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Chapter 118 117 Vampire Warriors and the Whole World【57

 Chapter 118 117. Vampire Warriors and the Whole World【5760】

Lord Palano left his blessings and some life experience as a vampire elder before drifting away. Of course, at the end, he threatened Murphy slightly and warned him not to take the wrong path of the tauren.

Murphy felt frightened at the thought of a gold-level "Tauren Killer" staring at him, but he soon became emboldened!

Bah, I'm afraid of a bird!

Anyway, I didn’t intend to be a damn tauren, okay? With someone as perfect as Tris by my side, how could I have time to seduce other women?

Besides, who is a serious person who wants to impress others? Anyone who has the idea of ​​​​becoming someone else and really dares to act on it is no longer a normal person, right?

Isn't it true that being punched hard means that you will get a hammer if you ask for it?

How could a good boy like me, who adheres closely to traditional vampire moral values, get involved with such a "cao thief"? I studied in Spring and Autumn Period!

With this idea in mind, Murphy returned to his camp. It was midnight, and he logged into the game forum with ease to see what kind of work his cute little players were doing for him.

As a result, as soon as I entered the forum, I saw that a "Today's Hot Post" was automatically pinned to the top, and the number of people discussing it was still increasing.

Out of curiosity, Murphy clicked on the post and was immediately shocked by the huge title:

"The second issue of "Under the Moon"·A big discussion about the next plot! There are pictures and the truth!"

"Huh? Can you all guess the next plot? I would like to see what amazing thoughts my imaginative little players have on the current plot extension."

Murphy lay on the bed in the camp and took out his notebook and pen, intending to extract some essence from the players' whimsical ideas and add them to the next thoughts of his "dog planner".

This post was made by A Yu.

Of course, among the current young players, apart from Lumina, who is a light role player, there are only a few such as Ah Qianen who have very exploring ideas about the plot.

Other players are still at the level of simply "playing games".

"Guys, brothers and sisters, although we died miserably until only three of us were left, the damn Blood Vulture Corridor was finally opened! Since there is no risk of the server going back and restarting, we will do it today.

Let’s happily discuss the next plot advancement.

Since everyone is dead anyway, it’s just idle time for now, so why not come here and have fun?

Ah Yu, let me make an irresponsible guess first!

Now the last factor threatening Lord Murphy's rule, the fallen leader of the Blood Eagle Clan, Sarokdar, has finally been killed, which means that Lord Murphy's territory has entered a period of relative peace.

Although according to the intelligence from Brother Mingmiao, Niu Niu and Che Che, it is said that the "Creation of the Star Boundary" appeared due to the explosion of the subspace rift, but I don't think this will affect the subsequent development of the plot.

I think that the focus of the next game will definitely shift from combat to development, at least part of the focus will shift.

If I have to go into details, I think that for a long time in the future, we testers and Murphy’s warriors will have to contribute to the establishment of our own novice village.

Why would I make this guess?

Ah Yuan is not just talking nonsense. In fact, the development team has been testing this aspect before to pave the way for future versions.

Not only did the trio of dump truck brothers become officials in the camp and almost single-handedly planned the new order of the survivor camp, but my little brother the grayer has been appointed as the 'chief architect'!

This title is not given casually.

To give a brief review for the third batch of new players who have joined the game, Brother Grayman still has a special task that he has not yet completed, which is to submit a restoration plan for the outer city of Cadman City to Miss Miriam and Lord Murphy.

Design drawings with new buildings!


I think everyone already understands what this means.

The novice village of this ghost game not only needs to be built by us, but also designed by us! This turns on the ‘construction mode’, and I guess there will definitely be an option to open in-game residences in the future!

In other words, as long as you complete the PY with the little brother of the Grayman, he will make slight changes to the design, and you will be able to live in the wild by the sea in the game."

Ah Yu's plot analysis obviously has a strong personal style, but I have to say that this guy's summary is quite reasonable, but the comments below quickly exposed Ah Yu's "parroting" nature.

Meow Meow King: [Can you tell us something we don’t know? You’re just here to fool the newbies. Which of these old players you’re talking about doesn’t understand? 】

Ashina Female Swordsman: [Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, this ‘server number one’ badge from Uncle Meow Meow is so cool and eye-catching! Is this how the achievement system is displayed on the forum? Damn it, why did you say ‘kill it’?

