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Chapter 141 140 Dawn of Scarlet Castle

 Chapter 141 140. Dawn of Scarlet Castle

Chef Xiao Wan made a "self-explosion" and accidentally revealed some of his past "connections".

But seeing Lord Cadman being so tolerant and not resisting these channels that were difficult to bring to the table, others understood.

The co-author is not the only one who can jump over the dragon gate today.

If done well, maybe even family and friends can get a bowl of public food.

As a result, their speeches became more active and radical after that!

Mr. Portman even suggested forming a slave-catching team. Taking advantage of the fact that the Yankees had just taken over the Cabo Hoka Great Plains and had no time to manage it, they could cross the border to capture some people and return to enrich the territory. They could go back and forth for up to ten days. It worked well.

You can bring back hundreds of people at a time.

There are plenty of good farmers over there, so you can use them when you bring them back!

These days, the common people are not very loyal to the country. As long as Murphy can guarantee the rights and future life of these slave workers, they don't mind changing their lords.

To be honest, this suggestion was very implementable and made Murphy's heart beat, but after careful consideration, he still did not adopt it.

Given the current dire situation in Transia, it is not a good idea to rashly provoke those barbaric and belligerent Yankees. Professor Malcolm also strongly opposes this inhumane behavior.

Of course, the shrewd professor also gave a very formal reason:

"The war refugees will be arriving soon, everyone.

I have almost completely experienced the ten years of war. I can tell you that in the six provinces surrounding the war area, the number of people displaced by the war is absolutely astronomical. Therefore, we do not have to challenge the Yankees for the benefit of a few hundred people.


What we need to do now is to build a series of basic administrative structures to ensure that we can accommodate the people who will arrive soon."

Professor Winston Malcolm pushed up his glasses frame and said seriously:

"The southern border of Cato, East Prussia and Sachs has been the border of the Bosian Confederation for hundreds of years, and is now occupied by the Kingdom of Plantagenet.

General Loren's army does have strict military discipline, but the other border guards have been tortured to the point of going crazy by the war. It is common for them to plunder, humiliate and even massacre the locals. As long as the earl opens his hands to them, there will be many

Oppressed civilians are willing to migrate here.

In my opinion, the problem of population is not very important. What must be solved now is food and the restoration of order throughout Transia.

Even a nominal recovery is enough to calm people’s hearts!”

Having said this, the professor hesitated, looked at Murphy, and said:

"And, Lord, I think you should think carefully about what happens after the war is over. If neither the Kingdom of Plantagenet nor the Kingdom of Nordtof intend to annex Transia, but regard us as a military buffer between the two countries.

If so, then I estimate that envoys from both sides will come to visit soon.

Please be sure to be prepared to negotiate with them.

This is really important!

Although it would appear that we have no dignity, the smooth transfer of power in Transia now depends on the attitudes of the two countries."

"They will agree with my rule! I have no doubt about it."

Murphy shook his head, looked at everyone, and said:

"Everyone, I have important news to tell you. I have received exact information from my fellow vampires. A once-in-a-hundred-year black disaster, originating from the Dark Mountains, is already brewing.

In six months at the latest, they will wreak havoc on the continent again, and unfortunately, Transia will have to be tested again."

"Oh my God!"

Everyone exclaimed.

Even Professor Malcolm stood up in shock.

It is impossible for people living in Transia not to know about the "Black Disaster". After all, they are the first to suffer every time that disaster occurs. It is a disaster that is passed down from generation to generation. The worst thing is that it

It doesn't only exist in legends.

The gnoll bandits now found all over Transia are the "memorials" left to this land during the last black disaster.

When they heard that the black disaster was about to happen, the faces of everyone who had just been complacent about getting official positions and knighthoods suddenly changed.

The change in his expression that immediately made him run away could not be concealed at all.

"Everyone, you are all distinguished people, please be decent."

Murphy knocked on the table to silence the conference room.

He said:

"Don't be too panicked. The Blood Vulture Clan has decided to fulfill our centuries-old responsibilities. We will be active on the front line against the Black Disaster. Before we collapse in the blessed night, you will all be safe.

The most important thing is that even if you run away now, if the Transia region cannot withstand the swarming gnolls, you will still suffer disaster.

Unless you can escape directly to the legendary new continent.

So in my opinion, we must continue to do what we are doing now.

And you have to speed up!

But think on the bright side.

In the context of the impending black disaster, whether it is the Plantagenet Kingdom or the Yankees of Nordtov, they will never take over the hot potato of Transia at this time, which means that as long as we can survive this

After the black disaster, we will be able to stand on the mainland as an independent country.

And they need the Transians to stand in the way of the vicious gnoll tide.

They need us to die on their behalf, which means we can open our mouths.

As long as it's not too much.

I think everything we need now can be obtained from them, whether it is weapons, resources, or even population!"

The vampire lord said in a long voice:

"More importantly, Countess Under Armor's territory can be divided into at least three baronies, and she currently lacks talents who can stand alone in times of crisis. Like me, she lacks outstanding retainers to serve her.


