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Chapter 103 102 You are Trisif, the owner of the face fruit

 Chapter 103 102. Are you Mrs. Tracey, the owner of the face fruit?【4260】

"I can't imagine how so many people survived in the dangerous Blood Vulture Corridor? They survived for ten days and ten nights. Where did they get food?"

On the desolate land in the inner city of Cadman City, Miss Miriam, who received the news and came with camp guards and officials to take over the underground survivors, asked doubtfully to Tris, who was riding a horse next to her:

"Is the Blood Vulture Corridor that big?"

"The Blood Vulture Clan has been here for 400 years. My son, if the vampires didn't want the local rats, we could have dug a new Cadman City underground with our claws. The cloister is so large that you can't even imagine it.

There are also special spaces distorted by concealment spells.

Today's vampire juniors have no idea how many secret rooms there are in the layer-by-layer underground.

Alas, I have to say here that I also had a luxurious single room of my own in the cloister back then, and the bedroom alone was bigger than my unfortunate house!"

Tris still looked drunk.

Because Murphy refused to enter the dangerous corridor with him, Tris was quite discouraged. When she received the news from under the corridor a few hours ago, she had already drowned herself in wine and continued to live in drunken dreams.

It was Miriam who dragged her up from the bed.

After all, now that Murphy has gone to fight, the only one left in the camp who can suppress the situation is Tris.

Although Miriam is the camp director, the red-haired girl rationally maintains her own judgment of the truth, which is that her current authority comes from Murphy's appointment.

The power system in Transia is like this,

At least for now.

"Your camp is built around 1,000 people. Although you already have a rough order, suddenly accepting twice as many survivors will put your governance system to a great test.

I'm pessimistic about that."

Next to Miriam, Major Fraser, wearing the military uniform of the Plantagenet Kingdom, was performing his duties as the "eyes and ears of the king", holding a notebook in his hand to record in detail everything he saw and heard during his trip to Cadman City.

Faced with his comments, Miriam crossed her arms in displeasure and said:

"This is the problem we need to face. Your Excellency, Major, it is better not to worry about this. Everyone here has enough and reasonable hatred for the Kingdom of Plantagenet, so I think you should worry about your personal safety.


"Thank you for the reminder, Miss Miriam."

Major Fraser replied matter-of-factly:

"As you said, this is what I need to worry about. I think King Louis will be surprised by everything that happens here, especially about the 'Knight of Nantes' who has been missing in Anjou for nearly 110 years.

Lord Kudel."

The major looked at Tribune Kudel, who was being carried out of the corridor on a stretcher by several strong survivors. The latter had fallen into a deep sleep under the eldest lady's psychic spell.

The civilians he protected were afraid that Lord Kudel would be burned by the sun, so they thoughtfully built a simple shed for him on the stretcher.

"Do you know him?"

Miriam looked at Major Fraser curiously, and the latter explained without hesitation:

"My family has lived in the Anjou region for generations, and my favorite folk tale when I was a child was about Couture, the Ranger of Nantes.

He was active in the era nearly two hundred years ago. He was born as a commoner but was extremely talented. He was a famous genius knight in the Anjou region. When he was young, he participated in the Avalon Church's expulsion of vampires.

He repeatedly performed extraordinary feats in the Second Night War, and also participated in the church's devastating attack on the Blood Terror clan.

It was Lord Kudel and countless skitarii who drove the blood-fearing vampires of Wosax and the Ice Bay region to the misty coast of the south.

There are still sonnets about the knight Kudel circulating in the province of Saxe.

He is a true folk hero. It is said that he once had the opportunity to obtain a knighthood. Unfortunately, during the Fourth Black Disaster that broke out in the year 1000, he led a group of guerrilla knights and disappeared in the battle against the Jackals in the Dark Mountains.

Some say he died in battle.

Some people say that he was just tired of fighting and chose to remain anonymous, but no one thought that this legendary figure who had been fighting vampires his whole life would end up like this in the end. His fate was really cruel to him."

"Don't make it sound like we've done all the bad things."

Tris, who was riding on the horse, curled her lips, snorted, and added:

"Major, you may have forgotten that every time a black disaster occurred, Transia was the frontline battlefield against the Jackal warlords, and the fourth black disaster that lasted for a full ten years even annihilated half of the continent.

Make scorched earth.

It is precisely because the blood vultures and vampires you despise are fighting to the death on this land that those crazy gnolls have not been able to break into your wealthy hometown.

The Anjou area is not too far from here.

And the Exorcist Knight Kudel you mentioned also fought alongside us during the Fourth Black Disaster. Well, I was already a cripple at that time, so I don’t know how he became a member of the Blood Vultures.