The title and badge of "The King" have not been sent yet, I also want a cool badge!】

Deadly Orchid Flower: [Xiao Weiming, look what this is?]

Ashina Female Swordsman: [!!! Why has Orchid Flower already got the badge? Why haven’t I! Damn it! You must have gone through PY with the development team, right? Report you! 】

Lumina Yanghen: [Xiaowei Ming, you have to collect and wear this badge in your personal space. The system will not automatically put it on your forehead. Have you never played in the forum? 】

Invincible Tyrannosaurus Cheche: [Who has played this thing that is a hundred years out of date? Sister Lumi, if this game wasn't so fun, who of us young people in the new era would come to play in the forum, let alone Xiaowei Ming?

, I have never been in contact with Cheche before.

Well, this badge is so bright! It’s so cool and great.]

The leading pigeon: [@婷婷王, look, I also have the ‘Server No. 1’ badge! Ha, I am the first player in the server to unlock the ‘Alchemist’ profession, and they made it up to me when the achievement system was opened. 】

Ah Qianen: [Damn! Throw the table! I asked you to discuss the plot, not to show off these boring things!]

Lumina Yanghen: [Hey! It turns out that I also have the achievement of ‘No. 1 on the server! Legend of the Bard’, but I didn’t realize it before. 】

Iai: [It seems that all non-ordinary 'hidden professions' have similar achievement mechanisms, which shows that the development team still encourages players to freely explore and explore the depth of the game.

Well, I'm ashamed to say it, but I actually have the achievement of being "number one in the server and having a successful official career".

But since we are discussing the plot, I will just say a few words.

What Ah Yu said should be a sure thing. Let me talk about some game content that most players have never been exposed to. It is about some official documents that I, Shovel and Semi were exposed to when we were performing our duties in the survivor camp.


Lord Murphy's next plan is to renovate the outer city into a new stronghold, and use this stronghold as the center to gradually radiate influence to the entire Transia region.

Because of the influence of the Ten Years' War in the plot, the Portia Confederation we are in has fallen into despair, and Shovel has learned from the witch hunter that another human kingdom, Nordtof, has sent troops, so the Portia Confederation has

Destruction is a foregone conclusion.

These are all background and have nothing to do with us at the moment.

But if I have to make a prediction, then there may be content related to ‘war refugees’ in the next version.]

Ah Yuen: [Brother, I’ll be careful about this aspect.]

The forklift man attacks: [Very simply, the meaning of the forklift truck is that because of the change in the background story, let us bring a little realistic thinking and it is not difficult to find that after the demise of the Confederation of Portia, there will be a large number of refugees pouring into the last piece of land.

'Freedom' Transia.

The quantity should be very considerable.

This just goes well with Mr. Murphy's next construction plan.

This is what is called using background stories to drive the rhythm of the game. It is much more immersive than those bad games that inexplicably give you a big event. At least the development team is carefully weaving a 100% realistic game world, and the general situation changes naturally.

The environment that will trigger our little situation.

Therefore, my idea is that in the next production and construction version, there may be an extension of the current "administrative profession" of the three of us, and there may even be titles such as "village chief" or "town chief".

The management of an area is completely handed over to the players, and NPCs are allowed to assist in the construction, thereby improving the players' gaming experience.

If the development team is a little bolder, even the entire process of design and construction of the new main city may be completely handed over to the players.】

Deadly Orchid Flower: [??? Doesn’t this sound unrealistic? How can such a big project be entrusted to us? Mainly because we don’t have professional knowledge. What will the built city look like? Will there not even be a gate?


Onboard happy stick: [Girl Orchid, you don’t know how free this game is. You can always trust the development team in terms of overall work. The most important thing is that it’s okay even if we mess up. As for the game, it’s just a few lines of program.

The data will be retrieved for you.

But given the nature of this game, I think if you really want to build a city by yourself, you really have to think carefully about it.

If we don't do it right, we will be the ones who suffer later.

So it’s up to you, @天选簿人, little guy, whether we live in a villa or sleep in a pigsty in the future is up to you, is it a lot of pressure?】

The chosen one: [Zhuo! Alexander, okay? No, if the plot really develops like this, then I definitely won’t be able to handle it by myself. I need to find real professionals. Why not invite a professor from our department?

He is a true professional who has worked in architectural design and construction supervision all his life.]