Think about it, if we can build ten cities in Transia, then there will be ten positions of city lords waiting to be allocated. What if we build twenty?

What if our territory continues to expand?

As far as I know, the large area beyond the Dirty Swamp and close to the Dark Mountains is fertile land, but no one dares to take it just because it is close to a dangerous place.

That is a territory equivalent to the entire Transia region!

This means that two to three earls and at least eight barons can be born there. Even King Louis and the Wolf Girl dare not deny their achievements in establishing rule in the dangerous land!

The entire human race and the entire continent will regard us as pioneering heroes!

Okay, everyone, I admit that I am using the power I have not yet obtained to seduce you and draw you a fragrant and round cake out of thin air."

Murphy narrowed his eyes.

His ears were listening to the changes in the mentality of the people in front of him, like an unskilled pianist trying to grasp the rhythm.

He said:

"But the opportunity to make a class jump only comes once in a lifetime. If you miss it, you will miss it. Your children may complain about you in the future. And when you grow old, in a country that does not accept you and treats you as a fugitive,

When you are waiting to die alone in a strange place, will you even be filled with regret for a moment?

Why weren't you brave enough when Lord Cadman showed you a bright future?

In fact, it only takes a little courage to become a hero and a pioneer!

I will declare to you that when the black disaster comes, I will fulfill my duties as a lord and stand in front of you. Before I fall, your ideals and ambitions will not end, and as long as we do not stop, the road to the future will be bright.

Keep extending.

I firmly believe this.

Even if I am a vampire, well, why don't I take this opportunity to explain my reconstruction plan for Cadman City to everyone and my current retainers."

Murphy stood up.

In the depressing atmosphere, he strolled up to Miriam and put his hand on the Baroness's shoulder.

He said:

“I will build a huge and prosperous city on the ruins of the old city, and I will make this new city the most dazzling pearl in all of Transia!

I will stand the sculptures of the ruler and the first generation of pioneers in the most conspicuous place in the square, so that everyone who sees them will praise the supreme wisdom of the first generation of scarlet ruler from the bottom of their hearts. With her, she is enough to make any man

Feel the courage to be ashamed!

By now, they will know!

Even a woman with no surname from a commoner background can still leave her own glorious mark in history.

We should not let ourselves be complacent because of the noble bloodline that we cannot choose, we should let the bloodline be noble because of people!"

Miriam's heart beat suddenly.

Murphy's words perfectly hit the most desired and deepest ideal in her heart.

Or ambition

But the vampire didn't stop.

He continued forward and put his hand on Professor Malcolm's shoulder.

He said:

"I will establish a new order in the new city, and there is only one most basic rule in my city! I will make everyone equal in this city and even in my territory! Everyone who enters here, everyone who wants to live here


Regardless of their race, origin, beliefs and past, as long as they are willing to dedicate themselves to this land, then they are my subjects and they are citizens of Transia!

Stupid racism will be completely abandoned on this land!

The history professor who accomplished this feat himself may have felt that he had done nothing in his previous life, but I believe that he was able to comfort his lifelong ambition at the end of his life!

He was able to bid farewell to his magnificent life without any guilt and walk into history with glory.

Until it becomes eternal in the praise of thousands of people!"

Professor Malcolm's body trembled violently.

As a scholar who has experienced war, his persistence in his ideals has not faded due to the tragic reality.

It was precisely because he had seen with his own eyes strangers who were killed with knives because of their differences in race and origin that he wanted to see those factors that hindered the progress of mankind be eliminated.

He knows it's hard.

It is even difficult for him to find someone who can understand him in this era.

Apart from

Except for the unique vampire in front of him who had been receiving relief food with him for more than a month.

But Murphy still didn't stop.

He continued to move forward.

Putting his hand on Franks Chauvin's shoulder that had "Otherworld Hairtail Fish" tattooed on it, as the gangster-filled chef listened in surprise, his lord spoke for the third time:

"My new city will also be a place full of law!

Everyone living here will extend their lives under the same set of legal principles. There will no longer be damned vampires dragging away their poor nieces, and there will no longer be stupid but greedy officials who deduct his hard-earned money every day.

Money to survive.

There will be no more crazy scenes where a shameful famine forces a good citizen to take the risk of smuggling arms in order to protect his family and feed his children.

That will be a wonderful future!

That will be a new era in which everyone can live as they please as long as they abide by the law.

I seem to have seen it with my own eyes. Yes, a stable life will no longer be a fantasy, even if it is a distant legend in other places, but in the city we will build together, it is a reality!

It must become a reality too!”

He patted Xiao Wan on the shoulder and asked the arrogant chef to lower his head and wipe his eyes.

He didn't know where Lord Murphy knew his past, but at this moment he was willing to believe the overly "romantic" and "gentle" promise of this Midnight Clan.

"Of course, my city will also be a place of freedom of belief."

Murphy walked behind the most silent Sister Jules, gently placed his hands on the shoulders of this old woman who had experienced a lifetime of hardships, and said in a gentle tone:

"There will no longer be tragedies where families are separated and friends turn against each other because of different beliefs. In my city and in my territory, all righteous believers who are willing to abide by the law can freely choose to believe in their own gods.

