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Chapter 116 115 If we run away now, we should

 Chapter 116 115. It’s still too late for us to run away now, right? [5560]

When he heard Palano praising Murphy's talent in a disgusting tone and exaggerated language, Murphy's cheeks became hot after being praised, and his and Tris's expressions became quite strange.

Tris hesitates to tell Palano the truth.

That is to say, Murphy has spent most of this year fishing for food and taking care of her, a useless vampire who can't take care of himself. It's only in the past twenty days that he has truly become stronger.


Thinking about it this way, little Murphy's talent is really terrifying!

Perhaps he guessed what Tris was thinking, the expressionless Murphy put his hand on her shoulder and squeezed hard, causing Tris to come back to her senses immediately.

All right.

This cannot be said.

Especially the matter about Murphy and his alien warriors, which cannot be mentioned at all.

It seems that the psychic dog tags Tris made for young players are still very useful. Palano, who is at least a physics professional, failed to discover the fact that the players were summoned from another world.

"As Tris said, I am truly a 'semi-illiterate' among the vampire community."

Murphy pretended to sigh helplessly, looked at Palano again, and said:

"Why don't you explain the Black Disaster to me? I only know that it is a coalition of monsters that emerged from the Dark Mountains. They will swarm and attack various parts of the continent every hundred years, but I don't know the specific cause at all."

"Well, your summary is actually accurate enough."

The First Lord smiled and took out a stack of maps from his bag.

The most outrageous thing is that this thing actually has that strong rose scent, which made Murphy's eyes twitch.

Hey, brother, I know your character is a wanderer, but your personal style really doesn’t need to be so strong. I mean, you’re really a bit too extreme.


With the psychic support of Paliano, the map unfolded before Murphy's eyes.

This thing is so huge that it looks like a military-grade map at first glance, but it only depicts the terrain of the Dark Mountain area, not the entire continent.

The so-called Dark Mountains are not just a simple mountain! Its area is very huge, starting from the western border of the ancient country of Callum in the east, to the eastern line of the Genoa Peninsula in the west, to the narrow misty coast to the south, and to the north from Transia to the Great Plains of Cavhoka.

One line.

This terrain alone, surrounded by mountains on three sides and facing the sea, occupies a quarter of the total area of ​​the continent, and is more than four times larger than the entire border of the Confederation of Persia, where Transia is located!

If you look down from the orbit of the planet, the Dark Mountains are like a black scar on the continent, like a scab area after a serious injury. Naturally, there cannot be only mountainous terrain in such a huge area. In fact, the description of "Dark Mountains"

It just refers to the outer mountains surrounding this huge area.

From the detailed map of Palano, you can tell that the Dark Mountains are filled with swamps, plains, rift valleys, deserts, and even lakes and snow-capped mountains.

This military map from the Knights of the Blood Alliance also specifically marks the different areas where different forces in the Dark Mountains are located.

The plains and swamps ruled by the gnoll tribe, the mountains occupied by the trolls, the eternal rift valley and the mysterious underdark where the shadow elves are located, the vast gray deserts and salt lakes and dead seas, as well as some sporadic small forces.

For example, Sin Castle, Burning Peak, Hungry Mountain, etc.

The map itself was an eye-opener for Murphy, and as his eyes accurately scanned every part of the map, in the map function of the test management system, everything except the Transia area was originally covered in fog.

The shrouded area is also "lit", covering the entire Dark Mountain area in the style of the Knights of the Blood Alliance military map.


Isn’t this the content of the new map and new expansion pack?

Little players are ecstatic!

"The reason why the Dark Mountains are dangerous is not only because of the gnoll barbarians and vassal races such as kobolds and goatmen operating in it, but also because the entire Dark Mountains area has been shrouded in filthy and manic spiritual energy since the beginning of the era.


Those filthy spiritual energies seeped into the earth, making the life born there barbaric and war-like, far from being a civilization at all."