Meow Meow King: [I think you are a little too optimistic. Since we are talking about the plot, let me also talk about my guess.

You see, we have come into contact with witch hunters before, and we have also seen with our own eyes how the organization called the Ring Tower used psionic magic to tear apart Cadman City. This has proven that our poor place is valuable in the eyes of the enemy.


Although the large-scale ten-year war is coming to an end, and both countries have to recuperate, but if you think about things like this, there will still be friction and conflicts in the future, and even the ruins of the city are not stable. The previous relationship with Lumi

When the team was spawning monsters in the sewer, a large number of ghouls had already appeared inside.

These things always appear in clusters in the background, so there may be a super huge ghoul nest hidden in the city sewer area, which can be used as a team copy.

So I think that although the main part of the next version will most likely be construction, there will still be a large part of combat content that we need to support.

But this is actually not a bad thing.]

Will the bionic snail dream of electronic trees: [How to say it? Brother Miao Miao, don’t half-speak.]

Mew Meow King: [Because we don’t have enough manpower, little brother! Even if the current number of No. 60 people doubles, it won’t be enough to support so many game modes at the same time, so I make a bold prediction that we will usher in a new era soon.

The wave of 'players'.

Based on the summary of the dump truck guy above, I think this matter may be connected with the background of the story.

For example, giving a corresponding number of test quotas based on the development of Lord Murphy's territory. After all, in this magical western fantasy background, supporting a warrior requires a lot of resources, so it is also appropriate to link the number of players to the development of the territory.

It's a pretty reasonable game design.

So, to sum up, I think the most promising professions in the next version are neither combatants nor administrators. Slave catching teams and triangular trade are the answers to this version!

I just don’t know if there is a black uncle in the background of this game for us to catch.】

"Zhuo! He actually guessed everything!"

Murphy in the camp sat up in shock after seeing Brother Mew Miao's speech. This guy really shouldn't be underestimated. He even guessed the basic logic of his own territory system.

However, this is not a bad thing.

Although the wild guesses of the young players were all joking, they did give Murphy a lot of inspiration. He glanced at the contents he had written down in his notebook, and then showed a subtle smile in the dark night.

Murphy put away his notebook and stood up and walked to the tent, looking at the deep dark night in front of him.

He narrowed his eyes.

What the dump truck guy said in his post about the possible emergence of "war refugees" gave Murphy a wake-up call, and he felt that he must be prepared before this situation actually occurred.

Moreover, Lord Palano also promised to urge them to release the captured army of 26,000 armed blood servants as soon as possible during the conversation with King Louis and the Wolf Girl. However, Murphy guessed that the 10,000 elite soldiers of the Crimean Fortress

Most likely he won't come back.

There are still 16,000 miscellaneous troops left to look forward to.

But these guys must be properly arranged after they come back, otherwise they will cause a funny scene in a minute like "climb thousands of people to defend the country, and the bandits will die in the country".

You must build a governance system as soon as possible.

It can be simple, but it must be there!

Using the current survivor camp as the basic skeleton and the current manpower under his command as the ruling node, he only needs a suitable external condition to expand his current territory at an ultra-fast speed.

Whether it is stable or unstable can be put in the back of your mind, the main thing is human feedback.

The number of small players is still too small!

60 people can't accomplish anything. Doubling it ten times to 600 is about the same. And the black disaster that will come in six months will be a heavyweight challenge!

Thinking of this, Murphy summed up his next goal.

Before the black disaster comes six months later, he must have at least 2,000 players under his command, and at least one-third of them must pass the Black Iron Trial! Only in this way can he barely maintain the quality of suppressing the army of jackals and wild monsters.


The development of the territory, the lighting of the technology tree and even the maintenance of the ruling structure can be left to the players, so it is necessary to start selecting and secretly searching for available talents.

An urgency arose in Murphy's heart.

His small territory is about to face a test, which will directly determine the lower limit of his achievements in this different world.


Murphy breathed a sigh of relief, opened his arms in the dark night, and whispered:

"Be bold, be bolder! Not to mention a new city on the ruins, as long as you are willing to play, as long as you are willing to continue walking with me, I can leave the entire Transia to you to build and manage!

I need your support and following.

My lovely little players, in return for this radiant loyalty, I will generously give you the whole world!"

This chapter has been completed!
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