Chapter 1898 Do you know why I left you alone?

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 How can I say that the man in golden robe is also an emperor-level powerhouse from the hidden wealthy family of the Deep Brahma Federation.

In the Deep Brahma Federation, Tuoduo is the existence of the superior.

The current performance is so unbearable, firstly because Lin Yuan has exerted pressure and torture on the man in gold robe since he arrived at the scene.

Secondly, it’s because Lin Yuan’s strength is so strong!

If Lin Yuan's side also has emperor-level combat power, or a level that the man in gold robe can understand.

The man in golden robe would definitely not be so afraid.

But now, the strength shown by Lin Yuan has exceeded the inherent knowledge of the man in gold robe.

Even a strong person cannot eliminate the fear of the unknown.

After hearing Lin Yuan's question, the man in gold robe spoke with difficulty.

"I really don't know why you left me."

"And I have already said that I am not from the Lu family."

When Lin Yuan heard this, he sneered.

"You are with the Lu family, does it matter whether you are the Lu family or not?"

"I am leaving you, so naturally I have something to ask."

"If you give me a satisfactory answer, I can let you leave Oak City alive."

"If I'm not satisfied with your answer, I think Lu Han would like you, a good brother, to accompany him."

The golden-robed man's eyes lit up when he heard Lin Yuan's words.

Lin Yuan can be said to have given himself a way out.

As a member of a reclusive wealthy family, the man in the golden robe is very thoughtful.

He could vaguely guess what Lin Yuan wanted to ask him.

If there were other members of the Chamber of Commerce of the Deep Brahma Federation here, the man in the golden robe would never dare to reveal any information.

But now, he is the only one present in the Deep Brahma Federation.

Some things have been said, so let’s just say them.

As for what Lin Yuan said, he is Lu Han's brother.

The man in golden robe didn't dare to correct him at all.

The relationship between myself and Lu Han is subordinate.

The Lu family is a wealthy family under the Jin family, a reclusive wealthy family.

The Jin family naturally wants to control the Lu family.

He was sent by the Jin family to control Lu Han.

The man in the golden robe will definitely not reveal such a relationship.

If you reveal these words yourself.

Wouldn't that be equivalent to explaining to Lin Yuan that Lu Han had his tacit approval when he brought trouble to the Shengfan Chamber of Commerce?

After knowing that as long as he cooperates, he will not die.

The man in gold robe said in a very serious tone.

"Sir, no matter what you ask me, as long as I know it, I will tell you everything in detail!"

When Lin Yuan heard this, he pointed at the tree fort of the Prosperous Chamber of Commerce and said.

"Since you have such an awareness, let's go inside and discuss it in detail!"

Lin Yuan's attitude towards the man in gold robe was actually because he wanted to test what kind of person the man in gold robe was.

Just like Lin Yuan originally took Ding Chengshuo, the lord of Oak City, under his command.

Lin Yuan came to the Haimeng Continent for development and would not mind selecting a few indigenous people from the continent for training.

What the man in gold robe just said proves that the man in gold robe does not have much loyalty to the Jin family, the hidden wealthy family to which he belongs, or to the people behind the Deep Brahma Federation.

Under such prescient conditions, the man in golden robe can be developed into Lin Yuan's long-term spy.

Of course, how should we treat this man in gold robe specifically?

We have to wait until Lin Yuan asks for information before making a decision.

The Sui people have been developing in the Shenmu Federation for several months.

The Sui people must know more comprehensive information than Lin Yuan currently.

So Lin Yuan read the letter in his mind and prepared to call the Sui people to the tree fort of Shengfan Chamber of Commerce.

Together with the Sui people, I asked the man in gold robe a question.

As soon as Lin Yuan walked into the tree fort of Shengfan Chamber of Commerce, he saw Li Wan and Feng Jiazhi leading people from Shengfan Chamber of Commerce and Chengyi Caravan, welcoming him enthusiastically.

Lin Yuan smiled and nodded at Li Wan and Feng Jiazhi.

Seeing the man in golden robe following Lin Yuan, Li Wan and Feng Jiazhi knew that Lin Yuan had something to do.

He quickly opened a room for Lin Yuan.

In fact, Li Wan began to rely on Lin Yuan when he became a shareholder of the Shengfan Chamber of Commerce.

So he vacated the president's room on the top floor for Lin Yuan.

During this period, the president's room was repaired.

Lin Yuan immediately sat on the leather chair in the president's room, and Liu Jie sat beside Lin Yuan.

Drinking the freshly squeezed juice that Lin Yuangang poured.

Zhai Wanmi stood quietly behind Lin Yuan, like a personal guard.

This discovery made the man in golden robe show a slightly surprised expression on his face.

It stands to reason that since the woman in black robe is so powerful, the young man in front of him should be extremely polite to the woman in black robe.

But now it seems that the young man in front of him simply regards the woman in black robe as a tool.

How powerful must the power behind this young man be for this young man to have such an attitude towards the strong?

Thinking of this, the fear in the gold-robed man's heart became even deeper than before.

The man in gold robe suddenly thought that Lin Yuan had said that he would be allowed to leave Oak City alive.

But what about after leaving Oak City?

You can never bet your life or death on whether the young man in front of you is trustworthy.

The man in the golden robe himself has broken his verbal oath many times.

Therefore, the man in golden robe does not believe in such a thing as promises.

Just when the man in gold robe was feeling fear, he heard Lin Yuan speak.

"Specialized people will come to ask you questions in a while."

"The most basic thing you have to do is not to tell lies."

"The more you talk, the happier I am."

"If you can be as obedient as Ding Chengshuo, I wouldn't mind letting you live a more dignified life than you do now."

After saying that, Lin Yuan ignored the man in gold robe.

I didn’t pay attention to the reaction of the man in gold robe.

Liu Jie sat aside and saw Lin Yuan taking the initiative to mention Ding Chengshuo, and immediately understood the meaning of Lin Yuan's words.

Lin Yuan was telling the man in gold robe in front of him that if he answered well, he would have the opportunity to join his side.

Not to mention other benefits, Lin Yuan just forced other Oak City chambers of commerce to open scavenging areas in the north and south of the city.

This is equivalent to doubling the territory of Oak City.

The man in golden robe breathed easier when he heard Lin Yuan's words, and most of the fear in his heart disappeared.

If you can meet the standard of obedience of the young man in front of you, then take refuge in the young man in front of you.

Then your safety will be guaranteed.

Before Lu Han was about to find trouble with the Shengfan Chamber of Commerce, the man in gold robe went to see Ding Chengshuo, the lord of Oak City.

At that time, Ding Chengshuo's spiritual creature, the dragon-horned black turtle, happened to be next to Ding Chengshuo.

The man in golden robe discovered that in less than two years.

Ding Chengshuo's main battle spirit creature, the dragon-horned black turtle, has actually gone from entering the second realm of mythology to reaching the pinnacle of the third realm of mythology.

As a four-star architect, Ding Chengshuo has no such ability.

It seems that Ding Chengshuo's ability to be so improved must be inseparable from the young man in front of him.

The man in golden robe begins by walking into the tree fort of the prosperous chamber of commerce.

I am ready to tell you everything I know.

But the man in gold robe is still a little worried.

This chapter has been completed!
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