap between himself and Zhai Wanmi.

On the other hand, it is also constantly wearing down the mind of the man in golden robe.

This man in golden robes comes from a wealthy and reclusive family.

Of all the people present, he must be the one most likely to understand the secrets of the Deep Brahma Federation.

So Lin Yuan should ask the man in golden robe carefully about some things.

Instead of trying to figure out how to pry the man in gold robe open his mouth.

Lin Yuan prefers that the man in gold robe is willing to take the initiative to explain the situation clearly and truthfully.

At this moment, Lin Yuan finally set his sights on the man in golden robe.

He opened his mouth and asked the man in gold robe.

"You have been standing here for so long. Do you know why I left you alone?"

Lin Yuan's words made the golden-robed man's body tremble slightly.

This chapter has been completed!
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