But I guess under the circumstances at that time, even Sarokdar could not transform a prestigious human knight under the attention of heroes of many races.

Therefore, the truth is probably that Kudel was ‘saved’ by us when he was about to die.”

"You turned a human hero into a vampire, so that he can no longer return to his hometown, or even be soothed by the sun, and you shamelessly call it 'saving'?"

Major Fraser was enraged, and the heroic soldier yelled:

"What a shameless statement! You witch who confuses right and wrong!"

"Hey, that's what we vampires do. If you're unhappy, you can go to the cloister and complete a knight's duel with Salokdar now. The fact is that a human legend that should have disappeared a hundred years ago is still alive today, whether you want it or not.

I'm willing to admit that you owe it to us to meet your childhood hero today."

Tris didn't even look at this "little brat".

She put her hands above her eyes, looked at the corridor exit in front of her where survivors were still being sent out, yawned again and said to Miriam:

"I'll leave this to you, little Mirian. I have to go back and take a nap. Call me when little Murphy comes back."

After saying that, she patted the neck of the war horse under her crotch and used a little "witch's method" to make the war horse turn around obediently and carry her back to the survivor camp, while Bonnie, the loyal and crazy vampire guard, stayed with her every step of the way.

Beside your own "mistress".

And when Tris said she wanted to go back to the camp and have a good sleep, she wasn't taking advantage of the situation.

She really slept through that night, and woke up in a daze near midnight. She grabbed the wine bottle beside the bed and took a sip of "hangover soup".

Such a way of working and resting is in line with the life of a vampire. She will be full of energy at night. Tris stretched her body and got up and changed herself into a long skirt, planning to take advantage of the night to wander around the camp.

After all, little Murphy entrusted the camp to her. Even though she had been a useless person for more than a hundred years, she still didn't want little Murphy to disappoint her.

Under the protection of the loyal and crazy vampire Bonnie, Tris left her tent.

She looked at the messy but orderly situation in the camp and nodded with satisfaction. It seemed that the two groups of survivors had merged quite smoothly. The cries and laughter of some separated family members when they reunited were also touching.


"Bonnie, do you still have family?"

Tris asked smoothly.

Behind her, the insane Bonnie tilted her head, thought for a moment, nodded, and said hoarsely:

"Three Mistresses."


Tris twitched her lips and couldn't help but ask:

"You should be talking about your lover? He is so emotionally rich."


Crazy Bonnie shook her head very stubbornly, stretched out her fingers very seriously to trace the curve of the female body, and said:

"She's the mistress."

"Ah this!"

Mrs. Tracey was shocked for a moment.

She suddenly realized that her behavior of picking up Bonnie as a guard seemed a bit risky. Alas, little Murphy was right. She really had to change her habit of picking up things randomly.

"You stay away from me when I take a shower and change clothes."

Tris said something uncomfortable, Bonnie nodded and put on her mask again not knowing what she was thinking.

But just as they reached the edge of the camp, Tris and Bonnie looked up at the dark night outside the camp almost at the same time. A strange aura was approaching in the dark night. Three majestic horses wearing scarlet armor carried each of them.

A heavily armored knight emerged from the night and approached here at a speed that was almost flying close to the ground.

"A scout knight from the Blood Alliance clan?"

Tris narrowed her eyes. They arrived a day and a half later than expected, but little Murphy hasn't settled it yet, so she has to hold them back!

"Send your names to the vampires ahead!"

Tris raised her hand and threw out a sheet of densely packed psychic spells like a net bag, blocking the way of the war horse.

The three knights were obviously skilled in bow and horse and completed the deceleration operation almost instantly, and responded to the neighing of the majestic tank-like horses raising their front hooves:

"The three vanguard scouts of the Blood Alliance Knights! Who are you?"

"Former Elder of the Blood Eagle Clan, Tris!"

Tris gave a short answer, and the other party immediately exclaimed:

"Mrs. Tris? Haven't you been dead for more than a hundred years? Our lords will send roses to your tomb every year on the day we met you."


Tris's eyes widened, and she quickly recalled some past events that made her uncomfortable, and asked in a subtle tone:

"Who is the Lord Knight to whom you belong?"

"First Lord Palano Galci Cappadocia!"

The scout responded proudly:

"Nicknamed 'The Blade of Dignity', Mrs. Tris, the lord is currently chatting and laughing with the commander of the Winter Wolf Legion in the Crimean Fortress. He will arrive in Cadman City in two days, and I think he will be very happy to see you.

After all, he has emphasized many times that you are his muse."

"It's really that lunatic! But what about the original first lord, my good sister Lily Hugo Bartoli? Why did her former lieutenant become a knight lord? Also! The lunatic vampire in Cadman City has already


Please ask him not to come again."