Palano's fingers slid across the map in front of him, and he said in a low tone:

"However, there is actually a complete food chain and ecosystem inside the Dark Mountains. It is this food chain that maintains the basic stability of this barbaric area. It is based on those dirty spiritual energies and also promotes the proliferation of life in it.

And he accepts fierce challenges all the time to complete the transformation of death.

Take the Gnoll for example!

They are very fertile.

But their mortality rate in the harsh environment of the Dark Mountains is also very high, so they can barely maintain the slow growth of the population without causing too much trouble.

Unfortunately, the foul spiritual energy in the Dark Mountains has a rather strange 'cyclical change'.

This change was unknown for a long time, until the first large-scale 'Filthy Drainage' occurred in AD 645.

The filthy spiritual energy that shrouded the Dark Mountains suddenly weakened to a state that could be called 'calm' within a few years, allowing outside life to finally truly step into this area to explore. However, the sudden change in spiritual energy broke the

The already fragile food chain and ecology in the Dark Mountains.

As the living environment of the gnolls improved, their numbers began to increase, and in just five years they spawned a huge barbarian army.

They began to conquer the forces around the territory, and the kobolds and trolls were all caught up in them and began to move beyond the dark mountains in search of more food and resources.

That was the first black disaster in history!”

The First Lord pointed his finger at the eastern pass and northwest exit of the Dark Mountain Range. He glanced at Murphy and said:

"The scale of that black disaster was not large. The invasion of the gnoll tide in the east was resisted by the Brass Castle built by the Brass Dwarves at the entrance to the Dark Mountains. However, they soon found an unguarded area in the northwest.

Another exit."

"Filthy Swamp!"

Murphy narrowed his eyes, and he could guess what happened next without the First Lord describing it.

"Yes, the filthy swamp in the southernmost part of Transia, the largest swamp terrain on the continent, and the natural isolation zone between the core of the continent and the dark mountains."

Tris took over the conversation, while drinking the wine, she sighed and said:

"I was not yet born when the first black disaster occurred, but I learned about the tragedy at that time from the records of the Blood Eagle Clan.

More than 200,000 jackals and their vassal races violently rushed through the filthy swamp and dispersed in the Transia region, which was still a clan system at the time. Almost all human tribes in the entire region were wiped out within half a month.


Then the gnolls advanced in both directions, and the free city-state of the Sealanders only withstood the gnolls' frenzy at the cost of one-third of its destruction.

The Nords' clan protected their wilderness with the help of the Frost Dwarves, the Thorn Clan and their North Wind God. It took the human race fifteen years to drive the gnolls back.

Dark mountains.

Vampires also began to be deeply bound to humans from that time on.

That was the first time we fought side by side with humans, and at that time we still firmly held the leadership position.

But the first black disaster wasn't all bad.

Five years after the end of the Black Plague, the Zealanders took the lead in unifying the free city-states in the three regions of Anjou, Bourbon and Sachs through the system of wartime alliances.

They formed Sealand, the first human kingdom.

Subsequently, the Kingdom of Isa on Greene Island also began a war of unification. The Kingdom of Nordtof was the last to be established, but the Descendants of Winter, who finally conquered the wilderness hundreds of years later, were still the first to resist the Jackals.

Descendants of the human hero King Boris.

It can be said that it was the first black disaster that broke out in 650 AD that shaped the current human civilization."

"What about the Confederacy of Portia?"

Murphy said:

"The area we are in was also established because of the Black Disaster?"

"That was the second black disaster."

Cuisi waved her hand and said casually with the casual attitude that a historian should have:

“The second black disaster broke out in 720 AD, but this time it was smaller in scale and more like a remnant counterattack of the first black disaster.

Although the Jackals broke through the Filthy Swamp again, the well-prepared human coalition blocked them in the Transia area. With the help of the dwarves of Brass Castle who reacted quickly, they were defeated after three years of fighting.

Successfully drove back to the Dark Mountains.

After that, humans realized the connection between the Transian region and the Dark Mountains. No kingdom was willing to take over this ominous place that was isolated and always subject to war.