Even a religion that was declared rebellious ten years ago!

You may not believe it, Mammy, but the truth is that Avalon, the god of nature, whispered to me.

He said that I was a unique vampire, and He told me that I had a true believer under His command, and He ordered me to take good care of her.

Of course I will.

Pious Aunt Jules, I will do this!

I will raise beautiful cathedrals to the natural Avalon in my domain.

Of course, I will do the same thing for the Winter Wolf cultists, and I will also allow the believers of Mother Earth to build altars underground, and even the Eastern believers of the legendary Astral Dragon and the followers of the Creator in the thousands of miles of yellow sand.

Because the new city we build together will embrace all homeless people.

Not only feeding their bodies, but also comforting and properly taking care of their souls.”

"Avalon, please."

The silent old nun felt that her heart was throbbing.

She didn't know if this was her god conveying some clear oracle to her through Lord Murphy's mouth, but she definitely felt the warmth in her heart.

It is as if the old religion of nature has not yet collapsed, and the souls of nature believers still have a destination.

She is willing to believe that this is the promise made by the gods through Murphy's mouth, that a holy place belonging to believers will slowly rise in this dark place that has suffered so much, even if it seems to be just a beautiful fantasy at the moment.


But even if you are dreaming, you have to fall asleep first.

"In the city I am about to build, every coin will be put to good use, and every ordinary person with a dream of getting rich can realize his wish, instead of having enough talent but only being able to survive among a group of idiots.

I have been inactive for decades under the oppression of others.”

Murphy moved forward again and put his hand on the shoulders of the broad-shouldered Ms. Palin.

He whispered:

"The pursuit of wealth is not a shameful depravity. Only those who know how to use the wealth in their hands can achieve a real career.

It is not unacceptable to be halfway through your life but still have not made any achievements in pursuing your dreams. After all, as long as the fire of your ideals does not go out, you will still have the next fifty years to realize your childhood ambitions.


You will become the richest businesswoman in the entire continent.

I have no doubt about this.

I also believe that the city you and I build together will become the starting point of your wealth legend.

Right here! Right now!

Ah, listen to the beautiful sound of gold coins rolling down, it will guide our helpless souls to the real city of wealth, the city of ambition built by Ms. Palian herself."

"Can I really do this?"

Ms. Palian said anxiously:

"Can I really be rich?"

"Of course, my lady."

With a smile on his face, Murphy said to the restless soul in front of him because of the awakened desire:

"I believe this very much. I believe that your wealth in the future will be the envy of everyone. As long as you muster up the courage, it really only takes a little bit."

After saying that, he walked to the last retainer.

He gently put his hand on Mr. Portman's shoulder, and then chuckled. He leaned down and said in the ear of the embarrassed-looking bald former policeman:

"My new city will also be a real city of desire. All men will regard this place as a paradise, and chicks with big butts who are eager to get rich will offer their beautiful bodies to the powerful people in this city.

Be bolder, Mr. Portman, that's just the life every man longs for.

Not just humans!

Dwarves, halflings and even those ascetic elves!

If you want it, the power will come to you.

There is no need to hide it like this, Mr. Portman, enjoying desires is also the privilege of those in power.

Well, when you become a true superior, you will realize that the perfect world you imagined is nothing compared to the truly perfect world of desire. Why are you still bound by a boring marriage?

Men with strong desires like you can realize their ideals, and chasing happiness is not just the dream of the degenerate.

Just need to muster a little courage.

Of course, you should probably start exercising now. Have you ever considered becoming a vampire in the name of a wonderful future life?

It will keep you energized every night.”

"Of course, of course, if I get the chance."

Mr. Portman coughed several times.

He sat upright and tried to look like a gentleman.

And all this was seen by Murphy.

He walked around in a circle and spoke six paragraphs to six retainers.

When he took the first step, everyone, including Miriam, felt fear and uneasiness. But before he returned to his seat, the name "ideal" appeared in everyone's eyes.

Well, don't lie to others at this time.

That is the light called "desire"!

It burns in the eyes and heart, overpowering the fear of danger, overcoming the constraints of reason, and under the cunning manipulation of a vampire, desire finally tears off all disguises in the name of ambition and ideals, and for the first time in life,

The soul in front of me is so nakedly displayed.

Like a wildfire that is ignited, once it appears it is difficult to extinguish.

"I will build a new city on my territory!"

Murphy opened his hands and said loudly:

"I'll call it 'The Scarlet Keep'!

It will be the City of Glory, the City of Equality, the City of Justice, the City of Faith, the City of Wealth, and the City of Desire!

I can't do this alone.

But I believe that as long as you help me, all our ideals and ambitions will be realized!

That is the city that holds the dreams of all of us, and it will stand in Transia!

It will stand for ten thousand years!



Tell me your answer!

Leave? Or stay?

Run away? Or hold on!

Be a coward? Or choose to be a hero?

Tell me your answer!

Your lord is waiting, don't keep me waiting too long."

This chapter has been completed!
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