"Well, Lord Lily has unfortunately died in the last black disaster. After that, Knight Palano took over her flag and team under the appointment of Lord Paying."

Scout Knight reports:

"Also, I have to defend my lord. Although he looks very romantic, he is actually an innocent person."

"I know better than you what kind of madman he is! If Palano comes, then I would rather ask for support from old Edward and his wolf cubs! What a ghost!"

Tris was shocked again, and then yelled angrily:

"Your unattractive lord can hook up with dozens of women a year. Being treated as a goddess by that amorous bastard has simply brought down my style. Can I apply to Lord Paying for a replacement knight lord?


Either the second lord or the third lord is fine. Although they also have their own problems, after all, during the third black disaster, I treated the two little sisters as sisters."

"Well, I'm afraid this won't work."

The scout knight of the Blood Alliance Knights jumped off his horse, walked quickly to Tris and performed a standard knightly salute, and then said:

"We came here this time not only to respond to the invitation of Miss Femis, Mrs. Tris, but also to warn. The fifth black disaster is coming!"

"Black disaster? At this time! Are you kidding? No! Is the world kidding us? What on earth did the Blood Vulture Clan do to deserve this kind of thunderous treatment?"

"Tris! Are you there?"

Just as Tris was speechless at the bad news she had brought to the Blood Alliance knights, the calculation orb tied to her wrist suddenly vibrated. She took a few steps back angrily and put the thing to her ear.

Murphy's voice came out from it, with a sense of weakness and helplessness:

"I really don't want to involve you, but we just discovered that there is a subspace rift that is opening at the bottom of the Blood Vulture Corridor."

"The subspace rift? At this time? Here? Mother of Night is above. No wonder we are in such a bad situation. It turns out that we are all to blame! Zhuo, I think I must have been hallucinating after drinking too much. How can I

Could it be so unlucky?

Maybe I didn't drink enough."

Tris sighed and reached out to brush the hair in front of her forehead.

She looked at the dark night in front of her and took a deep breath. She felt the weakness and worry in Murphy's words, and whispered:

"Wait! I'll be there right away! Don't be afraid, little Murphy, Tris is here."


Murphy made a nasal sound and then disconnected the communication. Tris let out a sigh of relief and tied her loose hair into a simple and smart braid on the back of her head.

This was the most classic hairstyle of the "Scarlet Witch" back then. Then she looked back at the three fully armed Blood Alliance knights behind her.

She snapped her fingers and said:

"Send a message to that bitch Palano immediately. I don't care who he is chatting and laughing with. He must arrive at the ruins of Cadman City within three hours!"

"Uh, ma'am."

The scout knight responded with neither humility nor arrogance:

"An ancient like you should be able to understand the impact that the Black Disaster will have on the entire continent. According to the responsibilities and knight convention of the Blood Alliance Knights, the First Lord must convey our findings in the Dark Mountains to the commanders of each force in person.

In the face of such a major event, the internal affairs of the Blood Eagle Clan should be postponed."

"I'm not asking you now! Soldier!"

Tris said coldly:

"I'm not talking to you about the black disaster that will destroy the continent in a few months. I know your knight's convention better than you do. I was there when it was revised for the third time by Lord Pa Ying, and that

The three newly added items in this revision are all my suggestions!

What I want to talk to you about now is a subspace rift that is opening under the ruins of Cadman City!

My bloodline has just discovered its existence.

And it is very likely that it has set an anchor in the material world ten days ago. Based on my superficial understanding of subspace spiritual energy, it is estimated that it will not be more than three days before it actually opens.

Therefore, I ask you to report this matter to Lord Palano and Lord Paying immediately!


There are only 3 hours. If the first lord cannot arrive, then we will deal with this problem ourselves and all the consequences.

We take it upon ourselves!”

After saying that, Tris put her braided braid around her neck and hung it on her chest. She leaned slightly towards the scout knight who was stunned on the spot. Then she turned around and summoned her three-eyed crow spiritual pet Webber.

Shouting, he strode away with Bonnie.

The scout knight watched Tris disappear, and then suddenly woke up.

He immediately took out the runes of the Knights in his arms and crushed them. The next moment, the psychic fireworks of the Knights of the Blood Alliance went straight into the sky and exploded at the end of the night.

Subspace rift.

He hadn't heard this word for a long time, it was as distant as some experience in his previous life. After all, the last time this thing appeared, the direct result was the death of 300,000 people overnight and the extinction of a vampire clan.


Mrs. Tracey is right, this thing is much more dangerous than the black disaster that is brewing at this time and will hit the mainland in a few months.

This chapter has been completed!
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