In desperation, the three kingdoms of Sealand, Isa and Nodtorf each sent a group of unlucky nobles to station here. They also separated the border residents and moved here, establishing the political framework here.

That was the prototype of the original Confederation of Portia.

They said it well at the time! They said that they wanted to imitate the privileges of the dwarf Gaia Guards of the Brass Castle and give those selected nobles the sacred duty of "defending civilization" and the power to establish an independent country.

Unfortunately, the three kingdoms secretly manipulated the entire Confederation of Portia region to never establish a truly unified country, and the union of the seven free city-states of the Confederation of Portia was a helpless move.

The Blood Vulture Clan also took control of the Transia region at that time.

At that time, Sarokdar's act of occupying this place was praised as a 'glorious act of justice' by human nobles and kings, but 400 years later, we have become what humans call the thieves of the night who shamelessly steal their territory."

"How do you know this history so clearly?"

Murphy looked at Tris in surprise. The Scarlet Witch rolled her eyes cutely and said:

"Because I was a psionicist and historian before I became a vampire, and this history happened to be something I experienced personally. I was born in the year 660, just when the first black disaster was about to end, so

I basically witnessed the entire process of the birth of the Confederation of Portia.

Ten years before the outbreak of the Second Black Catastrophe, I was seriously ill and was embraced by Salokdar for the first time, officially starting my life as a vampire."

"Then you are only 451 years old."

Murphy whispered:

"You are less than 500 years old, but you always say you have lived 500 years old. It is the instinct of ladies to understate your age. This is the first time I have seen someone deliberately exaggerating their age. You are really weird, Tris.

In every sense of the word."

"Shut up! Stop asking about my business!"

Tris stepped on Murphy's left foot very dissatisfied and said:

"This is serious business! Palano, keep talking."

"It's okay, I can wait a moment."

The Prodigal Knight Lord watched with interest the interesting interaction between the man and woman with an age difference of 432 years. He waved his hands and said:

"It's actually quite interesting to see the two get along. I haven't seen such a friendly relationship between an elder and a blood descendant for many years. Such exchanges are rare even among the Knights of the Blood Alliance."

"you shut up!"

Murphy and Tris scolded each other in unison, causing Palano to shrug, and then continued what Tris had just said:

"The third Black Catastrophe occurred in the year 860. This time it was also small in scale. It even made everyone involved in the resistance to the Black Catastrophe feel that we were too worried about this once-in-a-century disaster.

After all, with the growth of various civilizations, the wave of jackals that once could easily destroy the continent seems to have become a 'natural phenomenon' that does not deserve too much attention. The third black disaster does not even require the dwarves to take action.

The human coalition forces are enough to suppress the gnolls in southern Transia.

However, it turns out that the jackals are not stupid.

At least they are not as stupid as we think, they can learn, and they also have inheritance."

The First Lord narrowed his eyes, drew a circle with his finger in a woodland area at the southern foot of the Dark Mountains, and said:

"The Great Gnoll Warlord in the Third Black Disaster did not send out all its warriors. On the contrary, while attacking Brass Castle and invading Transia according to tradition, it also sent a special Gnoll force from Shadow

The elves took this mossy valley into their hands.

This is a rare area in the Dark Mountains with a mild climate and abundant food. The most important thing is that the degree of interference from dirty psychic energy here is very low.

I guess there’s no need for me to describe what happens next.”

Palano stood up, casually grabbed a white rose, put it under his nostrils and sniffed it. With his artistic movements, the story about the Black Disaster also ushered in the most critical turning point.

“In the year 1000 of the Era, the fourth black disaster came as scheduled!

Because of the unanimous consensus reached by the leaders during the third Black Disaster, except for the stubborn Brass Dwarves who did not reduce the defensive strength of Brass Castle, all other forces unanimously withdrew part of their military forces dedicated to defending against the Black Disaster.

The gnolls who had been hiding in the mossy valley for 140 years secretly accumulated strength came out in full force this time under the leadership of a great warlord named "Bone-Bite"!

This time, not only did they have an army that was ten times more than that of the Third Black Disaster, but what was even more frightening was that a large number of psychic individuals were born among them.

No one knows where the gnolls learned this from, but they have an organized spellcasting unit.

Therefore, in the first month of the Fourth Black Disaster, the entire Confederation of Portia, except for Cadman City, Sognor City, and Siko City, fell! The adjacent Kakhovka Plain and Glacier Bay,

The borders of Sachs, East Prussia and Cato have become a paradise for gnolls.

By the time the entire stunned human civilization came to its senses, the black disaster had grown from its inception to a torrent. In the sixth month, the Jackal Vanguard Army even reached the castle of North Wind Castle.

But it’s like a replica of the first black disaster!

Humanity finally reached unconditional unity at the last moment of civilization's demise.

In our eyes, the nobility of Zealand, which was extremely corrupt, regained the glory of their ancestors. King Louis VI at the time personally led the knights of the Guards to the front line. The Kingdom of Isa also spared no effort to send all their warships across the dangerous sea.

In the North Sea, he supported Nordtov despite the storm and sea monsters.

The most important thing is that the last human country that has been watching all this with a cold eye, the ancient country of Callum, which has existed for more than 800 years in post-era history, finally took the initiative to intervene in the black disaster situation for the first time.

The mysterious and powerful dragonborn crossed their border with the White Mountains of the Kingdom of Nordtof, and brave men who believed in the astral dragons supported the precarious kingdom of the Nords throughout the wilderness.

Coupled with the fact that the gnolls on the western front crossed the Cato region and entered the Antani region and foolishly burned the elves' green forests, this finally angered the Castilian elves who had never intervened too much in the affairs of the mainland.

As the majestic Amastasia fleet carried twenty-seven forest ranger legions and three storm druid legions, they carried out an unprecedented glorious landing on the Misty Coast, and united with their ancient distant relatives, those who lived in eternity

The thirteen shadow elf families in the Rift Valley attacked the gnoll defense line in the Dark Mountains from behind.

All civilizations and races across the continent were united. In the face of such power, the black disaster that once threatened to sweep the continent was finally effectively contained.

And when the Songhai Empire, which was far away from its origin, also sent a magnificent sun ship into the battlefield and accurately annihilated the clan of the great warlord Bone-gnawing in southern Transia, the Bone-gnawing King fled into the filthy swamp and was never seen again.

The fourth black disaster, after eight years of raging, finally entered the moment of counterattack with difficulty.

In the end, it took us a full ten years and the sacrifices of nearly 400,000 warriors of all races and millions of civilians to drive the gnolls back to their mountains.

From then on, no one dared to underestimate Black Disaster!

The trauma of the Fourth Black Disaster to the mainland has not yet recovered even now, 111 years later. There used to be nearly 2.3 million people in Transia, but now there are less than 400,000 left here. This is still

Just the numbers before the start of the Ten Years' War."

Palano turned around in the silent tent and looked at Murphy, who had a serious face. He said softly:

"Now, another black disaster is brewing. We have discovered that all the gnoll clans in the entire Dark Mountains are operating abnormally, and this cycle of filth and depletion in the Dark Mountains has entered its final stage.

In at least four months and at most six months, the fifth black disaster will be fully formed!

At that time, Murphy, as the only free state lord in Transia, whether you are willing or not, you will have to shoulder the sacred responsibilities entrusted to you when the Confederation of Portia was established.

Or turn into an iron wall to block the black disaster!

Or, be mercilessly devoured by it.

These are the cruel rules that everyone who wants to establish rule in Transia must face. Unfortunately, you have joined this game and so far, you are the only candidate.

If you want to run away, Lord Paying will personally teach you what the dignity of a vampire is!"

Murphy didn't want to run away. He just blinked and glanced at the rather delicate six-month completion cycle for his "main mission". All his doubts were suddenly understood at this moment.

Okay, let me tell you why this crazy administrator system generously gave me half a year of development time. It turns out that it is waiting for me here.


This chapter has been completed!
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